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Glyph Muscles Proudly Presents: Mario Party 2 Mafia: Game OVER!

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
I did read, I skimmed. But I'm focusing on your shot. Why did you shoot? "To kill him" is not an answer.

And why do you think he called your bluff?
It makes EE a nonfactor instead of a threatening factor. It makes everyone freak out. Win-win.

Do you know what calling a bluff even means? It means he didn't think I could/would do it. Unfortunately for him, he was mistaken.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
Part of me wants to say you, simply because you can't be quelled by majority if you actually have more shots. You'll shoot who you want, everyone else be damned, and your renegade act can continue to put us deeper in the hole. Just because I find it unlikely for you to be scum doesn't mean I like you. Find me scum and stop waving your gun around like a big man just because you shot a townie based on name.

Actual scum? Rather than tell you who I would want to die, lemme tell you who I don't: J, Circus, Swordy. I like Circus' direction, Swordy's questioning of everything, and J just being useful in general. Anyone else hasn't done enough to give me an insightful look into them.
How is J useful in general?

Why do you like Circus's direction?

Sword is the only one your description is any useful for.

As for "waving my gun around like a big man," if you'll read, I'm also the one pestering you to actually move the game.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It makes EE a nonfactor instead of a threatening factor. It makes everyone freak out. Win-win.

Do you know what calling a bluff even means? It means he didn't think I could/would do it. Unfortunately for him, he was mistaken.
I don't see how it can be win win. If he would have been a threatening factor, that would only be a disadvantage to mafia, or even indy if he is good at hunting indies. I say this because he flipped town. There could have been a chance that he could have threatened town if he were scum/indy, yet you shot too early to see what alignment he could have been.

Yeah I do. I meant if him calling your bluff, might have given you an alignment read?

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011

I went into the game knowing I was pulling the trigger before the end of post #80. The only thing saving EE was a claim that would save EE. In which case, someone else was eating a bullet.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

I went into the game knowing I was pulling the trigger before the end of post #80. The only thing saving EE was a claim that would save EE. In which case, someone else was eating a bullet.
Oh, so you would have shot whoever first posted, then? Or was this only in the case of EE claiming?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ah, ok. How exactly did your shot help you, and town?

One last question. How do you expect us to trust you after shooting so early, just because you planned to shoot before #80?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ah, ok. Killing EE could have been done at any time in the MAFIA Day. I mean you say that he would be a threat to the opposing faction, yes. You could have delayed the shot, and if he flipped scum, then his actions and thoughts would have been taken as bull****, and the opposite if he were town. Mixed if indy. I don't really know why you planned to shoot before #80.

Now you say that it gave me info regarding you. It didn't. It gave me questions. It does give me distrust of your slot.

And yes, I will listen to reason. Do you think I'm not listening to reason? Is there something I'm missing? (Because I'm looking for it, whatever it is)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Like you say, I don't trust you, but I have to figure out your intentions because, we can't do anything if the distrust is still there.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
EBWOP: Yes that includes July.

And just because I know Mentos' posting style doesn't mean I like Mentos' posting style.
Yo Washed. You mentioned a list of people you don't want dying. Ok. I didn't really see anything solid, and I don't have any reads on people yet. (Too early to tell)

I'm wondering why you also added July to that list, and why?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
No, I meant that July was not on the list of people I wanted to live right now. It's a short list. You're working your way onto it.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
How is J useful in general?
Questioning **** and actually listening to common sense.

Why do you like Circus's direction?
Someone's gotta put a collar on you and if it means lynching you, I'd help him do it. Inactives aren't the only liability in mafia. He also knows the circumstances involved and what you'll likely flip but he's willing to bite the bullet (which will probably end up being literally knowing you) if it benefits town in the long run.

As for "waving my gun around like a big man," if you'll read, I'm also the one pestering you to actually move the game.

Nah, **** you, it's not working like that this time. You wanna stick around, put the work in and make us trust you again.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
It makes EE a nonfactor instead of a threatening factor. It makes everyone freak out. Win-win.

Do you know what calling a bluff even means? It means he didn't think I could/would do it. Unfortunately for him, he was mistaken.

I'd rather EE be a factor than a nonfactor. Shoot him out of the gate d2, he's still just as likely to bus his mates as any townie is to lynching them. No matter what, his reads would've been more useful than most anybody here, way more than someone like Mentos.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Also, if you read between the lines, I have nothing particularly off to question right now. Give me some time, I'll do something, but right now, I'm running off steam created by your ****tard antics.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
D'aw you remembered. ;) Inception mafia was soooo much fun and now I can't be trusted with a Day Vig role because of it. However, July, can you tell me what exactly gives you a town-lean on Swords? I am curious like Circus because well...we all three found out how recently he can be haha. xD
Since no RVS, I'm just going to go straight into it with whom I believe is looking the worst and that's Mentos for how he seemed to be trying to position himself into a safe way where he would come out looking good regardless of how the EE vs. Ryker scenario played out. His play comes across as cautious as stated by others.

Vote: Mentosman8

Mentos, can I get an opinion on July since she has the meatiest post yet?
WL, why are you so shocked? o_O I'd think out of all the people in the player list you would be the least suspectible to what happened in the thread w.r.t. Ryker. What type of read do you get based off of his action rather than it seemed to piss you off?

Btw, missed playing with you dude. Its been too long.
Hmmm . . .

fos J

J I have no idea where you intend to go with the questions that I bolded. Why did you ask those quesitons? July already mentioned that she kinda liked me as town for actively pushing discussion in new directions. Also (and this isn't something for you to respond to, but) your justification for asking Mentos about July seems somewhat forced, and it just kinda bugs me.

Forget about me Swords. ;_; Can you explain the first paragraph? Why does it make more sense as scum>indy because I am seeing the opposite as well.
Uhhh, how did I forget you? Cus I didn't mention you being paranoid? If that's the case, you weren't around saying that you were worried about me at the time, so there was no need to tell you not to be paranoid.

It's WIFOM, but it seems counterproductive to an indie who NEEDS to survive to immediately bring so much attention upon themselves. Also by doing what he did he might end up eating a whole bunch of Night actions, which again seems counterproductive to the typical indie wincon.

I dunno if what I've said has given you any indication but Mentos' indecision and knack for leaving backdoors in his statements is typical of him. I don't know what more you expect of him but going after him for something like that is barking up the wrong tree. It'll take significant pressure to crack him or, as already mentioned, something like EE's dayvig gambit in Lost.
More or less the thought that kept me off the Mentos wagon. How well do you know him WL? You didn't happen to skim read my post before making this, did you?


Vote: Mentos

Same reasons as others, but also he's disappeared for a bit after pressure was first applied to him so I like this vote here.

Buh-buh-buh bull****. You can judge what to do based on who I shoot. I'm only shooting who I'd vig under my reads and player activity. If I could shoot based off of town majority, then cool, but unless you want to kill every scum player tonight, then town majority is a thing that can be tampered with.

Say what you want. I told Marshy already, I'll shoot if you're right.
Honestly, considering it's you that has the gun, I think we're be better off waiting for a Night.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Questioning **** and actually listening to common sense.
His questioning is kinda meh and simply "listening to common sense" is hardly a reason to have someone as town.


WL, for the record, while it probably is proper for people to complain about what LDR did, it's also kinda a generic, easy position for people to take. I await your supposed future questioning.

J, it seems to me that WL is really laying it on thick with with the "**** YOU RYKER!!!!!!" approach that he has going on right now. What do you make of this?

Also what do you make of his list of "people he does not want to die?"

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
More or less the thought that kept me off the Mentos wagon. How well do you know him WL? You didn't happen to skim read my post before making this, did you?
I saw him come under fire in Lost for very similar reasoning and he flipped town that game. The only other games I've played with him were Toohoo, where he was Indy, and Walgreens.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
WL, for the record, while it probably is proper for people to complain about what LDR did, it's also kinda a generic, easy position for people to take. I await your supposed future questioning.
I know this.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: I've just struggled at clearing my head and ****. I'm just confounded Ryker would pull almost Chibo-level bull**** and bothered at the fact that he's acting like he's a big man because he shot EE on name and put us back. I'll go clear my head and when I come back, I'll reread the game and go from ther.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hmmm . . .

fos J

J I have no idea where you intend to go with the questions that I bolded. Why did you ask those quesitons? July already mentioned that she kinda liked me as town for actively pushing discussion in new directions. Also (and this isn't something for you to respond to, but) your justification for asking Mentos about July seems somewhat forced, and it just kinda bugs me.
I wanted a bit more of a healthier read from July about you. What she said as a reasoning for liking you is pretty generic, especially considering that she was being paranoid about you so why would a small thing like that give her a lean-town on you. Alright at the fact that it bugged you haha. The reason I asked that is because there is something about July's post that makes me curious about her because she seems a tad, cautious with her opinions on things at the moment. She seems more trying to justify a town-read on LDR rather than looking for scum and then her read on you is confusing me.

The WL question, now you have me confused because that question does garner what I need. Its no secret that WL and Ryker now each other really well so it would be common thought that he would should know that Ryker would do something like that. I do agree that his reactions now are seeming a bit...over-done/theatrical at this point and I would like more from him besides the complaining.

WL, can you give me an opinion on July and Circus?

J, it seems to me that WL is really laying it on thick with with the "**** YOU RYKER!!!!!!" approach that he has going on right now. What do you make of this?

Also what do you make of his list of "people he does not want to die?"
Explained above but what I make of his thing is that it is getting a bit too theatrical for me. His list of people who he does not want to lynch I can understand a bit. Don't get the July tack-on. Circus/J didn't have much backing to those either. The most was his keeping of you around Swords iirc and his reasoning are revolved around being "helpful" at the present time.

No one has really done anything else besides agree that Ryker was dumb as brick and that Mentos looks scummy for the actions he took during the scenario. Things need to happen and anyone can just gain town-points by just being here in the thread asking questions which is what seems to be how WL is giving out town-credit.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
J, it seems to me that WL is really laying it on thick with with the "**** YOU RYKER!!!!!!" approach that he has going on right now. What do you make of this?
Poke me about this later.

Yo Airhead, refresh me about what **** J's been questioning and why it's a good thing. Which common sense is he listening to.

I seem to remember him being really generic thus far, which isn't necessarily a bad thing given the current position in the game, but it is odd that you'd say he's not.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011

J's overstating what Laundry's doing. It's not "giving out town credit" to post who you don't want to die. It's saying, "Hey, this guy's doing stuff. I can read that because they'll probably still be doing stuff. The rest of the game isn't doing stuff. We should probably let these guys live."

I take issue with J being on it for above reasons.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I don't expect you to trust me. I expect you not to trust me.
Why do you want this?

Honestly, considering it's [Ryker] that has the gun, I think we're be better off waiting for a Night.
What does this mean?

Reading tomorrow

V/LA for now sorry :D can't do it tonight
Otto-man. Follow through. You need it.

Washed doesn't seem any more "theatrical" than I feel like I'm used to seeing him. I mean, even I'm not that surprised by a move like this coming from Ryker, so Washed shouldn't exactly be shocked either, but his frustration with the situation looks genuine, and he always responds to everything with his volume at 11. Maybe he's focused more on LDR's shenanigans than is necessary (I think a lot of us are guilty of that), but I'm not seeing the red flags.

I wanted a bit more of a healthier read from July about you. What she said as a reasoning for liking you is pretty generic, especially considering that she was being paranoid about you so why would a small thing like that give her a lean-town on you. Alright at the fact that it bugged you haha. The reason I asked that is because there is something about July's post that makes me curious about her because she seems a tad, cautious with her opinions on things at the moment. She seems more trying to justify a town-read on LDR rather than looking for scum and then her read on you is confusing me.
Not that I like butting heads with you in literally every game we're in, but you look like you're reaching for something with July here. Even with Liar Game fresh in our minds, there's nothing wrong with having a town read on someone if you think they're acting pro-town. What's bugging you about July seems to be that you think she should be keeping Swords as a perpetual nullread because Swords was able to dupe us so well in a past game. Is that correct? Is there ever going to be a point during this game when you feel you'd be able to trust Swords?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Washed doesn't seem any more "theatrical" than I feel like I'm used to seeing him. I mean, even I'm not that surprised by a move like this coming from Ryker, so Washed shouldn't exactly be shocked either, but his frustration with the situation looks genuine, and he always responds to everything with his volume at 11. Maybe he's focused more on LDR's shenanigans than is necessary (I think a lot of us are guilty of that), but I'm not seeing the red flags.
I agree with this. It's what I wanted you to poke me about.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
nvm i skipped over the post where lunar linked to mafiascum

carry on

vote: marshy for trying to direct the vig
I just don't understand this post! Why is it scummy to direct the vig? If it's an RVS, why RVS now when LDR shot it in the face literally?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I was trying to say that Mentos says that Lunar can only be town or indie for shooting EE. However, that is based off the assumption that EE will flip town. If EE flipped scum, I would still keep the possibility of Lunar Disco being mafia on the table, as well as town and indie (I've literally seen the exact scenario where mafia daykilled his buddy D1 for protown credit in Inception Mafia).
...but what makes you think Mentos would have that same conclusion? Furthermore, what makes you think that Mentos assumed that EE would flip town? This just..seems like one hell of a reach from you and I don't like it.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Ryker I agree with you that the way Mentos has constructed his posts seem very safe, very clean and neat. However, I have to ask, what do you know about Mentosman? Like, you've seen the guy, right? Older than most of us, more mature, dresses like a real gentleman. Maybe his "safe" speech is just "formal" speech? Thoughts?
Exactly why I like Swordy. Dead on about Mentos--his posting style is nothing you can incriminate him for, he will always post safe. His content is what you need to analyze, if you can decrypt his posts and get to the meat of them.
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