My only real curiosity at this point was how Rake was FUD'ing up somewhat baselessly, yet he had this irking suspicion that we won at the end of D6. He was correct, which was incredibly amusing. Nabe and I were like "wow, does Rake know?"
Myself and Nabe were, in fact, Alex. We win as the sole victor at the end of Day 6 assuming we live that long (or if we're 1v1 vs. any other faction). We gained powers from each light house except Mars for some reason. We never used our 1-shot abduct/kill because we felt it was either counter-intuitive or unnecessary. We used our 1-shot commute just in case Ryker tried to kill RR out of desperation (since RR was the bane of Ryker's existence), or if Rake was lying about not receiving a power up, but it technically didn't matter because we have a 1-shot survival vest as well that we got on N2. N3 we got a move that has a 50% chance to roleblock, so we used it on S&C, but apparently it didn't do much for us, not that we really expected it to.
If we hadn't forced lynches on Kantrip, TCat, and then Ryker in that order, we would have lost. Kantrip may have proven himself Town by confirming ability use had someone targeted him, and TCat was beginning to show her townie colors. Everything went just as planned.
I'm going to do a big OS-like post later. LOL. Probably not because that's just annoying and I'm not that full of myself, but maybe since everything went scarily the way we wanted it to.