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Glyph Muscles Proudly Presents: Mario Party 2 Mafia: Game OVER!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I think you've misread? He's talking about Lunar Disco when he says "he must be town or indie," not EE. If I'm missing something, spell it out for me.
I was trying to say that Mentos says that Lunar can only be town or indie for shooting EE. However, that is based off the assumption that EE will flip town. If EE flipped scum, I would still keep the possibility of Lunar Disco being mafia on the table, as well as town and indie (I've literally seen the exact scenario where mafia daykilled his buddy D1 for protown credit in Inception Mafia). Thus, when he says that if the shot is real Lunar could only be town or indie, he is assuming before EE flips that EE is town, as an EE scum flip would not have inferred Lunar Disco town or indie the way an EE town flip does.

Agreeing with this as well, but stay wary, because Liar Game happened (AKA, the game that Swords should have strolled away with as indie, but threw it away instead).
True true.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm somewhat appalled by what happened in this thread because I never thought I'd see the day of Ryker vs. EE in that way.

However, things came about from it so that's good but I'm somewhat putting this game on the back-burner while I catch up in some others.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Ryker I agree with you that the way Mentos has constructed his posts seem very safe, very clean and neat. However, I have to ask, what do you know about Mentosman? Like, you've seen the guy, right? Older than most of us, more mature, dresses like a real gentleman. Maybe his "safe" speech is just "formal" speech? Thoughts?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Was about to say basically this. LDR's play so far has been too brash to be scum. Maybe indie with brass balls, but more likely just ego-tripping town.
Still don't understand why indie over scum. I lean town in this action as well but doing what he did as mafia makes much more sense than indie IMO.

Btw Circus and July, there's no point in be paranoid, cus I'm totally town this time. so everything is going to be alllllll right. ^.^

Marshy, could you give that read on Mentos like you were asked to earlier?

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
Ryker I agree with you that the way Mentos has constructed his posts seem very safe, very clean and neat. However, I have to ask, what do you know about Mentosman? Like, you've seen the guy, right? Older than most of us, more mature, dresses like a real gentleman. Maybe his "safe" speech is just "formal" speech? Thoughts?
Personally? Next to nothing. I've played with him waaaaaaaaaaaay back when, but recently I've only played in a game where I had lots of problems with him, but he was indy with a survive wincon and I was mafia.

Glyph? I dunno, I'll ask him, but don't expect results.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Still don't understand why indie over scum. I lean town in this action as well but doing what he did as mafia makes much more sense than indie IMO.
I just have a hard time believing that mafia would even have a dayvig, though maybe that's naive. And even if they did, going about it the way LDR did was naturally going to draw some ire. I guess if any scum would be comfortable trying something like that it would be Ryker and Glyph, but still. Especially going after someone like EE, who pretty much everyone probably would have wanted to keep around.

I was trying to say that Mentos says that Lunar can only be town or indie for shooting EE. However, that is based off the assumption that EE will flip town. If EE flipped scum, I would still keep the possibility of Lunar Disco being mafia on the table, as well as town and indie (I've literally seen the exact scenario where mafia daykilled his buddy D1 for protown credit in Inception Mafia). Thus, when he says that if the shot is real Lunar could only be town or indie, he is assuming before EE flips that EE is town, as an EE scum flip would not have inferred Lunar Disco town or indie the way an EE town flip does.
Oh, I think I see what you mean. But would Mentos necessarily feel the same way that you do? Because having not read Inception Mafia, I don't think I would necessarily come to the conclusion you would.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I honestly don't know the last time I played with Mentos, but this seems pretty in-line with his character from what I can remember. Nothing about him is setting off any alarms for me yet. Is there a reason you're so focused on him other than the fact that he was present for your Big Moment with EE?

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
Probably the most in question character thus far aside from me, but everyone seems to be tiptoeing around that one like there's a sleeping monster.

I could look into the relationship between Macman and Marshy, but I know them less than Mentos, but that's something.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
>Starts Reading Game
>Sees a dayvig shot already

...the **** is going on

p.s. hi guys i exist and confirm i have my role

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
See, the more I come back to this, the more it bothers me. You're giving me mixed messages. You think me telling the truth makes me more likely to be scum, but you won't lynch me because I couldn't be mafia. But then you say if I'm lying (which would make you think I'm less likely to be scum), it would change things.

I'm getting mixed signals here.

Vote Mentos
When doesn't that ******* send mixed messages regardless of alignment? It's Mentos, he has the diction of a politician and sadly employs it to the fullest.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
So what's the difference?
Secondly, it's different because EE did it when there was substance to the game, and he thought I might be scum and wanted to get a read. You, on the other hand, did it before any information whatsoever was available, which if a gambit since that's what we're comparing, is a horrible thing to do because there is NOTHING to base it on. There is a major difference between those two and you know it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Basic thing for me with Ryker vs. EE:

Ryker goes Pew pew and continues to instigate EE.

EE goes:

And he flips Inno Child. The only time I've dealt with that role was in FF9 but it was used in a different form it seems.

After Gorf posts? If EE's not dead, I'm hopping on the train with him because of the aforementioned reasons. If EE is dead, I still want you dead I'll just be looking into others before I decide if it's today I want you dead or later :3
I do not like this segment from Mentos. He is literally saying that regardless of what happens with this "gambit/not gambit shenanigans" he still wants LDR dead regardless. I just don't get it because he doesn't seem to be trying to consider the fact that LDR could be town nor was he really considering the fact that EE could be scum with his flip.

I was trying to say that Mentos says that Lunar can only be town or indie for shooting EE. However, that is based off the assumption that EE will flip town. If EE flipped scum, I would still keep the possibility of Lunar Disco being mafia on the table, as well as town and indie (I've literally seen the exact scenario where mafia daykilled his buddy D1 for protown credit in Inception Mafia). Thus, when he says that if the shot is real Lunar could only be town or indie, he is assuming before EE flips that EE is town, as an EE scum flip would not have inferred Lunar Disco town or indie the way an EE town flip does.
D'aw you remembered. ;) Inception mafia was soooo much fun and now I can't be trusted with a Day Vig role because of it. However, July, can you tell me what exactly gives you a town-lean on Swords? I am curious like Circus because well...we all three found out how recently he can be haha. xD

Still don't understand why indie over scum. I lean town in this action as well but doing what he did as mafia makes much more sense than indie IMO.

Btw Circus and July, there's no point in be paranoid, cus I'm totally town this time. so everything is going to be alllllll right. ^.^

Marshy, could you give that read on Mentos like you were asked to earlier?
Forget about me Swords. ;_; Can you explain the first paragraph? Why does it make more sense as scum>indy because I am seeing the opposite as well.

Since no RVS, I'm just going to go straight into it with whom I believe is looking the worst and that's Mentos for how he seemed to be trying to position himself into a safe way where he would come out looking good regardless of how the EE vs. Ryker scenario played out. His play comes across as cautious as stated by others.

Vote: Mentosman8

Mentos, can I get an opinion on July since she has the meatiest post yet?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
WL, why are you so shocked? o_O I'd think out of all the people in the player list you would be the least suspectible to what happened in the thread w.r.t. Ryker. What type of read do you get based off of his action rather than it seemed to piss you off?

Btw, missed playing with you dude. Its been too long.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
t:weet cl:vcking black sabbath

Alright. So we now have a dead inno child and a dayvig ****ing around. While reading it looked like it could've been a massive distancing attempt by EE/LDR and I was going to vote with EE just to see if he'd back up his ****ing bark but then he died so everything about that is now out the gogdamn window. Meanwhile Mentos rides the fence like a ***** as usual and I haven't even gotten (to) anything more significant than a "WTF?" out of anyone else.

This ****ing game.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
WL, why are you so shocked? o_O I'd think out of all the people in the player list you would be the least suspectible to what happened in the thread w.r.t. Ryker. What type of read do you get based off of his action rather than it seemed to piss you off?

Btw, missed playing with you dude. Its been too long.
I put up with this **** in UTrick'd because I understand why he did it. I don't understand it here but I'll be damned to see a dayvig flip anything other than town. I don't know why he shot EE but he essentially proved himself to be what he is and it's very unlikely his alignment is anything other than town.

I'm just pissed off at the way he did it. Maybe if he explains it, I'll calm down, but right of the mother****ing gate? Dumb decision and it put town back to make that shot completely uninformed.

So, LDR, why did you do it? You said you reasoned the decision out pregame, let's hear it. You can at least give us that much.

And yeh, I missed playing with a lot of people, haven't really gotten around to it with you outside of ongoing games where I'm hydra'd and you're not.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
So, LDR, why did you do it? You said you reasoned the decision out pregame, let's hear it. You can at least give us that much.
1.) Entertainment value.
2.) To kill EE.
3.) The look on your face.

Said it before and I'll say it again, vig is the most infallible investigative.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Now, will SOMEBODY talk to me about Mentos?
I dunno if what I've said has given you any indication but Mentos' indecision and knack for leaving backdoors in his statements is typical of him. I don't know what more you expect of him but going after him for something like that is barking up the wrong tree. It'll take significant pressure to crack him or, as already mentioned, something like EE's dayvig gambit in Lost.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
......those are terrible reasons Ryker and possibly the worst move I've seen in a game I've been involved in, in a long time.

I feel so bad for EE right now because I actually thought you might have had, idk, a reason for your insanity.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
1.) Entertainment value.
2.) To kill EE.
3.) The look on your face.

Said it before and I'll say it again, vig is the most infallible investigative.
Gog****ingdammit, I was hoping that wasn't what you were going to say.

All I can really say back to this is "Oh well" because, really, there's nothing more to be said. You killed a guy without any strings attached. He flipped town, town's now in the hole, we're all pissed, but I'll be damned to see a day vig flip anything other than town, so it's not like we can really touch you.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
......those are terrible reasons Ryker and possibly the worst move I've seen in a game I've been involved in, in a long time.

I feel so bad for EE right now because I actually thought you might have had, idk, a reason for your insanity.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Okay, caught up.

Standing by what I said earlier, he's three posts in and none of them were out of the ordinary or particularly sinister. No qualms with J.

Hell, no qualms with anyone, because everyone's reaction has been, more or less, similar. Most people seem to question Mentos' indecision and formal, political method of speaking, most people hate LDR right now. The Macman/Marshy interaction is definitely against the grain but I don't really know what to make of it. It's so limited that it's vague and any real scum intent that can be drawn takes serious spinning to reach.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Wait wait wait.

ryker/glyph would you be down to shoot whoever i ask you guys to?

Marshy, what lead you to believe that Disco has multiple shots?

Also, while I do still stand by not lynching LDR right now since I think he's probably town, I do think that if he pulls this stunt again, he needs to be lynched immediately. Loose cannoning all over another player cannot be tolerated; his kill, assuming he does have the option to shoot again, should be controlled by town majority from now on. Sorry to get all Overswarm about this, but I feel like someone's gotta do it, and since he's not here....

Any reasonable objections to this? State your case.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
Wait wait wait.

Marshy, what lead you to believe that Disco has multiple shots?

Also, while I do still stand by not lynching LDR right now since I think he's probably town, I do think that if he pulls this stunt again, he needs to be lynched immediately. Loose cannoning all over another player cannot be tolerated; his kill, assuming he does have the option to shoot again, should be controlled by town majority from now on. Sorry to get all Overswarm about this, but I feel like someone's gotta do it, and since he's not here....

Any reasonable objections to this? State your case.
Buh-buh-buh bull****. You can judge what to do based on who I shoot. I'm only shooting who I'd vig under my reads and player activity. If I could shoot based off of town majority, then cool, but unless you want to kill every scum player tonight, then town majority is a thing that can be tampered with.

Say what you want. I told Marshy already, I'll shoot if you're right.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
I dunno if what I've said has given you any indication but Mentos' indecision and knack for leaving backdoors in his statements is typical of him. I don't know what more you expect of him but going after him for something like that is barking up the wrong tree. It'll take significant pressure to crack him or, as already mentioned, something like EE's dayvig gambit in Lost.
That's permission to hold him at gunpoint tomorrow, right?

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
Okay, caught up.

Standing by what I said earlier, he's three posts in and none of them were out of the ordinary or particularly sinister. No qualms with J.

Hell, no qualms with anyone, because everyone's reaction has been, more or less, similar. Most people seem to question Mentos' indecision and formal, political method of speaking, most people hate LDR right now. The Macman/Marshy interaction is definitely against the grain but I don't really know what to make of it. It's so limited that it's vague and any real scum intent that can be drawn takes serious spinning to reach.
So pick. Someone else has to die today, who is it at this stage?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Buh-buh-buh bull****. You can judge what to do based on who I shoot. I'm only shooting who I'd vig under my reads and player activity. If I could shoot based off of town majority, then cool, but unless you want to kill every scum player tonight, then town majority is a thing that can be tampered with.

Say what you want. I told Marshy already, I'll shoot if you're right.
No ****, "town majority is a thing that can be tampered with"—you just tampered with it. I think you've shown that you can't be trusted to be the only one(s) deciding on when to pull the trigger. If you're not interested in cooperating with us, then I'm much less interested in letting you live.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Wait wait wait.

Marshy, what lead you to believe that Disco has multiple shots?

Also, while I do still stand by not lynching LDR right now since I think he's probably town, I do think that if he pulls this stunt again, he needs to be lynched immediately. Loose cannoning all over another player cannot be tolerated; his kill, assuming he does have the option to shoot again, should be controlled by town majority from now on. Sorry to get all Overswarm about this, but I feel like someone's gotta do it, and since he's not here....

Any reasonable objections to this? State your case.
None .

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Buh-buh-buh bull****. You can judge what to do based on who I shoot. I'm only shooting who I'd vig under my reads and player activity. If I could shoot based off of town majority, then cool, but unless you want to kill every scum player tonight, then town majority is a thing that can be tampered with.

Say what you want. I told Marshy already, I'll shoot if you're right.
And this is the exact response that I expected.

I don't want any repeats of Utrick'd, bub. We don't need to hit D5 and wonder how the **** the game's still going because you wasted 4 players and hit scum only one time.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
So pick. Someone else has to die today, who is it at this stage?
Part of me wants to say you, simply because you can't be quelled by majority if you actually have more shots. You'll shoot who you want, everyone else be damned, and your renegade act can continue to put us deeper in the hole. Just because I find it unlikely for you to be scum doesn't mean I like you. Find me scum and stop waving your gun around like a big man just because you shot a townie based on name.

Actual scum? Rather than tell you who I would want to die, lemme tell you who I don't: J, Circus, Swordy. I like Circus' direction, Swordy's questioning of everything, and J just being useful in general. Anyone else hasn't done enough to give me an insightful look into them.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: Yes that includes July.

And just because I know Mentos' posting style doesn't mean I like Mentos' posting style.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Read. My purpose was shooting him in the face, as is apparent in his corpse.

It was me telling him that if he tried to call my bluff, he was going to get shot.
I did read, I skimmed. But I'm focusing on your shot. Why did you shoot? "To kill him" is not an answer.

And why do you think he called your bluff?

That was a really quick way to skip RVS. I read through the entire Lunar Disco v. EE situation, and I don't see ANY reason Lunar Disco would take an immediate shot against town as mafia. That does limit it to town/indie as mentos said before, but I honestly think that after this quote:
Why don't you? Talk to me how it limits him to being town/indie.

Lunar Disco Redheads

Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2011
No ****, "town majority is a thing that can be tampered with"—you just tampered with it. I think you've shown that you can't be trusted to be the only one(s) deciding on when to pull the trigger. If you're not interested in cooperating with us, then I'm much less interested in letting you live.
Nope. I may play foot loose and fancy free, but I've got morals. I ain't your *****.

More after League.
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