no, he doesnt. you even admit as much at the very end. ill address that later.
Please refer to what you're talking about.
i would also know that mountains 1) do not reproduce, 2) have no environmental selection to look like human faces, and 3) can and are regularly cut by humans. i also know that humans have a tendency to make statues of themselves.
Yes, but mountains are formed by "blind" natural erosions.
where is your similar evidence for biology or physics? oh right, you got none. youve never seen or observed any gods in any way, so you have absolutely no idea how likely theyd be to create biology.
Even if my believes from God are false, doesn't make evolution true.
and why did you just lie to me? biologists do have evolutionary explanations for the bombardier beetle, blood clotting, flagellum, and the immune system. you could have easily searched the scientific journals for these topics, but you instead chose to repeat the lies told to you by your fellow christians. quite despicable. if you want to be respected here, you should immediately stop telling lies.
There are explanations, but an explanation is separate from factuality, the explanations rely on assumptions. There is no observable information to show that the above systems could indeed evolve.
just look at what happened at the dover, PA trial about intelligent design. mike behe was on the stand, and was given several books on the evolution of the immune system and over 30 papers on it. and even though he admitted that he hadnt even read most of them, he said that none of it counted! the judge of course saw right through this and ruled that intelligent design was religion, not science, and therefore could not be taught in public schools. your leaders are lying frauds and you would do well to stay away from them. if you want to learn about biology from a christian, then look at francis collins or ken miller.
Actually, Behe was never given a chance to read all the papers on the evolution of the immune system. The dumping of the books on the court stand was just for show, and in poor taste at that. Also, when Behe said that "none of it counted" it was because NONE OF THEM ever answered the questions he raised - no one can seem to understand that he is looking for the reasons such processes would occur - not the assumed process.
It would be an opinion either way. Instead of just saying "another lie", you should back it up with the reasons as to it is a lie.
it is not the same god at all. the muslim god says that jesus was NOT divine.
Jesus isn't God. Like I said, all three religions claim to worship the God of Abraham, whether or not they are doing it right is a whole different matter all together
you mean the standard that says that genocide is evil? but god ordered the hebrews to commit genocide on the midianites, the ammonites, the jebusites, and others.
There is no scripture that says "genocide is evil". Killing and murder are two different things. Murder is unjustified killing. The only way killing is not murder is if it is under edict from a divine and
ultimate authority. Anything less would not have the right to do so. The ones that God ordered the Isrealites to kill were ones who willingly and knowingly, even after given chances to turn around, decided to reject God and stay apart from him. They also were really into child sacrifices, big gay sex orgies, and bestiality. Not to mention all the false God sacrifices.
BZZT! jesus never did away with them. it was st paul who claimed that they no longer applied. you know, the st paul that never actually met jesus?
It was in harmony with this purpose of God that the Messiah Jesus began to lay the foundation for a congregation of which he would be the divinely appointed head. The individual members of this congregation under Christ were not personally foreordained or predestinated; only the number of members and their Christian characteristics were foreordained. Just as he showed by his teachings, Jesus knew that the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:31-34 foretold how God would make a "new covenant" with His people. Accordingly, the old Law covenant that Moses had mediated for the natural Jews would come to an end.
how about this one... jesus said you should hate your family. he also said you should sell everything you own. have you done either of these?
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own soul, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) Jesus obviously did not mean that his followers should literally hate their family members, since he commanded people to love even their enemies. (Matthew 5:44) Rather, Jesus here meant that his followers must love family members less than they love God. (Compare Matthew 6:24.) In keeping with that understanding, the Bible says that Jacob "hated" Leah and loved Rachel, which meant that he did not love Leah as much as he loved her sister, Rachel. (Genesis 29:30-32) Even our own "soul," or life, Jesus said, should be hated, or loved less, than God.
it absolutely is. any torture at all is horrid. somebody who loves you will NEVER torture you. and, isnt torture one of those things thats against god's rules? so if he does it, he isnt moral. oops.
But there is absolutely no torture.