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Halloween Party Mafia ~ Over! Who drowned bobbing for apples? Who won Best Costume?

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
I feel like the Soup subject is being danced around, and I don't like it. Here's the low-down. Vote him or explain why you aren't voting him.

Soup is scum. His vote on me is absolute trash and he knows it. He admits in the post right before he votes me that he thinks that my vote on Ran is warranted in his own way but still thinks that it was more shallow than other people who he thinks boarded with little reasoning. If he thinks our vote wass warranted then how does he think its also shallow at the same time? There were hop-ons to the Ranmaru wagon that had half the reasoning we provided. Literally the only reason for his vote on us over another player for his same reasoning is to try and show that he wasn't afraid to vote for a power player and had backbone. Not to mention his commentary in his 319 is absolutely terrible and reeks to all hell. That post literally has no inferences or deductions. It is just quoting the back and forth between J and Sang and throwing in sideshow commentary in an attempt to make it look like he's contributing. There didn't need to be an analysis of the interaction. If Soup felt so strongly that said interaction was TvT why didn't he just say that and explain his reasoning instead of making a large post full of nothing. Not to mention he's selectively applying tells to Sang that he isn't doing to J throughout that post which I heavily dislike.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm not voting Soup till you address July's post to you.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I don't give a **** about voting Soup right now.

I agree on Soup, but I want your slot to respond to that. I won't be voting Soup before you do that.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I have already stated suspicion, and have stated agreement on your Soup read many times before.

You won't be getting my vote on him cuz July's post is very telling, and i want to see you clarify.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I am gonna sleep.

J, I leave you with this question:

What did you think of July's post on EBR? How are you leaning on it?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Then the interference mattered little aside from it's a bad habit that needs beating out of someone.

Not worried about it. Cop won't target me anyway. I've got all the thread power I need. Being cleared is a hassle. I don't need to be cleared to make things happen when I need to make things happen.
Oh ho ho ho.


There. Right there.

Unvote Vote EBR

Still want J dead and buried.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
About what? About you not doing anything and the like?

Read the entire thread before you post if you are getting mad that people are asking you questions, asking for you to explain your actions, and bring up things against you because you continue to post yet not respond to anything when it's been a while since it's been brought up.

Can ya do that for me Swissy? It'd make everyone's life a helluva lot easier.

Btw Why did you avoid/worm your way around answering EBR's questions, but instead try and turn it back onto him. They were good/relevant questions w.r.t. what you are saying but you just walk around that. Plus your AA read is just another random town read because that is not reasoning.


This kid is so fkin dumb its funny.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I do actually know the theme JFYI guys

Vote: J

EBR said:
Dude, X1 thinks you're scum for abruptly dropping scum reads with nothing legitimate to change the read between then and the drop.
J said:
W.r.t. X1, if that is really the case than how in the world does he get that besides with what I did to you early D1...?
You and Sang? You talk about how your 'flirting' with her helped you get a town read on her... despite there being nothing townie about thoses posts, nor infact anything of worth in them at all. You've not even tried to explain what about Sangs posts made her look town in your eyes.

I don't have a read on Swiss.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
No. Sit down. Shut the **** up. Stop playing like a ******.

Ryker doesn't have a power cord to his computer so he hasn't been able to be around and therefore we havn't talked. I try not to involve myself in D1 play anyway because I only taint tells that I look for when I read through the thread (however I'm actually feeling in the mood to play some mafia today and my other game is closed so I guess I'll actually do something) so the argument that I should be more on top of this game considering the players in the hydra is complete ****. That also carries over to giving other players free passes because they are known for acting stupid as opposed to us where we're apparently supposed to be on top of things all the time and thus are scummy when we aren't. Have you read Dgray man? Asdioh tried to knee jerk a scum read of WL for those same reasons and look what he flipped. When in that game did we become productive? End of D2.

I'm not excusing my inactivity, its a null tell, but if you're trying to make an argument that this inactivity goes against our meta and thus makes us scummier than other inactives then you're either very stupid or scum.

I have yet to actually read this thread yet though I've given it a good skim. Ran lynch is still where we are going and I have no idea why Sword is saying its a dumb idea. I disagree that the scummiest thing about Ran is his scumslip, though I don't like that all the same. You say his reads are backwards which, though true, isn't the main thing to focus on with his push. Its his reasoning for his reads. There simply isn't enough content in this game to warrant the reasoning he has given for some players and he is digging to find reasoning to make scum picks work rather than just stating what they have done that was scummy, even if there wasn't that much to comment on. For instance I disagree with his scum read on you in 218 because he is taking your dislike of my Ran pressure and using it to insinuate that almost surely knew that I was right and wanted to look pro-town by defending Ran instead of just speaking your mind. Instead of what he was reaching for, it could just as easily have been you just didn't agree with my Ran push and wanted to pressure me off it. However I find it interesting, and a town tell, that Sword is trying to emulate what I did in Kingmaker in trying to go after his largest scum read regardless of reputation. However I don't like that he's insinuating things about what our inactivity means in assuming ulterior motives. I explained above why using inactivity to explain why we're scum is dumb and we're no way trying to ride off our status, we're just not playing the game. Don't even try to stretch that.

As for 104

I'm not judging Ran's questions of RVS just on the surface level, I'm looking at the intent behind them. I still don't know what type of answer Ranmaru hoped to gain from asking specific people who they found the hardest to read as well as who people's rivals are. What townie intent is there found to knowing everyone's answers to those questions, ie, what does he plan to do with those answers. Nothing should be the apparent answer because there is nothing good you can learn from them. Ran being well, Ran shouldn't explain away why that's excusable. This exact same thing happened in DGray where JTB asked a question to Bardull with no pro-town direction behind it and it got explained away by JTB just being JTB and he freaking survived until D4.

As for scum not having communication until they discovered the true theme, where did you read that? Last I remember from the rules Nabe wouldn't disclose whether there was a lack of communication or not.

Ryker wrote that post but I'm assuming Swiss or J because he feels them to be the most competent players on the list, though J is probably the most free on this playerlist from my experience.

Soup is scum. His vote on me is absolute trash and he knows it. He admits in the post right before he votes me that he thinks that my vote on Ran is warranted in his own way but still thinks that it is more shallow than other people who he thinks have boarded with little reasoning. If he thinks our vote is warranted then how does he think its also shallow at the same time? There have been hop-ons to the Ranmaru wagon that had half the reasoning we provided. Literally the only reason for his vote on us over another player for his same reasoning is to try and show that he wasn't afraid to vote for a power player and had backbone. Not to mention his commentary in his 319 is absolutely terrible and reeks to all hell. That post literally has no inferences or deductions. It is just quoting the back and forth between J and Sang and throwing in sideshow commentary in an attempt to make it look like he's contributing. There didn't need to be an analysis of the interaction. If Soup felt so strongly that said interaction was TvT why didn't he just say that and explain his reasoning instead of making a large post full of nothing. Not to mention he's selectively applying tells to Sang that he isn't doing to J throughout that post which I heavily dislike.

@Scum: If you want to have any chance of winning this game then you best kill me toNight because I will be finding you toMorrow.
I forgot about this.

This is scummy.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Once again, Swissy, where da heat at? No balls? :cool:
See, it's posts like this.


Oh, wait.

J's digging at me with his little claws when everyone knows I have terrible activity issues and sometimes can only post my reads. Plus most mundane players don't even understand my reasoning.

Still, it's not like I correctly pinned all but one players in my last game with less activity than this.

Oh, wait.

People should question why J is being such a little ***. He's detracting my time away from explaining why I'm right so we can win this game, and instead making me explain to him why he's a total ****ing idiot with far less skill then he likes to believe.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Now I'm going on a trip for a few days so will be V/LA.

J and EBR need to die.

J there's no point in posting some gay little "OH SWISS WHY YOU THINKIN U DA BOI LOOK I'M J I'M CLEARLY BETTER THAN YOU WHERES THE PRESSURE ON YOUR SCUMPICKS :cool:?" post. Because if you do I will travel to your house and personally wreck you.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Votecount 2-3

9/16 to lynch.

Swiss [2]: Red Ryu, Shadow Moth
asianaussie [2]: J, Vult Redux
EBR! [1] Swiss
Vult Redux [1]: EBR!
J [1]: X1-12

Not voting: Gova, Acrostic, Raziek, July, Sworddancer, Ranmaru, asianaussie, SangfroidWarrior, traveling cat


[collapse=Vote Log] Swiss > J > EBR!
X1-12 > SangfroidWarrior > J
Red Ryu > Swiss
EBR! > Vult Redux
Vult Redux > asianaussie
J > Swiss > asianaussie > asianaussie
Shadow Moth > Swiss
traveling cat

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I'm doubting my scum read on Swiss. I don't see why he would push in direction he would if he were scum and with the people on him I'm not feeling confortable with a vote on him.


Vote: ERB!

This one is a lot more confident for me atm. That post Swiss singled out D1, looked scummy to me and I agree it looked like him calling out for his scummates.

And I'm not voting soup, cause I don't trust EBR!

Vult Redux

Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2010
Vult replaced Soup. Hooray, someone else will get my AiB reference aimed at TCat. Tell my why I shouldn't lynch you for Soup's play? In actually have a ton of respect for you as a player.
I'm probably easy to read with meta.

You probably disagree, but mind that I've never been scum on this site and haven't been scum-aligned in any game in over two years. I have all the Town games in the world to looks at, and I don't think it's a stretch to say that my play will be notably different whenever DO get a non-Town role.

Wait... what? How is that whiney? Like, at all. In a seperate game J and I were doing the same thing, commenting on something that the other was thinking. Also, that was in reference to if Ran got the guess wrong and still told us. That could, potentially, help us or hurt us, depending on the situation. WIFOM that I don't want to argue.

I'm reading it as pointing out a problem without taking initiative to solve it. I think whiny's an accurateish word.

I didn't expect such an, err, abrupt reaction from you from that.

Someone ask me opinions on specific ideas/exchanges, it helps me ease into the game.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Not worried about it. Cop won't target me anyway. I've got all the thread power I need. Being cleared is a hassle. I don't need to be cleared to make things happen when I need to make things happen.
To make this painfully clear because I hold no faith in the majority of you.

Previously we see Ryker is either provable PR or scum. Here, instead of saying "whatever cop me idc but it's a waste of resources" he tries to say he doesn't NEED to be copped. He's afraid of a cop on him, so he knows he'll turn guilty. Also everyone knows that currently no-one has thread power, especially not ERB, myself and him both want more. Ryker wants more power just not at the expense of a cop on him.

I very much doubt he is Miller PR. So he is scum.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Hurricane Irene might be blowing by, however I will try to catch up later this afternoon if I still have power. I apologize for my inactivity. I promise I will pick it up.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ditto with the hurricane come near us too in philly and PA? I dunno where else I just know its comin sunday

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Same for me and Sang w.r.t. this hurricane might mess up us being here.

Swiss, you are completely misconstruing the tone of my posts to come off as ***ish when they are playful jests at you at most. I'm not attacking you for inactivity just because I can do so maliciously nor is that why I am making those types of posts, I have no clue about you and what you do outside this game unless you tell me in game. You keep dismissing me to being just some dumb kid who isn't at your level of comprehension to understand that you don't explain things because you don't need to cuz you are that good which is quite annoying. At this point, I'm just going to drop it because I am done being stressed over something stupid when I need to focus on other things. So there ya go, ya got me off. ~.~ Still don't care for your attitude whatsoever because I think you need to realize that is not the tone of how I talk but I'm gonna just chalk it up to miscommunication aight? But what you are saying I am saying isn't even close to how I meant them to come off.

Your reasoning on EBR is weird because I don't really get how you are getting he is claiming that he scum in thread based on his answer to the cop question but then again, I'm just some dumb kid apparantly eh? -.-

Vult, can you tell me of your opinion on EBR? About Swiss' reasoning then compare to Swords/July's if you can? What reads do you get off those players and the way they talk to one another based off that? Then pick 3 players max and talk about them and their most prominent interaction this game with another player.

X1-12, I'll get to you some other time is that alright? I'm probably going to have to bring up posts as to why I liked Sang more based off that exchange but I do think I can probably read her better than a few players just purely based on I talk to the chick every day haha.

Now I'm out for a while and that may be days to hours. *shrug*


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Your reasoning on EBR is weird because I don't really get how you are getting he is claiming that he scum in thread based on his answer to the cop question but then again, I'm just some dumb kid apparantly eh? -.-
lol. Did you read Swiss' posts? He never said that EBR is claiming scum although I don't buy the part where EBR is "afraid" of the cop investigation though I can still see Swiss' conclusion.

Erupting Burning RYKERRR!!!

Jun 18, 2011
You Mad?
Swiss, I hate you. I'll get to why in a minute. It's unrelated to you having me as scum.

J, answer me.

This half is going to be V/LA from somewhere later tonight until sometime Sunday.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I feel like the Soup subject is being danced around, and I don't like it. Here's the low-down. Vote him or explain why you aren't voting him.

Soup is scum. His vote on me is absolute trash and he knows it. He admits in the post right before he votes me that he thinks that my vote on Ran is warranted in his own way but still thinks that it was more shallow than other people who he thinks boarded with little reasoning. If he thinks our vote wass warranted then how does he think its also shallow at the same time? There were hop-ons to the Ranmaru wagon that had half the reasoning we provided. Literally the only reason for his vote on us over another player for his same reasoning is to try and show that he wasn't afraid to vote for a power player and had backbone. Not to mention his commentary in his 319 is absolutely terrible and reeks to all hell. That post literally has no inferences or deductions. It is just quoting the back and forth between J and Sang and throwing in sideshow commentary in an attempt to make it look like he's contributing. There didn't need to be an analysis of the interaction. If Soup felt so strongly that said interaction was TvT why didn't he just say that and explain his reasoning instead of making a large post full of nothing. Not to mention he's selectively applying tells to Sang that he isn't doing to J throughout that post which I heavily dislike.
Soup later in the thread explains that he thought the vote was shallow because of how your slot never followed it up.

Ryker is Kuzi going to be here? I don't really want to vote you if both of you are going to be v/la.

X1 what's your read on EBR?

Gova, what's your opinion on . . . anything?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I'm reading it as pointing out a problem without taking initiative to solve it. I think whiny's an accurateish word.
How do you even solve that? It's not really a problem, to me at least.

What do you think of the people in the alliance of me, J, July, and Swords? What do you think of EBR's attack on July, and on Soup? What do you think of Swiss's play? What do you think of X1-12's case on J and I, and on his claim that he got the theme right?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Cool post.

I think he's scum because the only reason Soup would vote me in this game is because he's scum. I can tell you right now that I'm in his head and he's thinking that if he shows this hydra in particular that he has a backbone, we'll call him town. In the post he voted, he stated that he agreed with our logic. Past that, I haven't paid attention enough. Kuz assures me he's still scum.

What did you highlight? Having not read it, it's probably right.

X1 town as sure as day. July's probably town? I don't think I've ever seen her actually scum hunting as scum, unless you count TT which shouldn't count.

Dunno on Sang.
Your only reason here for your scum read on Soup is that he voted you and you see his intention as to prove he has backbone by pushing against you. Said this before but you are letting ego get in the way of analyzing intention.

They shouldn't do that short of walking into LyLo next phase.
I can agree to that.

Come on, give me more credit than that.

But for what it's worth to you now, I really don't care if the cop targets me.

As to your other questions, Kuz told me, but it really doesn't matter all that much to me. I'm sold on him being scum for the reasons I put forward before. That vote was ****ing terrible and town Soup doesn't make it.

The one about how you would pin me? Based on what I've done in this game so far, I don't think you have the ammunition to. I'd probably push really hard on me not answering July.

My turn, Swiss. Didn't you say you had a town read on Soup? Why's that? What would you do if Soup was your scummate after he voted me in the beginning?

What's your read on Gova?

Is AsianAussie in your lynchpool for today?
You are "sold" on Soup scum because of the reasons you cited before aka his vote on you. That's an extraordinarily shallow reason; if you are "sold" on him being scum then you should be able to provide more than one reason he's scum, yes?

Also, your question to Swiss about what would he do if Soup was his scummate and voted you in the beginning, what do you hope to gain from that question?

Completely agree with Swiss on EBR's reaction to the suggestion of being copped as scummy, and of course I agree with his dislike of EBR's #334. Which speaking of:

I feel like the Soup subject is being danced around, and I don't like it. Here's the low-down. Vote him or explain why you aren't voting him.

Soup is scum. His vote on me is absolute trash and he knows it. He admits in the post right before he votes me that he thinks that my vote on Ran is warranted in his own way but still thinks that it was more shallow than other people who he thinks boarded with little reasoning. If he thinks our vote wass warranted then how does he think its also shallow at the same time? There were hop-ons to the Ranmaru wagon that had half the reasoning we provided. Literally the only reason for his vote on us over another player for his same reasoning is to try and show that he wasn't afraid to vote for a power player and had backbone. Not to mention his commentary in his 319 is absolutely terrible and reeks to all hell. That post literally has no inferences or deductions. It is just quoting the back and forth between J and Sang and throwing in sideshow commentary in an attempt to make it look like he's contributing. There didn't need to be an analysis of the interaction. If Soup felt so strongly that said interaction was TvT why didn't he just say that and explain his reasoning instead of making a large post full of nothing. Not to mention he's selectively applying tells to Sang that he isn't doing to J throughout that post which I heavily dislike.
Way to just copy and paste the same ****ty reasoning from your #334 here to try and push a case against Soup. Except Swords and I already destroyed this reasoning in my #642 (I'll copy it for you):

Actually he admits that in the post right after he votes you, just making sure we don’t misconstrue anything here. While I’m not sure what his purpose was with that comment, you once again throw in how important it is that you are a power player and people are trying to demonstrate their ability/sturdiness by how they interact with you, which makes me think that your ego is really clouding your ability to look at intent and motivation in an unbiased manner. Also you say that his #319 has no inferences or deductions; however isn’t his claim that it was T v. T a deduction? Or where he accuses J of strawmanning Sang, isn’t that a deduction about J’s play?

And Swords here in his #701 wrt Soup's content this game:

Since Soup had almost 50 posts in this game, quoting them all would be a bothersome, so I'm going to just point out what he has said that makes me think he is town:

Soup's 77-79: Nothing really special here. However, they fit in with a theme I've noticed with him, that being that he's analytical.

I will say though that his comment on Moth in his 77 is a bit off though. Saying that "he could be scum since he hasn't posted yet" so early in the game seems unnecessary. I mean, of course he could be scum, anyone could of. What would posting of done to change that? However, I'm nitpicking here. Moving on.

Soup's 86: Slightly even better reasoning here on the AA/Sang interactions. Still nothing real special here.

Soup's 89 & 98: Just talking about lurkers here. Again, nothing special.

Soup's 135-137: I like the fact that Soup was able to point out what was wrong with what Ran was doing, but still gave him the benefit of the doubt. That feels like Soup was being considerate of the circumstances.

Soup's 140: Meh, nothing to note. Moving on.

Soup 165: Again, Soup being analytical. Noticing stuff and putting forth new material. This is what I expect out of town Soup.

Soup 167: Just a question.

Soup 170: just clarification to circus

Soup 172-176 & 178: goes against the tide of the bad Ran push. Good. Votes EBR for reasoning that appears weird at first, but later explains to EBR that he was voting him because he didn't like how EBR didn't follow up on the Ran pressure. He should of explained this earlier, but it nevertheless it seems legit to me.

Soup's 181: Tells Moth to catch up. Nothing special.

Soup's 182: just pointing out that he edited

Soup 207: Provides an additional read town read on DH (which ends up being correct unprovoked. Good. Clarifies some stuff with Circus as well.

Soup 210: just clarifying some stuff with Gova

Soup 317-318: Nothing really here

Soup 319: I'm not seeing what's so bad about this post. Yeah, he jokes around in it a lot and doesn't always go into full detail (well, quite often he doesn't), but he still gives his final read on the interaction (TvT). Plus, compared to the rest of his play, where I feel he has been giving an adequate amount of reasoning to the thing he is saying, I don't see why one post which doesn't live up to its full potential as a post should put Soup in the scum category.

I myself am okay with this post. Again, he doesn't go into full detail all the time but he does make some analysis and finishes off the post with a solid read.

Soup's 325 & 329: fluff

Soup vs. Kuz: Soup defending himself against Kuzi. Kuzi's main point here is that the post was unneeded. Soup's defense seems reasonable to me. I can see why someone would notice that something they were 'debunking'' actually wouldn't really of held worth, but still wanted to finish it anyways, since they committed to it already.

Soup's 376: Makes a point that J was reaching w.r.t. pointing out Kuzi starting out a post with "interesting" as a scum tell. Seems alright to me.

Soup's 381: Soup states that he thinks he can read Kuzi and that he's just messing around with him. Don't know about him being able to read Kuz especially well, but whatever, nothing to get hung up over.

Soup 385: Meh, bit of a buddy here of Kuz. Clarifies stuff to J. Nothing much to note.

Rest of Soup's play cause I'm too lazy to post count now: Gives town reads on me, J, and slightly Moth after being asked. Defends himself against Kuz again. Kuzi wanted him to clarify his Moth read as well as his "Kuz is being shallow" vote, which he did, to an extent, but never fully. Finishes off his play by voting DH with no reasoning. Meh, I guess so to avoid a no lynch but that's still bad admittedly.

Soup's play overall doesn't really seem bad at all, besides from some nitpicky details just as fluffy useless posts. Soup overall seemed townie to me due to his early attentive nature, so I would place him with a slight town read.

Also, since I can't really see anything especially bad Soup has done, I don't see how anyone can really give him a scum read. IMO, he should be null at worse.

Also, he has definitely done stuff, so I don't see what X1 is getting at later.

There, a nice big ISO of Soup, because I felt that would be the best way to accurately describe my feeling towards him. It's basically an all encompassing way to express this feeling that I've had about him for awhile now:

He was attentive and analytical while he was playing this game, and I like that about Soup.
Also another thing W.R.T. EBR being a possible lynch today (this is directed mainly at Swords/July), I just don't see that at all because *I hate to use Ryker's phrase as to why he is never lynched as scum but it's true this game* there are people much scummier than them and I really don't feel comfortable lynching them toDay over others.
I'm still going to push EBR because he is my strongest scum read. I would also still be comfortable with an AA lynch who has been very weak on his reads/reasoning and only really involved in the game when his name is mentioned, or a Gova lynch who has only provided input when it has literally been forced out of him.

Honestly I like Swiss' recent posts, and while I disagree with some of his reads there seems to be a method to his madness; I don't care that he doesn't explain his town reads, I care that he is pressuring his town reads. Read against J I disagree with, but his pressure on EBR is legit.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I support an EBR lynch.

I would fall back to AA if possible.

Not falling back to Gova.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
J, I don't like that you are asking for people's opinions on EBR without responding to my question about how you felt on July's case on Ebr.

Please respond to that.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, I don't like that you are asking for people's opinions on EBR without responding to my question about how you felt on July's case on Ebr.

Please respond to that.
I have responded to this already because people have asked my opinion on this already, namely Swords. I gave the answer that for me I find myself laughing due to the nature of the post but I still have EBR as null. July, for me, is lolduhtown and if she is ever lynched this game is gonna be sad and I like the stuff she is doing. For now, it just doesn't convince me over others.

EBR, as I have said before, I don't care at all for the Soupa case and disagree with it. I don't see anything that scummy with what you were talking about w.r.t. his commentating post and I actually had a null-town read on that slot because he was doing things that I thought were good. Can I ask, however, why you haven't commented on anything Vult, the replacement, has posted or what he is doing if that slot is scum?

Back to sleep after 15+ hours of sleep. (z_z)

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I've had some confusion from a few people on this, so I'm going to attempt to clear this up a bit -- you're not trying to guess the theme of the costumes that are being worn to the party. The premise is that you're someone who lost their memory, and so you're trying to determine who you really are and/or, by extension, what the true theme of Halloween Party Mafia is.

That's not to say that the costumes aren't important -- your character probably wore that costume for some reason, right? But what you're supposed to try to uncover is who you are.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Mod: Request a possible 2 day deadline extension due to people being effected by the hurricane?
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