What do you mean dan? For a 3650 items, the stats seem just about right.
It's the mother of all item nerfs.
No champion scales equally well with AP and AD atm. One is preferred over the other on every champion right now. For Jax, he objectively scales better with attack damage and armor pen over ability power and magic pen. For Akali, it's AP. For Nidalee, it's AP. etc.
That in mind, for a hybrid item to be efficient on a specific champion, it has to be extremely cost effective. The efficiency of that AD you're getting when you buy that Gunblade on Akali (who scales better with AP, keep in mind) has to be more efficient than the AP you'd get from buying an item with only ability power.
Aside from the active and the lifesteal/spellvamp it gave, the efficiency of the AD and AP for your gold, is what made gunblade an effective choice on Akali and Jax. and some others.
You might look at the price of the item and notice it is extremely- perhaps
too cost efficient, and conclude it's waaaaay overpowered. Well it
has to be absurdly efficient to be worth getting on anyone.
Not saying it couldn't use some small tweaks, like nerfing the spellvamp on the revolver and the lifesteal on the gunblade portion some to help tone down the healing or some ****- I dunno... but what they're doing is ****** the hell out of it. -20 ad, -5 AP, -5% SV, and -5% lifesteal? holy **** is that a massive nerf.
Probably only 1/87~ champs is gonna buy it EVER now, if anyone. And that's Jax.
Let's look at the Rageblade as an example. It gives 2.1k gold in FREE STATS if you can keep it maxed. That item alone made armor pen Nidalee worthwhile in soloqueue. It was so efficient it was worth spending gold on that attack damage over a not-as-cost-efficient different ability power item, which Nidalee scaled significantly harder with. Nidalee has 1 AD ratio and Nidalee players got it because she can keep it at full stacks 24/7 with her mana-less cougar abilities.
Who gets it now?
*cricket* *cricket*
Jax does.
That said, if Riot wants to balance the game correctly, IMO they need to nerf/fix/adjust the champions who are buying the efficient item that is making them too strong or w/e because they scale too hard with both AP and AD- not nerf the item this ****ing hard that it's only going to be used on 1-2 champions of 80ish.
We have about double the items now than we did back in beta, and item selection diversity is still just as narrow. Well this is partly why.
Also making spell vamp on GB unique was a good idea.
I agree. It's going to help vary Dominion item selection without touching Summoner's Rift gameplay.