Smash Champion
Kicking over and over again at approaching enemies is predictable after a while. So when for example captain falcon starts dash dancing around, to try and trick me into missing a kick. I just stand there and jab when he approaches with pretty much any ground move whether it's dash attack or a grab. I even have success in stoping appraoching aerials. And since jab stuns them, you have a choice of a move before they can retaliate (usually). but they usually have a choice of defense. Which is what I ment by choosing accordingly, and making a good prediction.All I'm saying is that if you have the opportunity to jab, I'm sure there are other things you could do in it's place. Then again, I guess I wouldn't know because I don't use it that often. I'll make a mental note of this and try it out next time I play.
Edit: Smash attack can stop an approaching grab and such as well. Just note it's not as fast to recover from if you miss as jab is. I have way more success in stopping approaches with a jab than smash attack. Basically jab = safer, and you get a chance at a follow up. While Smash attack or tilters are more likely to get hit but with bigger results if it works.