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He Has a Bone to Pick With You: The Sans Thread that was coming anyway...


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Finally played Delta Rune last night. Still not wholly on board with a character, but I'd still like to see some Undertale content in Smash. Especially the music. Except now I want Delta Rune music too. Toby's compositions are just too good.


Smash Cadet
Nov 1, 2018
Well boys, he didn't make it. But now that Deltarune is out, I'm sure that it'll only be a matter of time before Sakurai publicly discloses his endorsement and strong approval of the game and goes on to add in literally every single character from the game. So yeah, I'm much more hopeful now than I was before. Especially considering that, looking back on it now, Sans didn't really have a chance because Ness is already Sans, so they can't add him in twice, duh.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2017
I really really really would rather not have anything Undertale in Ultimate.

If he DOES get in, i hope he doesn't get a super OP extremely long-range lasers and bones because that would just make everything even worse.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I really really really would rather not have anything Undertale in Ultimate.

If he DOES get in, i hope he doesn't get a super OP extremely long-range lasers and bones because that would just make everything even worse.
well buddy thanks for coming to a support thread to let us know, really good stuff


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2017
well buddy thanks for coming to a support thread to let us know, really good stuff
Oh okay, next time i will make sure to not share my opinion like you and anyone else has the rights for.

Seriously though, what's the problem with sharing my opinion? PsychoJosh did it too yet it was okay. It's not like i'm directly telling you "yo stop wastin ur time with dis terrible charactor" nor it's like you need to accept it as the truth, just as a regular opinion not different from "Smash 4 sucks", "Brawl is slow" or "Melee is broken and unplayable"

Oh and please don't take this as aggresive or anything, it's quite hard to convey emotions with text.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2018
the cold void of space
Oh okay, next time i will make sure to not share my opinion like you and anyone else has the rights for.

Seriously though, what's the problem with sharing my opinion? PsychoJosh did it too yet it was okay. It's not like i'm directly telling you "yo stop wastin ur time with dis terrible charactor" nor it's like you need to accept it as the truth, just as a regular opinion not different from "Smash 4 sucks", "Brawl is slow" or "Melee is broken and unplayable"

Oh and please don't take this as aggresive or anything, it's quite hard to convey emotions with text.
The problem is you came into a support thread and basically just said "nope" and left it at that. If you'd given your reasoning, we could have been having a legitimate conversation.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
Hi! I’ve never been a particular “Sans supporter,” but I LOVE Undertale, so I made this video! I’d love to hear what you think.



Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2018
The fervor for Undertale in Japan right now makes me think sans has a very real chance of making it into Smash. Joker being in might indicate as well that Nintendo is looking for relevant and recent characters for Ultimate, bolstering the possibility even further.

It's all speculation, of course, but I'd just about die if boneboy made it in, so I'm willing to consider any of evidence there is in favor of Sans Undertale Smash Bros.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
It'd be absolutely wild if Sans made it in and my God I'd be so on board. This feels like a real possibility. Big fan. I'm more on board even than I was before!

Deleted member

Hi! I’ve never been a particular “Sans supporter,” but I LOVE Undertale, so I made this video! I’d love to hear what you think.

As someone who doesn't have any personal attachment to Sans nor has ever played Undertale and just knows Sans from memes, I loved this video.
This made me legitimately want to see Sans instead of just wanting him to see the salt.

If for nothing else but the trombone ensemble :V


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I've been lurking in this thread but don't think I've posted before (well, my activity on this forum in general has dwindled down as speculation this time around wasn't too exciting and DLC is impossible to predict lol), but for some reason I have a gut feeling Sans might actually make it in Smash. Undertale is one of the indie games (if not THE one) to make a huge splash in the gaming scene and managed to really break into Japan as well, so if any indie would get in Smash, I'd bet on Undertale. I see Undertale/Sans appearing all around, like in Nintendo Dream's most popular video game character lists etc.

After Joker I have no idea what to expect and they could really pick left field characters. Anyway, I guess I support even though I'll just take whatever we get as DLC haha.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
Interesting. Here is my idea for his moveset: His Neutral Special is just throwing out bones (basically your side special)
His Side-Special is Blue Bones that deal more damage than his Neutral Special but can do no damage if it is hit by a person who is still
Up Special is his teleport
Down Special is summoning bones right in front of him like what he does in the "geeeeeeeeeeeeeet dunked on."
His final smash is either his beginning move or gaster blasters circling around the stage during his "special attack"

Now you might be wondering where the gaster blasters are. They are used in his Smash attacks.

Well, that was fun. PS. you misspelled "Undertale" and did "Undertake" just wanted to point that out


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
In the past I've said that I wasn't wholly on board with the idea, and he's still no where near being among my most wanted, but the idea has warmed up to me over time. Especially reading/watching some ideas from others and reading/watching the general enthusiasm people still have for Undertale and now Deltarune. So I gave it some thought and tried to come up with a move set of my own. A bit spur of the moment and perhaps a little oddly worded but here goes anyway; moveset for sans underune



While he won't go down in a single hit like in Undertale, Sans is light and can't take much of a beating meaning he'll be easy to KO if the opponent lands a few good hits on him. He also isn't too strong but is a tricky character with multiple projectiles and long reaching attacks that can help him dunk on opponents from a comfortable distance.

Idle – Stands around with his hands in his pockets. Occasionally, Sans turns to face the camera, shrugs and winks.

Walk – Casually walks around with his hands in his pockets. Very slow walk speed.

Run – Glides along the ground while remaining in his idle, hands in pockets position. Based on how characters slide in and off screen during certain scenes in Undertale.

Jump – A short hop, keeping his hands in his pockets.

Double Jump – A second, and much higher, psychokinesis powered jump.

Ground Attacks

Sans' ground attacks summon the Bullet Board for various bone attacks. The following descriptions assume Sans is facing right.

Neutral Jab – Summons the BB in from of himself and attacks with bones that alternate from within each side.

Forward Tilt – Summons the BB in front of himself. A bone spawns from within the BB's right side and erupts outside it's boundaries through the left side.

Up Tilt – Summons the BB in front of himself. An especially long bone erupts from within the BB's “floor” and erupts from the BB's boundaries through the “ceiling.”

Down Tilt – Summons a shorter, but wider BB low to ground in front of himself and spawns a bed of bones along the floor to launch foes upward.

Dash Attack – Comes to an abrupt stop and summons the BB, spawning a row of bones that jut out from the left side.

Smash Attacks

Sans' Smash Attacks utilizes the Gaster Blasters. They have a long range and deal decent damage and knock back for keeping foes at bay.

Forward Smash – Summons a Gaster Blaster directly in front of himself that fires forward.

Up Smash – Summons a Gaster Blaster above himself that fires upward at a diagonal angle in the direction Sans is facing.

Down Smash – Summons two Gaster Blasters on either side above himself that fire straight down.

Air Attacks

Just like his ground attacks, Sans summons the Bullet Board to use bone attacks in the air.

Neutral Air – Spawns two Gaster Blasters that don't fire, but circle around Sans body to damage foes.

Forward Air – A long BB spawns in front of Sans and produces a bed of bones that move forward, dealing multiple hits.

Back Air – The BB spawns behind Sans and creates a large and long bone that juts out quickly.

Up Air – The BB spawns above Sans and produces 3 bones that rise from the bottom, hitting one after another in quick succession.

Down Air – The BB spawns below Sans and a bed of bones spawns from the ceiling, erupting downward and breaking the bottom boundary.


Sans' grab and throws, make use of his psychokinesis.

Grab – Reaches out for the opponent and holds them in place with psychokinesis.

Pummel – Summons the BB and hits opponents with bones that scroll down from the top on either side.

Forward Throw – Moves his hand outward throwing opponents forward.

Back Throw – Moves his hand inward, flinging opponents behind him.

Up Throw – Moves his hand upward tossing opponents into the air.

Down Throw – Moves his hand downward, slamming opponents into the ground.

Special Moves

Sans' special moves incorporate bone projectiles along with the blue and orange type attacks from Undertale though altered a bit for Smash. All of Sans' specials (except for Up) also inflict the KARMA status. Opponents afflicted by KARMA will take an additional 1% of damage per second for up to 5 seconds for every successful bone attack. KARMA can stack, but caps at 40 seconds.

Neutral Special – Bone Attack

An upright bone that travels in a straight line. Travels a long distance and serves as a reliable projectile.

Side Special – Orange Attack

An orange bone that travels in a straight line. Faster and stronger than the regular Bone Attack. Opponents on the move can pass through it harmlessly, but it will go through shields and cannot be reflected.

Up Special – Shortcut

Sans will turn a solid black and quickly fade away before reappearing in the direction held.

Down Special – Blue Attack

A blue bone that travels in a straight line. Slower and stronger than the regular Bone Attack. Opponents who stand still will not be harmed by it and it deals no damage to shields. However opponents cannot roll or air dodge through it and it cannot be reflected.

Final Smash – Strongest Attack

The door to San's room appears and swings open, sucking nearby characters through it's frame. Characters are taken into the Undertale battle screen with all caught characters being trapped inside the Bullet Board. San's then summons multiple Gaster Blasters unleashing his “strongest attack”.


Up Taunt – Sans pulls out and plays a trombone. (Idea taken shamelessly from pizzadudemanguy)

Side Taunt – Sans throws out a bone. The Annoying Dog will then spawn to pick it up and run off with it. The bone deals light damage if it manages to hit an opponent when initially thrown.

Down Taunt – Sans drops a whoopee cushion on the floor. If stepped on it makes the sound you'd expect. Otherwise it'll disappear after a short period.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
I would just love to see all the Fire Emblem characters standing around uncomfortably while Sans looks at their maximum-level EXP bars.
Ooh, I can already see the fanart. Somebody should get on that.


Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2018
Hey y’all, Skele-ton o puns here I previously made a sans moveset, but about half of it was erased. So this time not only will I be discussing his specials, but his taunts and final smash as well. I will also introduce possible palette swaps. Enjoy.

Standard Attacks-

Most people when making Sans movesets use his bones as his specials and haste blasters as smash attacks. Some choose to use no gaster blasters besides in his final smash, and some just only use bones and don’t even incorporate his soul throwing in his moveset at all. Well, I do things differently.

His standard attacks are based off of basic punches, kicks, and bone swings. His gaster blasters are reserved for his neutral special and final smash. I’m only in it for the specials, taunts, and palette swaps. Y’know, the fun stuff. So I’ll let you folks do the actual standard attacks. If someone wants to collab with me on the rest of his moveset, then they’re perfectly welcome.

Neutral- gaster blaster

Sans spawns a gaster blaster, and it fires in front of him, in a laser-beam like fashion. The beam goes straight forward, and does a ton of damage. A skele-TON. You have the option of charging up the gaster blaster, by pressing and holding B. The longer it’s charged, the farther the beam will go, and the more damage it will do. A fully charged gaster blaster can reach across the entire stage and go off the screen entirely! A gaster blaster only needs about six seconds to charge up completely. You can also aim the gaster blaster while charging with the circle pad.

Side special- Bone spam

Sans shoots bones forward in a machine gun-esque manner. The bones inflict KR, (karmic retribution) which inflict a poison affect.

Up special- Bone Cage

Sans spawns a 5-bone cage in front of him. This also inflicts KR. If you imput the direction your facing, Sans can send the bone cage along the ground. You can only send the bones out in front of you. You can throw them forward in mid-air too, but keep in mind that they’ll only fly directly straight forward when off the ground. Also, if an opponent shows up close behind sans while using his up special, a second bone cage will spawn behind him except it will be blue. If the opponent attacks or moves at all while touching blue bones, they’ll get hurt. This gives Sans time to escape. The second cage can be moved as well, but only if you turn around and imput forward. The turn and shoot technique can be done in mid-air as well. Occasionally, a six-boned cage will show up on either side in the shape of stairs. (Three tall ones, and three short ones.) Sometimes the stair-shaped bone cage will be blue as well. Same functions apply.

Down special- Shortcut

Sans disappears, and then reappears. Where you reappear, is based of of which direction you imput.

Grabs/throws- soul throwing

When most fighters grab and throw someone, they just, well, grab and throw. Sans on the other hand, has EXCELLENT grabbing range. He can be all the way across the stage from an opponent, and he’ll still be able to grab you. This is due to his soul manipulation. When sans grabs an opponent, he can throw their souls around by imputing directions of your choice. When he throws an opposing fighter, he’ll send them quickly flying across the screen/stage, in a straight line. With this, you can slam your opponents around, into walls, against the floor, or into each other. You can slam opponents around multiple times, and in different directions, but be sure to note that you can only change throwing direction directly after you’ve either slammed them into a wall or a floor. You can’t change directions mid- throw/slam. Also keep in mind that you can have only one opponent soul-grabbed at a time. You also can combo this with a bone cage. To spawn these special bone cages, you need to press B while you’re either throwing someone, or you’ve just grabbed them. When you spawn these types of cages, they only appear on walls or the floor. The purpose of the grab/throw-induced bone cages, is to throw the fighters into them. You can continue to slam them around even if you throw them into a bone cage. (Can you feel the combo- potential?) Finally, sometimes you can spawn blue bone cages here too. They work like their up-special counterparts. If they move while touching a blue bone, they’ll get hurt.

Jumps- Sans can jump 3 times. His first one is kind of just a hop. However, in his other two, he uses his telekinesis to float upwards a bit.

Dodging- Sans sidesteps to dodge. It is much more effective than traditional roll-dodging. To dodge, simply imput like you would roll-dodging, except instead of rolling, he’ll simply slide out of the way. No matter what, if an opponent attacks, grabs, launches or throws a projectile, as long as you dodge at the exact precise moment you are guarenteed to not be affected by any move what so ever. Be wary of combos though. That can mean trouble for Sans.


Up- Sans drinks ketchup from a bottle like at Grillby’s.

Side- Trom-BONE

Sans does the “wa-wa-wa” sound effect, from the papyrus date.

Down- Sans shrugs while winking. This also causes the “Badum-tsh” sound effect.

Palette swaps-

1st- undertale look
2nd- underfell look
3rd- underswap look
4th- outertale look
5th- ???
7th- ???
8th- ???

The last four are open to interpretation

Final smash- sans sends you through his pre-special attack, sending you through bone spams, soul throwing, bone cages, and topping it all off with an army of gaster blasters.

I love sans. Ever Since smash ultimate was revealed, I worked on a moveset for my favorite video game character. (Besides cuphead, but I’m a sucker for QUALITY indie titles) anyway, I worked really hard in sans’ moveset, and he’s the number one character I want for smash. I’m sorry that I was so lengthy in my moveset for sans, but I feel like he deserved the most detailed and complex moveset. Why? Because Sans is to me, as Kirby is to Sakurai. Please be respectful, and have a good night. I will make a Papyrus moveset soon.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
Hey y’all, skele-ton o puns here I previously made a sans moveset, but about half of it was erased. So this time not only will I be discussing his specials, but his taunts and final smash as well. I will also introduce possible palette swaps. Enjoy.

Neutral- gaster blaster

Sans spawns a gaster blaster, and it fires in front of him, in a laser-beam like fashion. The beam goes straight forward, and does a ton of damage. A skele-TON. You have the option of charging up the gaster blaster, by pressing and holding B.

Side special- Bone spam

Sans spams bones forward in a machine gun-esque manner. The bones inflict KR, (karmic retribution) which inflict a poison affect.

Up special- bone cage

Sans spawns a bone cage in front of him. This also inflicts KR. If you imput the direction your facing, sans can send the bone cage along the ground. The bones will not uproot from the ground, they will merely go along with grounds shape, like if they go over a hill, they’ll go over the top of it. You can only send the bones out in front of you. Also, if an opponent shows up close behind sans, a second bone cage will spawn behind him except it will be blue. If the opponent attacks or moves at all while touching blue bones, they’ll get hurt. This gives sans time to escape. The second cage can be moved as well, but only if you turn around and imput forward. Don’t forget that the bone cages disappear after 4 seconds on both sides. Occasionally a blue bone cage will spawn in front of sans as well. Same functions apply.

Down special- teleport

Sans disappears, and then reappears. Where you reappear, is based of of which direction you imput.

Grabs/throws- soul throwing

When most fighters grab and throw someone, they just, well, grab and throw. Sans on the other hand, has EXCELLENT grabbing range. He can be half way according the screen, and he’ll be able to grab you. This is attributed to his soul grabbing/manipulation. When sans grabs an opponent, he can throw their souls around by imputing directions of your choice. When he throws an opposing fighter, he’ll send them across the screen, in a straight line. With this, you can slam your opponents around, into walls, against the floor, or into each other. (Note that you can have only one opponent soul-grabbed at a time.) You also can combo this with a bone cage. To spawn these special bonecages, you need to press B while you’re either throwing someone, or you’ve just grabbed them. When you spawn these type of cages, they only appear on walls or the floor. The purpose of the grab/throw-induced bone cages, is to throw the fighters into them.

Dodging- Sans sidesteps to dodge. It is much more effective than traditional roll-dodging. To dodge, simply imput like you would roll-dodging, except instead of rolling, he’ll simply slide out of the way. No matter what, if an opponent attacks, grabs, launches or throws a projectile, as long as you dodge at the right moment you are guarenteed to not be affected by anymove what so ever. Be wary of combos though.


Up- sans drinks ketchup from a bottle like at Grillby’s.

Side- Trom-BONE

Sans does the “wa-wa-wa” sound effect, from the papyrus date.

Down- Sans shrugs while winking. This also causes the “Badum-tsh” sound effect.

Palette swaps-

1st- undertale look
2nd- underfell look
3rd- underswap look
4th- outertale look
5th- ???
7th- ???
8th- ???

The last four are open to interpretation

Final smash- sans sends you through his pre-special attack, sending you through bones, soul throwing, bone cages, and topping it all off with an army of gaster blasters.

I love sans. Ever Since smash ultimate was revealed, I worked on a moveset for my favorite video game character. (Besides cuphead, but I’m a sucker for QUALITY indie titles) anyway, I worked really hard in sans’ moveset, and he’s the number one character I want for smash. Please be respectful, and have a good night. I will make a papyrus moveset soon.
*heh, not bad kiddo* for the other 4 palette swaps (honestly those are one of the parts I am the most excited about if sans ever does come to smash but unfortunately I heard Toby has a grudge with the community) I would like Ink sans (imagine seeing him battle inkling), Error sans, Dusttale sans, and Poketale sans (I think you know the reason why I chose Poketale XD.) I really think if Papyrus did get in smash, he would be an echo fighter except maybe his final smash would be different along with his palette swaps. Anyways, great idea for a moveset. Might need to nerf the grab though XD


Smash Cadet
Aug 13, 2018
Somewhere Somewhere Alola
Hello, I hope Im not late to teh Undertale bandwagon :^)
Yea I made this when I realized that Sans has a solid chance, especially with the undertale craze here in Japan (THEY OUTSOLD DRAGON QUEST!!!)
I plan on making a written wordfile of his whole moveset just like what I did with Crash, IDK if I can animate them all LOL.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
Here's a bone to chew on: What if we got a Sans moveset that purposely neglected to make any reference whatsoever to the Genocide battle?

What I mean is, what if Sans' moveset doesn't use anything that only shows up in the boss fight? No gaster blasters, no gravity slamming, no karmic retribution, and no walls of bones denser than those we see from Papyrus. Basically a moveset that you could only concoct using info from the neutral route.

Would you guys still be happy to get Sans into Smash that way?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
Hello, I hope Im not late to teh Undertale bandwagon :^)
Yea I made this when I realized that Sans has a solid chance, especially with the undertale craze here in Japan (THEY OUTSOLD DRAGON QUEST!!!)
I plan on making a written wordfile of his whole moveset just like what I did with Crash, IDK if I can animate them all LOL.
I never knew Undertale was THAT huge in Japan. That's good to know
Here's a bone to chew on: What if we got a Sans moveset that purposely neglected to make any reference whatsoever to the Genocide battle?

What I mean is, what if Sans' moveset doesn't use anything that only shows up in the boss fight? No gaster blasters, no gravity slamming, no karmic retribution, and no walls of bones denser than those we see from Papyrus. Basically a moveset that you could only concoct using info from the neutral route.

Would you guys still be happy to get Sans into Smash that way?
Hmmmm interesting thought. That would cause fans to speculate that we will get to fight him again sometime in DeltaRune.


Smash Cadet
Aug 13, 2018
Somewhere Somewhere Alola
I never knew Undertale was THAT huge in Japan. That's good to know.
Yup, it actually not only surpassed DQXII, but it actually became number 1 in Japanese PSN! This caused Square Enix to not release DQ on a Weekday, and the Undertale subreddit to be revived by Interested Japanese on lookers. Several characters like Undyne and Flowey (?) also appeared in Dagashis (cheap candies). Heck, I have relatives in Japan getting crazy about Undertale's hidden lore about WD Gaster (which caused them to contact me to translate the english gaster vids but I cant speak/write japanese XD). It might be an understatement that Undertale is the most successful Indie title, even more than Shovel and Shantae (which I also want), Heck even Sakurai was interested in the game's difficulty and its charm.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
There was a time when the idea of Sans making it into Smash was "ugh" tier to me. I basically just saw him as a meme character. After playing Undertale on Switch myself, well...can't say I'm against the idea of Sans in Smash anymore. And honestly even my outlook on his chances have changed. I used to think he had no chance at all. Now with Joker being in Smash revealed, Deltarune being a thing and having some hints, etc. I could actually see it happening.

So Yeah, Sans and Undertale content in Smash would be cool (especially its music, hot damn).


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2018
I just hope that (if sans does come to smash) they give the community some love in music or if we are lucky, alternate costumes. The community gets a whole lot more hate than it deserves. My love for the undertale community might be because I fell in love with the game pretty late. Like after the community apparently has "calmed down." Also, it would be hilarious if for Palutena's Guidance for him had Pit thinking how sans looks very familiar and Viridi interrupts him and changes the subject. XD


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
I would be fine with Sans getting in. I do personally think Toby would prefer putting in Papyrus, if just to avoid Genocide spoiler. But then again, the Sans fight has well been it "It was his sled" territory for a long time now, so who knows?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2018
the cold void of space
I would be concerned about spoilers, but even if you haven't played the genocide run, Sans is still one of the most influential characters in the game, and his attacks are pretty similar to Papyrus, so having him as a fighter might actually not give too much away. As far as anyone who hasn't had a bad time would be concerned, it's just another instance of a fighter needing to make up attacks- like how Villager and Isabelle never saw combat either until they got to Smash. It can be passed off as Sans borrowing Papyrus' moves since he has none of his own- heck, Sans is too lazy to come up with his own moveset... right?

On the other hand, it wouldn't really be Sans without Gaster Blasters... but hey, Lucina and Fiora are huge spoilers for their respective games, so... meh.
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Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
With how big and memey Undertale became, I'd be surprised if anyone on the internet wasn't aware of the fact that a Sans fight exists.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
With how big and memey Undertale became, I'd be surprised if anyone on the internet wasn't aware of the fact that a Sans fight exists.
Heck, the first 4 notes of his boss music became a meme itself.


Smash Cadet
Nov 1, 2018
Honestly if Nintendo decided to put Sans in Smash they would get a **** load of cash, it would break the internet and people who don't even care about Smash will buy the game and make videos about it. Pretty easy to get their hands on him too. In the glorious event that the meme man makes it in I will put my blood, sweat, and tears along with every ounce of my will into becoming the best Sans main the world has ever known.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2018
*heh, not bad kiddo* for the other 4 palette swaps (honestly those are one of the parts I am the most excited about if sans ever does come to smash but unfortunately I heard Toby has a grudge with the community) I would like Ink sans (imagine seeing him battle inkling), Error sans, Dusttale sans, and Poketale sans (I think you know the reason why I chose Poketale XD.) I really think if Papyrus did get in smash, he would be an echo fighter except maybe his final smash would be different along with his palette swaps. Anyways, great idea for a moveset. Might need to nerf the grab though XD
Heh, inkling vs. Ink!Sans would be pretty exciting.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I could see it. Sans does have some competition tho lol xD.
Luckily for him, Master Chief and Travis' creators confirmed they won't get in.

I would be concerned about spoilers, but even if you haven't played the genocide run, Sans is still one of the most influential characters in the game, and his attacks are pretty similar to Papyrus, so having him as a fighter might actually not give too much away. As far as anyone who hasn't had a bad time would be concerned, it's just another instance of a fighter needing to make up attacks- like how Villager and Isabelle never saw combat either until they got to Smash. It can be passed off as Sans borrowing Papyrus' moves since he has none of his own- heck, Sans is too lazy to come up with his own moveset... right?

On the other hand, it wouldn't really be Sans without Gaster Blasters... but hey, Lucina and Fiora are huge spoilers for their respective games, so... meh.
I mean, Mother 3 has been spoiled to hell and back when it got to get in Smash Bros, so that's one parallel it and Undertale would share. Luckily, there isn't any profile info this time around, so people wouldn't know about Sans' true nature unless they did actual research.

I would be fine with Sans getting in. I do personally think Toby would prefer putting in Papyrus, if just to avoid Genocide spoiler. But then again, the Sans fight has well been it "It was his sled" territory for a long time now, so who knows?
Plot twist: Toby goes "why not both?", given that pissing Sans hard enough (hurting his bro being one of the conditions) is what gets him to fight in the first place.
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