#HBC | Nabe
Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
After some thought, I'm still not satisfied here. @I seriously doubt that you would have ever expected me to play that way, because there are no PRs, and it wouldn't be a viable strategy for VT or mafia without hidden PRs in the game.

You specifically warned me not to play in a way that you've observed in my meta, in games that have room for ambiguity. You said that playing in the background is my standard fare, but that I "seem to have a knack for drawing a PR or a mafia role pm along with it so it works" for me. But this game has no room for ambiguity: it's VTs/Traitor/Mafia. If I were to play "as if I were PR/mafia" in a game with no PRs, I would be lynched. There would be no possibility of it "working" for me. So there would be absolutely no reason for me to play in such a way, and (again) I do not believe that you could have thought that I would play in such a way. I think that it's impossible for that thought to have occurred to you in the way that you say it did, and as such I think your explanation of the motivation behind your post is flawed, if not a lie.
Different and separate tack. What are some past examples of me playing "that sort of game"? Why did you feel in this game, now, that you had to warn me about such play?@#HBC | Nabe you can't play the nebulous "I'm a PR or I'm mafia" game you love to play so if I see any inkling of you playing that sort of game, I'm lynching you on the spot.