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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Scizor isn't banned. MK shouldn't be.
But competitive Pokemon doesn't ban. They just bump things up into Uber.
Silly. Banning Pokemon in Pokemon. How absurd.

even with mk gone itll still suck
I dunno. I have a blast in friendlies, tournament, etc. whenever there's not a Meta Knight running around.
FS8 was fun as hell until I had to play Dojo.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
*pkmn master appears*
cresselia suicune yanmega dusknoir salamence moltres zapdos slowbro bronzong(if they dont have scarf which they usually dont) magnezone gengar deoxys-e registeel can like hard counter scizor technically

and dragonite leafeon vaporeon flareon skarmory fortress infernape swampert can all hurt one quick

nvm **** it scizor sucks

they buffed him to make him better hes def top 20 in the game but then again the platinum metagame is a bunch of

"man i wish _____ had ____ move,then they would be really good"

i wish i could wipe all the useless pokemon info from my brain


im glad you had fun

hobo 12 was amazing ,first mkless hobo

doesnt mean people didnt get bananad and cged all day


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
im not saying it cant be countered i know all this ****

its just the fact that its still a huge gay fest

< you look like bob sagat allan

mk being here or gone makes no difference to me,if hes gone idk whatll happen

if he is there ill eventually lose to one probably

i just dont like seeing the other gay stuff happen

i mean,if you suck like idk pick someone who runs to mk,

or if you are truly good but your char gets ***** by CGs royr, lee martin , me (jk stfu), ur still gonna run to mk

and most regions arent gonna ban him so itll always happen

even when the vote to ban him wins and magically it loses and he doesnt get banned.

so oh well

im not gonna ***** if you ban him

im just anti-ban


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
im not saying it cant be countered i know all this ****

its just the fact that its still a huge gay fest

< you look like bob sagat allan
It would be alot less gay if we could counter pick like we could in melee. Obviously the first step is banning meta. And i DO NOT look like bob sagat. I dropped the glasses AGES ago and i do not have a talent for FILTHY jokes.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
i think if we got rid of CGs people would pick mk less

we should have all been smart enough to know to play this game with damage ratios or handicaps or something from the beginning


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
cresselia suicune yanmega dusknoir salamence moltres zapdos slowbro bronzong(if they dont have scarf which they usually dont) magnezone gengar deoxys-e registeel can like hard counter scizor technically

and dragonite leafeon vaporeon flareon skarmory fortress infernape swampert can all hurt one quick
Cresselia can only stall Scizor. If they're both out at the same time, Cresselia won't have ample time to Calm Mind and then attack. Most Cresselia pack Pyschic, Ice Beam/Charge Beam, Calm Mind, and Moonlight. Scizor's just gonna Bullet Punch spam while Cresselia gets one Calm Mind off max and then tries to Moonlight. Only way Cresselia's gonna win is if she gets off some Calm Minds before Scizor comes out OR she's packing HP Fire.

Yanmega doesn't have anything to OHKO Scizor. Yanmega's fast, but it won't even have a chance to attack since Scizor has Bullet Punch. GG.

Suicune can wall much better than Cresselia here, but I wouldn't call it a counter. It's a tank that may beat Scizor in the long run, depending on how the reads play out.

Duskknoir can possibly with Fire Punch, but you're likely going to have to OHKO Scizor. Dusknoir's got awesome Defense, but its HP is crap, and BP Scizor often packs Life Orb for even more oomph. Dusknoir can Will-o-wisp Scizor, though, and make it much easier to beat for the next Pokemon.

Salamence will cut Scizor's Attack and like Suicune, this comes down to reads. Only move Salamence has that will easily put a dent in Scizor is Fire Fang, and no Salamence packs that. Specialmence though, would absolutely OHKO Scizor. Then again, most are physical variants.

Gotta go to class, so I'll finish the rest of this later, but I will say that Steel-types have the potential to do well against Scizor. Most BP Scizors use BP, Roost, Swords Dance, and then Quick Attack/Brick Break. If the Scizor has QA and not BB, then any Steel-type will counter Scizor. But if that Steel-type's just a pure tank, then Scizor's likely to switch out or just go for some Swords Dances. A pure Steel tank is going to have a hard time attacking Scizor since the tank doesn't have much Attack and Scizor has decent Defenses, and you won't be using Toxic to slowly wear down Scizor since it's immune to Poison. Skarmory definitely messes with Scizor, though; I'll give you that.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
man i knew someone would come in sayin a bunch of crap

im not even gonna read it.

not out of disrespect for you,disrespect for the game

there more than ohkoing and nobody specified the technicalities and there are no GGs about anything in pokemon

and i read the yanmega part,i meant milotic, i said yanmega because i have a yanmega sticker by my desk

EDIT: i think these are actually temp tattoos, i got shieldon glameow dialgo prinplup and buneary too :o

idealistically all those pokemon can put down scizor with no effort if you build them to and im not about to argue about a ****ty game like pokemon when im already discussing ****ty brawl

peace and dont trouble yourself typing out the



Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
The one who over came ken(marth/fox) was ANOTHER marth/fox.....m2k. No one over came m2k. He moved on to brawl and became rusty at melee which allowed others like Hbox and mango who dont really care about brawl to skyrocket in the melee scene.
Mango beat M2k at pound 3. Before brawl was even out.

And sigh, why is there always a MK ban argument here after the best character in the game is being used alot at a national tournament for alot of money .. consisting of alot of competitive people..

I mean, think about, if he's been deemed the best character in the game, that means alot of people will use him JUST for that reason alone. Meaning there will be more top MK players than the rest of the cast. If he's still beatable, then he should be left alone. Some people waste more time complaining about him, than actually learning how to overcome him.

One thing about Mk is that you already know generally what he can do, and the more original your character is, the more of an advantage that is to you since the MK player might not know how to fight your character.


Smash Champion
Dec 5, 2005
San Antonio TX
here ill help ya out zigsta while also correcting some things

Not a scizor counter, 252 HP / 252 Def bold cresselia will just only force a switch while taking 54.05% - 63.96% damage from a choice band U-turn

Nice to come in on scizor thats stuck on bullet punch, loses to SD versions of scizor but gets a free calm mind on BP while they switch. This battle hardly happens unless its SD, or its both of the opponents last pokemon

CB bullet punch does 58.79 - 69.33, if SR is on the field its a OHKO, only full health yanmega carrying HP fire has hope against a scizor

The scizor wil most likely U-turn, its faster then dusknoir so even if its a double switch scizor player has an advantage because of u-turn, dusknoir can WoW or if some carry fire punch can take it out, wouldnt call it a counter as U-turn will do 40% on average

A nice counter to scizor, but is worn down by stealth rocks, physically bulky salamence is a true counter to all variants of scizor, unless its soem werid HP ice 59 technicain user

as i said before 100% counter scizor has abosultely nothing on moltres, will cause a switch every time, but the only problem is moltres takes 50% from stealth rock

definately a scizor counter, worn down by stealth rock

Nice revenge switch on a scizor stuck on BP or super power, but can get revenged switch at the same time by scizor, choice band u-turn does 64.47 - 76.65% to max HP and max Defence bold slowbro and 70.56% - 83.76% on max HP slowbro, so basically scizor wins more often but slowbro can come in on stuck scizors

can switch in on scizor and stall him there, but cant really do much back to scizor, superpower 3HKOs him while bronzong wil ltake 3-4 Earthquakes to KO him back

Scizors revenge killer, will always KO scizor with a choice scarf hp fire, if not carrying choice scarf, scizor can ohko with superpower

I hate it when this matchup happens, here is how it goes down
The scizor can bullet punch it, ohkoing it
the scizor player can predict a switch since BP does OHKO it after all, and try to pursuit it for the KO as well
on the other side
Gengar can switch to an appropiate counter
Gengar player can predict pursuit and go for a HP fire
really its a 50/50 guess work, but in a one on one situation, scizor will always win unless gengar is running max hp and max defence for some reason

but in uber player it has become popular for deoxys-e to start running firepunch for scizors, if its lost its focus sash though scizor threatens with BP

can force a switch on a scizor stuck on BP, however superpower from scizor will destroy it easily, also cant do much back to scizor


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
k well i didnt know scizor could learn superpower cuz i havent played in over a year because it is a 100% absolute certain waste of time and skillless and i didnt know deoxys was uber now

say pokemon and the ******s be steppin out

the only community i know thats worse than brawl and why i come here and not a pokemon site

i do love this thread when people are talkin **** and nobody is on anyone elses **** tho good ****

dphat shut yo mouth you planking mother****er lol


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Snake is still the best character
When I can upthrow Snake with falcon and juggle him for a good bit and then grab him later and bair him after his cypher for the kill he isnt the best character, and this isnt theory craft, snake has a huuuuuuuge weakness. MK and maybe even diddy are better characters. Snake is just olimar on crack. plenty of characters give snake trouble.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
Didn't ADHD use IC at some point at Pound 4?

I thought I heard that, but I might of been someone else...

@Kalo, Yeah, they lost a lot of footage and they promised a video of something so they pulled something together of whatever they had left.


Smash Cadet
Sep 6, 2009
When I can upthrow Snake with falcon and juggle him for a good bit and then grab him later and bair him after his cypher for the kill he isnt the best character, and this isnt theory craft, snake has a huuuuuuuge weakness. MK and maybe even diddy are better characters. Snake is just olimar on crack. plenty of characters give snake trouble.
not to mention ddd is a complete counter to snake


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
Does anyone know where I can find a twinrova theme sheet music? I've searched EVERYWHERE and I can't find it! I'M DYING!


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Awesome quote, first of all. And he's true to boot. You see a Scizor, it's an easy assumption that you're either going to lose at least one Pokemon OR your tank is gonna get hit really, really hard. There are counters, but not many HARD counters, and even those counters can lose due to luck.
I've had my Zapdos fall to a CB BP crit when he would have lived. It was a sad moment and cost me that match but Zapdos completely ***** Scizor. Though a CB U-turn Scizor with SR out is a HUGE pain in the ***.
Moltress is a 100% scizor conter
but stealth rock is a 90% counter to moltres
Zapdos > Moltres

cresselia suicune yanmega dusknoir salamence moltres zapdos slowbro bronzong(if they dont have scarf which they usually dont) magnezone gengar deoxys-e registeel can like hard counter scizor technically

and dragonite leafeon vaporeon flareon skarmory fortress infernape swampert can all hurt one quick

nvm **** it scizor sucks

they buffed him to make him better hes def top 20 in the game but then again the platinum metagame is a bunch of

"man i wish _____ had ____ move,then they would be really good"

i wish i could wipe all the useless pokemon info from my brain


im glad you had fun

hobo 12 was amazing ,first mkless hobo

doesnt mean people didnt get bananad and cged all day
<3 Kailo. Now to rip you apart *******

Bug Bite says hi to Cress, Slowbro, Bronzong, Leafeon, and Deoxys E.

Suicune and Vaporeon do a nice job and can (Vappy better than Cune just because of Wish/Protect) ware it down with Surf, but both take some good damage from Bug Bite. I already know you meant Milotic and not Yanmega so lol.

Non-scarf Magnezone gets ***** by Superpower.

Lol Flareon. I wouldn't even know what to think if I saw him.

Dragonite can't switch into Scizor's BP with SR out because he'll be 2HKOd.

Same goes for Dusknoir that I said about Dnite.

Scizor gives Gengar the **** with BP.

Infernape can counter him, but switching into a CB BP with SR out can 2HKO him if IRC.

Pert gets 2HKOd by Bug Bite, trust me on this one because I do it all the time. I actually use SCIZOR to counter PERT as funny as it sounds.

Forretress, really is just a suicide counter. He can't touch Scizor and Scizor can't touch him. So pretty much send Ftress in and explode. It's really all he can do or else you're just asking SD Scizor to set up on you.

Now for the few counters that just completely counter him.

Moltres: he has a horrid time with SR, but with a spinner or a horrible opponent (one that doesn't use SR) you can easily wall and OHKO Scizor.

Registeel: has trouble with an SDer packing Superpower/BB, but he can ware down Scizor before too much damage is done.

Skarm: he's like Registeel, just better (at countering Scizor).

Zapdos: quite arguably the BEST Scizor counter. Even with SR, there is nothing that Scizor has that can even dent Zapdos, then Zapdos can roost off any SR damage/switch in damage or just outright out run him and OHKO Scizor with Heatwave.

Finally everyone has missed probably the second best Scizor counter IMO, which is Gyarados. He can intimidate, and resists everything Scizor uses, then can just DD>Waterfall.

OH one more, Heatran also does a very good job of countering him since he'll always out speed Scizor he doesn't have to worry about Superpower/BB, though he will have to be careful to not switch INTO a Superpower/BB.

Cresselia can only stall Scizor. If they're both out at the same time, Cresselia won't have ample time to Calm Mind and then attack. Most Cresselia pack Pyschic, Ice Beam/Charge Beam, Calm Mind, and Moonlight. Scizor's just gonna Bullet Punch spam while Cresselia gets one Calm Mind off max and then tries to Moonlight. Only way Cresselia's gonna win is if she gets off some Calm Minds before Scizor comes out OR she's packing HP Fire.

Yanmega doesn't have anything to OHKO Scizor. Yanmega's fast, but it won't even have a chance to attack since Scizor has Bullet Punch. GG.

Suicune can wall much better than Cresselia here, but I wouldn't call it a counter. It's a tank that may beat Scizor in the long run, depending on how the reads play out.

Duskknoir can possibly with Fire Punch, but you're likely going to have to OHKO Scizor. Dusknoir's got awesome Defense, but its HP is crap, and BP Scizor often packs Life Orb for even more oomph. Dusknoir can Will-o-wisp Scizor, though, and make it much easier to beat for the next Pokemon.

Salamence will cut Scizor's Attack and like Suicune, this comes down to reads. Only move Salamence has that will easily put a dent in Scizor is Fire Fang, and no Salamence packs that. Specialmence though, would absolutely OHKO Scizor. Then again, most are physical variants.

Gotta go to class, so I'll finish the rest of this later, but I will say that Steel-types have the potential to do well against Scizor. Most BP Scizors use BP, Roost, Swords Dance, and then Quick Attack/Brick Break. If the Scizor has QA and not BB, then any Steel-type will counter Scizor. But if that Steel-type's just a pure tank, then Scizor's likely to switch out or just go for some Swords Dances. A pure Steel tank is going to have a hard time attacking Scizor since the tank doesn't have much Attack and Scizor has decent Defenses, and you won't be using Toxic to slowly wear down Scizor since it's immune to Poison. Skarmory definitely messes with Scizor, though; I'll give you that.
Good stuff Zigsta. Though I have to say you're over looking Bug Bite. That move raaaapes so hard. It 2HKOs most Swamperts. It ***** Cress. It ***** most of anything. I kinda skimmed over your post.

Dusknoir IMO doesn't counter him because he can't switch into a BP, he'll be 2HKOd by it if I remember correctly with SR dmg.

Mence doesn't really counter him either, he just forces the switch. He DDs then picks something off with Outrage only to be revenged by Scizor's BP. Btw a good Mence will pack Flamethrower even if it's physical, just for Scizor.

Mango beat M2k at pound 3. Before brawl was even out.

And sigh, why is there always a MK ban argument here after the best character in the game is being used alot at a national tournament for alot of money .. consisting of alot of competitive people..

I mean, think about, if he's been deemed the best character in the game, that means alot of people will use him JUST for that reason alone. Meaning there will be more top MK players than the rest of the cast. If he's still beatable, then he should be left alone. Some people waste more time complaining about him, than actually learning how to overcome him.

One thing about Mk is that you already know generally what he can do, and the more original your character is, the more of an advantage that is to you since the MK player might not know how to fight your character.
I <3 you
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