First of all, I think labeling of any kind towards another player is wrong. Scrubs? Come on, that's seriously a word that's, for lack of a better term, dumb. I'm not saying the guy isn't right, you should use what you can to win, but I'm not saying he is right either, considering he says to use any exploit you can to win, and then contradicts himself and says, well, some things are just TOO cheap to do. That's a weak argument. But, enough about sirlin...
I live in Georgia, and go to a college around here. Every year, there's a group of people who play very competitive Smash down in our student center. It's great. I love to go down there and use my wave-dashes and my short hops, and my L-Canceling, and everything else that makes this game uniquely challenging and surprisingly deep. It's fun, and very, very hard (especially since I play as Game and Watch most of the time).
But, then, I head back home, and I play with my girlfriend and my close friends. And, do you know what? I stop wave dashing, and I stop SHFFLing, and I stop L-Cancelling. I turn on every single item, and then set the item drops to high. I like to play on Hyrule with nothing but Bob-ombs and mines. I'll play as Bowser and make funny voices for him while they kick me around... The fact of the matter is that I play a completely different style with different people.
But, why? Because I'm having fun.
Casual players, please, I sympathize with you. I understand that wave-dashing wasn't intended. I'm not a terribly big fan of it, if for no other reason than Game and Watch sucks at it (or in general, really). I'd like to see it gone, along with many other things in Brawl. However, this doesn't mean I'm going to tell people they can't because I don't like it. Hell, I do it! The reason the tournament players do these things are either for A) To show how good they are, or B) To win. To them, these things are the most fun things to do in SSB. They don't need random elements to have fun. They don't need platforms, either! So, let them have their fun, and let them do their thing.
Tournament players, I've been to your tournaments. I am one of you! We have fun in our own rules sets, and we are the kings of Mano y Mano warfare! Keep your pokeballs, I've got fists! But, when a casual player turns on his items, and doesn't scoot across the entire map in mere seconds, leaving himself open to numerous attacks as he slams his sword in the ground and is stuck there for a full second, doing nothing, we shouldn't condemn him. He's having fun! Derogatory terms are stupid, and most of us realize that. Just because they don't play the way we do, doesn't make them bad, or stupid, or messed up in the heads. They're players, just like us, and they can play however they want to, with whatever elements they want to incorporate.
Look, everyone. Play the way you like to play. Do what YOU like to do. Don't hassle someone else for what they want in a game or how they end up playing it. We're all here because we love Super Smash Bros, aren't we? Who cares how we love it, we just do!! Let's just stop this ridiculous fighting, and agree that the game is one of our favorites of all time, if not THE best game of all time! It caters to whatever style you want to cater to!! Sometimes tournament players are going to be playing in games with items, sometimes casual gamers will have to deal with the eventual wave-dasher. But, in the end, aren't we here to play games and have fun?
Just consider it before anymore of this goes on.