I apologize in advance for what I'll say, BUT WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
Microwave background discovered in 1964. They were predicted by the theory and help tracing what the universe looked like, even 15 billion years ago.
Calculations made on the synthesis of light elements (H, He, etc.) during the big bang are surprisingly near the observed abundances in the universe.
Through the equations of general relativity, Einstein knew we could 'go back in time' to some sort of beginning.
If you have any arguments, refute my point. What you just did to snex's post, though, is just a proof of how bad you are at bringing to the table real arguments to support your point. Asserting ridiculous conclusions because you said so is not a debate, that's garbage trashtalking straight out of a teenager.
This is not necessarily something to despise, but why the christian god... can't your concept of a god be enough to satisfy your need to believe in a higher power?
Ok, we KNOW about the waves, but we haven't built many good satellites to detect them. In a few years
America is launching satellites with the ability to gather data from these microwaves and to an extent piece together what caused them. How was i trash talking, just because we know what happened does give us any idea how or why, that's why new theories are still being formed. It's not a valid argument to say that a big bang theory(see, theory) occurring disproves god either, because NOBODY knows what the singularity was like(but the new satellites SHOULD be able to detect the moment of the singularity). I didn't say anything stupid in that post that wasn't true, all we have are a bunch of theories until we get some good proof.
im not the one claiming to know anything about it. YOU are. YOU are the one claiming it MUST be your stupid fairy tale for which you have absolutely no evidence.
No, I never said that. I was saying that the big bang theory is not a valid topic for argument if it's still just a theory. I never even said that god made the universe, I have only pointed out that christians are not just following some religion blindly.
what makes you think that the existence of a real king ahaziah lends any support to people turning into salt for looking at a burning city? obviously you didnt pay ANY attention to my original response, because if you had, youd know that parts of the hercules story are true too. for example, ATHENS EXISTED!
Ok, no 'good proof'. So everything is just a theory(like the big bang theory). If those are our basis of argument, then there's no point in arguing.
I post a few comments and get flamed because people jump on me, ASSUMING i'm Christian first(which I am, but there is no evidence to state that ANYWHERE in those post). I feel like I just got attacked for my religion. I can't even have a serious argument in this place anymore.
not demonstrated....
It's been demonstrated without fail for all of human history o.O
Nothing has ever just 'happened', SOMETHING caused/created it.
Lol, but the attitude i've been seeing has been a lot like 'if you can't prove god is real then he isn't!'
Really, for thousands of years people have witnessed miracles, prophets, and most importantly the coming of christ(also prophesied some odd six or seven hundred years earlier).
Of course, nothing is proven until the Jews reclaim their temple and stand in all four corners, which according to them will FORCE the coming of christ(too bad terrorists own it lol)
I said nothing offensive here...
YEAH AND HERCULES TOTALLY KILLED A LION WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND ALIENS CAME TO EARTH AT ROSWELL IN 1947. gimmie a break.. are you so gullible that you believe everything you read? think about what youre doing... youre claiming that the very same book that claims to prophesy jesus doing all these things is the one claiming he did all these things! thats as idiotic as saying "tomorrow at noon, snex will turn water to wine!" and then tomorrow at 12:01 PM posting "snex has turned water to wine, the miracle is proven!"
Then i get mocked by an atheist for being of Christian faith...
really? how many times has the creation of an entire universe been "demonstrated without fail for all of human history?" in which lab were they created and in which scientific journal was the experiment described?
It hasn't been, but don't act like you know anything about it because nobody does. The whole **** theory is just a bunch of useless hypotheticals until we launch our laser satellites that will be able to trace time back to the big bang.
YEAH AND HERCULES TOTALLY KILLED A LION WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND ALIENS CAME TO EARTH AT ROSWELL IN 1947. gimmie a break.. are you so gullible that you believe everything you read? think about what youre doing... youre claiming that the very same book that claims to prophesy jesus doing all these things is the one claiming he did all these things! thats as idiotic as saying "tomorrow at noon, snex will turn water to wine!" and then tomorrow at 12:01 PM posting "snex has turned water to wine, the miracle is proven!"
Yeah, cause they're no proof for ANYTHING in the bible.
Then I make a TRUTHFUL statement, and a sarcastic statement against the completely rude and pointless comment that was made PURELY to insult me.
I apologize in advance for what I'll say, BUT WHO THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
Microwave background discovered in 1964. They were predicted by the theory and help tracing what the universe looked like, even 15 billion years ago.
Calculations made on the synthesis of light elements (H, He, etc.) during the big bang are surprisingly near the observed abundances in the universe.
Through the equations of general relativity, Einstein knew we could 'go back in time' to some sort of beginning.
If you have any arguments, refute my point. What you just did to snex's post, though, is just a proof of how bad you are at bringing to the table real arguments to support your point. Asserting ridiculous conclusions because you said so is not a debate, that's garbage trashtalking straight out of a teenager.
And then i get jumped on by cF=) because he says that the big bang isn't a useless topic for discussion even when people are throwing the theory around like a law, when we don't know what happened. There's no intelligent discussion to be had here. There was NO reason for snex to attack me like that.