Allan, back in your response you said you draw OOS.
Louisiana really doesn't count.
Also, you normally only draw one or two people here OOS. Inui already accepted that Texas was his home. So that means NO OOS come here, according to HOBO 18.
You said also that your "allowing the same pros to win whilst letting the noobs have fun still"
The same pros would not win. You're obviously hindering Dojo. What happens when Pound rolls around and he has to go MK (his main)? At NoKoast, when we go, I'm gonna go MK. I have nowhere to use in-tourney experience, real sets with people to see how he is doing. Leaving MK out of your events is because you're scared of him. That's the only reason why. Since your character is horrible, and you refuse to change, you decide to bend the rules around Samus COMPLETELY. Everyone sees it, but your so ****ed hard headed that it wouldn't matter to tell you. I'm not gonna call you a tyrant, because I'm not gonna give you that satisfaction. You want people to think that. You're just an *******, and a coward, hiding behind your ridiculous ego.