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Georgia Social Thread


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
As a matter of fact, I find brawl tournaments on the whole to be far more boring or annoying to attend, simply because Brawl attracts so many new and young players that don't know anything about the game or tournaments in general. They're generally stupid, annoying, and I hate being in the same room with ignorant scrubs, that'll spout nonsense like "BRAWL IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME!" and "What's Street Fighter?" or "Street Fighter is dumb and broken Smash is soooo much better."

Try going to an actual tournament and then come back with an impression.

It's understood where ur comin from bro, but u gotta understand that people have their own opinions. Granted I think that this is a very bad way to judge Melee. Although, I don't like the way U judge Brawl. I see new players and I gotta educate them. People are gonna be ignorant until some1 comes along and does that. Besides, I see scrubs as prize money :-). Jus cuz u disagree with some1 doesn't mean U shouldn't play the game.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but JJ (Dynomiiiiiiiiiite) already corrected me in letting me know that he didn't have FUN playing Melee. And that is why he stopped playing.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2008
Dynomite you are still an idiot, and there's still no good reason for you not to play Melee.

You could honestly just say that you find Brawl more fun than Melee, and that would be a sufficient reason alone.

But to cite one random *** tournament that was poorly run and associate that experience with the entirety of Melee tournaments is absolutely ridiculous.

I've been to my fair share of poorly run tournaments for Melee and Brawl. But the fact of the matter is that Melee tournaments on the whole are still incredibly incredibly fun, and however unfortunate your experience was, it does not really mean thats how Melee tournaments usually are.

As a matter of fact, I find brawl tournaments on the whole to be far more boring or annoying to attend, simply because Brawl attracts so many new and young players that don't know anything about the game or tournaments in general. They're generally stupid, annoying, and I hate being in the same room with ignorant scrubs, that'll spout nonsense like "BRAWL IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME!" and "What's Street Fighter?" or "Street Fighter is dumb and broken Smash is soooo much better."

Try going to an actual tournament and then come back with an impression.
ok look i don't think you should go off on dyno like that i mean cmon i agree with the "you dont have to give **** about melee and it would be OK if you just say i like brawl better", but im starting to pick up melee so i understand the most of it but holy crap man dyno is no idiot...

If he doesn't want to play melee, then he doesn't want to play melee. I personnally enjoy both, but to each his own.

The games been out for like 9 months, when will this end.
yep dyno rests his case...:chuckle:


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Dynomite you are still an idiot, and there's still no good reason for you not to play Melee.

You could honestly just say that you find Brawl more fun than Melee, and that would be a sufficient reason alone.

But to cite one random *** tournament that was poorly run and associate that experience with the entirety of Melee tournaments is absolutely ridiculous.

I've been to my fair share of poorly run tournaments for Melee and Brawl. But the fact of the matter is that Melee tournaments on the whole are still incredibly incredibly fun, and however unfortunate your experience was, it does not really mean thats how Melee tournaments usually are.

As a matter of fact, I find brawl tournaments on the whole to be far more boring or annoying to attend, simply because Brawl attracts so many new and young players that don't know anything about the game or tournaments in general. They're generally stupid, annoying, and I hate being in the same room with ignorant scrubs, that'll spout nonsense like "BRAWL IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME!" and "What's Street Fighter?" or "Street Fighter is dumb and broken Smash is soooo much better."

Try going to an actual tournament and then come back with an impression.
glad to see that youve got that off your chest. TBH ive really been waiting for this. Thats your oppinion, but to talk like you know me is bullsh*t. how do u know that i havnt been to many tournaments in the past. how do u know that i dont know much about melee or street fighter, hey maybe u think im annoying thats you oppinion AGAIN, maybe i think you are annoying.. like it or not brawl is the new smash game out there.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
New isn't always better.

But really Dynomite, play Melee (yes, even one of the worst Smash players in GA and a pretty much Brawl-purist is telling you this).

Learn to SHFF lasers w/ Falco. There. You're already better than me. That's not too hard I believe.

although...I may be wrong...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2008
glad to see that youve got that off your chest. TBH ive really been waiting for this. Thats your oppinion, but to talk like you know me is bullsh*t. how do u know that i havnt been to many tournaments in the past. how do u know that i dont know much about melee or street fighter, hey maybe u think im annoying thats you oppinion AGAIN, maybe i think you are annoying.. like it or not brawl is the new smash game out there.
Maybe i sit on top or maybe i dont doesn't matter. :ohwell:
what dyno just said here is the truth nonetheless...


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
New isn't always better.

But really Dynomite, play Melee (yes, even one of the worst Smash players in GA and a pretty much Brawl-purist is telling you this).

Learn to SHFF lasers w/ Falco. There. You're already better than me. That's not too hard I believe.

although...I may be wrong...
.. thats your oppinion and im ok with it i just choose to play brawl, melee is more of a watching thing for me not playing, this got way out of proportion.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
...you all realize that if Wolf, ZSS, and Ike were in Melee, there wouldn't even be a NEED for a Brawl, right? especially ZSS. :)

mike, dogy is NOT, repeat, NOT a good teammate, unless you REALLY like Subway and ottomons...and, i guess i could try teams with you if you want to sometime. i don't mind.

and, btw, newer games, a lot of times, suck in comparison to their predecessors. the FF series is a classic example of this. 3rd Strike doesn't suck at all, but ST is still an extremely solid game, despite its age.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
...you all realize that if Wolf, ZSS, and Ike were in Melee, there wouldn't even be a NEED for a Brawl, right? especially ZSS. :)

mike, dogy is NOT, repeat, NOT a good teammate, unless you REALLY like Subway and ottomons...and, i guess i could try teams with you if you want to sometime. i don't mind.

and, btw, newer games, a lot of times, suck in comparison to their predecessors. the FF series is a classic example of this. 3rd Strike doesn't suck at all, but ST is still an extremely solid game, despite its age.
:D what about PT and others

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
ide like to prove you wrong that newcommers arent bad, 1$ brawl money match 2/3? tourny rules?
either this dec if i can make it or jan's tourny
Wait, what is this supposed to prove? lol That new people aren't bad at Brawl? ok? But the quoted post is not even related to that? I don't know how beating (or losing) to someone in Brawl is gonna change anything about that post.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Wait, what is this supposed to prove? lol That new people aren't bad at Brawl? ok? But the quoted post is not even related to that? I don't know how beating (or losing) to someone in Brawl is gonna change anything about that post.
fix'd it read it wrong :D thaught he was refering to people not games hehe


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
glad to see that youve got that off your chest. TBH ive really been waiting for this. Thats your oppinion, but to talk like you know me is bullsh*t. how do u know that i havnt been to many tournaments in the past. how do u know that i dont know much about melee or street fighter, hey maybe u think im annoying thats you oppinion AGAIN, maybe i think you are annoying.. like it or not brawl is the new smash game out there.
Well it'd be nice if you'd mention the plethora of other Melee tournaments that were simply horrendous that you went to that made you want to quit.

But no, you cited a singular tournament, and didn't mention anything else. Sorry I cannot know the entirety of your Melee tournament experience through osmosis. Shame on me for taking you at your word :ohwell:

As for your knowledge on Smash and other fighters, my example was a generic one, not aimed at you.

But i'll gander a guess and say the only fighting game you've really played in tournaments for is brawl.

It isn't a matter of opinion, its a matter of you making obviously uninformed decisions based off of one of the outliers of smash tournaments.

I could care less if you like Brawl or Melee, but don't say it's because of some random *** bad tournament, because so far that's the only reason you've given.

One day I went to a Brawl tournament. The next day, I got the Flu.

F*** BRAWL!!!!!!11!!1


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
osmosis is a great way to learn.

luis, they're actually making ssb64 hd remixes, believe it or not.
sector z is gorgeous. i can't find the forums but chad showed it to me, so hopefully he'll post it.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Well it'd be nice if you'd mention the plethora of other Melee tournaments that were simply horrendous that you went to that made you want to quit.

But no, you cited a singular tournament, and didn't mention anything else. Sorry I cannot know the entirety of your Melee tournament experience through osmosis. Shame on me for taking you at your word :ohwell:

As for your knowledge on Smash and other fighters, my example was a generic one, not aimed at you.

But i'll gander a guess and say the only fighting game you've really played in tournaments for is brawl.

It isn't a matter of opinion, its a matter of you making obviously uninformed decisions based off of one of the outliers of smash tournaments.

I could care less if you like Brawl or Melee, but don't say it's because of some random *** bad tournament, because so far that's the only reason you've given.

One day I went to a Brawl tournament. The next day, I got the Flu.

F*** BRAWL!!!!!!11!!1
just pointed out one tournament i went to, and it was when brawl was almost out, november 07. u gota take one small example and in my previous posts i said that i dont really like the game but u gota over exadurate one thing i said to try to prove that brawl sucks or that newcommers suck or something like that. W/E u can stick to melee if u want, im not gona judge you for that.


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2008
Athens, GA
osmosis is a great way to learn.

luis, they're actually making ssb64 hd remixes, believe it or not.
sector z is gorgeous. i can't find the forums but chad showed it to me, so hopefully he'll post it.
Here's to hoping its not just a graphical update. Pikachu was **** near untouchable.

Oh and is anyone getting TvC? I'll probably get it, but not in time to bring it to the next Waba.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
@ XIF - i just learned that through osmosis and i have a sudden urge to suck a *****

it's just graphical. Isaiah is untouchable, not pikachu.



Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
luis, they're actually making ssb64 hd remixes, believe it or not.
sector z is gorgeous. i can't find the forums but chad showed it to me, so hopefully he'll post it.
Isn't Sector Z the Corneria with the huge as balls ceilings?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
melee hd remix? Hellll yeeah. Btw, smashers we should all play Left 4 Dead friday on smash day, fun as hell game. But onto the Dyno popularity subject. I honestly feel that you just didn't give melee a chance. I don't care if you don't play brawl, but in due respect you won't learn to much about properly punishing. You care more about what's easy and immediately satisfying than what's in long-term difficult, but extremely satisfying, all around melee is to me a much more fun game. Brawl is fun to you because it's easy, you use marth who is very evenly rounded around EVERY matchup, and smash f-air and win, mainly because it's pretty difficult for other brawl players to properly space around it. Of course it seems fun, you're at the top of your school. Going into melee and being at the bottom, and staying at the bottom for a Very...VERY long time isn't going to seem fun or appealing.

Rounding up everything though, i think you shouldn't play melee for fun, but play it anyway, play it for the learning experience at least. It'll improve your brawl game and make you feel much better about how you play. It makes you think. If anything, whenever you come to waba or something, play a bit of melee while you're bored, don't just look around, you're not learning much anyway right? I'm sure you'll make more friends in the community instead of hanging around the same group of high schoolers who have the same view as you. I feel i get better by constantly being around smashers like GA_peach, FMTL, Desu, etc. Even if i get 4stocked.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
melee hd remix? Hellll yeeah. Btw, smashers we should all play Left 4 Dead friday on smash day, fun as hell game. But onto the Dyno popularity subject. I honestly feel that you just didn't give melee a chance. I don't care if you don't play brawl, but in due respect you won't learn to much about properly punishing. You care more about what's easy and immediately satisfying than what's in long-term difficult, but extremely satisfying, all around melee is to me a much more fun game. Brawl is fun to you because it's easy, you use marth who is very evenly rounded around EVERY matchup, and smash f-air and win, mainly because it's pretty difficult for other brawl players to properly space around it. Of course it seems fun, you're at the top of your school. Going into melee and being at the bottom, and staying at the bottom for a Very...VERY long time isn't going to seem fun or appealing.

Rounding up everything though, i think you shouldn't play melee for fun, but play it anyway, play it for the learning experience at least. It'll improve your brawl game and make you feel much better about how you play. It makes you think. If anything, whenever you come to waba or something, play a bit of melee while you're bored, don't just look around, you're not learning much anyway right? I'm sure you'll make more friends in the community instead of hanging around the same group of high schoolers who have the same view as you. I feel i get better by constantly being around smashers like GA_peach, FMTL, Desu, etc. Even if i get 4stocked.
ask around, people that know me well will tell you that i have gave melee a chance, but when brawl came out i liked that better, i wasnt the best back in the day (when brawl came out) but i still liked the movement and everything better.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
ask around, people that know me well will tell you that i have gave melee a chance, but when brawl came out i liked that better, i wasnt the best back in the day (when brawl came out) but i still liked the movement and everything better.
So why is it that you like the movement better? personally I found it annoying but then again I was trying to play Falcon.

Anyway more on topic, I might be going to Waba this Friday. How many melee players usually go to Waba though because driving 30 hours to play a video game with a bunch of people I don't know that ISN'T MELEE, is kinda lame.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
don't bother then, lol.

dyno, i never saw you at any melee tournament, and i think i've only missed two out of the past 20 or so.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
So why is it that you like the movement better? personally I found it annoying but then again I was trying to play Falcon.

Anyway more on topic, I might be going to Waba this Friday. How many melee players usually go to Waba though because driving 30 hours to play a video game with a bunch of people I don't know that ISN'T MELEE, is kinda lame.
i didnt the first 2-3 matches since i use to main samus in melee and im sure everyone tryed their best/ fav char first when they got brawl too so yeah, samus = 2-3rd most floaty char in the game. then i found mario and i just thaught the white costume was amazing. lol

don't bother then, lol.

dyno, i never saw you at any melee tournament, and i think i've only missed two out of the past 20 or so.
i was at the 2 that you missed.. no jk i didnt go to many melee tournaments but what i ment was i watched ALOT of samus combo videos read advanced tech guides samus tips all on smashboards played melee afterschool every day with my buddy steven and yeah, time wasnt on my side tho, i got into the competative action when brawl was about to be relised so i decided to start fresh. so yes i did quit melee but not because of some tournament i went to.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2008
Atlanta, GA
i didnt the first 2-3 matches since i use to main samus in melee and im sure everyone tryed their best/ fav char first when they got brawl too so yeah, samus = 2-3rd most floaty char in the game. then i found mario and i just thaught the white costume was amazing. lol

i was at the 2 that you missed.. no jk i didnt go to many melee tournaments but what i ment was i watched ALOT of samus combo videos read advanced tech guides samus tips all on smashboards played melee afterschool every day with my buddy steven and yeah, time wasnt on my side tho, i got into the competative action when brawl was about to be relised so i decided to start fresh. so yes i did quit melee but not because of some tournament i went to.
The same thing happened to me. By the time I started considering going to melee tournaments I decided to just wait until Brawl's release. However, After I found Brawl to be a slow *** floaty combo-less piece of **** and stopped playing smash for almost a year while I waited to see weather or not melee would survive the brawl rush.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Well it'd be nice if you'd mention the plethora of other Melee tournaments that were simply horrendous that you went to that made you want to quit.

But no, you cited a singular tournament, and didn't mention anything else. Sorry I cannot know the entirety of your Melee tournament experience through osmosis. Shame on me for taking you at your word :ohwell:

As for your knowledge on Smash and other fighters, my example was a generic one, not aimed at you.

But i'll gander a guess and say the only fighting game you've really played in tournaments for is brawl.

It isn't a matter of opinion, its a matter of you making obviously uninformed decisions based off of one of the outliers of smash tournaments.

I could care less if you like Brawl or Melee, but don't say it's because of some random *** bad tournament, because so far that's the only reason you've given.

One day I went to a Brawl tournament. The next day, I got the Flu.

F*** BRAWL!!!!!!11!!1
So why is it that you like the movement better? personally I found it annoying but then again I was trying to play Falcon.

Anyway more on topic, I might be going to Waba this Friday. How many melee players usually go to Waba though because driving 30 hours to play a video game with a bunch of people I don't know that ISN'T MELEE, is kinda lame.

OMFG!!!! Leave Dyno alone!!! He doesn't want to play Melee. END OF STORY!!! Can't we talk about something else aside from that fact that U guys think Melee is better than Brawl and that U all think JJ(DYNO) has no logical reason for NOT playing Melee. He's not tryina to take an offense against Melee. He's merely been defending the attacks that people have been hitting him with for the past 24 hours.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
OMFG!!!! Leave Dyno alone!!! He doesn't want to play Melee. END OF STORY!!! Can't we talk about something else aside from that fact that U guys thinks Melee is better than Brawl and that U all think JJ(DYNO) has no logical reason for NOT playing Melee. He's not tryina to take an offense against Melee. He's merely been defending the attacks that people have been hitting him with for the past 24 hours.
All I'm saying is no johns. There's no shame in not liking one game over the other, but to justify it with a bunch of nonsense is pussyfooting it and looks like an excuse not to play a game for the simple fact of being bad at it.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
All I'm saying is no johns. There's no shame in not liking one game over the other, but to justify it with a bunch of nonsense is pussyfooting it and looks like an excuse not to play a game for the simple fact of being bad at it.
call it what u want, you just didnt understand. Its as simple as that. gota go all out on me cuz im young and dont like melee as much as you. instead of throwing this bag of flames on me go back and actually understand what i ment.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Dynomite you are still an idiot, and there's still no good reason for you not to play Melee.
The fact that he enjoys playing Brawl more is a perfectly good reason to play Brawl. The fact that he doesn't want to play melee is a perfectly good reason not to play melee.

Don't be an idiot


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
...you all realize that if Wolf, ZSS, and Ike were in Melee, there wouldn't even be a NEED for a Brawl, right? especially ZSS. :)

mike, dogy is NOT, repeat, NOT a good teammate, unless you REALLY like Subway and ottomons...and, i guess i could try teams with you if you want to sometime. i don't mind.

and, btw, newer games, a lot of times, suck in comparison to their predecessors. the FF series is a classic example of this. 3rd Strike doesn't suck at all, but ST is still an extremely solid game, despite its age.
Marty's word on who is a bad teammate is law.

Lets team, if you're intersted, marty! ^_^


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
lol dyno, sounds like you have little to no experience. whatevs though, to each his own.
That'd be like practicing halo by yourself in campaign mode and reading strats and doing them yourself
then complaining that the game's competitive scene isn't for you.

halo 2 mm




Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
lol dyno, sounds like you have little to no experience. whatevs though, to each his own.
That'd be like practicing halo by yourself in campaign mode and reading strats and doing them yourself
then complaining that the game's competitive scene isn't for you.

halo 2 mm


You're on!!!

...wait a second. :(

No nevermind, MMs just excite me. I can't really justify MMing you for 50$ in a game you will **** me at, guaranteed. :laugh:


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
lol dyno, sounds like you have little to no experience. whatevs though, to each his own.
That'd be like practicing halo by yourself in campaign mode and reading strats and doing them yourself
then complaining that the game's competitive scene isn't for you.

halo 2 mm


yes, true i dont have much experience. but just saying that i did give it a shot for like the 2 months i was interested in it :)
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