@hylian: ok that's very very reasonable so this is what I have to say:
I currently believe like some others that mk ruins the cp system
Personally because at a high level of game knowledge a lot of it is shared between players
And with a lack of technical skill,or a overall community peaking factor added in,
The cp system becomes knowledge that we all know like,if I'm dk and they go d3 then I should go falco or mk
If I'm falco/diddy and they cp norfair I should go gaw or mk
If I'm getting gimped I should go mk
If I'm getting outspaced I should go mk
And basically any situation can be made better for you if you go mk.
What I just posted is common knowledge also but what I mean is,the cp system is almost "will I pick mk or not" or "will they go mk"
Like pokemon,if you have a special attacker and they have blissey your sp.attacker is useless and a waste
Wolfs best stage is said to be norfair and some other obscure characters also including mk,I really can't use it cuz they just cp mk,this happens.
So it affects everyone.
But,if you can prove to me that mk isn't the best,or most solid answer to 90% of brawl,
Then I would be against the ban,
And I hop that other pro-banners,would sway themselves if mk was no longer the "problem solver",knowlege of the game shouldn't be "should I pick mk,or not",some of us don't pick mk and some do,banning him is basically eliminating this aspect and opening a WIDE range of options,imo
Also my main point:if dojo showed up to a mk banned tourney in a bikini I think it would change the results more than if he used mk,
Idk guys take the ban for what it is.if allan banned air conditioning I'd be more upset than if he banned my character