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Gigabots Manfia - GAME [JUMB]OVER. Who got the Gigatron?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
In the context of a list where you're giving reads on multiple occasions, it most certainly DOES imply you're giving reads on all of them. But it doesn't matter.

And no, sharing all your reads is a horrendous idea. If everyone's got every last read out there on the table, scum can much significantly more effective choices in who they NK. Its not a huge deal if one or two people do it, but I try to avoid setting that up at all.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh, suddenly you want to talk to me?

Alright lol.

Lets hear what links you think John has to Ryu, and why John being scummy and Ryu gauging him would make you think Ryu is leaning scum this game.
No. This conversation will only work when you tell me why you think I'm scum. After that we'll progress.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
In the context of a list where you're giving reads on multiple occasions, it most certainly DOES imply you're giving reads on all of them. But it doesn't matter.

And no, sharing all your reads is a horrendous idea. If everyone's got every last read out there on the table, scum can much significantly more effective choices in who they NK. Its not a huge deal if one or two people do it, but I try to avoid setting that up at all.
This is only ture if your reads are static. Dynamic reads tend to be harder for scum to pick up and plan while Town gets more info.


Mar 11, 2012
@Bananalama - LOL. No, I like the direction your going in and I didn't notice what you were doing until after you ninja'd me. I disagree with RR scum but I'm ok with what you're doing outside of that for now. STAY FRESH.
I meant you're tone. Why are you being so forward with everything?

Jupiter's Biceps

Smash Rookie
Mar 1, 2012
Wedgietown - Population: YOU
...no, that's not right since for in order for your reads to be dynamic, you'd have to state them again for people to see (or otherwise be able to support the change in read). Which is little more than updating your list.

Banana see I thought the same thing irt Bardull


Mar 11, 2012
Real reads -



Bardull is indy or on a separate mafia faction from John.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Smells like swiss cheese in here. OOOOH.

1. Inferno - YO. WHAT UP. Where is your head at. You down to mow down dat John?

2. Jupiter's Biceps (Glyfe/EE) - Sup.

3. MeowMonster - Who are you? What are you? How many mafia games have you played?

4. Murderbush (Ryker/Raziek) - The bush, the ever so curious bush, a radiant aura that is only spoken of in myths and legends emanates from that bush. I MUST GO INSIDE. And what do I see? A pair of misfits hiding in their bush. What's your devious plan this time around?

5. John2k4 - YOU MUST DIE. But before you die, who do you think is Town? Gogo.

6. Super Vegito (Ran/Zen) - YOU SO SUS BRO. I'm not counting you out son, I'M ONTO YOUR ****. But what's good? Anything peculiar catching your eye?

7. Detective Sherlock Hound (Joey/RR) - You're Town.

8. Bardull - You are GOD TOWN.

9. Bananalama (Kataefi/Kuz) - What. RRscum, John not deserving of pressure? You might need to die, broham.

10. JTB - Get in on this.

11. Orboknown - Still want your thoughts. GIMMEH DEM THOUGHTS PLZ. So far my scumdar is screaming "wtfomgbbq" at your posts.

12. Gorf - Nothing to say to you for now.

13. Gova - Yo bro, what good, y'know? WHATCHU UP TO?

14. Jdietz - Nothing to say to you for now.
Lol Jupiter I'm not sharing all my reads. Even if I was, wouldn't that be a good thing? Makes my slot less conspicuous. But FYI, if I say "I have nothing to say to you," that doesn't imply a null read; I have RR as Town atm and I'm not saying anything to him for instance. It's interesting that you take that as me thinking he's null tho. HMM.

@Bananalama - LOL. No, I like the direction your going in and I didn't notice what you were doing until after you ninja'd me. I disagree with RR scum but I'm ok with what you're doing outside of that for now. STAY FRESH.

@Super Vegito - FO SHIZZLE.
What the eff ._.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I still don't see Doggy being town, especially upon scumJohn. Everyone else seems a-okay to me. Probz gonna call it a night soon, don't go on posting page on page on page while I'm gone please and thank you.


Mar 11, 2012
I'm asking why a scumJohn flip would make scumRR look even worse. Like what from their interaction are you seein'

Lay on the gravy bro

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh. The whole time line of Doggy finding John suspicious enough to throw his vote down on em. Seemed too whatthefuhh and forced for my taste. Too lazy to REALLY go back and show you step by step but essentially, yea.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Speaking of Bardull, you never answered my question! I wanted your logic for posting the list, not just a counter argument over whether or not you had null reads on people.
It's not a list. It's sort of like a "ask questions/say what's on my mind regarding my read on a player/something something" post. idfk.

Do you see more good coming out of that post, or bad? :|


Apr 3, 2008
Alright then. Talk to me.
Ok: why come so fast to Gorf's defense before you even heard anything?

No. This conversation will only work when you tell me why you think I'm scum. After that we'll progress.
No Gorf: You refusing to talk to me is exactly why you're looking scummier to me right now. Especially the way you responded to random pressure, and still refuse to even acknowledge the second question I asked (below). I threw RVS suspicion on you after feeling like your posts weren't adding fully up to a solid read and this is how you're responding. You gave me the fuel to work with after the fact, that was the whole point of throwing the spotlight your way: to give me reads. Now those reads aren't reflecting town.

Also: What do you think of Vegito's sudden defense of you when it was clear I was looking for input from you specifically. Any inklings of why he might do that?
I still don't see Doggy being town, especially upon scumJohn. Everyone else seems a-okay to me. Probz gonna call it a night soon, don't go on posting page on page on page while I'm gone please and thank you.
Elaborate, you're going in silent circles. You can't just link someone scum-hunting to the scum they hunted on a scum flip without at least telling us why you think so.

Super Vegito

Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2012
You are right, I didn't 'hear' anything. What did I do? Oh right, I asked you why you said that. That wasn't me defending him. I'd say that Bardull stating Gord was town in response to you was more of a defense than me asking you that. What do you think of that?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Dietz said:
No Gorf: You refusing to talk to me is exactly why you're looking scummier to me right now. Especially the way you responded to random pressure, and still refuse to even acknowledge the second question I asked (below). I threw RVS suspicion on you after feeling like your posts weren't adding fully up to a solid read and this is how you're responding. You gave me the fuel to work with after the fact, that was the whole point of throwing the spotlight your way: to give me reads. Now those reads aren't reflecting town.
K. I forgot what you even want from me.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Dietz tryna scum hunt but not doing it the right way.

Problem numero uno Dietz: you not supplying rhyme and reasoning to your gorf scum case leaves gorf just being like "ok bro you are baselessly calling me scum for the most part." It just looks like you're tunneling without any real substance. So you need to bring up posts and be like "yo dis is why u b scum, gorf bro" and gorf can be like "ho shizzle he's right, now i'm scurred" and he can just wtf boom. or not.


Apr 3, 2008
You are right, I didn't 'hear' anything. What did I do? Oh right, I asked you why you said that. That wasn't me defending him. I'd say that Bardull stating Gord was town in response to you was more of a defense than me asking you that. What do you think of that?
I think you have a good point, but you were the one directly challenging me on it rather than simply stating your opinion. It made me question what motives you have to prevent reads from freely flowing D1. Bardull's immediate call to attention to you on it however is worth noting.

K. I forgot what you even want from me.
465, 466, and a more elaborate stance on the same question which Bananalama asked.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh, suddenly you want to talk to me?

Alright lol.

Lets hear what links you think John has to Ryu, and why John being scummy and Ryu gauging him would make you think Ryu is leaning scum this game.
I'm not going to go into detail, but I find all in all Doggy's play to be pretty bleck, and I strongly dislike the process and precautions that Doggy took through which he found John to be scum. I felt it was forced and feel it's very likely for a scumDoggy to have picked scumJohn to be on his little team thingy in order to give em a reason to interact directly with John and distance em.

Also: What do you think of Vegito's sudden defense of you when it was clear I was looking for input from you specifically. Any inklings of why he might do that?
I don't have a feel for it either way. He probz did it cuz half the hydra's Ran... and cuz welp it's weird to just call someone scum and just expect to have them defend why they're town when you're not giving em why they aren't.

Ain't the DramaLlamaDingDong question basically the same as your 465?

Super Vegito

Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2012

I wasn't preventing the flow though. Me asking that doesn't 'stop' Gord from replying to you. My motive was to get you to state a reason. Yet again, it doesn't stop Gord from responding. It only makes you that much more... responsible for the burden of truth. I think. EE/Ryker please expand on this because I may not be the best at explaining that. How is Bardull's call to attention to me worth noting?

You want an opinion? I like gord. I don't have any problems with him. I liked his John vote.

My opinion on you? I also like you. You came in, and you were scumhunting. BAM. I can understand why you thought Gord was scummy. He thought RR was scum, your best BUDDY. So you were wondering why. (I like him, but if John flips scum, I'll be after him) You shouldn't just focus on his interactions with RR alone, though. You have to look at everything.

Are you able to read RR as well as he can read you? What are your thoughts on Detective's #383?


Apr 3, 2008
@Gorf: That's the problem mostly. I see and understand the process by which RR came to that conclusion and why he paced himself as he did, but you're refusing to elaborate on which parts of his decisions you didn't like for me to get perspective. It forces me to assume you're hiding something. If you think RR is scum, that's very pertinent and important information for me to have since I'm currently following him don't you think?

@Vegito: That seems like a respectable reason, I could see how you would do that but at the time it felt more like you wanted to prevent me from probing Gorf, which defeated the point of me calling him out.

I can read RR alright, but since the slot as a whole is a hyrda I can't be as certain about him as he can be about me.

It seems like a logical conclusion to me, it's the same one I made after seeing him continue to be wishywashy and unresponsive (and was what I was feeling even before reading up to that point after seeing the last interactions). I think the intent is legitimate.


Apr 3, 2008
(and Bardull's attention is worth noting in the same way most reactions are in this game. He was the first to suggest scum intent behind your actions and drove the conversation in that direction, if down the road you flip/prove town it could be a sign of Bardull reaching for people to go after)


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
So apparently this game started. Let's get down to work.

Top of the morning to ya all!

I need a watson, and a Mr. Huson to help me find Moriaty and his men.

John, Deitz, would you like to fill either of these roles?

Jupiter doesn't have biceps. I see a contradiction there.

Vote: Jupiter's Biceps
Nice connections with this post. Trying to buddy John and Deitz and voting JB. Good to have in the future.

Orbo, FurryBush town.

Dietz, JTB, HoundDog scum.

Gorf bisexual

Is this from Kuz? If so you should be better than this. I doubt with the current interaction that RR and Deitz are scummates.


Now, as for Gorf, if he's scum, I'll know. I'm not worried about him at all.
Elaborate on this please.

Sup, SV?
Got back and re-read everything to get my notes rolling.

@RR - This is why I generally dislike mafia via phone - it's too hard to type things out and whatnot. :|
Orbo spent some time early discussing mafia roles, got quiet about traitor thing once RR chimed in. He casually stated that "Jupiter may be town" [#233], and has an RVS on MB.
Orbo, you thinking Jupiter town based on his posts already, or was it a D1/RVS statement?


Back to RR - Your partners thing is odd to me, but I'll be your Watson.
Nah, not gonna take the bait.

But still wanting you to go into it.
What bait would that be? He just said idgaf.

Gord ignore RR until after he answers me.

And then continue ignoring him.
Gorf ignore the bold.

People that only comment on things that strictly involve themselves are either terrible at mafia or scum. And I was looking out for John's first post(s) from when he got onto a computer to completely be cool with my feel for his alignment, and now that he has, I am.
I might like you. Haven't decided yet.

Gord is hella uber god town. Anyone who says otherwise needs to get punched in the nuts. Badly. Cause they are poop.
Such a strong town read this early? Why so strong behind him so soon?


Btw I take all credit for the John wagon when he flips scum.
@mod - request votecount

I'll give you credit if he flips scum but right now John looks like too easy of a wagon.

As much as I hate how he plays, seeing Ruy's Town meta right now.
I do agree that a talkative RR is more towny, but RR has laid a lot more on the table than I normally see from him.

(play one game with Swiss and suddenly everything he does becomes clear lol)
Don't think this. This can lead you down a wrong path.

Smells like swiss cheese in here. OOOOH.

1. Inferno - YO. WHAT UP. Where is your head at. You down to mow down dat John?

2. Jupiter's Biceps (Glyfe/EE) - Sup.

3. MeowMonster - Who are you? What are you? How many mafia games have you played?

4. Murderbush (Ryker/Raziek) - The bush, the ever so curious bush, a radiant aura that is only spoken of in myths and legends emanates from that bush. I MUST GO INSIDE. And what do I see? A pair of misfits hiding in their bush. What's your devious plan this time around?

5. John2k4 - YOU MUST DIE. But before you die, who do you think is Town? Gogo.

6. Super Vegito (Ran/Zen) - YOU SO SUS BRO. I'm not counting you out son, I'M ONTO YOUR ****. But what's good? Anything peculiar catching your eye?

7. Detective Sherlock Hound (Joey/RR) - You're Town.

8. Bardull - You are GOD TOWN.

9. Bananalama (Kataefi/Kuz) - What. RRscum, John not deserving of pressure? You might need to die, broham.

10. JTB - Get in on this.

11. Orboknown - Still want your thoughts. GIMMEH DEM THOUGHTS PLZ. So far my scumdar is screaming "wtfomgbbq" at your posts.

12. Gorf - Nothing to say to you for now.

13. Gova - Yo bro, what good, y'know? WHATCHU UP TO?

14. Jdietz - Nothing to say to you for now.
I have an eye on Sherlock Hound. He has established himself with connections which gives me a decent place to look at with him. Also decided to take an approach similar to Omni in G3S. I'm not just gonna throw down hard stances like you are doing. It's best to keep my eyes and my mind open. Not gonna mow down John atm. Seems like too easy of a wagon to jump on (aka I think someone is being opportunistic).

I meant you're tone. Why are you being so forward with everything?
Better to be straightforward than to be shady. If he's straightforward, then we know what he's thinking.

I know that atm this sounds hypocritical, but there's probably a scum that hasn't talked much or at all. Blank slates are bad for town and we need to eliminate that.

JTB - I want you to talk more. Having you as a blank slate in all of MMX mafia proved very helpful in securing our win (to anybody who doesn't know, we were scum). I don't want you coasting this game. So be active okay? Talk to be about Jdeitz.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
JDietz said:
@Gorf: That's the problem mostly. I see and understand the process by which RR came to that conclusion and why he paced himself as he did, but you're refusing to elaborate on which parts of his decisions you didn't like for me to get perspective. It forces me to assume you're hiding something. If you think RR is scum, that's very pertinent and important information for me to have since I'm currently following him don't you think?
Oh okay, you're wrong I'm right, that sound good enough?

I AM hiding something. Does that make me scum? I'm NOT going through the process in which I found RR scum step by step, and rather telling you what about it made me find it scummy. Does that make me scum?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Sup, SV?
Got back and re-read everything to get my notes rolling.

@RR - This is why I generally dislike mafia via phone - it's too hard to type things out and whatnot. :|
Orbo spent some time early discussing mafia roles, got quiet about traitor thing once RR chimed in. He casually stated that "Jupiter may be town" [#233], and has an RVS on MB.
Orbo, you thinking Jupiter town based on his posts already, or was it a D1/RVS statement?


Back to RR - Your partners thing is odd to me, but I'll be your Watson.
That still didn't answer my questions.

In the context of Gord's post, I took it with a grain of salt.

Idgaf hoe.
Can you please not do this in the future? I understand that is just you, but it just seems anti town to me.
Silliness aside, people I don't mind seeing dead: JTB and Orbo.

People I want alive toDay: RR/Dooms hydra, Gorf. They are super special awesomezy.
Why do you want me dead?
@Orboknown - Don't like your posts so far, seems like filler contribution and just smells terribad. Who are your scum reads and town reads so far?
Town-Detective, Bananallama, Dietz, maybe murderbush if they speak up more.
Scum-John and Gorf. Both seem to not give straight answers to something directed at the them and it bothers me.
You're supposed to think I'm town cuz my word is god. Now tell me why you think otherwise and we can have a real conversation.
Don't like the bolded
Man Inferno that post was so null. You should totally go ahead and give us some reads or thoughts or whatnot.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Quote tag fix.
@Orboknown - Don't like your posts so far, seems like filler contribution and just smells terribad. Who are your scum reads and town reads so far?
Town-Detective, Bananallama, Dietz, maybe murderbush if they speak up more.
Scum-John and Gorf. Both seem to not give straight answers to something directed at the them and it bothers me.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Orbo said:
Can you please not do this in the future? I understand that is just you, but it just seems anti town to me.
I'm scum because I tell it how it is.

Orbo said:
Don't like the bolded
I'm scum because I tell it how it is.

Orbo said:
Scum-John and Gorf. Both seem to not give straight answers to something directed at the them and it bothers me.
Woah. MY not giving straight answers is MOST DEF not the same thing as John's... And obtw I'm scum because I don't answer questions 100% the way people want them to be answered.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
telling it how it is and refusing to answer someones questions are definitely not the same thing.
I understand John is just not answering them, but you are answering them by saying "Hey im not gonna answer this"

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
telling it how it is and refusing to answer someones questions are definitely not the same thing.
I understand John is just not answering them, but you are answering them by saying "Hey im not gonna answer this"
So I'm scum for openly deciding to not want to answer questions?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
You can take me off of the scum list now. Dislike for my play =/= scum read. Now, are you following somebody this game or do you have reason to list Doggy as town? And what are you feeling about Bardull?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Detective looks town on me with the way he handled John, so i guess i just view that differently than you.
Bardull is odd. He comes in, says you are huge town, then throws the scum tag at me for asking questions of people's actions early game.
I'll take you off the scum list if you prove to me you are worth taking off.
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