I know this topic is going to cause quite a fuss, but honestly, the more and more I see what kind of sick **** goes on in this world, the more and more I want to physically strike some of the Christians I know, who constantly shrug terrible things off as "God has a plan", or "God didn't do it, people did."
Christians believe God is all-loving. Why would an all-loving God let the atrocities going on in our world happen? And another thing I don't get--why even create us when, being the omnipotent and omnipresent God He is, He must have known that we would have ****ed up royally and ****ed ourselves to an eternity in Hell?
Christians usually try to explain this by saying that God yearns for a personal relationship with us. This is probably one of the most absurd things I've ever heard in my life. Growing up in a Christian home, I've heard a lot of whacko stuff, but this one really takes the cake. I'm supremely glad that I started thinking for myself before graduating.
Why does the Almighty God, creator of the universe, desire a personal relationship with a sinful being? If He's an all-powerful God, won't He by default know anything and everything about us, thus making this "relationship" moot?
Also, according to the Bible, sin entered the world through Adam and Eve sinning in the Garden. Why should the rest of humanity have to suffer from the bad decision of two people? That's utterly ridiculous. Why should I have to pay for the sins of Adam?
About Hell: why should truly good people who just have the misfortune of not knowing about Christ have to suffer in flames (for eternity, mind you) next to child molesters /abusers, rapists, murderers, dictators, etc.? And worse yet, what about the truly bad people who "repent" and join the faith?
Basically, this is just a rant, but I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a long time.