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Halo Game - Ovah


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Chuckie ya've said "figured Regality as scum" AND "All we got on him is a vibe" That's wat I didnae like.
That was in response to Licky telling us we weren't scum hunting. I responded "did you miss the part where we figured Cheese was scum?" It was just us saying we were scum hunting.

You only dislike it because you took it out of context and said it's a contradiction :(

Naw, said mosta what ya say on me is baseless. Not that all ya statements are. See? Wan ickle post by me 'n ya think I'm hittin ya with a baseball bat. I ain't kiddo.

Chuckz, this bad boi never said ya ain't been doin' anythin' else. I think ya just hate me, maybe determined to live up ta wat I wrote on ya wall Vanzy.
Again, you're interpreting everything thing we say LITERALLY will all the small quoting and such. You did say that something we said was "baseless" and our POINT was that you're putting a scummy spin on every post we make.

We knew you weren't saying that EVERYTHING we've said is baseless, you just misconstrued our point.

See Swiss, this is what we've taken from our little shenanigans with you. You've been taking little parts of what we're saying at you, and either removing the context or flat out telling us we're wrong. And we are constantly responding "No, this is what we actually said XXXXXX" and you keep saying "want your flip" and we're all :urg::urg::urg:

Tis why you're scummy to us. Why would a townie be trying to flip everything we say at them into an implication? How could a townie be constantly misinterpreting every thing we say accidentally? Again it's just a vibe of your overall play... but it just don't add up y'know?

Agreed on the hurr durr tennis match bittai. Want ya flip purely 'cuz I havnae a clue wtf is g'wan on wit ya, feel like you'rea tunnel me 'till wan of us dies, plus having you die is ALWAYS amusin'. Consider it payback for Odd[broken way against Swiss so he lost]world. Lawl.


But will later on.


Oct 4, 2010
FFS I wanted Gotenks to make it clear who he wanted to lynch.

I've been waiting on a responce from PM to decide where I want my vote.

I think Gotenks would probably be the best choice and Licky would love if you joined us with this. vote: Gotenks

Licky doesn't think Moriarty should be the play. Licky would be fine with Spag or Regal or PM, but would like Gotenks the most. But not Moriarty because Licky thinks there is a high chance of lynching scum based on scumminess today. So please join us FFS.

Also FFS what do you think of Chuckie??


Oct 3, 2010
FFS I wanted Gotenks to make it clear who he wanted to lynch.

I've been waiting on a responce from PM to decide where I want my vote.

I think Gotenks would probably be the best choice and Licky would love if you joined us with this. vote: Gotenks

Licky doesn't think Moriarty should be the play. Licky would be fine with Spag or Regal or PM, but would like Gotenks the most. But not Moriarty because Licky thinks there is a high chance of lynching scum based on scumminess today. So please join us FFS.

Also FFS what do you think of Chuckie??
Posting without mentos, cause i think he's asleep, so I won't be saying too much. I felt a need to respond to this really quickly, since we have already sort of answered all of this.

FFS I wanted Gotenks to make it clear who he wanted to lynch.
We have been a proponent of lynching Moriarty, because of his anti-town play style. And our vote is on Moriarty. Seems pretty clear to me.

Licky doesn't think Moriarty should be the play. Licky would be fine with Spag or Regal or PM, but would like Gotenks the most. But not Moriarty because Licky thinks there is a high chance of lynching scum based on scumminess today. So please join us FFS.
So you think we're scum? Why's that?


Oct 4, 2010
You've been wishy-washy all game. No direct scumhunting. And even though you have given your thoughts on a few people, you haven't given much. And you're taking the easy wagon.


Oct 3, 2010
just went back and looked through your posts. this vote seems kind of unwarranted.

you have only mentioned Gotenks twice before just now. first one, you said we were kind of suspicious and that we mentioned the RVS thing, second one you just said

@XSword: Haha well the Zen half has time now.

Uhhm hmm ok.

Spag or Gotenks imo.
i couldnt really figure out exactly what you were answering here. if the part concerning Gotenks was also responding to xsword.

and then just now you came out with wishy-washy.

both me and mentos havent really said too much. right. we cant really find the time to communicate as much as we should be able to, and i dont really like posting without talking to him first.

bsl pulls the noobcard

i really really dont want to do it, but i mean, i guess i kind of have to, so that i can explain. this is only my second game. first game, i came in as a replacement (town), and was NK'd night 1.

i want to talk to mentos and get a real explanation as to why we havent done any scumhunting, lol.

so i guess maybe, since we havent done any scumhunting, we might look scummy?

but why would you choose to vote us over moriarty, who hasn't even made a real post?
at least we have taken stances, and have been sort of useful.

moriarty has been asked before to post real posts, and hasnt.

i contacted mentos when xsword asked us to post more views, and am waiting on that.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Licky doesn't think Moriarty should be the play. Licky would be fine with Spag or Regal or PM, but would like Gotenks the most. But not Moriarty because Licky thinks there is a high chance of lynching scum based on scumminess today. So please join us FFS.

Also FFS what do you think of Chuckie??
Okay, but if we don't lynch him, what's going to happen to him? Scum isn't going to kill him obviously, we would have to hope we have a vig. If we don't have a vig and we don't lynch him today, we'll have to lynch him later in the game. And I think we can agree that there's a higher chance of lynching scum based on scumminess on later days, we may as well not waste those with Moriarty lynch. Unless you think you can determine Moriarty's alignment based on what he posts.

We both agree that we like Chuckie.

And no we don't agree with the Gotenks lynch. You say that we can likely lynch scum based on scumminess, but the best you make is just a few good points on Gotenks? It should also be noted that deadline is the 18th, as in tomorrow (lol AM hours). Gotenks is a worthwhile trail to pressure, but do you think you can get enough of a read on him, especially in this time, to think there's a high chance he's scum, based on scumminess?

lol@BSL pulling the noob card. I really want to hate you for doing it, and hate you more for lampshading it. Seriously though, you should fix that problem.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
again, sorry about pulling the noobcard. i felt that if i didnt give an explanation, it would look worse than having the noobcard explanation.

and then i felt bad for pulling the noobcard, but that i had to. so i apologized. :(

just wait until tomorrow, and hopefully mentos can talk.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
@ Vanz - Those quotes weren't out of context at all imo. When this game is over I'm havin' a stern talk with you and Kat.

That was in response to Licky telling us we weren't scum hunting. I responded "did you miss the part where we figured Cheese was scum?" It was just us saying we were scum hunting.
I took that as to mean you "had figured Cheese as scum" not that "we've been scum hunting". C'mon, taking it out of context? Really?

@ The-Man see the part of the quote I bolded. That bit. Answer the questions is #350. Only thing I'mma sittin' on the fence about is Chuckie's alignment. Takin' stances left right 'n centre elsewhere ish. That goes @ SSBF too. Remember? Gotenks = scum. Moriarty aligned with Gotenks. Got a few town reads. Leanin' scum would be people I question harder like the-man. Have some null tells 'cuz it's D1. I'm not gonna sit here 'n make a friggin numbered list.

Still wanna know how you say I do have content even when ya can barely understand me.

K. SSBF, man. Half of the things you quoted me posting are, in fact, not actual factual statements. If you were to read them in the context, like my "Obnoxious is a town tell, amirite?" that was a joke, FZ and Chuckie had just mentioned it. Other things such as "Was I really accusing you of scumminess, in RVS? 'Course I was" Was a joke. It was RVS. I called him scum for not voting whoever it was the first two people voted. Ugh. And although you seem to have missed it, I have never called Chuckie scum. Also about 3 quotes below Jeanluc Picard facepalming you quoted something that got EBWOP'd later. I fudged my names up. You're not seeing everything there is to be seen. It's like you're looking at a pyramid head-on and think it's just a big triangle, there's more if you just tilt your head.

There are other quotes similar to this like "I am sure no town has employed this before" - man, I wasn't literally saying no town has ever tried the policy of lynching scummy people before inactives. I was pointing out that the result we reached was what all towns do by default anyway. You've managed to catastrophically misunderstand most of my posts. I'm posting this is Serious Swiss mode. There has been no sarcasm in this post so far (there actually hasn't). If there are any specific parts of that case you want me to address I will. I would like to clarify something - you (think you said it, cbf re-reading) think the the-man made a strong case on me? What do you think about him literally dropping it, not pushing it and then saying he was finding the game hard to get into? What could this mean?

K. Back ta Swissai boi. Gawd.

XSword, Peach, Smarboy - where ya gone?

Cotton could you elaborate on why you think Gotenks is scum?

BSL - you posted to explain even when you knew playing the noob card would get you flak? Is this correct?
Mentos - How do you feel about that?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
lol@BSL pulling the noob card. I really want to hate you for doing it, and hate you more for lampshading it. Seriously though, you should fix that problem.
Please clarify, when you say 'hate' do you mean 'find scummy' or just 'dislike'

@Forever Zero: What do you think of the discussion between Regal and Chuckie, Earlier I believe you said Swiss' obnoxious style is a null tell, Do you agree with Chuckie that Regal is reading out of context and purposely misunderstanding? how scummy are these two players

@Fans For Sell: The majority of your large post just now seems to be focused on Regal, yet you decide Moriarty should go, why? from reading the post I was expecting a regal vote at the end based on how much you criticise him. Is lynching a scummy player not better than lynching a completely null unreadable one?

@Mod: Is there a deadline for this Day? if so could you put it in the title


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Now for the votecount:

tHe-man: Spaghebti (1)
XSword: Smarboy69 (1)
Moriarty: ForeverZero, Regal Cheese, Peach Monster, Gotenks, Fans for sell (5)
Regal Cheese: Chuckie (1)
Spaghebt: Moriarty,(1)
Gotenks: Xsword, Cottonlicky(2)

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Not voting: tHe-man (1)

As a side note, sorry about the lack of votecounts, i've been really busy as of late, i'll be back in full force on monday.

Deadline has been set to Oct 18th at 11:59 PM


Oct 3, 2010
BSL - you posted to explain even when you knew playing the noob card would get you flak? Is this correct?
see this

again, sorry about pulling the noobcard. i felt that if i didnt give an explanation, it would look worse than having the noobcard explanation.

and then i felt bad for pulling the noobcard, but that i had to. so i apologized. :(

just wait until tomorrow, and hopefully mentos can talk.
i felt that if i didnt give an explanation, it would look worse than having the noobcard explanation.

Regal Cheese said:
skimming amirite?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Okay, but if we don't lynch him, what's going to happen to him? Scum isn't going to kill him obviously, we would have to hope we have a vig. If we don't have a vig and we don't lynch him today, we'll have to lynch him later in the game. And I think we can agree that there's a higher chance of lynching scum based on scumminess on later days, we may as well not waste those with Moriarty lynch. Unless you think you can determine Moriarty's alignment based on what he posts.
My reasoning for Moriarity lynch is that it has to be done, and we may as well do it now and not waste our later days, when we have more info.

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
You know I usually point and laugh at people who make that mistake, but now I'm one of them :(.

But anyways yes lol, unless you are really confident there's a vig, or you think that you can decipher is alignment based on macro images and votes alone, Moriarity needs to be taken care of today.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
we do think you can determine alignment based on quotes and macros. We just think he's lurking hard. Cheese, I'm on my phone. We'll get to you.


Oct 4, 2010
@mod: Licky's vote is on Gotenks

@Gotenks. Licky doesn't buy it. Licky can see right through.

@Regal: If I had the time to make a full case, I would but I don't :(. Licky feels strongly about this one though. Licky doesn't quite get why you think Moriarty & Gotenks are buddies, but if you feel so strongly would it not matter the order that they are lynched? Licky does not necessarily think that Moriarty is scum but agrees with Gotenks, so Licky would like your help in lynching him.

@FFS: If scum is lynched, then Moriarty can be saved for later. It's a gamble, but with risk comes reward.

@Chuckie: Why are you wasting your time with Regal? Licky finds it suspicious. Licky would think that out of anyone, you would have the best read on the town vibes Regal is giving.


Oct 4, 2010
Licky does not buy that you are noob town. Licky can see through your act. Why? Because I can. As Licky has said, you have done no scumhunting and have been on the sidelines. This half has never played with mentos before, but Licky would think he knows how to scumhunt.


Oct 3, 2010
licky, please go look at the other game, then. i am playing this game pretty much exactly as i did Majora's Mask. i flipped town there.

again, i havent discussed scumhunting with mentos yet, so i dont know his reasoning behind not doing it.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Licky. I felt Gotenks was pushing unnecessarily on Moriarty. Felt fake. Felt like bussing. But I hit a wall. His 373, though quite rude, seems town. He took flak to no gain, and when I asked for clarification, he didn't jump at the chance to get townie points, he was just rude to mah cheesy face. Postin' thoughts as I go. Gonna re-read this fool.

Tell me your thoughts on that. Does one good post nullify his other actions? Do ya think the post was townie? Accidental?

Saw his #388 (refresh ftw)

FoS Gotenks

That, is a pathetic statement.

KK just re-read him. Licky, I don't like him. I'd forgotten how badly he reacted in his #273 as soon as I irritated him. Did what I did in ToS. I wanna see exactly where you're coming at him from to see him as scummy. Would help me majorly. He could be the play toDay if you make time and make that case convincing, and soon... *dangles bait*. Realistic Gotenks lynch isn't toDay, still think Moriarty needs to go first, it's less likely to be a scum lynch - but it's gotta happen and will shed light on Gotenks play. If we hit scum on Moriarty then Gotenks dies 2mo, unquestionably. See what happens overnight regardless (not breadcrumbing there btw).


Oct 4, 2010
Well it's interesting that you pointed that out because you were actually playing better in that game, from my perspective. You and Mentos have not been using a quicktopic? Weren't you guys the ones that proposed people use one? It would make things much easier in terms of communication if you used one, since you don't necessarily need to be on at the same time to express your thoughts to one another.

Uhm anyway, what are your current thoughts on Chuckie, bsl?

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
CottonLicky, again. You said you really think we can get scum based on scumminess today, but you vs Gotenks is basically just telling us "trust us guyz." And I hate to intercept your question, he may as well still answer it, but what's up with you and wanting to know what people think of Chuckie?

Cheese gots the idea. Lynch Moriarity today, see what happens at night.

@tHe-mann, I interpreted as inactivity, but that' works just as well.


Sep 13, 2010
so lets say yu guys lynch mory and he flips town

then what

all yu learn is that like every1 was wrong

do yu guys actually think hes scum or are you just policy lynching him. its ********. cuz unless yu actually think morys scum you shouldnt vote him [and i dont believe most ppl think hes scum but just wanna get rid of him cuz they cant deal with it]

You're not posting why, at all, ever. That's why you're on my scum list. That's why I want to lynch Moriarty. You never even explained why you voted me. You're taking stances that have no content. That's the opposite of Cheese's content with no stances.
i voted you cuz longass cases out of nowhere = always scum. its like the most obv scumtell ever. yu srsly need to die toDay.

@mod my votes on the man. please change it


Oct 4, 2010
@Cheese: I don't think that one post in particular should counter out the negatives. And from my perspective that post is more null than townie. I think it looks more townie from your perspective since it was directed at you.

@FFS: bsl had a bit of suspicion on Chuckie earlier so I want to know what his thoughts about him are now. And I'm still interested in Chuckie o.o

I agree with Spag, we get nothing from Moriarty and we have no legit scum tells on him. I feel we could get a head start in the game by lynching spag, the-man, PM, Gotenks, FZ, or Chuckie >____________>

I think 2 or more scum is in this group.

I feel like FZ hasn't posted in a while. I know OS is V/LA but Frozen why haven't you been posting? Also Gordito it seems like you haven't been posting as much either.

Smarboy can I have your current thoughts on FFS, Regal, Gotenks, and FZ?


Sep 30, 2010
I'm back, just waiting to talk to Gorditoboy before posting anything serious.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Soz wrong account but I'm on my iPod. And I don't know how to log out of swf mobile lol.

Me and kat are both pretty vla ATM, but we agree with the spaghetti that lynching mor for the sake of it is dumb. But we don't want a no lynch.... anyone wanna lynch the man or gotenks instead, let us know, will bbl before deadline... But I can't remember him posting in the last few days so actually I'm probably down for mor... But :(.

Swiss: I dunno if were just disagreeing over dumb stuff. If you're scum and just intentionally doing this imma hate you forever :D


Oct 4, 2010
Van you'd rather have the-man over spag? Why so?

Also to log out of mobile you have to go to the home page and scroll down to the very bottom.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I want spaghetti dead too. But they haven't been that scummy really. I just don't know why gheb doesn't post more he's usually so helpful

Seriously half the playerlisy can die, too many people to name


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Also wtf licky at you want us dead before Gordon or xsword. So much scum in here it hurts.

Unvote vote: gotenks


Sep 30, 2010
Cotton said:
Also Gordito it seems like you haven't been posting as much either.
I know. I'm not gonna give my list of excuses (one being that I don't wanna talk too much without my other half (but she's back, so...)), but I'm sorry for not being here. I'm here now though ^_^.

Licky said:
Smarboy can I have your current thoughts on FFS, Regal, Gotenks, and FZ?
FFS- Not enough info, but I like that he likes us :p. Real talk, for what he's said, it seems good and substantial. Not the play for toDay.
Regal- I'm not liking him. Swissy, I'm starting to see what Vanz mentions when he talks about a scum Swissy trying to look good, when he really isn't being so. But, not the play for toDay. There are better plays.
Gotenks- I'm really not liking him. I don't want YOU to tell us to meta you. That can mean that you're purposely trying to mirror your town style. His 366 and 380 were just... LAUGHABLE. I mean, come on Mentos. You gotta teach BSL how to play as scum! I, as Gordito, am down to vote for him if our other option doesn't go through (it's a surprise!). Kinda like my second choice.
ForeverZero- I forgot he was in this game, and he's not the play toDay. Just cuz there's better options.

Smargz should be making a case(s), hopefully, soon. She's got those antibiotics in her, and she's ready to do her thing.


Sep 30, 2010
Oh, and I swear that if Moriarty is lynched, I can GUARANTEE everyone here that 2/(assuming 3 man scum team from a 12 man group)3 or 3/3 scum lies in the wagon.


Oct 3, 2010
Mentos half checking in, gotta get caught up after a couple heavy days of work, but for right now stop being idiots and get off us before we get much farther. Not going to be the lynch today for sure. Regardless, I'm going to start catching up in about 20 minutes or so, and I'll see how far I have to take this to stop it :D

Fans for Sell

Super Smash Bros. Fan|Sold2
Oct 14, 2010
Looks like my post got eaten by trying to preview it. It's a school night, so I won't be able to retype it all up, but I will summerize what I made:

- @Regal Cheese: If you thought the "Obnoxious is a town tell, amirite?" and "Was I really accusing you of scumminess, in RVS? 'Course I was" were jokes, why didn't you imply they were in some form when you made them in the first place? You may not have called Chuckie scum, but I can count off at least four instance where you spoke ill of Chuckie, indicating that you disliked him. Where was the EBWOP? I checked page 5 agaiin and did not see it. With your explanation on the last line, I can see where you're coming from, but implying absolutes is quite unecessary IMO. And to answer your question, I didn't like how tHe-Man abandoned it after making the case, but I did like the case and decided to build off from it. I found enough evidence that makes me your top suspicion and if I can convince my other partner that you're the scummiest person in the game, I will be pushing for your lynch tomorrow. I also under tHe-Man complaint about the game being hard to get into, since this is an all-hydra game, so it is expected to be confusing, although I'm not going to give him a pass for not scum hunting due to this.

- Currently getting a null read off of Gotenks. It was leaning town due to earlier play that I found town, but I detested BSL's pulling of the noobcards. To me, pulling the noobcards should not save a person from being lynched and he saying that it was the only option is bull, finding other ways to give explanation should not be that hard. While he did apoligize for it, it doesn't change that I find it scummy.

- @X1-12: If it was purely my choice, I would put my vote on Regal Cheese. However, Morarity is a lynch I'm willing to settle for as while he isn't impossible to read, getting reads off of pictures and votes without explanation is difficult to read. I got a read off of him and it's a strong scum one. Plus Morarity has been so useless that it looks to not change. He will be detrimental to the game in the future regardless of what alignment he's in.

- QFT at tHe-Man's #376.

- Spaghebti, the lynch on Morarity is not purely based on policy lynches. I'm the type of player who will not support policy lynches under most circumstances. Our vote on Morarity have already been throughly explained. Look at our case on Morarity for scumminess and look at his posts. Do you seriously want him around for his downright incompetent play?

This head of the hydra will be around tomorrow until 9:30 PM CST to switch votes to prevent a No Lynch and contribute if possible. Not sure about my other head will be around tomorrow.


Sep 30, 2010
Let's take a look at Peachmonster:

-He is against policy lynches. This is established in posts 77 and 82, but then look at his next post 97, where suddenly it's okay to lynch someone based on grammar? Then, in post 245 it's okay, even desirable to lynch Moriarty. He builds a half-hearted case on CottonLicky, on the basis of actual scummy behavior, and then in the next post ...

Oh, and per earlier post:

Vote: Moriarty

Moriarty, please take a stance on someone you feel is scummy in some way.
Okay, so lynching based on scumminess is preferable to lynching based on policy/anti-town play. You have a case on someone you feel is scummy. But you vote for someone based on policy, and NOT on the person you think is actually scum.

I think Gorditoboy has noted a few times that the Moriarty wagon is the perfect place for scum to hide. Posting what is essentially a FOS on Cottonlicky and then voting someone else, when both halves previously stated that they'd prefer to lynch scum over a policy lynch looks like feeling out the town. Also, while Peach has been going on and on about game mechanics (I think better than half his posts so far have been game mechanic related, or discussing their own meta) and pushing Moriarty as a possible lynch target, they don't actually hop on board the wagon until it's clear that it's going places. Peach is making very safe scum plays, and not really contributing to the game.

Also, this post:

Getting a town read on Smarboy, I like the play and the reasoning. Gord's play seems to fall in line with his town play in Bioware.

Scum hunting for "invalid reasons" is still scumhunting, whether you agree with it or not. I don't claim to be a great player, but I do try. If you'd like to give me reads on more players I have no problem in answering questions about other players at all, until then Ii comment on what I find scummy and what I see fit. The fact that you don't agree with my reads doesn't mean I'm not making them.
Bolded = experienced player's version of the noob card.

Me voting for him wasn't a policy. I voted him to pressure him to participate in a more helpful way, and in case he was trying to coast. I voted for a player, not for a policy. A policy lynch means you set a rule that you must never break. These are two entirely different things. In addition it's not a policy lynch because I am free to take away my vote from Moriarty at anytime I want. In a policy lynch, you can't take away your vote, it's "policy."
At the risk of quibbling over the definition of policy, any time you vote for a player for something anti-town, it's going to come across as a policy lynch. The fact is, voting a player for anti-town play when there are people who are actually being scummy is itself anti-town. So, for that matter, is announcing that a vote is for pressure (even if everyone and their brother recognizes it as such). You're splitting hairs here; you are voting Moriarty because of his playstyle and that is a policy lynch.

If you think I should be the play why didn't you vote for me when you made a really long case against me? You are reacting pretty strongly to what was an observation and a finger of suspicion. You should follow it up with a vote. We prod you with suspicion with what may have seemed like wifom, and your reaction is to make a giant case against us, but then not even follow it up with a vote? That doesn't look good at all in my eyes.

While I feel your actual defense is sound, the over reaction you are having defending yourself is pretty suspect. You are not the play for the day but you are a player to watch more closely than others, particularly how you react when people accuse you.

@the-man Cheese may be obnoxious but like ForeverZero stated, it's getting reactions out of people, and making people take stances on him. He's also taking stances on others. I feel ok about him right now myself.
So why didn't you follow up your case on Cottonlicky with a vote? Why are you still not voting him? Clearly your pressure on Moriarty isn't doing anything, so why not put your vote where it might do some good?

Regal had a strong case made on him earlier in the day that made sense and that we do not feel he made a strong response to it.

Spag I dislike, Chuckie is a null tell. FZ and Gotenks I would actually like to defer to my other half for a read on, as I don't feel I have a strong one.

My other half originally made the case on Licky, but then asked me to separately review Licky's posts and give me his opinion. I arrived to the same conclusion citing the same posts, so we decided to pursue. I fail to see how we have pursued you for "invalid reasons", and find it suspect that you are accusing us of "not scumhunting" because scumhunting for "invalid reasons" (translate: finding you scummy).

Here you list a whole bunch of people you find scummy. Why not vote one of them? Don't you prefer to vote scummy people instead of inactive or anti-town people?

Peach is our #1 scumpick. We would go for a gotenks lynch over Moriarty, but would prefer Peach.

Summary: We have someone (Peachmonster) being actually scummy. We should lynch them, and not policy lynch someone because we don't like their posting style.

Vote: PeachMonster
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