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How Can Anyone Believe in God?

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Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
Well... I agree but i don't know what world you live in, because it definately isn't this one.
He sounds like an existentialist(The anti religious type). There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, if every god-believing person would convert to existentialism, we wouldn't have these stupid debates about a higher power.

^^^Being an existentialist does not reflect on my beliefs. I gather information, and store it. Based on what I have, I analyze and decide.

I don't know how many people have died 'in the name of god.'-_-

Buzz said:
I have superpowers.
I can has? Ploix?// I hav3 super cans1r.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Salem, OH
I don't know how many people have died 'in the name of god.'-_-
Too many


If a God can be proven then it isn't a God.
Well I am sure that I am not the only person that sees a problem with that statement.


Wow, way to complicate things..
The point of being a christian is saying no to your selfish nature and yes to God. If you read the bible and are going to use stuff about it to make your arguments, read the whole thing. The bible talks about being dead to sin and how your sinful nature dies. When you become a christian, you start the process of killing your nature as a human: namely, starving it. If you continually say yes to God and no to your nature, your nature will die, and that is how you will be in heaven: free of something in the back of your mind lusting or trying to lie for you.

When you get to heaven (if you die before you are a mature christian), God kills your nature on the spot. Your nature can't survive in the presence of God, he is too great.

And that's how you have a choice: say no to sinful nature and go to heaven, or ignore God and go to hell. Simple and painful choice.
Thanks straight8!

So I can either die on the inside following fables and fairy tales...


I can burn in an inferno for all of time.

No 3rd choice eh?

**** that.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
If a God can be proven then it isn't a God.

is a quote that i will believe. im not the most religious person out there im Catholic and don't go to church i curse and sin like everyone else. i am a freshman in0 a public Miami high school. im a virgin and i have never EVER have taken drugs so i am pretty coherent about the corrupt world we live on. i have a world history teacher in my school ( Varela ) who has opened up my mind to many things including religion. The Romans were the first who doubted their Gods ( pegan) then they doubted their Christian gods so a writer tried to prove god my disproving it and he couldn't disprove him so he must be their.... if u belive that great but if you dont what can i tell you. i have never doubted Gods existence more than i do 2day but i have never belived he was there more.

****snake and pit are broken****
.....um, what? I honestly didn't understand a word you just said.

Seems like you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for Debate Hall entrants, Crimson.

And that's how you have a choice: say no to sinful nature and go to heaven, or ignore God and go to hell. Simple and painful choice.
.....soooo, I either play into a game where I'm given the ruleset amongst a million other "false" rulesets that all claim to be true, or I deny God and suffer eternal punishment in Hell?

And you're telling me the Christian God is just? Pffftt.

When you get to heaven (if you die before you are a mature christian), God kills your nature on the spot. Your nature can't survive in the presence of God, he is too great.
Evidence plox? You're spouting this off as if it's 100% fact.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
No 3rd choice eh?

**** that.
"When I die, the world ends." - Aynd Rand. Objectivism.

There's your third choice, friend. Read the short story(If you can call it a story); The Myth of Sisyphus, By Camus.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
"When I die, the world ends." - Aynd Rand. Objectivism.

There's your third choice, friend. Read the short story(If you can call it a story); The Myth of Sisyphus, By Camus.
Well of course your "world" ends when you die (looking at it from the viewpoint of an atheist). If there's nothing left to experience, then it IS the end of the world for you. You cease to exist.

But in my honest opinion, that's 100 times better than burning in Hell for eternity just because I don't accept Jesus Christ.

Bazooka Lucca

Dec 3, 2000
I know this topic is going to cause quite a fuss, but honestly, the more and more I see what kind of sick **** goes on in this world, the more and more I want to physically strike some of the Christians I know, who constantly shrug terrible things off as "God has a plan", or "God didn't do it, people did."

Christians believe God is all-loving. Why would an all-loving God let the atrocities going on in our world happen? And another thing I don't get--why even create us when, being the omnipotent and omnipresent God He is, He must have known that we would have ****ed up royally and ****ed ourselves to an eternity in Hell?

Christians usually try to explain this by saying that God yearns for a personal relationship with us. This is probably one of the most absurd things I've ever heard in my life. Growing up in a Christian home, I've heard a lot of whacko stuff, but this one really takes the cake. I'm supremely glad that I started thinking for myself before graduating.

Why does the Almighty God, creator of the universe, desire a personal relationship with a sinful being? If He's an all-powerful God, won't He by default know anything and everything about us, thus making this "relationship" moot?

Also, according to the Bible, sin entered the world through Adam and Eve sinning in the Garden. Why should the rest of humanity have to suffer from the bad decision of two people? That's utterly ridiculous. Why should I have to pay for the sins of Adam?

About Hell: why should truly good people who just have the misfortune of not knowing about Christ have to suffer in flames (for eternity, mind you) next to child molesters /abusers, rapists, murderers, dictators, etc.? And worse yet, what about the truly bad people who "repent" and join the faith?

Basically, this is just a rant, but I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a long time.


You won't get a rational explanation. But if you did get an answer for each of these questions, you still wouldn't answer your first question: How could anyone believe in God?

I think if you trace back the importance of the influence of religion in historical society's laws and government - it's quite easy to see why mankind has a natural need to believe in such ideas of a greater being (However - Many may argue that the need no longer exists in modern society). Maybe the question should be - how could anyone STILL believe in a God? And then back up your conclusion with some examples.

I'm just here as a mutual party, i'm too lazy to defend either side.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
.....um, what? I honestly didn't understand a word you just said.

Seems like you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for Debate Hall entrants, .

how did you not understand a word i said maybe your scraping the bottom of the barrel for Debate Hall entrants if you cant understand what im saying


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
.....um, what? I honestly didn't understand a word you just said.

Seems like you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for Debate Hall entrants, Crimson.

.....soooo, I either play into a game where I'm given the ruleset amongst a million other "false" rulesets that all claim to be true, or I deny God and suffer eternal punishment in Hell?

And you're telling me the Christian God is just? Pffftt.

Evidence plox? You're spouting this off as if it's 100% fact.

wow. you are really rude.

And christianity isn't some game. It's the truth. you don't understand what christians believe, so don't act like you see all the options. And it is fact. The first part happened to me, the second part is in the bible, and there is an easy way to see which vie is true. Power. God has power, and that's why christians perform miracles and heal people.

And you can say that healings and stuff don't exist, but you're wrong, I've seen them, if you've been to a flourishing church, you have seen them. God is real, christianity is real, stop being so skeptical.

what a great example of why christianity is bull****. thanks straight8.
In case you haven't noticed, all you do is whine about what God offers (life and forgiveness). Thank yu for showing how cynical and pointless you can be. What about mirracles? miracles happen, and I've seen one, and I've heard of a lot more. They happen all the time in churches. So waht makes you think you are right, my skeptical friend? The fact that you can't see God? Or the fact that God is bull****? Which one?

"When I die, the world ends." - Aynd Rand. Objectivism.

There's your third choice, friend. Read the short story(If you can call it a story); The Myth of Sisyphus, By Camus.
Ayn rand is a nut. And she never died, so she doesn't exactly know.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
But in my honest opinion, that's 100 times better than burning in Hell for eternity just because I don't accept Jesus Christ.
Hence, 'there's your third choice.':)

Ayn rand is a nut. And she never died, so she doesn't exactly know.
It's an answer she gave in an interview. I forgot the question, but if I were to guess; it would be something like "What do you think will happen when you die?"


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
I think alot of people subconciously want to believe in the fact that if they do good deeds in their life, after they die, they'll end up in a nice place. Which is why they believe in God. That's what most religions seem to teach afterall, "do X and you'll end up here!"

As for God being almighty yet still letting all these bad things happen.. I'm sure there's a perfect reason for it somewhere, it's been quite a long time since I've read the bible. I don't believe in the existence of anything like a God personally.

Though as the Universe is (apparently) infinite, there could, somewhere, be an intelligence that can create matter and other intelligence.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
And christianity isn't some game. It's the truth. you don't understand what christians believe, so don't act like you see all the options. And it is fact.
This is why you can explain why there is other religions and, wait, christians believe in heaven and hell, an almighty and omniscient being creating earth in 6 days than resting, then finally miracles... we'll get to it

that's why christians perform miracles and heal people.

And you can say that healings and stuff don't exist, but you're wrong.
This isn't going to be easy...

I've seen them, if you've been to a flourishing church, you have seen them. God is real, christianity is real, stop being so skeptical.
since when is stop an argument? Appeal to STOP shall be the new fallcious argument I'll use.

In case you haven't noticed, all you do is whine about what God offers (life and forgiveness). Thank yu for showing how cynical and pointless you can be. What about mirracles? miracles happen, and I've seen one, and I've heard of a lot more. They happen all the time in churches. So waht makes you think you are right, my skeptical friend? The fact that you can't see God? Or the fact that God is bull****? Which one?
I'll take option 1 and a third choice, nietszche's pretty awesome reasoning concerning the birth of religions.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
wow. you are really rude.

And christianity isn't some game. It's the truth. you don't understand what christians believe, so don't act like you see all the options. And it is fact. The first part happened to me, the second part is in the bible, and there is an easy way to see which vie is true. Power. God has power, and that's why christians perform miracles and heal people.

And you can say that healings and stuff don't exist, but you're wrong, I've seen them, if you've been to a flourishing church, you have seen them. God is real, christianity is real, stop being so skeptical.

In case you haven't noticed, all you do is whine about what God offers (life and forgiveness). Thank yu for showing how cynical and pointless you can be. What about mirracles? miracles happen, and I've seen one, and I've heard of a lot more. They happen all the time in churches.
This is a prime example of everything that's wrong with theologians today. How do you know these "miracles" aren't works from a giant, magical, benevolent leprechaun in the sky? There's an equal amount of proof for it being the Christian God and the benevolent leprechaun. Your theory, when based on faith, and nothing more, is no more correct than mine.

And by "healings", do you mean people like Benny Hinn? Gimme a break; you can't honestly tell me you think that's real.


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
This is a prime example of everything that's wrong with theologians today. How do you know these "miracles" aren't works from a giant, magical, benevolent leprechaun in the sky? There's an equal amount of proof for it being the Christian God and the benevolent leprechaun. Your theory, when based on faith, and nothing more, is no more correct than mine.

And by "healings", do you mean people like Benny Hinn? Gimme a break; you can't honestly tell me you think that's real.
I don't know who benny hinn is. I'm talking about a woman at our church who had MS, got prayed for, and was healed. Before she was prayed for, she had to use a walker and electric wheelchair. Afterward, she doesn't. huh.. definitely not a miracle.

I am not a theolgian. I'm a 17 year old in a messed up lower middle class home. If there are miracles in church, why not in synangogues and mosques and hindu temples? Christians pray to a specific God, as do other faiths, but only the christian God answers christians. This must be a pretty selective leprechaun. You used a terrible analogy.

To cf smiling:
Um, you don't know what christians believe because you are not one, so don't post saying what they believe (?)... christians don't all believe in the same things. As for creation, we don't know if it was actually six 24 hour days or if it was 6 eras or ages. we just don't know yet.

Proof is I've seen it happen?? do you want me to videotape one or something, put it on youtube? If you go to any spirit filled church, you can talk to people who've seen some supernatural stuff, some demonic things and others by God. All over the country and they will pass a lie detector test every day of the week and they will look you in the face. So will I, cause I have the before and after of miracles, twice, but hopefully more and more..

Ok, keep being skeptical. I'm trying to help you out. The only thing skeptical people accomplish is to make themselves and others more skeptical. And you don't contribute anything helpful or interesting or truthful.

And that nieszche guy's the one in little miss sunshine? you want ot be like the kid who refused to talk for months and then his first words were ****************************? ok. That is so dumb. Why would you believe in something so downright miserable?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Salem, OH
Your people see what they want to see. Honestly, how Christianity is still around is a marvel to me. I don't know why you try so hard to get into heaven anyway... Unless you are a Jew.

"And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."
Well it looks like a 144,000 Jews will be going to heaven.

Oh and if you have ever told a lie... Sorry

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
Your people see what they want to see. Honestly, how Christianity is still around is a marvel to me. I don't know why you try so hard to get into heaven anyway... Unless you are a Jew.

Well it looks like a 144,000 Jews will be going to heaven.

Oh and if you have ever told a lie... Sorry
No. we see what's real. Let me say it again. Explain miracles. And I hear God talking to me. I;m not crazy. And it's not my mind.

If you are so knowledgeable about the bible and are going to quote it, then know what you are talking about. First, God says that his kingdom isn't about words, but power. That's why christianity is different. christians can't go into the world and debate the existance of God and make everyone believe them some people will still resist them. I actually don't blame people who go to a church without the holy spirit and saying that god doesn't exist. what you do after that is go to a church where there is actually power. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time. That's why there are miracles. And that's why the holys spirit touches people and gives people prophecies and words of knowledge. That is for nonchristians as well as christians.

The first verse was talking about Jews. It is either the number at the time that Jesus comes back who will go to heaven, or the number left on earth after Jesus comes back that turn to him. You didn't show the context of the verse..

The second verse is about people who habitually lie and accept lying. Or are prostitutes and practice prostitution. Just ignore the 50 verses that say if you confess your sins he'll take them away from you. and also ignore all the parts about God fathering You and loving you. But quote obscure verse out of context. What a debater.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Salem, OH
I contest the use of the Bible in practical debating and I probably should not have done so I appologize, you can never present a book of fiction as fact.

And if God fathered and loved everyone why did he supposedly kill every living thing on the planet via flood? And why does he plan on doing it again in "The End Times"?

Edit: As to context, these verses were taken from Revelation, a chapter entirely about the punishment of the sin of man.

Deleted member

I thought I told everyone to stop quoting the Bible.

If you believe in God, great, I respect that. But don't believe in God solely because of the Bible. Stop referring to it as a quotable text.

If anything, it's good for drinking games and the basis for sermons. And I don't drink. So stop using the Bible as proof of itself.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Salem, OH
Sorry Delorted, I normally wouldn't quote the bible... But I think its funny how Christians just pick and choose which rules to follow.

I.E: "Don't eat the swine's flesh"

However its fine that they eat bacon.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
Um, you don't know what christians believe because you are not one, so don't post saying what they believe (?)...
Um, ad hominem for no particular reason.

Proof is I've seen it happen?? do you want me to videotape one or something, put it on youtube?
Indeed, I wish you could give me scientific facts of quadriplegics being healed.

And you don't contribute anything helpful or interesting or truthful.
I'd like to know how and why?

Why would you believe in something so downright miserable?
I think you've had it misinterpreted, let me get it straight:

-- http://www.pitt.edu/~wbcurry/nietzsche.html

good quotes about Nietzsche perception of christianity.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2001
Ft. Collins, CO
No. we see what's real. Let me say it again. Explain miracles.
For those who have never seen a miracle and who do not believe in miracles, this is about as compelling an argument as "Explain the lack of miracles" would be to you. Hume got it right, in my mind: miracles by definition are against the laws of nature, and the laws of nature are far more reliable than human testimony.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006

I really wish you knew how deluded you sound. But I guess that's just the nature of things.

Fanatacism is the worst driving power in the world.

I don't know who benny hinn is. I'm talking about a woman at our church who had MS, got prayed for, and was healed. Before she was prayed for, she had to use a walker and electric wheelchair. Afterward, she doesn't. huh.. definitely not a miracle.

I am not a theolgian. I'm a 17 year old in a messed up lower middle class home. If there are miracles in church, why not in synangogues and mosques and hindu temples? Christians pray to a specific God, as do other faiths, but only the christian God answers christians. This must be a pretty selective leprechaun. You used a terrible analogy.
Okay, first of all, you're making assumptions based on assumptions. LIke I said earlier--don't state that God exists and tote it around like fact. You need proof beyond a reasonable doubt to do that.

Secondly, you believe that no other miraculous things happen outside of the Christian circle? It's not a selective leprechaun at all; and even if it was, it's still equally viable as creator of the universe as your God is.

To cf smiling:
Um, you don't know what christians believe because you are not one, so don't post saying what they believe (?)... christians don't all believe in the same things. As for creation, we don't know if it was actually six 24 hour days or if it was 6 eras or ages. we just don't know yet.

Proof is I've seen it happen?? do you want me to videotape one or something, put it on youtube? If you go to any spirit filled church, you can talk to people who've seen some supernatural stuff, some demonic things and others by God. All over the country and they will pass a lie detector test every day of the week and they will look you in the face. So will I, cause I have the before and after of miracles, twice, but hopefully more and more..
As for this, Caturdayz put it better than I would have. People see what they want to see. Just because you can stick someone in front of a lie detector and pass the test doesn't mean that they're telling the truth; it means that they believe to the extent of their limited knowledge that whatever happened to them happened. If lie detectors were the ultimate source of detecting absolutes and truths, we would have sit one down in front of us by now and asked them the meaning of life.

Ok, keep being skeptical. I'm trying to help you out. The only thing skeptical people accomplish is to make themselves and others more skeptical. And you don't contribute anything helpful or interesting or truthful.
Being skeptical never accomplished anything? It's actually quite the contrary, my friend. All reforms come from being skeptical and looking at something in a new light. That's the spirit of science. If nobody was ever skeptical, we'd all be stuck sitting in an Anglican church, waving steaming insence pots around, wearing hoods.

In fact, it's the EXACT opposite. It's blind fanatacism that won't get you anywhere.

No. we see what's real. Let me say it again. Explain miracles. And I hear God talking to me. I;m not crazy. And it's not my mind.
Once again--PROOF, please. How do you know it's not God? How do you know you're not crazy? How do you know it's not in your mind? You're basing these claims on blind assumptions.

If you are so knowledgeable about the bible and are going to quote it, then know what you are talking about. First, God says that his kingdom isn't about words, but power. That's why christianity is different. christians can't go into the world and debate the existance of God and make everyone believe them some people will still resist them.
Just for the record, I've been to countless seminars and talked to many pastors, and so far none of them has come up with a slightly compelling argument as to how or why God exists, let alone "make me believe it, but I still resist it."

The second verse is about people who habitually lie and accept lying. Or are prostitutes and practice prostitution. Just ignore the 50 verses that say if you confess your sins he'll take them away from you. and also ignore all the parts about God fathering You and loving you. But quote obscure verse out of context. What a debater.
You're the one throwing straw-men around like they're going out of style. Don't be so quick to judge. Worry about the log in your own eye before dancing up and down and pointing out the splinter in Caturday's.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Scientific "proof" that God does not exist:


Sometimes, things just don't turn out the way we expect. ;)
Further evidence of Buzz's "proof":


Scroll to the fourth character, and the fact that he is not a playable character.

(But in all seriousness, I want to hop in on this debate, but it seems to already have gotten pretty heated...)

Bazooka Lucca

Dec 3, 2000
Aquinas's 5 proofs that God or "G" must exist, anyone?

The philosophy behind the existence of A god (not necessarily a specific one) has some compelling arguments.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2005
No, Aquinas rely on his poor knowledge of physics. 3 of his "proofs" repeat themselves on the same false basis that "there MUST be a beginning to everything and a first mover to the world". AltF4 already shed a light on the origin of the Universe, so I don't think this has to be discussed anymore. (page 9 iirc)

The last 2 "proofs" are argument for intelligent design, which don't hold any ground from a biological point of view.

There you have it, there is no logical arguments.


Smash Master
Sep 3, 2002
Chicago, IL
theists seem to be stuck in the middle ages, and some are intent on dragging the rest of us back with them.

aquinas, really? gimme a break. not only did the greeks dispense with most of his arguments 2000 YEARS ago, but modern philosophy and science have dealt with the others way before any of us were born. welcome to reality theists.

Bazooka Lucca

Dec 3, 2000
How is it a "false basis?" I'm curious to hear you expand on that.

1) Everything has a beginning (or a cause and effect)
2) However it's impossible to have an infinite regression of cause and effect.
3) There for there must be a beginning at some point that caused the first cause.

I haven't read up on any discussion disproving this before so please enlighten me as I don't want to think so highly of something that doesn't hold its own weight.

Snex - Aquinas lived long after the Greeks... Are you suggesting the Greeks disproved his arguments before Aquinas was even born? If so, then what were the Grecian arguments?:confused:


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
How is it a "false basis?" I'm curious to hear you expand on that.
Because there didn't have to be a creator, or "catalyst", to begin the universe.

If you're interested in looking up on it, check out any of G4F's posts in this thread.

Bazooka Lucca

Dec 3, 2000
gotta go to class i'll read it up later - thanks though.

I think debating with most christians is too easy as most don't seem to even know why they believe what they believe. I'll switch sides from time to time just to keep the conversation from going to the inevitable "because Jesus says so" direction.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Bazooka: Look at my posts from page 7 to 9. But the first one (Where I quote myself) is the most important really. I hope that explains it well enough.


Smash Master
Sep 3, 2002
Chicago, IL
bazooka said:
1) Everything has a beginning (or a cause and effect)
2) However it's impossible to have an infinite regression of cause and effect.
these two premises have not been demonstrated.. premise 1 is based on a fallacy of composition, and premise 2 doesnt seem to be based on anything at all.

the aquinas "proofs" based on design were all refuted by the greeks in principle, however it is only in modern times that we discovered that their principles were actually supported by science. even if their ideas turned out to be completely wrong, the fact that a counter-example exists means that aquinas' "proof" isnt really proof at all. the prime mover argument was one that the greeks held, and was mostly supported by aristotle. however, aristotle did not have the arrogance to claim that mr prime mover was the god of his traditional youth. now we know that even if a "prime mover" or "uncaused cause" does exist, there is no reason to suppose it is intelligent.


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2006
South Hill, Washinton
not demonstrated....

It's been demonstrated without fail for all of human history o.O
Nothing has ever just 'happened', SOMETHING caused/created it.

Lol, but the attitude i've been seeing has been a lot like 'if you can't prove god is real then he isn't!'
Really, for thousands of years people have witnessed miracles, prophets, and most importantly the coming of christ(also prophesied some odd six or seven hundred years earlier).
Of course, nothing is proven until the Jews reclaim their temple and stand in all four corners, which according to them will FORCE the coming of christ(too bad terrorists own it lol)



Smash Master
Sep 3, 2002
Chicago, IL
not demonstrated....

It's been demonstrated without fail for all of human history o.O
Nothing has ever just 'happened', SOMETHING caused/created it.
really? how many times has the creation of an entire universe been "demonstrated without fail for all of human history?" in which lab were they created and in which scientific journal was the experiment described?

Lol, but the attitude i've been seeing has been a lot like 'if you can't prove god is real then he isn't!'
Really, for thousands of years people have witnessed miracles, prophets, and most importantly the coming of christ(also prophesied some odd six or seven hundred years earlier).
Of course, nothing is proven until the Jews reclaim their temple and stand in all four corners, which according to them will FORCE the coming of christ(too bad terrorists own it lol)

YEAH AND HERCULES TOTALLY KILLED A LION WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND ALIENS CAME TO EARTH AT ROSWELL IN 1947. gimmie a break.. are you so gullible that you believe everything you read? think about what youre doing... youre claiming that the very same book that claims to prophesy jesus doing all these things is the one claiming he did all these things! thats as idiotic as saying "tomorrow at noon, snex will turn water to wine!" and then tomorrow at 12:01 PM posting "snex has turned water to wine, the miracle is proven!"


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2008
North Carolina, Fayetteville
really? how many times has the creation of an entire universe been "demonstrated without fail for all of human history?" in which lab were they created and in which scientific journal was the experiment described?

YEAH AND HERCULES TOTALLY KILLED A LION WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND ALIENS CAME TO EARTH AT ROSWELL IN 1947. gimmie a break.. are you so gullible that you believe everything you read? think about what youre doing... youre claiming that the very same book that claims to prophesy jesus doing all these things is the one claiming he did all these things! thats as idiotic as saying "tomorrow at noon, snex will turn water to wine!" and then tomorrow at 12:01 PM posting "snex has turned water to wine, the miracle is proven!"

You seem to have the logic `if I can't prove it nobody can.'

Some things cannot be answered because we do not have the equipment to test it.

Though, some people prefer things are left untouched. They're worried it might be a Pandora's box.


Smash Master
Sep 3, 2002
Chicago, IL
and thats fine. thats why honest people invented the answer "i dont know." theists are not honest people. they INVENT an answer out of their ***** and assert that its 100% true till theyre blue in the face, no matter what any future or present information reveals.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2008
North Carolina, Fayetteville
and thats fine. thats why honest people invented the answer "i dont know." theists are not honest people. they INVENT an answer out of their ***** and assert that its 100% true till theyre blue in the face, no matter what any future or present information reveals.

Yes, ignorance. Root word: ignore.

People ask but don't want answers. People say they believe but they don't. Haha, we are all worried about it. But to say they are comes into conflict with what they are falsely presenting.
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