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Hasbro Game Night FIGHT! - The Final Season


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Character Votes
  1. Bumblebee
  2. Beyblade
  3. Furby
Honorable mention to Predacon Megatron - It's a really cool idea, but I wanna see what happens to the "proper" Megatron first.

Speaking of Transformers...

Boss Submission: Unicron (Transformers)

I was originally considering submitting Megatron for this role, but after some thought, I figured Unicron would be more fitting. One of the most powerful antagonists in the Transformers universe, he'd be an exciting boss for sure! Plus, this would still allow Megatron to get on the roster in the future.

Deleted member

1. Microman (Seems like a cool way to rep the company)
2. Tyson (Self vote but Bayblades are an iconic toy and it does seem like ths best way to rep them.)
3. Furby (This could be genuinely fun especially if we lean onto the horor meme aspects
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Furby
2. Tyson Granger
3. Microman

Boss Character:

Resubmitting Dungeon Master (Dungeons and Dragons)


I submitted him for the WotC character fighter job. But, I feel the master would work best as a final boss if the Story Mode would be a huge crossover Dungeons and Dragons game of the Hasbro multiverse. Basically, the master will challenge the fighters to a test of their might. The master can summon various clones of Hasbro characters and toys and such. To put it frankly, the master is trying to control the fight and prove who really rules the Multiverse in one final showdown.

Board Design:

Candy Land


Themed around the famous board game itself, Candy Land will take place in the world filled with candy. Various locations such as the Peppermint Forest, Snow Flake Lake, etc can be seen. I feel this board would work great as a tutorial board for the Tabletop mode due to Candy Land being an easy to play board game for sure.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
1. Bumblebee
2. Furby
3. Beyblade


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Providing images and brief descriptions for the boss nominations without one
Hasbro's Darth Vader

Franchise: Micronauts
Karza hails from the Microverse, a universe so small it exists on a quantum level, becoming its own distant dimension.
Believing himself to be the savior to his home dimension, Karza set out to become its one true ruler, eliminating all opposition for what he believes to be the greater good. He is very comparable to Darth Vader in design and function, but otherwise the actual core characters are radically different.
Instead of the Force, Karza has his own dedicated Enerchange gimmick, which I have linked here; On top of this his suit can shapeshift and he has heavy gadgetry use imbedded in it.

A huge appeal to the idea of this character would be his size- given the entire Micronauts gimmick is being small, it would be absolutely hilarious if Karza, as a boss, was 1/5th the size of every fighter in the game; Probably the smallest boss in any fighting game. Imagine an ant as a boss fight but accurately scaled to humans, but every hit does massive damage. It's a very nice mix of both hilarity and serious gravitas that I think works.​
Ranger Gone Wrong
Franchise: Power Rangers
An alternate universe variant of the iconic Green Ranger Tommy Oliver, Lord Drakkon was a recently introduced villain from the comics that has since blown up in fan popularity. After Tommy's first battle with Jason in the original show, his path diverged when Rita Repulsa manipulated him into becoming her underling. Eventually killing both Rita and the Power Rangers, Tommy became the world's sole ruler, ultimately culminating in him traveling the Multiverse and killing other Rangers.

This seems like a pretty obvious pick to have; It's probably the best option out of the PR IP for a boss, and the connection is there with him traveling universe. Plus, as a dark counterpart to one of the roster's founding characters, this seems like a nice addition to have in general.
You're welcome.


The main villian from MLP: FIM. A powerful entity who once ruled Equestria. He'd be a good villian for a wacky cartoon story mode. He's a powerful magic user and trickster.
This is a little too much credit; He was the main villain of Season 2, in what is possibly the show's most iconic multi-parter, but he's not the main villain of the whole show. Actually, he had a redemption arc in Season 3 and later became a recurring ally character.
For reference, there is no main MLP villain, it's a revolving door, but Discord is the creme of the crop anyhow.

Job: Board Game Design
I used to play Sorry! all the time in the psychiatric ward, so I have a little nostalgia for this game. But generally the layout for this map would be interesting, forcing each player to travel around the board and knocking into one another causes a premature fight, which is the main gimmick of Sorry.

Job: Boss Nomination
Franchise: Furby
So, this might be a little ill-timed given the current nomination, and people do generally want to see Furby as a playable character. But hear me out on this.

I think Furby works better as a boss than it would a playable character; Both the idea in of itself and due to the different attacks and aspects of the toy we could lean into for this.
Just imagine the player coming across a Furby, only to watch it grow large in size and become a drastic threat to the entire roster of characters. Similar to Baron Karza, it's another idea that starts out being hilarious in nature before the realization hits of how serious the situation actually is, and that this character is actually a credible threat in which they could tank the player over and over.
As a full-blown boss, we can go no-holds barred on the more demonic and evil aspects of this toy's history, making for a completely serious "what the f*ck" boss based on instilling fear and dread from a Furby, which otherwise would be drastically toned down for a playable moveset.

Truth be told, I'm not that huge of a fan of a playable Furby. It sounds funny at first but it's almost too obvious of a joke, and when taking it more seriously I think the idea of a fighting-type Furby is better fitted for a massive-scaled boss battle than simply just another character. A recharacterization of turning the Furbies into a series of ancient demonic evils for this game would be fantastic
I do want to say, we're about halfway through and there are a couple of bosses I'm surprised haven't seen nomination. I'll post some ideas and a one-sentence description for each one, just to see if it'll lead to a nice spike.

An ancient evil whom was imprisoned in Tartarus; He escaped and sought to rule over Equestria and steal all its magic, leading to one of the most famous fights in the series against Twilight Sparkle
The true emperor of Cobra; Genetically engineered from the DNA of history's greatest warlord, Serpentor was instated as Cobra's new leader and became an immediate threat to G.I. Joe, in which both they and the Cobra Commander himself have teamed up against.
Dungeons & Dragons. Big evil dragons. C'mon, guys.
A deep cut D&D villain from the Dark Sun campaign; Dark Sun is a post-apocalyptic setting were Magic is nearly non-existent.

Rajaat was the first sorcerer whom waged war in an effort to eliminating numerous races before being imprisoned in "The Black" for centuries, forcing him to take the appearance of a giant skeleton wearing a storm
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Reflection Day
Hello, sussy bakas!
A lot has been added to the project since yesterday's jobs; A little disappointment from my part, but regardless, it's time to go over who won the previous votes and who hasn't.
First thing's first, let's take a look at the winners of the Takara-Tomy vote!
Yes, that's right, I said winners as in plural!! If you all recall what I said yesterday...
I'm expecting only the top winner to get in, but given that we have 8 submissions, I will do the top 2 if the vote is close enough for that. Otherwise, happy voting!
Well, not only was the vote close enough, but it ended in an outright tie, at 13 points each!

The first character to reach 13 points is none other than...
Tyson Granger, Beyblade's first protagonist and fighting game veteran, is here to LET IT RIP! Congratulations @Darkonedagger
With the inclusion of Tomy content, Beyblade was practically gauranteed, and it doesn't surprise me that Tyson was first in line for the series. Perhaps other protagonists will join later; Ginka and Ryuga, anyone?

And the second character to reach 13 points, truthfully to no one's surprise, is...
The yellow bug himself, famous film star Bumblebee! Congratulations DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26
I find this inclusion to come a little too early, but truth be told, he was inevitable to join the roster, and it's better to get him out the way now to leave room for other Autobots later. (Wink, wink).
Tyson Granger: 13
Bumblebee: 13
Furby: 10
Microman: 7
Beyblade: 6
Predacon Megatron: 3
Omnibot: 2
Giga Puddi Puddi: 0
The votes were actually fairly evenly split! Microman and Furby did fairly well to my surprise, and Beyblade ended up being split between it's two representatives (though, there was still a large disparity). A lot of generally good ideas for either characters or other conten, which surprised me, because I expected a lot more unfamiliarity with Takara-Tomy. Thank you, everyone!

While I could go on and add a 3rd character from this vote, I want to stick to my word and do only the top 2; 8 candidates isn't enough to do the top 3. Besides, we actually do have a 3rd character joining the roster as well! A 3-in-1, at that!
That's right! I polled on if the D&D Avatar should be a special included character in out roster, and the votes were overwhelmingly YES!
Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 8.37.08 AM.png
Out of 9 votes (this most we've had on a strawpoll thus far), only 1 person said no! I'm a but curious as to who that one is, honestly. But, it doesn't matter; The 3-in-1 Avatar class is joining the roster!
(Fitting that Transformers and D&D are the first two IPs to get two characters!)
This will finally bring a nice balance of canon D&D and the make-your-own adventure aspect to the roster. While we only have Bard and Rogue, a separate class will be added later, as a separate job. I'll discuss the timing of this later, though, as we have to move one!
Truth be told, the results for both of the new jobs... fell short of my expectations. Not a lot of participation for the board designs, in fact only 2 were submitted. I will be adding both Candyland and Sorry! by default; I suppose this will be a smaller scale mode, anyhow.
Keep in mind, both of these will still be viable for a proper stage, so don't worry!

And for the bosses; I was hoping for 8 nominations, but we ended with 7. Granted, that's pretty close anyway, and we got plenty of great choices to choose from out of these 7 alone!
As usual, vote for your Top 3, and your own pick cannot be in first. This time, I'll save my votes for later in the day.
The top 3 Bosses will be added to the project!
Instead of doing usual jobs for today, I'm only going to be doing discussions; Our first week has just wrapped up, so I figure this would be a perfect time to reflect on what progress has been made so far, how the roster/stages/game modes are looking, and we currently feel about the thread this early in.

Before I go on, some changes to the schedule are going to be made.
ahem While we started this week off with 3 characters jobs, that is going to be reduced from here forward. 3 fit for the launch, but doing them too consistently will cause the roster to be completed in a very short notice.
From here on, 2 Character Nomination Jobs will be held weekly. One every Monday, and one every Thursday, until the roster is filled up. Note that this was pre-planned.
On another note, this is going to be a small poll.
This thread has been very active, so I want to thank you all. However, I am going to ask, would you like the time the new days start to change? I know previously I said they were unlikely to, but I do want to make sure there is a common consensus on this.

Now, instead of having proper jobs, I am going to be holding discussions.

Open Discussion: How do you feel about the first week?
Were the jobs I put out up to your particular taste? Do you think the activity and submissions in this thread are going at a steady pace? Are the subsequent changes to the scheduling okay for you? How do you feel about what's been done so far overall, in terms of how I'm running the thread and if you would like it to change?
This is fairly straightforward; Any thoughts you have at all, you can put them out now. On another note, I'm thinking about doing reflection periods as a weekly thing, every Sunday, but if the general consensus is to have new jobs instead, that will change.

Open Discussion: How is the roster shaping up for you?
So far, we have 11 characters in our 35 character roster:
Optimus Prime, Twilight Sparkle, Tommy Oliver, Rich Uncle Pennybags, Snake Eyes, Mr. Potato Head, Jace Beleren, Drizzt Do'Urden, Tyson Granger, Bumblebee, and the D&D Avatar.
The question is pretty simple, just share your thoughts on the characters thus far, and maybe who you'd like to see in the future.

Open Discussion: What Jobs would you like to see going forward?
This thread is more than just the characters added. Whilst character nomination rounds are being reduced, stages will see at minimum 2 jobs per week, while Game Modes and Bosses will be popping up again in the near future.
Of course, there is plenty more jobs that could be had. Assists have been brought up many times before, so an assist job may happen down the line, though I'm still not too sure; Collectibles will also definitely happen this week. Is there anything else you'd like to see as a job going forward

That's about it for today.
However, since we aren't having a proper job today, I will reveal outright what I have planned for tomorrow:
Both a Villains Character Nomination Round and the thread's first Moveset Job will be happening! I hope revealing them ahead of time will drum up a little more excitement than usual for tomorrow's rounds.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I'm pretty happy with the way the thread is going now - I really like the roster we have going, and the pacing seems to be pretty good at the moment. Nothing more to add, really.
What about any jobs you'd like to see in the future?

I'll throw in my votes now, while we're at it.
  1. Unicron
  2. Furby
  3. Lord Drakkon

Deleted member

1. Unicron
2. Discord
3. Furby
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
1. Baron Kazra
2. Dungeon Master
3. Unicron

So far, I'm content with the roster and how the thread is running. Every character on there is deserving of being in the game. The first week has been fun as well.

As in terms of future jobs, I hope we get more series/product specific character jobs such as "Submit a Transformers character", "Submit a board game character", "Submit a female character.", etc. Stage jobs can work as well such as "Submit a stage based off of a board game." or "Submit a stage based off of one of the acquired brands Hasbro acquired such as Playskool."

But, the jobs can be the same as you planned. I really hope we get side jobs such as writing reveal trailers for those who love writing that sort of stuff like me, jobs about assists/items and even a potential story mode and jobs around that.

I'm having a blast so far in this thread and your doing a great job running it!
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
1. Baron Kazra
2. Dungeon Master
3. Unicron

So far, I'm content with the roster and how the thread is running. Every character on there is deserving of being in the game. The first week has been fun as well.

As in terms of future jobs, I hope we get more series/product specific character jobs such as "Submit a Transformers character", "Submit a board game character", "Submit a female character.", etc. Stage jobs can work as well such as "Submit a stage based off of a board game." or "Submit a stage based off of one of the acquired brands Hasbro acquired such as Playskool."

But, the jobs can be the same as you planned. I really hope we get side jobs such as writing reveal trailers for those who love writing that sort of stuff like me, jobs about assists/items and even a potential story mode and jobs around that.

I'm having a blast so far in this thread and your doing a great job running it!
Thank you!
Series specific character jobs are actually planned, I mostly just wanted to get some of the big, general jobs out of the way first (i.e. WotC and Tomy)
Villains I'm hoping will be a really active job; I placed it up front since a lot of second (or third) series reps are likely going to most of the nominees/winners, and then that clears up room for the series later down the line. Rest assured, they're coming.
Female characters I'm considering; I'm hoping those are more natural inclusions since a lot of the series on the table have popular female characters but if it's a consistent thing where only or mostly male characters win then a course correction will happen.

Board Game stages are actually gonna be this week. Those other jobs I might see if I can plan; If I do a reveal trailer job, it'll probably be after this week's fighter additions so we have a nice pool of characters to use, atleast.
Story Mode is in but a more in-depth job could be in order. Back in the Infinity Crisis thread, not a lot was said about Story Mode after it was added, so I'm not too sure, but I really think a story mode would be fun to try and map out with how chaotic of a mix these franchises are.

Also, sorry if today seems a bit boring. I felt like with how rapid the first week went, a break would be in order before Week 2 started. Thanks ya'll for bearing with me here


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Week 2 Start!
Welcome back everyone! It is now officially the start of Week 2's Jobs!!

Yesterday wasn't really too eventful in the jobs department, but it was nice to have a quick break. But with that out of the way, we're back to our regularly scheduled brainstorm sessions!
Everybody seemed on the same page regarding the discussions and I'm hoping that positive energy carries over here. Since there were no new jobs, we have nothing to go over at all... except for...
Starting off with the Boss vote, in a landslide victory we have a #1 winner!
The Chaos Bringer, The Planet Eater, the Living Apocalypse himself: Unicron, at 19 votes, is our first boss!
Out of 10 users who votes, 9 of them had him in their top 3, which honestly makes perfect sense. When I think of a Hasbro boss, nobody comes to my mind before Unicron does. He is iconic and is grade A boss fight material, after all!
I am very pleased with this result, and I'm sure FazDude FazDude is too; Congratulations!
The other 2 bosses... are not to my particular taste, but by popular demand they'll be out 2nd and 3rd bosses respectively!

At 13 votes, in second place, is another chaotic mischief maker: The one and only, Discord! Congratulations @Darkonedagger
And in 3rd place, at 10 votes, is the Dungeon Master! Congratulations AlteredBeast AlteredBeast
Cosmic overseers are really popular, it seems.
Unicron: 19
Discord: 13
Dungeon Master: 10
Lord Drakkon: 8
Baron Karza: 6
Furby: 3
Hasbro Boy: 0

There are no new votes, so we'll skip straight to the new Jobs, which I'm sure you're all prepared for.
The Multiverse is full of heroes. Whether they're saving lives, signing autographs or simply just fetching cats from trees, they're simply everywhere. But for every act of benevolence and virtue, there is someone, somewhere, who, for one reason or another does the opposite. Rising in fearless challenge to the heroes of our roster, I dedicate this next character job to the Villains of the Hasbro Multiverse!
Job: Nominate any Hasbro Villain
Doesn't matter what franchise they're from; If they're a villain and owned by either Hasbro or Tomy, they're overqualified.
As of now our roster has... 0 villains, so literally anyone is on the table!

Jobs: Create Movesets for the Founding 3
As promised, our first moveset jobs have officially arrived! I considered doing just one character at a time, but these three are currently the most popular characters on our roster and I would prefer to knock them out sooner rather than later. This was also just in case some users were only familiar with one character or not the other two, or vice versa.
Unlike most jobs, this job will be open for the whole week instead of just 24 hours; Plenty of time to do research and come up with something great.

As given by Janx_uwu Janx_uwu , our moveset template is:
Jab (gentlemen's and rapid)
Down Tilt
Forward Tilt
Up Tilt

Dash Attack
Down Smash
Forward Smash
Up Smash

Neutral Air
Down Air
Forward Air
Up Air
Back Air
Getup Attack
Ledge Attack
Neutral Special
Down Special
Forward Special
Up Special
Super 1 (weaker, 1 bar required)
Super 2 (stronger, both bars required)
However, just to make it simpler for most, I will not demand that you do the whole moveset; That is optional, of course, but what is mandatory for a "complete" moveset are, at the very least, the Neutral Attacks, Specials, Smash Attacks and both Supers, which are highlighted in bold.

So, with this template, create a moveset for either Optimus Prime, Twilight Sparkle, and/or Tommy Oliver. If we do get multiple movesets per character, we will vote on which one to use. I look forward to seeing those nominations!

That is all for today, but I have an important announcement.
Tomorrow, I will be undergoing surgery, so Day 10 will start an hour early, at 8 AM CST. I'm predicting all of our submissions will be in by the next 12 to 13 hours, so I don't figure this will be a problem, but I am warning you just in case.

Happy nominating, ya'll!
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
I know I just vouched for Megatron as a possible fighter, but given how Bumblebee and Unicron both got in back-to-back, I think it's time to put the brakes on Transformers content for the time being. Enter....

Cobra Commander (GI Joe)

One of the most iconic villains in the Hasbro family, Cobra Commander is a shoe-in for a playable fighter, especially given that Snake Eyes is already in the game. Can't say much for what he could do in combat, since GI Joe isn't exactly my forte, but a playable role is perfect for the Commander!

(BTW, good luck with the surgery!)


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Rita Repulsa (Power Rangers)

"AH! After ten thousand years, I'm FREE! It's time to CONQUER EARTH!"

My knowledge of Power Rangers is admittedly limited to what I vaguely remember from the first series, but Rita Repulsa could use dark sorcery and summoning minions to attack. She was the main villain of the first season, and while the addition of Lord Zedd resulted her being lower on the villainous totem pole going forward, her being less of a "hands-on" fighter could make her stand out over him. (maybe more of a zoner or a trap-based character?)

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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony)

Queen Chrysalis is the main My Little Pony villain, she is member of legion of doom and...,well, i wanted to submit Megatron,but it will be saturated i submit one more thing about transformers and i don't know a lot about my little pony

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Hasbro Villain: Mr. Boddy(Clue)
Wadsworth | Villains Wiki | Fandom

Now most of you know that Mr. Boddy was A.) Not the villain of Clue because B.) he's dead. That is true unless you've seen the true ending to the Clue movie in which Wadsworth the butler reveals himself to be the real Mr. Boddy the whole time. I saw a Clue rep earlier in the Smashboards Creates and thought "Why not?"


Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Villain Nomination:

Evox (Power Rangers)


I know Lord Zedd and Rita are more iconic but I feel we should have a Power Rangers character from a Hasbro season. Why not have Evox from Beast Morphers who was also Venjix from Power Rangers RPM, so a Disney era Power Rangers rep as well, so heh. Basically, he can have various members of the Virus Army come as well as robots attack the various characters. His whole moveset can be themed around computer viruses and have some sort of virus gimmick that will give a status inflict to the other fighters. Overall, a more unique fighter with an unique archetype per say.

Also, for PinkFlare PinkFlare best of luck with your surgery and hope it goes well!
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Job: Hasbro Villain
Hasbro's Dracula
Franchise: Dungeons & Dragons

In the world of Ravenloft, exists the Dark Domains of the dreaded Darklords. Sectioned off by enchanted mists, each border exists to entrap a Darklord within their domain, granting them no proper escape... until now, as the Hasbro universe verges on the brink of collapse.
In the Domain of Barovia, exists one Darklord who is feared by all. The cursed Strahd Von Zarovich; A man driven mad by love and life, he cursed himself to retain immortality. Killing his brother to activate the curse, Strahd was now an immortal man, walking the planes of Barovia; Unfortunately, the curse took it's proper toll. The love of his life committed suicide seeing how much of a monster Strahd has become; Upon doing the same, he was transformed into a Vampire, becoming the ultimate lifeform in a cold, lonely void of a town. But now, Strahd has a means of escape; Now, he seeks to inflict pain on suffering on all those who exists in the Hasbro multiverse, in the name of his love.

Strahd is a hugely popular canonical D&D character, much like Drizzt is, but not in the same vein.
He was introduced in a module as a start to a new campaign setting: The Ravenloft campaign. In this first adventure module, Strahd (played by the Dungeon Master) was the central antagonist to the players; The plot centered around them traveling to Barovia (and by extension, Castle Ravenloft), and finding a woman named Ireena Kolyana, and then accomplishing either one of two goals; Escorting her out of Barovia to escape Strahd, or kill the Count himself using magical holy weapons and discovering his backstory. The entire module is essentially a long-winded battle between the Player Characters and Strahd, which is one of the first times a D&D campaign utilized canon in a dedicated module.

This module ended up being a smash hit, and starting an expansion to the entire Ravenloft campaign beyond just Strahd; but of course, he is the star character of Ravenloft, and you can bet he saw a lot of marketing and spikes in popularity as the campaign continued to blow up and receive multiple Strahd-centered sequels. Much like Drizzt, the Count also became the central character in a lot of ancillary media, including books and comics. In fact, he is the most recurring D&D Villain in the game's entire history, as he essentially has an entire campaign dedicated to him.*

*Speaking of dedication, there is also a subreddit dedicated to Strahd's campaign that is over 65K members. I find this to be really interesting, given that it's Reddit of all places.

The character has become the most popular D&D Canonical villain and his campaign module is still regarded as one of Ravenloft's best, especially in regards to it's customization, as Strahd has a series of motivations and ways to be defeated that are entirely dependent on how the campaign runs. It's a really interesting idea in of itself.

Of course, in the context of a fighting game, what's most important is that a character would simply be interesting as a fighter. And believe me, Strahd comes in spades with unique abilities.

Strahd's DnD class is listed as a Necromancer; This in itself is interesting, though Strahd is already very unconventional as far as D&D characters go by virtue of being a Vampire. Nonetheless, it's very unlikely any future D&D character will have the same class, canon or avatar, so this is something I would like to include. Now, with his class out of the way, his abilities include...
  • Necromancy: Given his class, this is obvious. He can summon an army of undead creatures, such as skeletons or vampires, at will; He himself is listed as a 16th Level Wizard in the Necromancy class, so he has a lot of range with this abilitiy.​
  • Shapeshifting: Strahd can shapeshift into a Wolf, Bat, or simply just a cloud of Smoke. Pretty typical Vampire transformations, really!​
  • Mind Manipulation: Strahd can mind control and take the body of his opponents, which itself was one of the presentable motivations in the original Ravenloft campaign. He can also trap them in a never-ending nightmare created by their own mind. Spooky.​
  • Elemental Control: Strahd can control the local weather and terrain, which can manifest into a variety of different attacks, including lightning strikes, ice or fire blasts, forming stone walls at will, fog manipulation, and the whole nine yards.​
  • Phasing: He can Phase through solid objects at will.​
  • Telekinesis: Self-explanatory​
  • Teleportation: Self-explanatory​
  • Debuffs: Strahd can inflict multiple debuffs on the opposing party, through a variety of different attacks; This stat difference makes Strahd a​
  • Ultra-Sensory Abilities: Strahd can sense where his opponent is at any given moment​
Note that this is only about half of what he can do. The dude is absolutely armed to the teeth in terms of magic and is absolutely something I wanna tap into for a potential fighter.

I definitely feel like a playable D&D villain is in the cards, and Strahd is the most iconic one of them all. His range of abilities and his unique vampire status just make him stand-out from any other canon character in the catalogue, and this is an easy way to represent a campaign outside of the Forgotten Realms, which I think is desperately needed before we delve too dip into just the one setting and the catch-all content.
This could also easily mimic his playability from the original module itself, which was then controlled by the Dungeon Master; This is something very easily adaptable into a fighting game and can be taken advantage of.
I also just think, as far as villains go, Strahd can really represent a type of evil that some other villains possibly won't. His backstory is tragic but he is equally deranged and innately evil, and this is a type of villain I want to throw in as it's a nice balance of all the desire-able traits in a typical antagonist.
I was really torn between submitting either Strahd or Megatron, but I wanted to go with a bit more of a surprise pick here. Truthfully I did expect Megatron to have been nominated already, but I assume that someone who hasn't nominated will eventually do it themselves. I can't imagine a villains round without Megatron, even if I understand the reasoning for why most people aren't immediately gunning for him (no pun intended).

Also, D&D is not going to be available in character jobs for the next few weeks either (maybe with one exception, but a very loose one), so I definitely want to throw in this character now before we lose the chance.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Nobody did it yet and while I know the reasons I will do it anyway.

While nobody wants to flood this roster with only one franchise I think that Megatron is alongside Optimus and Bumblebee (and maybe Grimlock) the must have of the franchise, the iconic villain of this series had relevance is basically almost all the Transformers media existent.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
I was gonna submit someone from M.A.S.K., but none of the villains were particularly eye-catching for me. I can think of another Hasbro villain who is, though...

Lord Licorice (Candyland)

Banished from Candyland for his love of licorice (an unpopular treat in those parts), this cunning pirate is never up to any good. He'll likely set you back at least a few spaces if you land on him, making him the most antagonistic force of the Candyland board game. Lord Licorice had a Funko pop last year, and is an extremely consistent character in pretty much all Candyland media. I imagine he'd have a moveset where he uses the licorice like whips, taking some inspiration from Simon and Richter Belmont in Smash. Perhaps other unpopular candy could be represented in his movset, like hard strawberries, caramels, butterscotches, etc. And to reflect his role within the game, he'd probably be a zoner who wants to keep his opponents as far as possible from where they want to be. As it's the version of the game that I personally grew up with, I'd love to have the modern Candyland's redesign of him as an alt.

IDK, I'm personally not as inveseted in Hasbro's more mature properties (save for D&D) so most of the time, you'll see me submitting scrimblos like this guy.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
While nobody wants to flood this roster with only one franchise I think that Megatron is alongside Optimus and Bumblebee (and maybe Grimlock) the must have of the franchise, the iconic villain of this series had relevance is basically almost all the Transformers media existent.
Definitely expected Megatron to have happened before this point. Perhaps I paced the jobs too poorly with Bosses and Villains being back-to-back, and I didn't really expect Bumblebee to win the Tomy round prior to either

Though I do want this character in sooner rather than later; Both as he's one of my favorites but also just to clear room for a future Transformers job in which he wouldn't immediately dominate the polls.
I will say; for those who do want a break on Transformers, I can push that job back by a week in the event Megatron does win this round. Want to make sure everyone is pleased here

On another note, I am absolutly loving the character nominations thus far! Almost none of them are like in any way, which is great, and I think each and every one is a fantastic pick. I'm a little surprised our resident Magic: The Gathering fans haven't already nominated yet, though nudge nudge

Deleted member


Metlar (Inhumanoids)

You're probably asking "who?" "from what?"

Inhumanoids is a toy line which was turned into an animated film and subsequent television seires. Focusing on subterranean monsters who do battle with the heroic armor wearing Earth Corps. Inhumanoids is a unique case where the Earth Corps may be the heroes, but the titular Inhumanoids are the star. I think it makes sense to go with one as the playable rep. I considered a couple, but Metlar felt like the most obvious pick.

Metlar is the leader of the Inhumanoids. A former slave who became the tyrant leader of the Inhumanoids. Metlar would be our Bowser analogue, with a little Charazard for good measure. He's super strong, has enhanced durability, can be breathe fire, and can even create balls of Lava from his mouth which he can throw.

Inhumanoids may not have quite the same brand value as Transfomers or Gi Joe. But it's still a Hasbro series I think would be cool to see here. These 80s action shows are such a big part of hasbro's legacy. It's part of the comic book shared universe they're currently doing.

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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
The reason I didn't post any Transformers was because I thought the 1SecondNinja said we couldn't for a while:
That was for the next jobs. That was more of a clarification to see if people would be okay with skipping Megatron this time. Sorry about that confusion
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