Alright, here's the rest. Sorry it took so long, I'm with family. Should have time to read new posts just had trouble finding time to sit down and do a read and reply to everything I've missed.Shouldn't be any more activity problems. This is just going to do my read up then I'll go through and actually play
So starting from midway on page 9
Not a fan of this Nabe/Laundry. Nabe is either scum or very vindictive and catty. Waiting to see if Nabe gets off Laundry and does anything else anytime soon.
There's no way Rosa and Maven are intentionally inactive, unless my instincts are seriously messed up.
How could you possibly have instincts about that? I'm starting to notice you dong these weird defenses, both of this and Ryu's inactivity.
I don't know if it's me or not but these posts are all getting real boring
I see validity with Nabe's posts at laundry but I'm not sure Laundry actually is scum right now.
This is the exact opposite of my reads
i mean its whatever but its still funny to see from an outsiders pov. you cant really hold that against em cuz anybody can, like, accidentally leave open a tab, or not read up all the way, or simply decide not to respond.
iz cuz u were inactive and i was kinda annoyed by the fact that rosa doesnt exist. consider that the point where i realized that having the only vote on rosa was less helpful than having it on someone who can actually be pushed, and note how as soon as i noticed you posting again (not even when i read what you said), my vote came off. but now that zalak is here to show interest in pursuing rosa (or not

) im more than down to hbc the **** outta him.
but at this point, i wont bother just blindly putting my vote on inactives. rosa is the lead im most invested in atm but im not opposed to putting my vote on nabe with laundry if the playstyle hes provided stays consistent.
This post has moved Gorf into an uncomfortable null for me. Despite posting so much and being involved nothing he has done has really stuck out either way, and with a lot of content from him that makes it uncomfortable null instead of just null.
Nabe biting back has merit but laundry has some valid counter points.
Nabe is in a tunnel a bit but I see where he is coming from and where his issues are.
However I do not think either is malicious.
This is really thin
I got no problem with you reading us as TvT but that justification for it was weak as all get out. It's overly vague with no real examples nor indication as to why that should be TvT, just a bunch of buzzwords trying to justify your read.
Now this seems weak
Dietz, compare his play to the mini we were just in. Do you understand why I think he may be town here?
What? He was scum in both of those games. What, then, would make you think he's scummy?
I at least haven't paid much attention to Kursed because even as town traitor ( which I find it hard to believe he would be so transparent, ) I didn't see harm in letting him live. However I hadn't thought about the next bidding phase.
Honestly I'm almost ready to lynch Kursed myself due to the points Dietz brought up.
But Dietz brought up his points before the first post I quoted. Only difference is now Orbo voted
Now take this game: I called him out again (or rather he tries to call me out and I throw it back at him), and instead of vanishing and withholding his opinions, he at least
tried to flesh things out. Regardless of the quality, he stuck around and tried to explain his read on me, realized that it wasn't very good (which he point-blank admitted) and eventually swapped off of me and realized I was town. He has stances on other players, he's trying to put his opinion out there. It's not very good, and it doesn't make sense to me, but the fact that he's sticking around and trying means a great deal when he, as scum, just dipped as soon as he got called out for being scummy.
I do not know how you can call this
May as well lynch me. I can't defend myself.
to be trying. Maybe you should check out the other game he was scum in because he stayed around there. I mean his reads in this game were '"idk". The only other defense he put up was "tl:dr".
People who think Laundry / Nabe is stupid, prolonged, defensive, too wordy, etc. are completely missing the logic I'm trying to get across, which has nothing at all to do with personality clashes, and nothing at all to do with opinion. I am talking about logic, about a very specific chain of logic that leads me to think that Laundry has lied. If you don't agree with the logic, say why. If you think it's a more layered issue than that, then you haven't actually read what I've said. Please don't make me express it through formal p's and q's to get that across.
I'll try to post about actual humans tomorrow, but ****, come on.
That..doesn't seem to be at all what you were actually posting
And I'm caught up to my post. Now it's actually talking
That's weird. I may be a mafia newbie, but the answer to this question seems very obvious to me. We have no reason to end the day prematurely. If we lynch Kursed 3 days before the deadline, we will lose 3 days of investigation. I find it hard to believe you would have overlooked that. Why are you focusing so heavily on someone who has already been established as very suspicious? I find this HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS.
I know I already answered this but to say it again, I hadn't read through the thread so I had no idea how much people had talked about Kursed. It honestly looked to me like he had completely slid under the radar and my post was really calling attention to it.
Why are you liking me more? Your thoughts on me in your latest post are pretty jumbled, and they don't seem to add up
Zalak's post is crazy:
You offered no actual counter-argument to the post in question, but I admit it was written very poorly. My revised version should make sense though:
" My main point was that in a game with a TT, whoever has the neighborizer is put into the spotlight as a TT suspect. That attention would endanger not only the TT, but their mafia buddies as well, unless they kept up a spotless townie act. "
Zalak has let my compliment go to his head: Somewhat relevant to the next one I guess.
Zalak's posts have made sense so far, but he's sneaky: Contradicts "Zalak's post is crazy", and "Zalak has let my compliment go to his head" (KIND OF. You seemed to have a very negative opinion of me at that point)
Zalak seems town: No further explanation was provided.
Well that's because it was going through the thread and your post quality changed. In the beginning you were basically just voting Laundry, claiming you were 100% confident the guy was scum (when I at the time was town reading him), but then a few posts later (which were the posts I was talking about) you explained why you were voting him. The "got to his head" post was actually talking about the "this is a crazy overreaction" post, which was my explanation for the overreaction.
What don't you like about it?/quote]
It felt like nitpicking and was drawing the focus back to Laundry when I felt that whole avenue had been largely worthless
Now I'm actually just going to be doing it post by post because that's easier then having one giant post in a single tab and constantly worrying you're going to exit out of it by mistake