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Halo Game - Ovah


Oct 4, 2010
Smarboy lol at quoting cotton and then licky.

FFS: I think townhall will be in a better position to judge Moriarty tomorrow. C'mon man. Would you at least be game for the-man? I'm super curious about him. And his flip could say a lot about Regal and Spag.


Oct 4, 2010
Woot @ that last post Smarboy. If Gotenks can prove why he shouldn't be the play, I'd love lynch PM. They never even responded to my last post or anything since. And I've seen EP online.


Sep 30, 2010
Cotton said:
Gordon as in Smarboy? They are obvtown. Or pure genious. I think the first more likely.
Or both O_O? I think so.

Licky said:
Smarboy lol at quoting cotton and then licky.
Decided to do it again ^_^.

Uhh... I don't have a cute name to put in for CottonLicky :| said:
And I've seen EP online.
Woah... I didn't even catch that. It reinforces our desire to lynch.

Oh, this post isn't just for fluff. Silly smarboy didn't Unvote before he got to Vote: Peach Monster


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
tHe-man/Cheese/Gotenks/Spag/Peach monster/Moriarity

^ Would lynch anyone off this list.


Oct 3, 2010
FFS I wanted Gotenks to make it clear who he wanted to lynch.

I've been waiting on a responce from PM to decide where I want my vote.

I think Gotenks would probably be the best choice and Licky would love if you joined us with this. vote: Gotenks

Licky doesn't think Moriarty should be the play. Licky would be fine with Spag or Regal or PM, but would like Gotenks the most. But not Moriarty because Licky thinks there is a high chance of lynching scum based on scumminess today. So please join us FFS.

Also FFS what do you think of Chuckie??
Ok, time for me to be a bit more old-school and make some big responses in a quote wall and all that good stuff. Lot's to comment on.

First of all, you say you wanted us to be clear on who we wanted to lynch? I've been out for Moriarty as one of the first two to go after him, for slightly different reasons than FZ was at him for, and he has been my focus(and therefore that of the hydra, as BSL agrees), so I'm pretty sure it's clear who we want to lynch.

You say you've been waiting on PM's response before voting, then in the next line vote us? What changed your mind so suddenly?

You say there's a high chance of lynching based on scumminess, then go on to list a third of the game. It's not exactly a high chance when there's no one standing out largely enough to where you're comfortable with a good chunk of the game dying.

You've been wishy-washy all game. No direct scumhunting. And even though you have given your thoughts on a few people, you haven't given much. And you're taking the easy wagon.
First of all, I had probably the earliest hard stance saying at the end of the RVS that I would be more than happy to lynch Moriarty if he didn't step it up. That has held up the whole game. Not wishy-washy there. What do you mean by "direct scumhunting"? How do you interpret that scumhunting is not what is occurring as I read the game? Do I have to post every little thought I have to be scumhunting? Or am I missing your meaning?

just went back and looked through your posts. this vote seems kind of unwarranted.

you have only mentioned Gotenks twice before just now. first one, you said we were kind of suspicious and that we mentioned the RVS thing, second one you just said

i couldnt really figure out exactly what you were answering here. if the part concerning Gotenks was also responding to xsword.

and then just now you came out with wishy-washy.

both me and mentos havent really said too much. right. we cant really find the time to communicate as much as we should be able to, and i dont really like posting without talking to him first.

bsl pulls the noobcard

i really really dont want to do it, but i mean, i guess i kind of have to, so that i can explain. this is only my second game. first game, i came in as a replacement (town), and was NK'd night 1.

i want to talk to mentos and get a real explanation as to why we havent done any scumhunting, lol.

so i guess maybe, since we havent done any scumhunting, we might look scummy?

but why would you choose to vote us over moriarty, who hasn't even made a real post?
at least we have taken stances, and have been sort of useful.

moriarty has been asked before to post real posts, and hasnt.

i contacted mentos when xsword asked us to post more views, and am waiting on that.
Eh, hate to see the newb card being played here. From the outside I can see where people are coming from not liking this post. Let me try to explain what the point of this was. We were called out, and BSL felt that something should be said to respond to the accusation, not knowing when I would next be available. Therefore, he came in to at least offer some response, despite not having full details on what he was responding to, which is hard for any player to attempt.

BSL - you posted to explain even when you knew playing the noob card would get you flak? Is this correct?
Mentos - How do you feel about that?
Eh, it's a mix how I feel about that. On one hand, as I said above, if I was someone else I can definitely see the problem with it, which makes me dislike it a bit. On the other hand, I've been able to talk to BSL since then, and can tell exactly why he felt the need to post it. He felt a sense of urgency about the pressure on us. In fact, when he contacted me tonight to make sure I was on top of reading the thread, he literally said we were the target lynch. After reading I think we're in better shape by far than he implied, but from my talk with him I understand him making the post. So, I don't like it due to the fact that the post is to some extent suspicious, but I understand what he was thinking when he made it, so it's not too bad from my POV.

@mod: Licky's vote is on Gotenks

@Gotenks. Licky doesn't buy it. Licky can see right through.
care to explain?

what dont you buy? what can you see right through?

and why?
I agreed with this question 100%. My exact reaction to that post.

Licky does not buy that you are noob town. Licky can see through your act. Why? Because I can. As Licky has said, you have done no scumhunting and have been on the sidelines. This half has never played with mentos before, but Licky would think he knows how to scumhunt.
First of all,the person who was posting at the time is noob, it's not an act he's putting on, so your first part is just wrong digging. Then you move back to scumhunting. Once again I'll ask, how do you know there hasn't been scumhunting going on? Not to mention the times I have said I had some solid townreads, which are achieved through scumhunting. Just because I'm not posting every little suspicion doesn't mean I'm not scumhunting, it just means I don't feel like pointing out every thought process>_>

licky, please go look at the other game, then. i am playing this game pretty much exactly as i did Majora's Mask. i flipped town there.

again, i havent discussed scumhunting with mentos yet, so i dont know his reasoning behind not doing it.
Not a big fan of this post, just so y'all know. Meta defense is extreme WIFOM(not to say I haven't used it before, but I don't like when I do it eitherXD), except in occasional rare circumstances, and the second part agrees with a baseless accusation that, well, I've already responded to.

Well it's interesting that you pointed that out because you were actually playing better in that game, from my perspective. You and Mentos have not been using a quicktopic? Weren't you guys the ones that proposed people use one? It would make things much easier in terms of communication if you used one, since you don't necessarily need to be on at the same time to express your thoughts to one another.

Uhm anyway, what are your current thoughts on Chuckie, bsl?
We have made one, but it's not much easier to have a conversation checking in a few hours apart, and both be up to date when we're using it than to wait until we can converse live. It's being used, but it's better to be in realtime, and with how spread out it would be otherwise it doesn't yet make a great alternative.

so lets say yu guys lynch mory and he flips town

then what

all yu learn is that like every1 was wrong

do yu guys actually think hes scum or are you just policy lynching him. its ********. cuz unless yu actually think morys scum you shouldnt vote him [and i dont believe most ppl think hes scum but just wanna get rid of him cuz they cant deal with it]

i voted you cuz longass cases out of nowhere = always scum. its like the most obv scumtell ever. yu srsly need to die toDay.

@mod my votes on the man. please change it

:/ Whichever of you posted that, how do you not see Moriarty as being a good lynch? They can't ever be as easy or as clear to read posting the way they are, do you really want to deal with pictures only being alive on mylo or lylo? There's not a clear standout scum candidate right now, and Moriarty is not only very much a non-presence today, but is also in the most anti-town game right now.

@Cheese: I don't think that one post in particular should counter out the negatives. And from my perspective that post is more null than townie. I think it looks more townie from your perspective since it was directed at you.

@FFS: bsl had a bit of suspicion on Chuckie earlier so I want to know what his thoughts about him are now. And I'm still interested in Chuckie o.o

I agree with Spag, we get nothing from Moriarty and we have no legit scum tells on him. I feel we could get a head start in the game by lynching spag, the-man, PM, Gotenks, FZ, or Chuckie >____________>

I think 2 or more scum is in this group.

I feel like FZ hasn't posted in a while. I know OS is V/LA but Frozen why haven't you been posting? Also Gordito it seems like you haven't been posting as much either.

Smarboy can I have your current thoughts on FFS, Regal, Gotenks, and FZ?
Ok, so you still think we have a better chance to hit scum by lynching any of HALF THE GAME that makes it a legitimate better choice than getting rid of a player who's going to be impossible to fully read late game? Not to mention you agree with spag, but think he may be scum? And his top suspect you're ok with too? This post is essentially no better than saying you don't know who to lynch. It also kind of makes me think of scum taking the "Defend Moriarty" stance to keep him alive and a distraction moving forward. You have no reason to believe we have a great chance of hitting scum based on suspecting half the game.

Soz wrong account but I'm on my iPod. And I don't know how to log out of swf mobile lol.

Me and kat are both pretty vla ATM, but we agree with the spaghetti that lynching mor for the sake of it is dumb. But we don't want a no lynch.... anyone wanna lynch the man or gotenks instead, let us know, will bbl before deadline... But I can't remember him posting in the last few days so actually I'm probably down for mor... But :(.

Swiss: I dunno if were just disagreeing over dumb stuff. If you're scum and just intentionally doing this imma hate you forever :D
Oh lick is voting gotenks that's good enough for me

Unvote vote: gotenks
Thanks for posting any substance to justify that vote. Even if you're on your phone, if you're gonna make a post pointing suspicion and voting for someone you should back it up.

Gotenks- I'm really not liking him. I don't want YOU to tell us to meta you. That can mean that you're purposely trying to mirror your town style. His 366 and 380 were just... LAUGHABLE. I mean, come on Mentos. You gotta teach BSL how to play as scum! I, as Gordito, am down to vote for him if our other option doesn't go through (it's a surprise!). Kinda like my second choice.
Yeah, definitely, unfortunately that'd be kinda tough to do in this game. Maybe next time. I'm not gonna go into the WIFOMy response I'd have against that, but really you seem opportunistic jumping on with me as an option with nothing but those two posts to base things on.

@FZ: Where'd you guys get off to? Towniest of town for a while, then you both just disappeared. Look forward to more by you guys.

I think that's all I've got right now and it's gettin late. We're not gonna be the play today, that's left for Moriarty. Can't take risks on potential, we need to get rid of something that'll be an easy push for scum at mylo/lylo if town, or is going to skate by without effort as scum.


Sep 13, 2010
Do you seriously want him around for his downright incompetent play?
dude wtf i already mentioned before that i dont think hes incompetent at all. dont confuse your opinion with facts. my biggest issue with him is inactivity atm so if we cant find anybody better to lynch im down to vote him before the deadline but i dont think he should b the center of our talk cuz i dont see him as scummy or incompetent

Whichever of you posted that, how do you not see Moriarty as being a good lynch? They can't ever be as easy or as clear to read posting the way they are, do you really want to deal with pictures only being alive on mylo or lylo? There's not a clear standout scum candidate right now, and Moriarty is not only very much a non-presence today, but is also in the most anti-town game right now.
if yu cant read him step up yur game and there are plenty of lynch candidates wtf are yu even reading the thread? mad names are tossed around and yu try to justify yur weakass stance on mory still...

FoS Gotenks

lovin how you dont even mention how mory is SCUMMY


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
@Gotenks: You've literally taken no hard stances that you've pursued at all apart from Morarity (the softest/easiest/most obvious lynch ever)... and when you said you'd vote Chuckie after Moriarty, but when we pointed out the flaws in your reasoning, you responded something like "we only said we'd vote for you, not that ur scummy"... which makes us want to run you over :mad:.

Pretty sure if you have any real scum reads, these players have no idea and feel no pressure and you've done nothing to convince us that they're scum.

You haven't shared any of your "town reads" either. To us you look like you don't want to leave a trail on Day 1, and skate by with the free ride to Day 2.

"OMG no one other than moriarity can be lynched toDay!!!!" <- is what you sound like.

Taking a hard stance on moriarity means NOTHING as far as I'm concerned. Do you have any reason to believe he's scum? That he's town? Tomorrow, if he flips town you'll say "oh well, it's ok because he was a liability anyway!" And you'll have said basically nothing else. That's why my vote is on you.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Swiss: I dunno if were just disagreeing over dumb stuff. If you're scum and just intentionally doing this imma hate you forever :D

SSBF - No offence, but you're the only person who didn't realise the implicated sarcasm and jokes in my posts. Even when other people quoted and explained my posts later (e.g think it was cotton who quoted my "no town has employed this before" and was like OMG THIS IS TOTALLY AMAZING) you still didn't understand/read. Feel like this is a clash of postin' style against anti-sarcasm police.

Sold2, SSBF seems quite taken with the-mans case, are you? What do you feel about those quotes which SSBF doesn't accept as jokes/sarcasm? Scummy amirite?

Kk. Now down to BUSINESS.

I like spag. Will lynch Gotenks over Morairty.

Unvote Vote Gotenks

One townie post does not nullify everything else. Especially when he sits there as an actual potential play and says "omg gaiz i ain't a play" when you know full well what's happened in the last page or so means you are. You're a wagon now. You've talked me into making yourself my lynch target, lawl. Was happy to lynch a null player and see what light that shed on you.

Your long post did nothing to stop me wanting to lynch you btw. Doesn't feel like it's even there.

Peach Monster would be a bizarre choice considering the options available and wouldn't give us as much. Wanna shed light on this Gotenks/Morairty link I see. I'd hammer/vote if it happened, had almost forgotten he was in the game. Pretty sure he never answered my question wrt the-man.

Gotenks/the-man/Moriarty/Peach in order s'pose then.

Depending on the-mans next post. Could put him infront of Moriarty.

Ya changing mind, put the-man infront of Morairty, only need one of those two lynched to shed me some light. /edited. Could let Moriarty slip one more, doesn't matter. Would lynch either of the top two.

Quite a few ppl inactive atm. Would like ta see some stances on this Gotenks lynch.

Hurr durr.


Oct 2, 2010
So deadline is in about 13 hours.

I agree with all the criticism of the Moriarity wagon. It's an incredibly easy wagon to be on. It isn't really based on a whole lot of actual scummy behavior, and because of Moriarity's inactivity, doesn't yield us any exceptionally strong connections on the flip.

It's a sub par wagon and there's really no way to argue otherwise.

Problem is, with such little time before deadline, it's the best option we have. Moriarity has literally not responded to anything posed at him as of late. He's completely inactive. Why in the world would we leave him alive? He's just going to be a distraction all game at this rate.

If there was an exceptionally compelling wagon developing alongide side this one, I'd consider jumping to that but there just isn't one. There are some good cases that are starting to develop, and I'm excited to see where our discussion takes us D2, but I'm not sold on anything hard enough yet to justify trying to throw together a last minute wagon on anyone other that Moriarity.

Other people who have been even remotely scummy and deserve wagons at least deserve to be wagonned when they have time to respond and test how strong the case really is. No one other than Moriarity deserves to just be hammered without waiting for them to respond consideirng they've had ample time to do so.

It's kind of like democracy acording to Winston Churchill. It's a pretty **** ****ty system but it's the best we've got. That's the Moriarity wagon for ya.

Vote stays there. Someone please hammer him so we can move on.

I also apologize for our small bout of inactivity. Midterms going on here atm. Activity should jump back to normal after this week.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
They're both at around L-3/4.

This fine lump of Cheese recommends voting Gotenks to avoid the possibility of a no lynch. Moriarty is not scummy, merely useless. Gotenks is a compelling and very realistic lynch. Whaddya think of his scumminess?

Frozen posted that, amirite?

We got loadsa hydras playin' - can't see a no lynch happenin' without scum makin' it happen. Jus' sayin'.

@ mod request vote count


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
tHe-man: Spaghebti (1)
PeachMonster: Smarboy69 (1)
Moriarty: ForeverZero, Peach Monster, Gotenks, Fans for sell (4)
Spaghebt: Moriarty,(1)*
Gotenks: Xsword, Cottonlicky, Chuckie, Regal Cheese(4)

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Not voting: tHe-man (1)

This is accurate assumin' Smar unvote votes and I didn't miscount. Obv. Smar assumin' ya ain't stayin' on the Peach wagon with so little time left. Which way you goin'?

Wanna know where Peach and the-man stand. Spag'll wagon Gotenks imo. When did Xsword vote Gotenks? Why?


Sep 30, 2010
We're moving to gotenks. I said something about that towards the end of the monster post.

Vote: gotenks

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
So deadline is in about 13 hours.
4 hrs have passed.

Gotenks L-2.

Gotenks any last words? Give us your top scum picks.

Deadline in 9hrs assuming FZ was correct.

Regardless of what lynch you want, you'll not want a no lynch. Vote Gotenks. If he's town (which I doubt) he'll self vote at this stage to avoid no lynch.


Oct 4, 2010
PM would be better, but I guess it's set at this point.

Trunks said:
First of all, you say you wanted us to be clear on who we wanted to lynch? I've been out for Moriarty as one of the first two to go after him, for slightly different reasons than FZ was at him for, and he has been my focus(and therefore that of the hydra, as BSL agrees), so I'm pretty sure it's clear who we want to lynch.
Yeah actually I just forgot about that at that time.
Goten said:
You say you've been waiting on PM's response before voting, then in the next line vote us? What changed your mind so suddenly?
If you noticed, PM hasn't responded.
You say there's a high chance of lynching based on scumminess, then go on to list a third of the game. It's not exactly a high chance when there's no one standing out largely enough to where you're comfortable with a good chunk of the game dying.
Even if scum isn't lynched, the connections are better than a Moriarty flip. Especially since scum hasn't had the chance to prepare for the wagon. 33% is actually pretty good for D1 I think.
First of all, I had probably the earliest hard stance saying at the end of the RVS that I would be more than happy to lynch Moriarty if he didn't step it up. That has held up the whole game. Not wishy-washy there. What do you mean by "direct scumhunting"? How do you interpret that scumhunting is not what is occurring as I read the game? Do I have to post every little thought I have to be scumhunting? Or am I missing your meaning?
As Chuckie already mentioned, Moriarty is the only person you have really targeted. You haven't perused anyone else. You fail to ask questions, or make any followups. All you have done is focus on Moriarty. That's not scumhunting. Your other half even admits so.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Sorry, CBF to switch accounts right now, so I'll just go ahead and half-claim. Noble 1/Carter. Now get your friggin votes off of us before I facepalm even harder. People talk about the Moriarty wagon being easy, yet in about 24 hours because of 1 post everyone goes from no problem with our slot to being pushing our lynch. Now stop being idiots, get rid of worthless dead-weight while we have the chance, and let's get a move on, K?

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Claiming a character when most people won't even look at the thread before the deadline buys you an extra day, you just wanna stall a bit imo. Plus in a game where UNSC are confirmed to be the town, I find it highly unlikely all six members of Noble team are going to be town. Otherwise a full claim just wins us the game. Means indies, or scum as UNSC and a fake Role PM at the beginning.

Gawd the-man, cuttin' it fine? You coulda been a play toDay had ya been active recently. Ya just vanished. People forgot 'bout ya. Why were you both inactive? Is this a coincidence?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Sorry been a bit bizzy - Who is Noble 1? Also, I kinda want He-man to die first toDay, or Mouldycheese, but He-man is better. 7 hours! Who's up for a coordinated last-minute switch? I'll be around for awhile with lots of love and enthusiasm :glare:


Sep 30, 2010

Excuse GorditoBoy. He doesn't belong in this thread.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Noble 1 is the leader of a 6 man squad of 'Super soldiers'. They're all UNSC forces who were implied to be town. Pretty sure Covenant are scum if it hasn't been specifically stated, flavour said they were - they're aliens. Might be 'brutes' involved - they're like bears.


Sep 30, 2010
Sorry been a bit bizzy - Who is Noble 1? Also, I kinda want He-man to die first toDay, or Mouldycheese, but He-man is better. 7 hours! Who's up for a coordinated last-minute switch? I'll be around for awhile with lots of love and enthusiasm :glare:
I personally won't be around starting around 2 hours from now (time zone johns) and Sworddancer is busy so we probably wont be around for changes beyong then of any kind.

I really don't like some of gboys recent posts, i.e I do not beleive your claim because I cba to look up flavour in wikipedia

@Gboy: would you consider talking more with smar before posting?


Sep 30, 2010

Wipidea's for suckers.

Oh, and

The freakin sample Role PM said:
You are a marine. As a marine, you make up the brunt of the USNC forces. Which is why you are a Vanilla Townie.

Abilities: Just your thought and your vote! Make them count!

Win condition: You win when all threats to the USNC forces (the town) have been eliminated.
Anyone that knows the flavour can pick someone from the USNC forces and BAM.

@X1- Consider actually having a point before challenging me. Kthx.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Sorry been a bit bizzy - Who is Noble 1? Also, I kinda want He-man to die first toDay, or Mouldycheese, but He-man is better. 7 hours! Who's up for a coordinated last-minute switch? I'll be around for awhile with lots of love and enthusiasm :glare:
You think it would be possible to organise a lynch on the-man at such a late stage?

EP never posted. He vanished. I saw him check the thread. This is not appreciated.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Xonar's been pretty inactive and I was playing Smash and BlazBlue at a friend's house most of the day Sunday.

Alright, here's my two cents on the two wagons.

Gotenks Wagon - Don't like Gotenks for not posting on ANYTHING but Moriarty. Still hasn't really done so. He is not on the town side of the spectrum, but that doesn't change the fact that I like him more than Moriarty. He doesn't really leave a paper trail with his flip that I can see.

Moriarty Wagon - As much as I don't like Gotenks, it's like leaving jPSI in the game. Mory is lurking hardcore and hasn't posted anything in about 4-6 pages. By not lynching him here, you **** Gotenks and leave the worst lurker alive to take up a slot in Day 2 that could be better served with someone who will actually talk.

Vote: Moriarty

I will switch if I need to as Gotenks flip is infinitely preferable to no flip.

Now going back to dig out the crap said about me.


Oct 3, 2010
Noble 1(Carter) is the leader of Noble Team(The team of 6 spartans that the storyline of Reach focuses on), who recruited the player-character into Noble Team just before the Covenant invasion kicked into swing.

It annoys me that people are still calling out "A DUH!!!! you hasn't scumhunted at all todays!" Quite frankly, scumhunting isn't making cases and pushing people. There are several factors that go into what you show the town. Information that others don't have such as PRs, pushing one lynch and not wanting to distract it via posting up cases on other players you have no intent to lynch, different focuses of your scumhunting work, etc. I've been doing what best applies to this player-slot, and other than the couple posts by BSL, before that no one had complaints about the playerslot. I'm playing with strategy, not "let's fling out every minute scumtell so people know we're playing the game!" It's called strategy, learn it.

Regal Cheese, thanks for pointing out that there may be safe claims for scum, so you can't insta-clear off of a claim! My god it's a breakthrough! But no, seriously, yeah there probly are safeclaims for scum, but that's the case with any claim and you point it out like it's something that people aren't aware of to nudge that I'm fakeclaiming without directly saying it. If Moriarty didn't exist I would be voting you like you don't even know.


Sep 30, 2010
Talkiing with me wouldn't have helped much, since the only Halo I've ever played was the third one (I think) briefly with an ex-boyfriend in high school. I have very little flavor knowledge as well (though I did page through wikipedia). However, cheese has a good point about safe claims, and there is more to be learned from a gotenks flip than a moriarty flip.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
O btw The-man can ya explain what ya aim was with the post on me?

Would esp. like to hear about that game we played which has made ya biased against me...what game was that again? Quote ya self and link me the game, plz.
I said biased against your posting style. I (Ryker) played SSB Mafia with you and didn't remember you being obnoxious in it.

Regal Cheese

Sir Bedevere|Swiss
Oct 2, 2010
The cheese stands alone.
Gotenks, you'd vote me as I've explained why your safe claim is not certainly a town tell? Man. Wat?

I'm not lettin' people fall into easy traps when me bein' a halo fanatic and top friggin rank in reach (pro gaming - add 'eVo Swiss' if any y'all got Reach) helps us wit ma extra infos. Seems people didn't even know there were 6 members of 'Noble' team who are the main focus of da game and part of da UNSC forces.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
What do you expect me to do at l-2, not try to get it through your skulls that I shouldn't be lunched? You want me to just let us get lunched or what? L2FingP


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Chuckie and Licky never posted a why on me other than curiosity about flip indications, unless I'm mistaken.

Anyway, what are Gotenks and Morairty sitting on?
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