that's a total possibility. however, here is my opinion on jesters:
they don't belong in mafia, period. when i was an inexperienced mod, i put them in my game. maybe xiivi put them in his, maybe he didn't. however, in a PERFECT WORLD, tonight a town vig would shoot xiivi. that is how you beat jesters, with vidges. but marc already said there could be a busdriver, and i wouldn't discount that as a possibility.
town does not fail for lynching a jester. he claimed independent, that means he's definitely not town. i think he could very well be a jester, but i think we should lynch him regardless. because he might not be, and he might be, and either way, he can help mafia win and we dont want him around.
under the scenario that he is a more complicated independent role then we might find something out about ck. if xiivi flips "independent politician" then maybe not. but if xiivi flips "independent mafia-lyncher" then maybe so.
so back on what i said earlier, xiivi would be shot tonight. if we don't lynch him, i still would like to let everyone know that if I were a vig, I would be shooting Xiivi. if we didn't lynch him today, which i think we should do.