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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Yeah, I do Xyro, love it.

Whoever is coming over today, please tell me when you leave via text or posting here.



See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
So probably no multiple WiiU controller or DVD/Blu ray play back AND it's going to be more expensive than their typical Nintendo prices

****. That.

F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
So probably no multiple WiiU controller or DVD/Blu ray play back AND it's going to be more expensive than their typical Nintendo prices

****. That.
Didn't Sakurai want to have SSB4 so that the 3DS could help you build your character and then battle it out on the Wii U? I don't want two systems just for that... :glare:


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
[collapse="Notes from Smash 4 inteview from 6/7/2011"]- Sakurai is using his experience working with Kid Icarus 3DS to smooth the development process of 3DS smash. Mentions he would randomly think about Smash during Kid Icarus development

- "While I'm sure some people just want a new DX (Melee) or X (Brawl), that is not the answer I'm looking for"

- There's a lot of implied differences between the 3DS and WiiU versions. The issue of limitations (or lack thereof) come up ("I could make 50 characters, or double the stages, or make everything prettier (graphically), but with the WiiU I don't have to choose just one of those options"), while he runs into that problem with the 3DS, "maybe something fun like the original smash bros." adding something about a handicap.

- 3DS version will be more "personalized" than the WiiU version, as most likely the handheld machine will only be played by one person. This regards "personal data and achievements." He's probably referring to the stat-keeping mode the Smash games have had and how a handheld version would most likely only be tracking a single person's stats.

- Sakurai feels conflicted, saying something to the effect of "On one hand, a player feels a great sense of accomplishment by beating something really difficult. On the other, if it's too hard, they'll feel a sense of frustration by constantly losing to it." (implied differences between versions)

- Iwata goes on to add that a handheld experience is typically a "fun experience in a short amount of time," and that adjustments would have to be made to work around that.

- "So, for the 3DS version, since you must enjoy it alone, it has a system of rewards that you can customize your character with. And then you can bring these characters from the 3DS to the WiiU to fight on. So one "individual" on a handheld will appear in the "stadium" of the home console." Iwata summarizes by saying "The 3DS version is where players will earn individual achievements for themselves, while the WiiU version will be a place to show those achivements off"

- Sometime late in the Melee development cycle, Iwata told Sakurai "you can never have enough Smash Bros!," to which Sakurai replied "YES YOU CAN." Sakurai apparently doesn't remember this.

- Iwata mentions that he likes how in Smash, both high level and beginner level players can feel a sense of accomplishment in comparison to other fighting games. If you don't know what you're doing in other fighting games, you'll typically get destroyed, in Smash you can earn a few more hits. Sakurai adds onto that saying "You'd think it'd be natural to help new players improve, but when the goal of a fighting game is to beat your opponent down, that becomes difficult." Iwata "feels helpless and weak when he loses badly," and lastly Sakurai adds that "the 3DS version will have ways to help beginner players," going on to suggest co-op "There will be a reward system for good players helping bad ones"

- Apparently the balancing and rebalancing of characters was entirely up to Sakurai, but he's going to ask for some help from other members of the team this time around. He still feels the creator of the game will have the clearest vision of how the balance should look like, but definitely welcomes the help. Iwata asks what type of balancing he's referring to, and Sakurai responds talking about balancing animation/frame/hitbox data, while making sure it makes sense in the scope of the game. It has to "look natural and feels good to land the attack"

- There's implied distinction between casual and competitive play made by Sakurai, saying "all these claims of 'this character is too strong' or 'this character is too weak' varies from person to person." When he looked at the sets of data from Wifi games, all characters had relatively the same level of success. "However, according to the competitive scene, that doesn't seem to be the case elsewhere."

- A balance regarding the difficulties of surgical balance changes, and how they don't want characters to "feel the same," adding that specific traits/strengths/weaknesses are intentionally built to differentiate characters. Along with the "oh now that we nerfed this, this other thing is broken," etc. Iwata comments that this type of balancing is ridiculously hard and congratulates Sakurai for pulling it off with every single character by himself.

- Sakurai mentions that while new developers might see this initially as a learning opportunity, it'll eventually turn into a lesson of pain.

- More commentary regarding the extreme level of difficulty regarding balance vs uniqueness in a fighting game cast, with Iwata joking that "I knew I had an eye for talent when I picked you"

- Sakurai comments "the mechanics of a game better fit the system the game is on." The 3DS's small screen, for example, is something they have to work around, making sure the backgrounds and stage structure are clearly visible.

- Iwata comments that some designers enjoy gimmicks like FMVs and cutscenes, because it's where developers get the most free reign to show off their skills.

- Sakurai mentions "I think it'd be best if we can design something that works well and looks good regardless of whether it's on a portable or on an HDTV, but having a different team for each version is also good because we can still make very specialized additions to each." Each individual project will take advantage of each developers "specialty and where they're most likely to apply it."

- Essentially boiling down to "while keeping coherence between the two version is important, they don't want to use that as an excuse to compromise potential features for either version"

- Apparently Sakurai had no direct involvement with either Sonic's or Link's implementation in Brawl.

- He's slightly concerned by the fact that the various branches of Brawl staff worked on different schedules so the development process has gotten rather long. Iwata asks "but now you get to be a lot more hands-on with Smash 4, right?" to which Sakurai answers "Yes, but I'm coming into development right after Kid Icarus finishes, with no rest inbetween. So any help I can get is much appreciated"

- Sakurai says as a game designer and head developer, he really enjoys making something himself and seeing it turn into something good, but if he takes it in the wrong direction he won't reach the people he intends to. With Smash he wants to reach out to as many as he can. Iwata comments "this leaves a lot up to chance when it comes to the finished game," but Sakurai responds "I prefer it to a "stable" series where every sequel is juts the same game with a little bit added on. While it's painful to make something new, it's fun to figure out how." While with Smash, each iteration has a different fun twist, and even someone who doesn't know much about the series can pick apart the differences fairly easily.

- Iwata anguishes over how expensive the project is and that it requires a lot of people.

- Sakurai "Anyway, I look forward to the people you bring to this project, since the success of it is dependent on who you gather for me! Still, even if you don't gather enough people, I wouldn't want to see the project stretched thin, so we could focus on only one system." Iwata: "What? Even after we announced at e3 that we'll be developing for both systems?!" Sakurai: "Well either that or I take a small team and we take five years"

- in the conclusion, Iwata thanks Sakurai, and Sakurai says "thanks, but my time is currently focused on making sure Kid Icarus is perfect for launch!" [/collapse]
Re-read the interview.

Apparently the balancing and rebalancing of characters was entirely up to Sakurai
This part still gives me an aneurysm.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
The interview summary RT posted makes me feel more confident about how the next smash will turn out. I just hope the "rewards" from the 3DS version won't affect gameplay, or I could see some potentially game-breaking setups.



Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
So probably no multiple WiiU controller or DVD/Blu ray play back AND it's going to be more expensive than their typical Nintendo prices

****. That.
Nintendo states no DVD support because of the costs of patents associated with using that technology. Besides, DVD players are everywhere...the average household probably has like 2-3 separate devices that can play DVDs. If no DVD playback lowers the price of the console, then that's fine by me.

Bluray...well obviously this well never happen.

And of course it will be more expensive...it has technology comparable/better than the Xbox 360/PS3. Remember how much they were when they first came out? Amazing graphics or low price...you can only choose one. :ohwell:


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Low price > Good graphics IMO.

I'll most-likely wait a couple years before getting a WiiU since by then the price should be dropped (not to mention it'll be probably hard to find one since Nintendo had a shortage of Wii's before



Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Nintendo states no DVD support because of the costs of patents associated with using that technology. Besides, DVD players are everywhere...the average household probably has like 2-3 separate devices that can play DVDs. If no DVD playback lowers the price of the console, then that's fine by me.

Bluray...well obviously this well never happen.

And of course it will be more expensive...it has technology comparable/better than the Xbox 360/PS3. Remember how much they were when they first came out? Amazing graphics or low price...you can only choose one. :ohwell:
Quality is what matters. Overall quality I mean. As stated in that article xyro posted, graphics are just AMAZING now. Even Wii graphics imo are just AMAZING. Its not about getting every pixel to be damn near real life jumping out at you, its just getting past the shortcoming of older games and how sometimes you couldn't freaking tell what was what because everything was sooooo low detail.

And yea, I've never watched a movie on my ps3 or xbox 360 and i rarely ever used my ps2 for that either. These are nice add on features imo for people that might own ONE single electronic device but there are dozens of options for watching movies these days. If you own a computer, or phone or even have cable/satellite you should be fine.

Also, can anyone give me to a ride to HOBO? I'm 100% good to go starting 6pm tomorrow. Maharba? Bio? I can pay you in dr peppers.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2008
Houston Tx

Since my schedule will be super busy tomorrow ill post this now. These are the things that we need to make the tournament run faster and smooth so that way we can make room for side events and money matches.

Chairs: Brings as many as possible. Play N Trade has a limited amount so everyone needs to bring theres asap.

Small tables: We need 5 tables so bring if you have.

Exact money: I will be taking venue and xyro will be taking entry fees so please bring exact amount of money when you see me and him that way it doesnt hold up the lines and waste time.

Tvs/Wiis: Brings as many as possible. Also bring extra copies of brawl!

With that said, im ready to help run this hobo and have some fun since this will be xyros last tournament for a while. I encourage everyone to show up ON TIME because we are on a strict time schedule and need to be out by 9pm. I would like to afterhour at ihop after the tournament like the good ol times if everyone is down. Listen to xyros epic storys while i eat my cheesecake pancakes. See everyone sat!



Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
good thing about out by 9 at least is that we can go ANYWHERe to eat.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Seriously though, can anyone help me get to and/or from HOBO at all?


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
I'll drive you, Tesh. Since I hate Dr. Pepper, I'll take you if you cover me on the entry fee instead ($8).


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Guys, PLEASE bring wiis to tomorrows event. i MUST have 10 wiis or we are gonna be there all night.
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