Xsyven's right. Steer the ship back away from tangent island!
Allow me to try: (This may sound familiar to some)
There are three degrees to which someone can be against something: (these are just my terms)
Level 1: You do not find the action wrong in any way, but do not happen to do it yourself.
-For example, I find nothing morally wrong with musicals, yet I do not watch them myself.
Level 2: You find the action wrong, but do not care if others do it.
-For example, I find the TV show "The Wiggles" quite reprehensible, yet I do not advocate that it be removed from the air.
Level 3: You find something so wrong that you don't want to allow others to do it.
-Easy example is murder. It's wrong, and I don't want others doing it.
Now, why would anyone be level 3 against Gay Marriage or being gay in general? It in no way harms anyone. I can understand that your religious beliefs may lead you to being Level 2 against it, but why level 3? Why should others not be allowed to do it?