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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Either week 1 or 2 or something like that of PO having 5th gen I said in this thread that Excadrill looked like he would be a problem. I don't get time to play pokemon much anymore, but he's banned now? That's... pretty early to ban something actually. Though then again Manaphy got banned early in 4th gen too.



Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
You and your attraction to broken characters.

I envy you.


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Either week 1 or 2 or something like that of PO having 5th gen I said in this thread that Excadrill looked like he would be a problem. I don't get time to play pokemon much anymore, but he's banned now? That's... pretty early to ban something actually. Though then again Manaphy got banned early in 4th gen too.

Excadrill really isn't a big problem imo, he has plenty of counters and checks such as Politoed, Breloom, Conkeldurr, Skarmory, Suicune and other **** I can't think of atm

Manaphy needed to be banned, ****ing Rest+Hydration with Tail Glow with (insert Sp. water attack here) in the rain is just stupid, or if you wanted to build a bulky water varient off of that then you could do that as well.

Chomp isn't uber, Thundurus isn't uber, Excadrill isn't uber

Smogon is booty, them *****s are dumb as hell


You and your attraction to broken characters.

I envy you.
Says the Lucario main


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
I never saw too much problem with Garchomp... but then again I also just happened to almost always have a counter for him.

Good players do, Smogon is just lazy and doesn't want to play the game for what it is, they're quicker to knock down a challenge then the Brawl community

You just trapped yourself so hard, MK main.
I'm not denying I'm attracted to high/broken tier, bruh


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Deus Ex Human Revolution is pretty good if you can get into it. It's a FPS with some RPG-esque elements and has stealth parts. Basically, a futuristic Metal Gear Solid but you can upgrade abilities.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
i wanna start competing in MvC3 and get good at it. im already getting decent at it and it's more tech skill based which is what im good at. im not sure about how to find tournies for it but if i can find something consistent for it and street fighter like we have HOBO for brawl, im probably gonna drop brawl. i've been trying to get good at this game for years and the fact is when i can get bodied by people using my character against me as hard as i did this morning after all the studying and practice i've tried to put into this game learning every single tech skill with my character and discovering some along the way. when all of that time doesn't get me any reward, why do i bother playing this game that is obviously just my style of play?

i watch myself play you guys and all i can do is get bodied by everyone here. **** i got 3 stocked by a ganon as pit last night. im so sick of tons of time and study and practice =/= any rewards to me gameplay wise at all. getting ****ing 0-80'd on a consistent basis when im supposed to be a good player after MONTHS and going on 2 YEARS of practice with no results. seriously if someone here knows of a good site to find tournies in texas for MvC3 and SSF4 and other traditional fighting games that i've always been good at or could always pick up quickly and actually have a shot at being good at please direct me to it. im so close to being done with this game

LSC is my last chance to make a name for myself and actually matter to the brawl metagame. if i get bodied at this tourny, im done cut and dry


Oct 23, 2010
best buy.com here i come!!

if you want love in mvc3, i'll have to direct you to either jerm or gnes my good man.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
i wanna start competing in MvC3 and get good at it. im already getting decent at it and it's more tech skill based which is what im good at. im not sure about how to find tournies for it but if i can find something consistent for it and street fighter like we have HOBO for brawl, im probably gonna drop brawl. i've been trying to get good at this game for years and the fact is when i can get bodied by people using my character against me as hard as i did this morning after all the studying and practice i've tried to put into this game learning every single tech skill with my character and discovering some along the way. when all of that time doesn't get me any reward, why do i bother playing this game that is obviously just my style of play?

i watch myself play you guys and all i can do is get bodied by everyone here. **** i got 3 stocked by a ganon as pit last night. im so sick of tons of time and study and practice =/= any rewards to me gameplay wise at all. getting ****ing 0-80'd on a consistent basis when im supposed to be a good player after MONTHS and going on 2 YEARS of practice with no results. seriously if someone here knows of a good site to find tournies in texas for MvC3 and SSF4 and other traditional fighting games that i've always been good at or could always pick up quickly and actually have a shot at being good at please direct me to it. im so close to being done with this game

LSC is my last chance to make a name for myself and actually matter to the brawl metagame. if i get bodied at this tourny, im done cut and dry
cool story, I'm pretty sure at least a dozen people in Houston would 2 stock me with Sonic. Learning a bunch of ATs and nonsense don't really matter if you aren't making reads and good use of the basics. Thats gonna be true in any game.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Shoryuken.com for MvC3 stuff...you're done.

I'd recommend either Fliphop or Jerm for serious practice, since I know those two are into it...I'm sure there are others.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
i wanna start competing in MvC3 and get good at it. im already getting decent at it and it's more tech skill based which is what im good at. im not sure about how to find tournies for it but if i can find something consistent for it and street fighter like we have HOBO for brawl, im probably gonna drop brawl. i've been trying to get good at this game for years and the fact is when i can get bodied by people using my character against me as hard as i did this morning after all the studying and practice i've tried to put into this game learning every single tech skill with my character and discovering some along the way. when all of that time doesn't get me any reward, why do i bother playing this game that is obviously just my style of play?

i watch myself play you guys and all i can do is get bodied by everyone here. **** i got 3 stocked by a ganon as pit last night. im so sick of tons of time and study and practice =/= any rewards to me gameplay wise at all. getting ****ing 0-80'd on a consistent basis when im supposed to be a good player after MONTHS and going on 2 YEARS of practice with no results. seriously if someone here knows of a good site to find tournies in texas for MvC3 and SSF4 and other traditional fighting games that i've always been good at or could always pick up quickly and actually have a shot at being good at please direct me to it. im so close to being done with this game

LSC is my last chance to make a name for myself and actually matter to the brawl metagame. if i get bodied at this tourny, im done cut and dry
Alright Maharba, are you ready?
This is how you get better at Brawl with Pit:

1. Stop trying to INTENTIONALLY time people out / scrooge EVERYONE you play. Build your BASICS first (proper spacing, spotdodging, predicting) on the STAGE. When you're one hundred percent confident with that, you MIGHT want to consider the lame path with Pit.

2. Stop doing high risk/reward moves constantly. Arrow looping ALL the time does not help as much as you think it does. Angel ring is a TERRIBLE move and should almost never be used in any situation. Think about the percentage you are at when you trigger a move and what will happen if that move misses. Consider the LAG and the REWARD if it misses/hits.

3. Focus on when to actually kill your opponent. Only throw out a kill move if there is basically no risk of them punishing you HARD back. I learned this basically through all the top players in our state. Gnes told me this frequently, "It doesn't matter if I don't kill them right away... I'm not taking damage and I'm just chipping in stuff on them, EVENTUALLY one of my moves WILL kill him. I'm not worried about how quickly he dies, just the fact that I don't and he eventually does." Practice the hell out of this EVERY stock you play, you will become a better player.

4. Practice, it actually helps. If you have wifi, use it. If you don't have wifi, play computers and practice what I've already mentioned. You can sit here and research every little tid-bit of information you want, but at the end of the day it's not practice. Take a minute and look at all the top players in this game. I can tell you right now eighty-five percent of them rarely EVER post in their character boards about anything. Because they are practicing the actual game. Usually everyone who knows every situation on the boards, sucks in the game and can't apply it.

5. Stick to YOUR character. If you're constantly trying to pick up other characters to deal with "this tough matchup" you're not getting any better. Become the better player and pull through it. When you learn the matchup it will feel extremely rewarding and you will probably be able to apply it in other fields.

6. Be honest with yourself and practice with people that are a BIT better than you. Vinnie taught me this one and it works TREMENDOUSLY. Play someone that you consistently lose to, but not by a large margin. When you start beating them over and over again, try to find someone that fits the first sentence and keep on going at it. By doing this, you can learn small things here and there and it wont' feel like you're going nowhere when you're playing Trela, Razer, Gnes etc. The more time you put into practicing against people that are slightly better then you, the quicker you will adapt.

7. After every other game/set ASK people what your worst habits are. Watch your OWN videos and see what you are doing wrong/right. Implement on this, use your brain, and you will get loads better.


That's all I got for now.

I don't want to see you quit/leave the smash community, Maharbra. Just keep on trying and PLEASE use this tips and I'm almost 100% positive you will get out of whatever slump you're in right now.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
like i said tesh, im good at fighting games that aren't smash bros. hell i used to be one of the best Deadly Alliance players in the auburn sacremento area back home. im just accepting that ill probably never be able to pick this game up like i can other games. it isn't near as fun as it used to be and i've always preferred games like street fighter and mortal combat and stuff anyways. like i said, if im just not having any fun with this game and can't get into it by LSC, im not gonna waste my time doing something i don't like.

thank you RT. getting on that shiz quick.


reading your post illmatic. will respond in a min.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
cool story, I'm pretty sure at least a dozen people in Houston would 2 stock me with Sonic. Learning a bunch of ATs and nonsense don't really matter if you aren't making reads and good use of the basics. Thats gonna be true in any game.
This basically.

Tech skill is worth nothing without what Tesh mentioned. You may realize that even in MvC3.

Le vieux lapin

Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2010
Nourrir la pluie
Good stuff Ill.

Maharba don't you quit on us, I JUST got really into this game, and
you are the only person I ever get legitimate practice with, until I can get a car for Sync's
smashfests. I would really be bummed. You ARE a good player, it
is just that Texas is full of really GREAT players who destroy this game. Don't take any of
the losses to heart.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Btw, this is houston, so...getting bodied doesn't exactly mean you are a below-average player.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
no illmatic i didn't ignore your post. you ninja'd me is all.

and i read everything you said and you're right like usual when i get pissed off at brawl.

the only problem is the thing which you said is the most important. PRACTICE.

i don't own a wii, can't buy one, and im not gonna be able to go to sync's hardly ever since i work all but 2 days a week (and im at school one of them) and i refuse to pay the parking tickets i've acquired parking where we've always been told park so i don't wanna risk getting towed and i ain't paying no school campus to park to visit a friend. and it's not like people are gonna drive all the way down here just to play with me when everyone up there has sync's and P4's place to go to.
all i have is the online computer stuff. trust me if i had a wii i wouldn't be on here i'd be playing wifi like everyone else. actually the only reason im not at work right now is because pj got me sick -.-


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010

you can't buy a wii? you have a job... and can afford to go to all these tournaments / execute money matches

you can also PRACTICE these things at the tournament lmao
btw, if you can't practice in BRAWL (a super SIMPLE game) then you won't be able to practice Mvc3 or whatever (a super hard technical poo poo eating game)

so you can either stay here and DEAL WITH IT

or you can die


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
if you don't own a wii, can't buy one, don't have time to play brawl either, maybe you should consider to stop playing.

/common sense

Le vieux lapin

Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2010
Nourrir la pluie
Ouch Ill.

Maharba, I seriously doubt you cannot afford a Wii, but if that is
REALLY the case, I will give you MOST of the money you need, on
the condition we practice more and you promise to remain in the
community another year.

It would be such a shame if you dropped out for something I could so
easily fix. I actually played my first year of competitive smash w/o a Wii, so
I know how you feel.

Edit:I can promise you, actually owning a Wii will allow you
to exponentially improve your skill. But if you insist, I won't ask again.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
.... i haven't been to a tournament since last hobo and the one before that i made it to was the hobo before it. i may not even be able to make LSC as i may not be able to afford missing work.

also just because i have a job doesn't make me rich. i got rent and bills yo. that hard core livin on my own status foo.

or you're right i could go die. but that sounds boring

chris im not gonna take you're money to get a wii. im poor not desparate. it's like im not down to kick and smash still right now. this is all depending on LSC (if i can make it)


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
^that's cause you're a genius and already ****

btw maharba, you can save a bit here and there.. it's really NOT that hard to buy a wii.
Amazon used is like 90 bucks LMAO if you can't come up with that then damn.

like skip mcdonalds for two months and there you go
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