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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Lol is behind other MOBAs on a lot of things, and containing toxicity is one of those. They really need to start try emulating more advanced MOBAs in that regard.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I remember reading an article where riot hired the scripters/hackers to scope out the people using their programs or something like that and only paying in stupid **** like teemo hats and ingame currency (riot points)

They're a pretty scummy company and trying to fix toxicity or make the community a nice place to be around is not their priority even though they make many articles on "trying" to fix it.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
It's pretty easy to fix toxicity. This is what you do. You give people the ability to report "x" amount of people per every "y" game so you cut down on the amount of reports sent in. You require that a submitted comment is a requirement before you can submit a report that is at least twenty or so characters in length. Finally if people are deemed to warrant such toxic behaviors i.e. afk in games then put them in queue with other people who have similar violations. Yes, put the toxic people together with not only similar MMR, but also similar multiple count violations and subject them to longer queue times if a match can't be found readily.

Allow the violations to put people in different queues based on what is deemed to be (a) the nature of the violation and (b) the degree/frequency to the behavior. However, allow gradual leniency and section people into higher queues if no repeat violations are given and vice versa if they continue to exhibit such behavior or different behavior patterns. For instance, if someone repeatedly afk's in games with high frequency, put them in queue with other people who are similar to them. This way there is balancing on projected outcome of a given game i.e. leavers playing with one another and makes the behavior more ascertainable when the party that has committed such behavior witnesses it among their own teammates.

In order for this to work there should be more emphasis put on reports to the point where people should be allowed to contest reports they think are unwarranted (although this is to give the illusion of fairness and will be ignored 99% of the time). However, more important is enabling transparency measures i.e. allowing people to know which queue they are put in indicated by accurately reflected levels so that individuals are aware of just what is happening to their match making status and that it is compromised because of bad behavior on their end. However, it also allows such individuals to self reflect and decide whether they should just take a break (going a certain amount of time without violations should also be seen as a positive factor, however does not make as much an impact as going on a certain amount of games without violations - in order to alleviate toxicity in case some players tend to amend such behaviors but have placed themselves in the lowest tier) or attempt to fix such behavior through playing games in a more civil and collected manner.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Re: Toxicity

(Game 1)
Bjergsen (Lissandra): this is why you group up mate
Bjergsen (Lissandra): but you insist on going bot
Bjergsen (Lissandra): again & again

[Dinh Dies]

Bjergsen (Lissandra): you're dead again
Bjergsen (Lissandra): bc you dont group
Bjergsen (Lissandra): its so simple
Bjergsen (Lissandra): idk why you dont want to listen to me
Bjergsen (Lissandra): but its okay
Bjergsen (Lissandra): keep being stubborn
Bjergsen (Lissandra): that'll get you a win.

[Bjergsen Dies]

Man Dinh [Braum]: i dont know why you keep getting picked off
Bjergsen (Lissandra): cause you guys are sitting at the tower or w/e
Bjergsen (Lissandra): idk man
Bjergsen (Lissandra): nobody wants to group
Bjergsen (Lissandra): #rip
Man Dinh [Braum]: you are the problem with the team and its frustrating everyone
Bjergsen (Lissandra): nobody except you is voicing their frustration
Bjergsen (Lissandra): you're just being an asshole
Man Dinh [Braum]: because it doesnt solve anything
Bjergsen (Lissandra): im trying to help
Bjergsen (Lissandra): & you aren't listening
Man Dinh [Braum]: im only saying because i dont like it when people are delusional
Bjergsen (Lissandra): you don't even know what delusional means
Bjergsen (Lissandra): 28 minutes in the game
Bjergsen (Lissandra): nobody wants to group

(Game 2)
[Dinh Ganks Bjergsen's Lane Twice] Has said nothing in chat. Bjergsen has said nothing in chat.
[Dinh Ganks Bot Lane and Bjergsen Joins With a Roam Winning a Skirmish] Team is ahead and overall good team morale from the other three. Then...

Bjergsen (Syndra): guys our mid laner is delusional
Man Dinh (Udyr): now i feel obligated to never help your lane
Man Dinh (Udyr): every game im on your team
k0i (Jinx): hey
Bjergsen (Syndra): your loss mate
k0i (Jinx): and u went
k0i (Jinx): over here
Man Dinh (Udyr): talking to syndra
k0i (Jinx): and died
Man Dinh (Udyr): she fed last game
k0i (Jinx): at level 1
Man Dinh (Udyr): so im preventing it this time
k0i (Jinx): i was ur adc that game
Bjergsen (Syndra): not only did i feed
k0i (Jinx): LOL
Bjergsen (Syndra): i am delusional
Man Dinh (Udyr): and shes being pretentious
Bjergsen (Syndra): straight up
Bjergsen (Syndra): thank god you know what that word means

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Was that taken from a reddit thread or something?
Either way that's juicy and it's pretty much known Bjerg is toxic as ****. Anytime I randomly tuned in months back he was basically like xpecial with the passive aggressiveness but with smiley faces and constantly typing "let's group pls : )" instead.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
bjergsen is a ****** i had free reign of rengar for mmonths in challenger s3 until he came over and influenced tsm to ban rengar every game against me and ninfang and then because dyrus did it everyone did it


Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I played against I think either bjerg pob or scarra smurf at a time before Master tier was added
I just faintly remember a lot of toxicity that game.

Goddamn everytime I type that word I keep being reminded of system of a down. And I don't even listen to their music lol

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Was that taken from a reddit thread or something?
Dan Dinh was streaming on TSM Twitch this morning. Aside from the, "Really dude?" he wasn't really raging or anything on stream and actually seemed to attempt to cater to Bjergsen to get him fed so he could carry in the second game.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Enemy Kat got fed and I got annoyed that I couldn't farm as Pantheon jungle because our mid laner Akali was asking me to gank and still getting herself killed because she just watched me within shunpo distance. So I basically took out all my frustration on the enemy Katarina who was badmouthing the entire game by building spirit visage and banshee's veil.

I took devourer's enchantment and basically farmed jungle the entire game until the enemy Katarina started to get more than half way past the map or got involved in a team fight. Then proceeded as Tank-eon to chase her all the way back to her nexus of course literally w-chasing her out of team fights. Mind you this was thanks to having a Teemo who splattered the entire map with his shrooms. I only regret not being able to finish botrk to make the pain of the chase even more agonizing as she got to super levels of mad when her team stopped bothering to even help her out because I was just stupid defensive with frozen heart, banshee's, and spirit.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
I dunno if this thread is for pro chat stuff only, but I really need a new group to play with. Everyone I used to play with pretty much stopped.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
i bet it makes a HUGE difference and is totally worth not being able to communicate with anybody
I know enough to convey what I want to do with my team.

ayuda me por favor: help me please
yo voy al drake: i am going to dragon
necesito mas dinero para una cosa : i need money for one thing
una momento necesito x segundos para ult: please wait need x seconds for my ult

I haven't had any problems with xenophobia and everyone I've played with has been pleasant. I can understand why they would hate you as a gringo if you don't understand them and you can't make them understand your intentions in the game. Honestly, I really do enjoy the language barrier and hope that I passively pick up more vocabulary as I play.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Role abbreviations are also the same. And the strength of a meta level of understanding is also very prevalent. For example, if you pick Annie with flash and exhaust, it is understood that you're playing support. Also if a team like SHR can convey a lot of their intentions through the ping system then it's also a sufficient system and more than adequate when you combine that with very basic statements like any of the ones above.

Also my ping on NA is currently 110 when I'm idle on the map and goes up to 200 when I'm in bot lane laning phase with the usual four champs on the map. In 5 v 5 situations my ping has gone up to 300 making me unable to make even basic plays and requiring for me to change my gameplay where I basically have to use up all my spells at the very beginning of team fights or have to exclusively rely on split pushing and picking people off.
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Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
So apparently Fozurk figured out how to crack open and edit the league voice files again. You know what that means? More voice mods!

Unless of course, a particular Rioter feels like I'm condoning sexual misconduct or something. That would be dreadful.
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Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
I removed it from my channel. People were subscribing to my channel thinking it was League oriented, when I really had no intention of uploading a lot of League content. When I would upload non-league related stuff, people would get pissed, even though my channel was never League focused in the first place. My channel is for stuff that's even dumber than League.

So I just removed all the League videos. Considering that Riot broke voice mods for a long time, I figured there was no real point in keeping the videos up


Fun memories though. A real shame that no one recorded themselves using my Tager Garen mod. That one was actually really good compared to these half assed ones I made in the beginning.
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Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
You mean **** me for taking down the Garen video where I stand in the bush for 2 minutes?

That one was my favorite. Heh


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2013
Anywhere But Here
Well, I assume this is a general to add each other and talk about the game?

Add me, NA account: DonutFinder

QOTW:How do you feel about this rotation?
Answer:I'm quite glad Blitz and Thresh are no longer FtP, the pulling was strong last week, but now we have ninjas...
Rek'Sai is gonna be tough to go against, unless I play Rek'Sai! Well hopefully you guys add me, and we can play some games!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Quick question what's the cookie cutter rune page for Mundo. I'm just running hpen reds flat armour yellows mr lvl blues and mpen quints because I already had that page
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I never used to run mr but apparently 27 mr at level 18 when u already have over 100 is important.
I mean it's situational. If you have something that would help you dominate faster early game instead of magic resist then it's trial and error. Also depends on the lane match up. If you're up against an AD top laner, then I don't see the point in running magic resist because runes are used mostly for helping you get an advantage in early game. I'm not sure if Mundo gets innate magic resistance because he's considered melee, but there's that to factor in as well. I mean, magic resistance is fine if you see that mid lane is Kassaddin, Akali, Katarina, Fizz, or really any assassin champion since you know that they are going to roam and try to get some extended laners caught out. If the jungler is also AP like Fiddlesticks then early game MR couldn't hurt since his flash + drain will seem like a death sentence without MR.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Your build is cookie cutter aside from the quints, people usually run health regeneration. Alternative quints people run are sustain oriented like life steal or spell vamp. Sometimes movement speed. Mpen quints will make laning phase a bit harder since Mundo doesn't have burst damage if you are building him according to the meta and not going for some Rabadon's level outside of the box stuff. But you know all this. :|
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Your build is cookie cutter aside from the quints, people usually run health regeneration. Alternative quints people run are sustain oriented like life steal or spell vamp. Sometimes movement speed. Mpen quints will make laning phase a bit harder since Mundo doesn't have burst damage if you are building him according to the meta and not going for some Rabadon's level outside of the box stuff. But you know all this. :|
What I've settled on for now is hpen reds, health lvl yellows, mr lvl blues and then armour quints.

Seems like a solid generic tank page for champs that don't need CDR or AD/AP.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Why hp/lvl ? You're going to get several thousands of hp from your stuff anyway, wouldn't it be better to get flat hp for early game since your character has hp costs and a sustain passive that scales on hp ?

Same for the scaling mr, I hope you have an alternative page ready for times when you stumble upon a magic damage dealer.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Why hp/lvl ? You're going to get several thousands of hp from your stuff anyway, wouldn't it be better to get flat hp for early game since your character has hp costs and a sustain passive that scales on hp ?

Same for the scaling mr, I hope you have an alternative page ready for times when you stumble upon a magic damage dealer.
That's what I always thought, that scaling stats were innefficient if you're going to itemise for those stats heavily anyway. But then I see mages take ap lvl and tanks taking mr lvl so I dunno anymore.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Looks like jungle camps are going to stay the same. They are just going to keep editing smite properties (chilling smite will now reduce MS by 20% rather than slow for 50%) and offer versatility through being able to swap your smite ability as desired (for no gold cost) [not enchantments]. They also introduced being able to swap your boot enchantments for about 237 gold.
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