Look people are confused why I voted at that time, I get why but I waited because I questioned him, and so did Joey time and time again.
Joey noted it here in a nice little case, props to him for organization.
John hasn't been participating in the game at all while still being here physically. This can be seen through all of his posts in the recap below.
Look at Gord's post below.
@DramaLlamaDingDong I'm not liking the primary focus being on why Ruy's all up on em about the detective bullshiz, and that that's really the only thing he's commented on throughout the... 60+?... posts thus far. And Ruy being scum makes it especially curious.
In this post, Gordito is showing that he has legitimate pressure on John. When John gets back on, however, he posts this
Sup, SV?
Got back and re-read everything to get my notes rolling.
@RR - This is why I generally dislike mafia via phone - it's too hard to type things out and whatnot. :|
Orbo spent some time early discussing mafia roles, got quiet about traitor thing once RR chimed in. He casually stated that "Jupiter may be town" [#233], and has an RVS on MB.
Orbo, you thinking Jupiter town based on his posts already, or was it a D1/RVS statement?
Back to RR - Your partners thing is odd to me, but I'll be your Watson.
Not even acknowledging the fact that Gordito has put pressure on him, ignoring it completely. This doesn't change until I ask him about it here:
How do you feel about Gord? He has you as scummy already, yet you haven't said anything about it at all?
After asking that, his response is:
In the context of Gord's post, I took it with a grain of salt.
This shows that he doesn't care about the pressure being put onto him at all. I could understand this at the time, since the pressure looked pretty crappy as a whole, but after the pressure became more legitimate, although there was a lack of explanation, in Gord's post below:
People that only comment on things that strictly involve themselves are either terrible at mafia or scum. And I was looking out for John's first post(s) from when he got onto a computer to completely be cool with my feel for his alignment, and now that he has, I am.
John still didn't even question the fact that someone viewed him as scummy this early in the game. He didn't even talk about it at all until he was asked about it, which is something I'll get to later on.
He was asked for general reads on two specific people below:
Your still not looking at something.
The read on him, that is the also important. I'm ok with the phone issues. Even here your not taking stances much on what has been posted. It is early, but I do want to know your thoughts.
Like Orbo read on what he posted thus far?
Gorf's reads and his reluntance to elaborate on them?
Watson, I need to know your thoughts and stances on even the small things that have happened.
Note that in this post, he was asked about two things.
Read on Orbo.
Thoughts on Gorf's reads and lack of explanation.
What did we get?
To be quite honest, Ruy, I did not have any reads formed what with the game being around 12 hours into D1.
As for the fine details, I have the following.
Gorf's the only one who's voted twice. Is he out of RVS already?
Orbo's suggesting town for Cliff/his bicep partner already. I still want to hear more on that from him.
His answer'll help that read you're looking for.
A partial answer to Orbo, and something completely off topic for Gord. He's avoiding sharing anything about Gord completely at this point. Instead of sharing a read or any thoughts on Gord's reads, he decides to post something completely irrelevant, the voting twice lines.
When asked to clarify the "Is he out of RVS already" part of his post in the post below:
John responds with this:
I expect people to get their joke vote out of the way when the game starts. By that statement last post I meant that he is now going after those he sees as scum.
This implies that he knows that Gord is going after people that he thinks are scummy... yet he still isn't defending himself at all. No questioning. No reads. No thoughts that aren't below the surface level of thinking.
John was asked to clarify the same post again, this time asking for the specific meaning behind it, and the response was:
Because I was using it to back up the "he's voted twice" statement.
This shows that he hasn't put any in-depth thought into the game at all. This was when I realized that he has just been responding based on reading the thread without actually putting any effort into the game at all. He wasn't showing his reasoning behind it at all. He was just connecting it in sentence structure.
After that, I asked him what the point was behind stating that Gord had voted twice, and in response, this is what we get.
That you wanted fine details.
That Gord's abrasive.
Note in the post way up above that he was asked for two specific things. "fine details" was not either of those things. He's using sentence structure and wording to get out of giving us any details regarding his reads and any of his thoughts within the game.
I waited and was reluntant to say anything about this because I was looking for specific tells over his town ones, because I've seen and played with him where he was town and people miscontrude these tells.