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Heroes, a reason to watch NBC this fall


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
The brain is responsible for their power.

After watching the episode, I am hypothesizing that Sylar's power is that he can understand things. When Chandra first came to visit him, Sylar immediately knew that his watch was broken and fixed it. Also, after Chandra told him about his theory Sylar quickly realized that it "made sense". And after he invited Brian over he realized the power must have been coming from the brain and knew how to take that power from him by removing his brain.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
The brains are needed because, as Chandra says, every action, voluntary and involuntary, comes from the brain - his theory is that the evolutionary powers also come from the brain. Sylar needs them and, somehow "fixing" them as he says, absorbs and uses them for himself.

The next episode promo states that one of the Heroes is going to die. I call that it's going to be Niki Sanders - to protect her family from Jessica, she'll kill herself so that Jessica can't harm anyone ever again.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I don't think it will be Nikki; with new villains coming to the fore front, I don't think she will suddenly disappear. Although she may just kill Jessica and be left with her power.

I think the producers may introduce a new hero (some one we've seen before but never knew they had powers) and kill them since it seems as if every lead Hero still has quite a bit of character to flesh out.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Great episode. . .but only because of Hiro and Sylar. Man, Hiro gets screwed all the time. He can't even get the girl. . .and when he tries to save her, he realizes she's doomed to die anyways. Rough.

And some people are suggesting that Sylar only needs to see the brain to see how the power works, and somehow modifies his brain to mimic their powers permanently, like he does with watches. I disagree--I'm pretty sure Sylar's eating brains, a la Zombie style. If you recall, Issac (the painter) had his brain missing in Hiro's trip to the future in episode 2.

Next week, I guarantee you that Claire dies. The whole point of this episode was that you can't change the future. This being the case, if Future Hiro tried to go back in time to stop some post-apocalyptic world from happening because of Claire's death, then Claire needs to die for that future to occur. . .and since you can't change fate, she has to be dead.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Hmm, that may be so. But keep in mind that present Hiro is different from future Hiro, someone who has what looks to be full control of his powers.

Then again, there hasn't been a case where Isaac's paintings didn't come true. The part where Claire is dead by Sylar might still happen.

I'm still looking at Niki to die, but it could indeed be Claire instead.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I thought the point of the waitress not being able to be saved was that something that already happened cannot be changed. Hiro went back in time to save her and she developed a blood clot and died. When Ando asked if he tried anything else, Hiro said that nothing could save her. I think this may be an attempt by the writers to avoid what the Heroes would really do; send Hiro back in time to just take care of what ever villains they are against. Once they know who Sylar is, Hiro could just go back in time and stop it but with this revelation he can't. Right now Peter and the others are trying to save Claire from what will happen, not what has happened. Just my opinion though.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I hate time travel. If you think about it too much it can make your brain hurt. Here is an example...
In Future Hiro's past I assume the cheerleader wasn't saved, thus he knew to save her in the first place. He goes back and tells them to save her. But if they saved her then she didn't die in FHiro's past. So he wouldn't have said "save the cheerleader, save the world" because the cheerleader was saved. She wasn't in danger in his past. So he never would have said that, and the Heroes wouldn't have united to save her. So she would have died. So then Hiro comes back and tells them, they save her so he didn't come back. It is an endless cycle, unless I missed something.
Head beginning to hurt...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I just thought, what if they didn't really save the cheerleader? We all assumed that Claire was the one he meant, but what if it was Jackie?
I think that they did and Claire is the one he meant, but you never know. Jackie may not have powers, but now Sylar knows of Peter, who can mimick powers, and Claire, who heals, which could lead to Hiro and Isaac and Peter's brother. If he escapes from Mr. Bennet, or Mr. Bennet may send Sylar after Peter and everyone involved with her rescue, he didn't want her to be known as a Hero, remember?

A lot of unlikelihoods, I know, but maybe.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2005
Nah Mr. Bennet is a good to go kinda guy. Sylar on the other hand, super evil. Incrediblly conceptual type of evil too, very enjoyable.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I hate time travel. If you think about it too much it can make your brain hurt. Here is an example...
In Future Hiro's past I assume the cheerleader wasn't saved, thus he knew to save her in the first place. He goes back and tells them to save her. But if they saved her then she didn't die in FHiro's past. So he wouldn't have said "save the cheerleader, save the world" because the cheerleader was saved. She wasn't in danger in his past. So he never would have said that, and the Heroes wouldn't have united to save her. So she would have died. So then Hiro comes back and tells them, they save her so he didn't come back. It is an endless cycle, unless I missed something.
Head beginning to hurt...
:/Just think about it this way. If you "time travel," you dont really go back in time, but you're actually going into an exact, parrallel universe. When you change the outcome of an event in this other world, the original world you were in is not changed at all. Only the current world you entered has changed. You can live in this new, changed world in bliss while the inhabitants of the formerworld live without you.

*I dont believe in parrallel universes or time travel. Dont debate me in this thing I just pulled out of nowhere.*


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
When Hiro said he couldn't save Charlie I don't think it necessarily means he can't change the past. You see Charlie had a blood clot and even if he had saved her from Sylar she would have died anyways. I think that was his realization, not the inablity to change the past.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2005
Yeah it's kinda stupid to think "Well actually everyone has some sort of deadly ailment and you can't save them for that reason alone!! *director smirks*"


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I'm thinking they're just using that as an example. While Hiro didn't go into specifics, he said he tried to save her and couldn't. Did he try multiple times? Maybe. But regardless, no amount of his time travel could change the fact that she was going to die. It's just like when Ando told him he could go back in time and save the lives of the poker guys from Jessica. I doubt he will go back and save them after realizing he couldn't even save the waitress. But I have been known to predict poorly...


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
So... It's fate. Fate has complete control and nothing Hiro does can stop it. He saves aboy scout from getting hit by a car who just ends up falling off a cliff anyways. lame


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
OMg this episode was very good i liked it alot there were alto parts that was very intresting

I like that Issac finall did it sober

Also how can peter be the Bomb!? What the fux ?
Eden is dead!? holy ****

My favorite was one the hatian is really the good guy!

Niki goes to jail but seems like in the future shes released !

to save the world peter takes the power of Nuke guy and when he has all the powers near him he stays alive because futer hiro mentions he has a scar

Does that mean after the explosion they all survive!?


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
My roommate called Sylar killing Eden, though she technically killed herself. It makes me wonder if Mr. Bennet (whom I always want to call the G-Man) has some sort of power as Sylar didn't break through the glass when he threatened him. Maybe the Haitian who can seemingly nullify powers was nearby.

Speaking of the Haitian, I'm glad he is more a good guy than bad. Though I sense a point when the G-Man will realize what he is doing and show his true colors.

I'm glad to see that the Heroes are finally coming together and accepting the other's powers. I loved how Hiro told Ando that he really wants to get the sword from the dinosaur picture!

So Peter supposedly blows up, though I doubt it actually happens since he didn't have the scar Hiro told him about in the future. I guess he must have gained Sprague's power (radioactivity), but I dont know why that would just make him blow up. Also, didn't Peter's brother look a little too menacing in the vision? I thought he did.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
Darn, I kinda liked Eden.

I think that Peter either blows up because there are too many Heroes near him, or he copied Sprague's ability and couldn't control it.

Is that the first time the Haitian talked all season?

Any ideas on why Peter fainted? Or why he dreams this?

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
From the beginning, Peter's always had some kind of dream involving himself and his powers. Maybe there's more to Peter than what's been said.

This episode was fantastic. I should have realized Eden was the one to die. And yes, I'm glad the Heroes are finally starting to come together, though DL, Micah, and Niki are still somewhat out of the loop. But uh oh, Sylar's loose again.

EDIT: No, Sylar's NOT loose. According to the web comic, he was caught right after Eden died.

We'll just have to see what happens next.

Time for replays.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Darn. Sylar's not dead. It wasn't that I didn't like him as a character. It's just that I thought he really should have died after falling off that building, and a supervillian being saved by the good guys is just lame. :(

I feel bad for Claire. She just went through the whole PBS "be yourself" lesson and now she has no friends.

Too bad Eden died. I hate having the idea that Sylar has her powers. Again, he deserves to die.

I'm guessing that one of Sylar's abilities that he stole is the ability to make his body become hard or stone-like.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
WoZ, do you have a link straight to the web comic?

I think that there may be a possibility that Peter can permanently harness others abilities. His vision ended with the exact same image as Isaac's painting. Also, if this were true it would give Peter, arguably the main Hero, an advantage over the also power assembling Sylar.

Also, how did they recatch Sylar? The Haitian?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
Sylar didn't get Eden's powers, she blew her head off. Ow.

Who still thinks Mr. Bennet isn't bad? He mind wipes his whole family, and apparently works for a bigger power. He is called the "face of evil", right? I think he is just the tip of an iceburg, something much deeper is behind it. With friends like him, who needs enimies?

Yeah, I am confused about those dreams. The only other one I remember was the flying out the window one.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
It didn't show that her head was blown off. It just showed some blood spraying. However, I dont know much about guns in relation to the human body so...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
Well, I don't either. Though I doubt that Sylar could have gotten much out of her brain, which may have been on the wall. The show probably couldn't have brains splattered all over the place. I liked her too, I thought they would kill Nikki.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Sylar definitely didn't gather Eden's powers. His original power was being able to understand how everything works. Eden knew this and once her plan backfired, she decided to kill herself in a way that Sylar could not understand her power; by destroying her mind with a bullet.

One of the things that is both intriguing me and worrying me is the Haitian and Sylar. The Haitian seems to have a nullifying power or something akin and has so far (web comic included) captured Sylar twice with out any fight. I find it odd that so far he is both stronger than the main villain and frightening that if Sylar happened to gain his powers.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2005

Yeah I question how they may have recaptured/kept Sylar captured. I also question why Mr. Bennet was stupid enough to leave Sylar there and send his god-modding Hatian out to do some dirty work.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
The webcomic is on nbc.com.

Peter has been able to see visions through his dreams even before he made contact with Isaac. I think that makes him somewhat clairvoyant "naturally," though I use that term loosely for obvious reasons.

Eden pointed the gun at her head before Sylar could take her powers. In the webcomic, right after Eden dies, Bennet and the Haitian run in and shoots tranqulizers at Sylar - I guess it had some effect, especially with the Haitian mentally blocking Sylar's powers.

The Haitian speaks for the first time and decides not to erase Claire's memories as ordered. Somehow, that gives me a good impression of him.

This is the situation/recap for each Hero as of now:

Mohinder returns to New York and begins to work on searching for the names on the list. He tries to call what seems to be the FBI to help him with his search, but is ignored, despite some of the people on the list being killed off.

Micah and DL are still on the run. DL is injured from a shot fired from Jessica's sniper rifle, and Micah is currently limping from his injuries when Jessica flings him to the side. It's unknown at this point what they're going to do.

Niki, upon returning to her normal self and realizing that she can't be trusted, volunteers to be arrested for murder. It's possible she's being questioned at a police station or even in jail at this point.

Hiro and Ando make contact with Isaac, where they explain everything to each other up to this point. Hiro shows the comic he brought from the future and gives some details about his journey, such as the bomb and Isaac's death. Isaac realizes that he's beginning to have some control over his power without the heroin, and his latest precog image shows Hiro fighting a dinosaur with his sword in hand. Hiro comments about needing to find the sword.

Eden, of course, is dead. She had wanted to kill Sylar using her powers of persuasion, telling Sylar to kill himself with a gun, but failed miserably when Sylar uses his powers to drag Eden through the glass window. At the last desperate moment, she aims the gun to her head and kills herself, probably to prevent Sylar from taking her powers. Sylar, meanwhile, is re-captured by Bennet and the Haitian.

Claire is panicked that the people around her have suddenly lost memory of recent events, such as her brother no longer knowing about her powers, and her friend Zach suddenly claiming she hasn't spoken to him since 6th grade. She assumes that the people trying to kill her are to blame, to which she calls her father about the situation. Meanwhile, the Haitian sneaks into her room and suddenly grabs her, explaining to her that he was meant to erase her memories as he was ordered to by her father, just like her family and friends - her mother apparently needed her memories erased multiple times. However, he chooses that it's important for Claire to retain her memories, then asks if she could keep a secret.

Matt and Audrey meet up with Peter to question him about the Sylar case at the high school. Matt tries to read Peter's mind, only to have his power mimicked through Peter. Later on, Audrey questions Claire and Mr. Bennett, whom which Matt tries to use his telepathy powers on, but only hears a strange static sound. It's shown that the Haitian is responsible, and Matt suspects he's heard the sound before he was kidnapped. Following Bennett to his place of work, Matt and Audrey see Bennett meeting with the Haitian, in which Matt tries to use his powers again. Concentrating harder than ever, Matt gets a nosebleed, but manages to get the word "Sylar."

Peter meets up with Claire and realizes her healing ability, though he seems to be sick, coughing everywhere. Nathan comes and frees him from the police station, and as Nathan tries to explain the situation, he collapses onto the ground and has another vision - he's in an empty city, cars abandoned on the streets. One by one, he sees each Hero staring at him, some of them trying to reach out to him while others try to keep away. He stares at his hands and realizes that he was going to explode. He wakes up, muttering "It's all my fault." Then he falls unconscious once again.

I think I covered that pretty well. Am I missing anything?


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Maybe Peter's precognitive dreams are coming from the young boy that was responsible for Mohinder's dreams? It could be a possibility.

Yeah, I believe that was everything in the episode. However, the trailer was kind of disappointing; it feels as if they just replaced "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" with "Who is on the List?" as the catchy tag the propels all of the episodes.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
maybe cause they saved the cheerleader? so they changed the catch phrase, and i wanna know why peter is gonna be nuke man, maybe cause theres so many people with abilities his body cant take it and he becomes nukedude...

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
As far as we know, Peter also had no contact with Sanjog (The name of the little boy.) However, Sanjog's powers seem to only show events that have already happened, and not possible future's like Peter does. Both like both characters, they seem to be able to interact with other people's dreams. (Sanjog with Mohinder, and possibly Peter with Charles, Simone's father).

I want to assume that he has a little bit of clairvoyance as well as his powers of mimicry.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
This show is dumb TT_____TT
My favorite character died and now I have to wait a week just to see how the story continues with out her. I wanna break stuff, like sylars face or something.
Translation: The show is amazing you fall in love with the characters almost instantly. And the plot is so well done You can't help but watch and see what come next. I had no idea this thread was so popular or I'd of been here after the first episode.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Why are we using spoiler tags. . .?

RIP to Pixie Chick/Eden. I was starting to like her too, especially since her power is incredibly overpowered. The "power of persuasion" (as Sylar put it) is a pretty valuable one. . .it's too bad she had to go.

And yet again, the show has managed to make me like Psycop even more. Loved the scene where the lady FBI agent gets caught making socially incriminating thoughts. "You know, sometimes, he can be pretty cute. Oh no. . .did he just hear that?"

And Sylar = too broken. How he managed to get out of the power-dampening room makes absolutely no sense at all. Obviously, the room itself manages to neutralize powers, no Mr. Clean necessary--so Sylar's armswing that magically shattered a huge sheet of safety glass just didn't add up. There better be an explanation for this.

And Peter's sudden physical deterioration and precog vision is pretty weird too. He's obviously had his share of weird visions (Nathan's car accident, Simone's father), but precognition is just out there. I'm not too sure what's going on--maybe Sylar's already looked at the brain of a precog hero, and Peter's absorbed it. Doesn't explain his coughing though.

Great episode. I can't wait for the next season. . .hopefully, 24 and Heroes will run in different time slots. If not, then I have to ask my brother to Tivo it for me.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Honestly, I would have rather had Matt die than Eden. I just think he is just so boring in comparison.

Most of us are thinking that Peter's sick because of power absorbtion and I thought the same thing. Mr.B said that because Sylar had taken so many powers his DNA was warped and he was "sick"(not sure if he meant this physically, mentally or both).

So I thought maybe this is why they needed to save Claire.Her power might be able to help Peter become well again. Or not, that might be kinda out there.

After the show ended it said new episodes continue Jan 22, on the website it says Jan 1. Either way I'm amazed a new show was able to have so many episodes during the fall and start again so soon after. Most new shows wouldn't start again until March.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Hmmm, was this the first time Peter has absorbed other's powers back to back? I mean, I know he has borrowed Isaac's and Nathan's at some point but there was an extended period of time between them. Now, he just borrowed Claire's healing, he could have possibly (unintentionally) though probably didn't borrow Sylar's, and then he borrow's Matt's within a couple of hours. Maybe right now his body can't handle switching powers so fast and that is why he is sick.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I don't think petter explodes because the future hiro was friends with him...

petter = "the bomb" then petter != hiro's friend.
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