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Heroes, a reason to watch NBC this fall


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
That's not true. The brain is always the last organ to die out. Just because the body isn't functioning anymore doesn't mean her brain still can't function. Death of the body =/= death of the brain. In fact, doctors don't consider patients dead until they know for sure that the brain itself is dead, despite the body being lifeless.

Speaking of which, Conscious thought =/= brain power. There is, after all, subconscious as well, which could in part help in her overall healing ability as well. The brain gives the body natural instincts to survive - you don't control adreneline pumping into your body when you need to run from a predator. Your brain automatically tells your body to do so. For Claire, her healing ability happens to her naturally, but only through the subconscious act of the brain.
I didn't really want to use the word conscious, I should have said concious or subconscious thought. Because for all intents and purposes Claire was dead, eyes glazed, skin pale, ...chest cut wide open. I just don't think using more brain power had anything to do with it because there wouldn't be any brain activity in a situation like that.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
But here's what we know. She didn't stay dead, right? Why not? Because her brain remained undamaged.

However, we know how Claire can die, and thats by removing her brain. This is what's going to happen to her if the other Heroes don't save her in time. It's the only reason I see as to how she can stay permanently dead.

Otherwise, if the source of her powers really isn't her brain, then a new brain would have just formed in her body and her head would heal itself up.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
Funny how we are mainly talking about last weeks episode and not this week's one....

In (what was the brothers name?) painting I think it showed Claire with a huge hole in her chest and her arms off, but I could be wrong. And I probably am.
I agree that all functions of the body, even if they are supernatural, must be controlled by the brain.

In the next episode is Nikki finally going to communicate with her alter ego?
How much does Mikah know of what is going on?


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
But here's what we know. She didn't stay dead, right? Why not? Because her brain remained undamaged.

However, we know how Claire can die, and thats by removing her brain. This is what's going to happen to her if the other Heroes don't save her in time. It's the only reason I see as to how she can stay permanently dead.

Otherwise, if the source of her powers really isn't her brain, then a new brain would have just formed in her body and her head would heal itself up.

Haha, well I still don't agree. The stick was jammed through her head and she didn't begin to heal until after it was pulled. We know that people can live with only portions of the brain. The first act of the body would be self-preservation, as gross as a stick in her head would be if the brain was controlling everything that's what would have happened to keep her alive.If the stick was left in her body would have decomposed over time.

"Otherwise, if the source of her powers really isn't her brain, then a new brain would have just formed in her body and her head would heal itself up."

Remember though when she had a rib sticking out of her in the first episode? It didn't heal until it was put back in place. And when she was cut open she didn't heal until she put her skin back in the proper place. Never has she grown another missing part.

I just think it has to deal with genetics because healing is something that is natural and doesn't require thought. Nikki and her husband seem like they may have passed on some ability to Mikah. Peter and Nathan both have abilities. Until it's said that it is from brain use and not genetics, I'm stickin with that.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Remember though when she had a rib sticking out of her in the first episode? It didn't heal until it was put back in place. And when she was cut open she didn't heal until she put her skin back in the proper place. Never has she grown another missing part.
I disagree here. Remember when she stuck her finger in the garbage disposal? Her index finger was cut off, and it grew back later on.

At least, that's what it looked like. I could indeed be wrong about it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
(^just noticed unusual dancing mascots sig....not something you see everyday...)

I think it was bent at a very....painful angle. Ow.

To heal the brain must send (don't want to go back to biology) stuff to heal the wound, and signals must be sent to the brain to tell it something is wrong, also called pain.

But a brain probably couldn't heal a brain, or regenate an organ or bone. Well, not quickly anyway.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Heroes tonight.

Anyone wondering what's going to happen? I'm still curious about the DL situation.

I've been reading the online graphic novel, and it seems to show that DL is not only a good person who believes he's been framed, but is also still very much in love with Niki. With a son, I'm sure he feels he has a duty as a father as well.

Then there's the whole Peter meeting with Isaac and going to meet with Hiro. We've got 3 Heroes now who are going to try to save a Cheerleader. Unfortunately for both Peter and Isaac, they're both still in NY, while Claire is in Texas I believe? With Hiro currently in Las Vegas, as well as Niki and Nathan being in the same location, he might be their best chances at saving her.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
(^ now being slightly scared by winking/smiling Chinese man on above sig)

Where do you read the novel? Is it online or a paperback?

(can't stop staring at sig.....)

Well, Hiro may just be able to stop time and let them get to Texas in a few seconds...if he could control his power.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
From the trailer, DL, Hiro, and Peter's brother (forgot his name) meet in the desert, so that may be a brief coalition right there. But now that Claire's dad knows that they are coming for her...

Edit: Also, your sig is hypnotizing.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
The episode, unfortunately, was rather lacking, and I wasn't very satisfied with what happened - it seemed like there was no progression made.

The basis of this episode seemed to focus more on DL and Niki, which is fine and dandy with the introduction of a new character, but we barely see any sort of progress with the new story arc - the premise of what the show introduced in an earlier episode - Save the Cheerleader, Save the World.

Later on, we find out that Eden is connected to Mr. Bennet. I seriously groaned when this scene began - the whole "everything is connected" is starting to turn me off. In fact, it's starting to feel like a soap opera now. Blah. Mr Bennet's reaction to Hiro's prediction about the cheerleader seemed to disturb him. I think I'm starting to see that he might not be a villian at all, but my solid judgement on that will still be in the air.

As back to DL and Niki, one thing I'd like to know is why Alter-Niki did what she did - what were her motives to framing DL and taking the 2 million dollars? Is it just because she's just evil? That symbol resembling the RNA molecule showed up again, this time on Niki's back. It makes me wonder if these "Heroes" were simply experiments that were released or escaped, with their memories erased by the mysterious man, and they were marked with that symbol on their backs. Could Dr. Bennet be involved in that? Could Mohinder's father be also involved in it as well? I guess we'll find out in the next episode.

One thing's for sure - Niki isn't dead. They wouldn't kill her character off so early in the show.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I agree, this episode was lacking.
Did they forget they only have a short time to before the city explodes? Where's the sense of urgency?

I don't think Niki is dead either. Did I miss something or was their no preview for next week?

And with what Claires mother said it seems that this abilities are genetic. :p

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
There was indeed a preview.

Later on, DL and Micah meet up with Hiro and Ando. Also, Claire's brother seems to have found out about her powers. Lastly, the narrator states that their powers are beginning to be revealed to the world.

Edit: Niki's alter-ego has been named Jessica by the writers of the show. You can read an interview by the director and Ali Larter, the actress who plays Niki, by clicking here.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2005
I thought it was lacking only by comparison to the fact that all other episodes were exponentially more amazing than the last. I think it was nice to take a step back for a second and be like "Whoah, we can't move on just yet, these issues are stopping us from moving forward" then only thing that irritates me is just how repetetive the scenes with Saresh are. It's like "I give up, or DO I???" NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER ANYMORE, SHUTUP.

I'm wayyy more interested in Hiro and the horn-wrimmed glasses man.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Rofl at HeroSublime's comment about Suresh. Seriously, he's contributed absolutely nothing to the show. . .even his narrative voiceovers at the beginning of each episode do nothing since they're so utterly vague and irritating.

I think what made this episode so lackluster was that it was supposed to be an episode of shocking revelations--except everything that was revealed was predictable. I mean, really. . .after watching 5 seasons of 24 where they basically have a moles-R-us, I think I can spot an undercover agent when I see one. That, and the reveal about Nikki was predictable as well.

The only good things about this episode were that the writers finally decided to stick to a few characters for a more cohesive story, and that it's starting to look like HRG guy isn't as evil as he appears to be.

I'm willing to bet that once the existence of the metahumans leaks out, there'll be a huge rampage to root out every last one of them and collectively persecute them for the danger that they pose to society. At this point, someone will band them together to create a brotherhood of "heroes" to oppose mankind, and to promote the safety and existence of the superior metahumans. Eventually, a war will result, and. . .

. . .wait. That sounds oddly familiar. . .:dizzy:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
Well Suresh did contribute his father, and by that the book that he wrote. Which may have a big part. But give the guy a break, he doesn't have powers (or does he? The power of whining?...) and it will take him awhile to become a big player.

Why do people think the dad is not bad? He has manipulated and lied to a girl for her entire life, he has erased another boy's memory (even if he did deserve it), he captured a cop and we don't know what he did to him, we don't know what he was going to do to Peter's brother, he has spies in key places and he just screams badness.

Of course their powers are, more or less, based on genetics, we learned that in the first or second episode. Suresh and his dad are/were geneticists.

How much happened in the comic between last week's and this one? DL went from the "associate" to a troubled parent. Big change.

There doesn't seem to be much reason for Jessica stealing and framing DL. Was it all for Micah? I wonder what DL did to her. Also Micah might need therapy after this episode.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I must agree with everyone that the episode really didn't do much plot-wise. It did give a huge amount of backstory to Niki and her family but nothing else happened.

As for Mr. Bennet, it's hard to tell who's side he is on as of present. He didn't really seem interested when he heard of Hiro's existence, and yet he was focused on getting Issac. After hearing the message about saving the cheerleader, he seemed to show some surprise, proving that he does care for Claire.

And the RNA symbol shows up once again.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I think that he was surprised because now people are going to try to save her. As in someone (or many people) are going to try to stop him. He may be the one who is going to get her, and they want to stop him.
Save the Cheerleader could equal Stop the Dad.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Well, this week's episode was more enjoyable, and we were able to discover some new things.

Micah's power is technopathy. He has the power to use eletronic devices and such with his mind, perhaps even with just his touch.

As confirmed in this episode, Niki's alter ego is indeed Jessica.

Peter can apparently still fly and has better control over his mimicry powers. Since Nathan was nowhere in sight when Peter flew with Charles, which by the way is highly believed to have been true, it shows that Peter's powers of mimicry do have a lingering effect from other powers, or maybe it's even something permanent.

We have a new "Hero" who can control radiation by the name of Theodore Sprague. He mentioned that if he wanted to, he could blow up the entire city. He might be connected to the atomic blast that wipes out Manhattan in the future.

Claire's brother knows her sister's powers, and while he panicked, he seems to have calmed down about it.

This is also the first time we've seen two Heroes in action to save someone, though unbeknownst to each other - Hiro and Ando stop behind DL and Micah in front of a car crash. DL phases through the car to unlock the door and save the woman trapped inside, while Hiro stops time on the impending explosion and shoves them out of the way.

Speaking of Jessica, it seems that this alter ego is taking a more dominant role, but it's clear now that she defines herself as a different person. We also know that Micah's not stupid and knows about his mother's powers - perhaps his secondary power is high intelligence.

Isaac's missing in this episode and he's gone off somewhere, but we see that in the next episode, he's with Mr. Bennet. The preview says we'll finally find out which side he's on.

One thing I noticed is that Theodore had a small tattoo on the back of his neck which shows two small parallel lines. Matt Parkman has this as well.

Speaking of Matt, wow I feel sorry for him. In the next episode, it seems that he'll discover that there are others with powers like his, since he's the only Hero right now who is somewhat out of the loop, but is connected to Sylar anyhow.

And that's about it. If there's anything else anyone wants to discuss, feel free to post it.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I thought Sprague said that he doesn't know how to control his powers and that if they shot him he might explode and destroy the city. But I guess that is nit picking.

I saw the lines on Matt's shoulder. Are they not two lines of the RNA symbol? I know that Nikki/Jessica has them too. Maybe once they become more adept at their powers it slowly shows itself?

Hmm, my roommates think Mr. Bennet (they call him the G-Man) is a good guy, but I'm thinking it could be double psychology. If he were trying to gather all of the "Heroes" why would he do it by force with his mute, psychic buddy? Oh well. Hopefully we'll find out next week.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I thought that Peter was dreaming. It seemed a lot like a dream. Why is he still so focused on flying? He already painted the future, not as cool but more useful.

Wasn't Theodore Syler? I don't think he is but the show said something about a connection. He seems more like a villain, he has already killed people, not to mention burning the nurses arm. I did notice a big foreshadowing, he screamed out "I might blow up the city", seems kinda blunt. Not much subtly.

I thought that mark looked like a scratch or something, like they were bitten. I don't know, but all these little signs are getting kinda annoying.

Wasn't the mute pyschic buddy DL? I wonder who's side DL is on if it was.

It looked like Suresh is going to be the focus of nexts weeks episode. Wasn't there a scene in India?

I still think Mr. Bennet (aka G-man) is a villain.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I believe the FBI agent with Matt thought it was Syler, but Matt realized that the way the man was murdered didn't fit Syler's way.I also don't think Theodore Sprague is a villain; he just found out he has a radioactive/fire power that he can't control. When he was upset at the oncologist not being able to save his wife, he grabbed him in frustration and, since as of now he can't control his newfound powers, he accidentally killed him. I think it also explains all the burnt things in his house; he was so emotional looking over pictures of his terminally ill wife that his power activated and burnt them.

No, the G-Man's psychic buddy isn't DL. The fact that he already has a "hero" with him makes me want to say he is trying to gather them all together (as he obviously knows a lot about them), but I have a feeling it may be for his own wants. I still say he's a villain in the end.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Loved this week's episode. It was mostly setup, though there were some interesting things revealed, and some eerie scenes as well. So, we know that:

- Horned-Rimmed Glasses guy (Claire's Dad) has been tagging metahumans and tracking them for a very long time--at least 15 years or more. I still don't think he's evil though.

- Eden (elfin girl who works for HRG) has the power to "persuade" people through speech.

- Both Radioactive Man and Matt (telepathic cop) had been tagged, and afterwards experienced a loss of control of their powers.

- Radioactive Man is now MIA and on the loose

- Sylar is still active and now confirmed to have telekinetic powers. He's also incredibly proficient at what he does (didn't even take a second for WikiWaitress to die).

- Mohinder actually has an interesting storyline--he's re-living the past a la some weird kid's powers.

- Hiro doesn't have full control over his powers--apparently he jumped too far back in time, as evidenced by the picture of the B-day party on the wall.

All I can think of for now. But yeah, things are finally coming towards the encounter of Sylar vs. Claire, although it looks like Peter will be there to help out. I can't wait for a decent battle sequence between metahumans. Peter vs. Sylar will be interesting indeed.


Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
Loved this week's episode. It was mostly setup, though there were some interesting things revealed, and some eerie scenes as well. So, we know that:

- Horned-Rimmed Glasses guy (Claire's Dad) has been tagging metahumans and tracking them for a very long time--at least 15 years or more. I still don't think he's evil though.

- Eden (elfin girl who works for HRG) has the power to "persuade" people through speech.

- Both Radioactive Man and Matt (telepathic cop) had been tagged, and afterwards experienced a loss of control of their powers.

- Radioactive Man is now MIA and on the loose

- Sylar is still active and now confirmed to have telekinetic powers. He's also incredibly proficient at what he does (didn't even take a second for WikiWaitress to die).

- Mohinder actually has an interesting storyline--he's re-living the past a la some weird kid's powers.

- Hiro doesn't have full control over his powers--apparently he jumped too far back in time, as evidenced by the picture of the B-day party on the wall.

All I can think of for now. But yeah, things are finally coming towards the encounter of Sylar vs. Claire, although it looks like Peter will be there to help out. I can't wait for a decent battle sequence between metahumans. Peter vs. Sylar will be interesting indeed.
yeah, next week will be where everybody comes together. ("Save the cheerleader, save the world.") Oh, and if you want, i'll try to make you a mario sig maelstrom.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
The fight between Peter and Sylar will be interesting; Sylar will essentially be fighting himself. This is probably where Peter will get that scar Hiro referenced on the train.

I still think that Claire's father is a bad guy. He may be trying to "help" the heroes, but the way in which he does it and to what purposes he uses them makes him seem villainous, and an anti-hero at least.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
I have learned that anything with that orchestral music in the background makes me want to see it. And combine that with a metahuman fight....can't wait.

I was a little disappointed that this episode left Nikki, DL, Mikah, Peter and his brother out in the cold, but it was good.

Hope Hiro saves the waitress, I liked her.

Someone else had that scratch on their neck, just can't remember who, assuming I am right at all.


Smash Champion
Jun 29, 2006
Stuck between a parallel dimension of code and you
The fight between Peter and Sylar will be interesting; Sylar will essentially be fighting himself. This is probably where Peter will get that scar Hiro referenced on the train.

I still think that Claire's father is a bad guy. He may be trying to "help" the heroes, but the way in which he does it and to what purposes he uses them makes him seem villainous, and an anti-hero at least.
I agree.

I have learned that anything with that orchestral music in the background makes me want to see it. And combine that with a metahuman fight....can't wait.

I was a little disappointed that this episode left Nikki, DL, Mikah, Peter and his brother out in the cold, but it was good.

Hope Hiro saves the waitress, I liked her.

Someone else had that scratch on their neck, just can't remember who, assuming I am right at all.
I don't know, that's gonna bug me now until I find out..............


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Save the cheerleader, save the world...

This message haunts me! I'm thinking it's not the cheerleader, herself, who is important, but the uniting of the Heroes that it takes to save her.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
So: I was slightly disappointed by tonight's episode. Not because it was bad, but because NBC completely overhyped this as the be-all, end-all of the season. . .but it wasn't. It was a very solid episode, but it wasn't as crazy as it was advertised to be.

Anyways, we finally get to see Sylar in action. Hooray for his insane telekinetic powers; not even Psylocke ever thought of opening someone's head by running a finger in the air. Very freaky. It's too bad that Peter was actually able to take him down--he has no powers except for mimicry, wtf.

Eden and the Haitian are broken. In about 3 seconds, they took down a man that killed countless metahumans. Jeez. My respect for Eden's gone up a few notches, now that she's actually cool.

Again, nothing really happens with Niki/Jessica and DL and Micah. Hopefully, that plotline actually goes somewhere, as opposed to just pointlessly meandering and messing up the flow of the other more interesting storylines.

It's weird though: the whole "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" spiel went on for so long. . .but it was resolved in such an underwhelming and anticlimactic way. I was expecting a real metahuman battle, not some random chase sequence and Peter/Sylar falling off some platform. It was a good episode though, despite that. . .


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Yeah, the Peter/Sylar confrontation was about the most anticlimactic build up I have seen in a while. I also don't understand wht Mr. Bennet didn't just send Eden and the Haitian at the beginning to go get Sylar once he knew he was coming for his daughter.

That and I'm tired of Micah, the stupid little kid. He agrees with his dad one moment and then runs off to tell his mother where they are the next. And I am next to positive DL didn't get shot; once he knew Jessica would be there he probably activated his power.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
where there is no broadband
O come on NBC!!! They have the great orchestral music, the announcer and the promise of an epic battle.....and all they do is fall off some stupid steps!!! Wasn't a bad episode, but come on!
I think it would have been better if they took out the random Nikki and Hiro segments, they didn't really add anything, and put some more action in. All Hiro did was what everyone already knew he was doing, messed up time travel and said he was going to save the girl. All Nikki did was shoot someone, when there was a much more interesting fight elsewhere.

Unless the Heroes can get an immunity or defense for other's powers I think all the fights are going to be boring.
Eden vs. DL = Eden says "go jump off a building and die" DL obliges.
Hiro vs. Peter's brother = Hiro stops time, goes to Wal-mart, buys a gun and shoots him.

The only one who could fight back is Peter, and he didn't do that much this time.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2005
Whyyy didn't Peter get Sylar's powers and have a super climactic battle? That was rediculous. Only time Heroes has failed to do the best possible scenario.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I was dissapointed as well. At least one of the cheer learders died! Yeah!

I liked the whole PBS message. "Be who you are, kids!"

Also, what was with that shot of Claire as she was tying her shoelaces? What kind of parents would let her act that out? Rather revealing...

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ
Hah! I called it!

Now the whole premise of the show is that humans are gaining these powers because of one important organ - the brain. Each "Hero" has these powers because they can indeed use more than 10% of their brainpower. It seems that the only way to kill Claire is to take her brain, which makes perfect sense - now she can't regenerate because her brain isn't connected to her body.

But I wonder what Sylar wants with Heroes' brains. It makes me wonder if he somehow absorbs each power into himself to make him even stronger, kind of like Orochimaru wanting to steal other ninja's jutsu (lol naruto reference). Having Claire's power would make him invincible.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2005
Maine (NSG)
They just pulled what Lost had pulled, everything is exactly as it was from the last episode previous. Although it did provide a good amount of background info, I was left a tad disappointed.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
If you've ever seen the movie, The One, you'd know what my theory on Sylar would be. Basically, he wants to kill off all the Heros and become world leader. I have no idea why he would want brains though.
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