Here we go again.
What it would prove though, is that what we see is not a byproduct of chance. My faith has not created any strife, the only ones who create strife are those ones who don't follow my faith. If everyone actually "loved one another", I doubt there would be much strife the world. I don't accept responsibility for hypocrites.
If everyone was christian we'd all be killing each other. Just like the protestants have been killing the catholics and vice versa since there were protestants. I wish you'd finish up and show each other your brotherly love so the rest of us can get a little more peace. Kill each other faster, xtians!
The difference is that we might find out that life cannot come into existence without intelligence force behind it. Edison never did an experiment that showed that lightbulbs couldn't be created.
Yes, we might. But until we do come to a point where the natural process requires intervention, we shouldn't assume it. To do so would be idiotic. You look for the plausible answers first before you start going crazy with the super natural, mother shucker.
The crazy thing is that we've always been able to find a plausible explanation and have never needed to go into the supernatural.
Evolution is mutually exclusive to the big bang (or any other non-supernatural theory) if you're an atheist.
Do you even know what I'm saying or are you just posting stuff because you think it sounds cool. Let me explain what mutually exclusive means, idiot. It means that if one thing exist (or is true) the other thing cannot exist (be true). Those two theories have nothing to do with each other, other than the fact that they both pertain to this universe. Maybe you should have read a science textbook instead of the bible. You'd know stuff.
Err, sorry. The flood happened in 2370 BCE.
Call China then, because they didn't have a global flood at that time. I don't care what date you want to magically change it to, there is no evidence of a global flood. I gave you the flooding of the Euphrates, but if you don't want to take it, that's your problem. Give me your proof that a global flood happened in 2370 BCE, and keep in mind that China already proves it never happened.
Your lack of biblical knowledge would point you to that conclusion. Also, don't assume you know more than God.
I assume I know more than a figment of your imagination because you are a dung bat.
God didn't create religion. If Occam's razor always pointed to the correct answer then we would have a lot of wrong ideas about science.
HAHAHAHAHA! You don't know what Occam's razor is either, do you? What type of moron posts about stuff that they just hear of without knowing anything else about it? Oh wait, YOU!
You are six types of stupid, you know that?
But you haven't disproved the Bible - unless you build your own strawman just to knock it down.
I'd say I'm doing a pretty fair job, seeing as how you have failed to defend it. I'd be able to do a better job if you didn't constantly change what the bible means. I can point out all the built in errancy I want, but you just come out and say it means something different. And another xtian will say it means something else. The bible is as flimsy as a block of jello and it means anything you want it to.
But let me disprove your bible a little, lets point out the best known screw-up in the bible, the resurrection of jesus!
At what time in the morning did the women visit the tomb?- At the rising of the sun (Mark 16:2) or when it was yet dark (John 20:1)
Who came?- Mary Magdalene alone (John 20:1), Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matt. 28:1), Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome (Mark 16:1)or Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and other women (Luke 24:10)
Was the tomb opened or closed when they arrived? - Open (Luke 24:2) or closed (Matt 28:1-2)
Whom did they see at the tomb?- The angel (Matt. 28:2), a young man (Mark 16:5), two men (Luke 24:4) or two angels (John 20:11-12)
Were these men or angels inside or outside the tomb? -Outside (Matt. 28.2) or inside (Mark 16:5, Luke 24:3-4, John 20:11-12).
Were they standing or sitting? - Standing (Luke 24:4) or sitting (Matt. 28:2, Mark 16:5, John 20:12).
Did Mary Magdalene know Jesus when he first appeared to her?-Yes, she did (Matt. 28:9) or no she did not (John 20:14).
Now these are mutually exclusive statements, because they can't all be true. You understand what that means now? I'm pretty sure that the resurrection is supposed to be important for some reason, oh yeah, it's the entire basis of your belief in salvation!
Here's another inconsistency that happened early in this fairy tale, what was the last thing that Jesus said before he died? My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?(Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:34 ), Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Luke 23:46) or It is finished. (John 19:30)
Good luck, sucker.