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Georgia Social Thread


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
just play melee
like a broken record <3.. melee was a good game in the past, i was thinking about giving it a shot in the compeative world but after comming in 2nd at a local Devry tournament (losing to EC in the last round when they didnt even have all the chars or characters and he got a DS and i got absolutly NOTHING!) im just not willing to start up again :(... peice of sh*t tournament.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
like a broken record <3.. melee was a good game in the past, i was thinking about giving it a shot in the compeative world but after comming in 2nd at a local Devry tournament (losing to EC in the last round when they didnt even have all the chars or characters and he got a DS and i got absolutly NOTHING!) im just not willing to start up again :(... peice of sh*t tournament.
because all Melee tournaments must be run like trash, and there have never been good melee tournaments like Tipped Off, Get 4 Stocked, Smash Aid, or up coming tournaments garunteed to be run well and boast high attendance and prizes such as Tipped Off 4 and TGMT2.

Are you looking for excuses to be a steaming pile of failure?

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
because all Melee tournaments must be run like trash, and there have never been good melee tournaments like Tipped Off, Get 4 Stocked, Smash Aid, or up coming tournaments garunteed to be run well and boast high attendance and prizes such as Tipped Off 4 and TGMT2.

Are you looking for excuses to be a steaming pile of failure?
Yes......a man of my own heart. Keep being a n00b like me and never look back Dyno....but just play Melee while you do it.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
but, i play marth, what can marth do out of grabs.. <.<
The hell if I know. I don't use marth haha. Back throw > forward smash?

thanks for coming to my house to play melee with lots of the good players in the state btw
Im busy man. I barely had time for HALO at my own house on xbox live lol. I had today off(which i slept all day) and friday off(which i slept all day).

because all Melee tournaments must be run like trash, and there have never been good melee tournaments like Tipped Off, Get 4 Stocked, Smash Aid, or up coming tournaments garunteed to be run well and boast high attendance and prizes such as Tipped Off 4 and TGMT2.

Are you looking for excuses to be a steaming pile of failure?
I'm pretty sure he doesn't need an excuse. And IMO failure would be forcing yourself to play a game you would rather not play because of dumb comments like that lol..that's known as 'peer pressure'. Don't give in Dyno!


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
because all Melee tournaments must be run like trash, and there have never been good melee tournaments like Tipped Off, Get 4 Stocked, Smash Aid, or up coming tournaments garunteed to be run well and boast high attendance and prizes such as Tipped Off 4 and TGMT2.

Are you looking for excuses to be a steaming pile of failure?
just saying that i have had bad experiences PLAYING melee. if u like it thats your opinion, and im cool with it. i love to watch it tbh, all the crazy stuff haponing just makes me laugh. :laugh:

The hell if I know. I don't use marth haha. Back throw > forward smash?

I'm pretty sure he doesn't need an excuse. And IMO failure would be forcing yourself to play a game you would rather not play because of dumb comments like that lol..that's known as 'peer pressure'. Don't give in Dyno!
Atleast some one understands.. oh and back throw is for pros, idk how to use it =/


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
just saying that i have had bad experiences PLAYING melee. if u like it thats your opinion, and im cool with it. i love to watch it tbh, all the crazy stuff haponing just makes me laugh. :laugh:

Atleast some one understands.. oh and back throw is for pros, idk how to use it =/
I just know how to look at things from different angles. I call it common sense, but a lot of people can't do that(lord knows why). They like to be stuck with narrow point of views and closed minds. It's whatever though ;P

Anyways, to do the backthrow tipper. You have to do this.

*grab* *nudge* press back on the joystick and then press back on the c stick!

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
I had never heard of someone stop playing a game cause of one bad experience that will most likely not happen again (or frequently). It would be like someone doesn't go on rollercoasters anymore cause someone else threw up on them or something.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
I just know how to look at things from different angles. I call it common sense, but a lot of people can't do that(lord knows why). They like to be stuck with narrow point of views and closed minds. It's whatever though ;P

Anyways, to do the backthrow tipper. You have to do this.

*grab* *nudge* press back on the joystick and then press back on the c stick!
u mean down throw with marth into back c.. :D

I had never heard of someone stop playing a game cause of one bad experience that will most likely not happen again (or frequently). It would be like someone doesn't go on rollercoasters anymore cause someone else threw up on them or something.
age johns, tourny johns, not having enough time to get into it johns. more johns... that basicly sums up my melee life :) happy?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I had never heard of someone stop playing a game cause of one bad experience that will most likely not happen again (or frequently). It would be like someone doesn't go on rollercoasters anymore cause someone else threw up on them or something.
and I've never found it reasonable to nag on someone who stopped playing a video game for any reason. I'm not saying you are, but a lot of people here make it seem like it's a personal vendetta to look down on someone who doesn't play, enjoy, or take melee competitively. That's stupid.

That's like me nagging on all of the smashers for not playing Starcraft because Starcraft is a FAR deeper and FAR more competitive video game than Smash or almost any other video game.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
well, if starcraft 2 sucked major sweaty balls, you'd want people to play the better starcraft to begin with. Good game in the past, better game than the future one.

I'm not a broken record; I'm an infinite recording.

Dyno, that's a terrible reason to not play melee.
You went to a poorly run tournament and didn't win a DS so you want to stop playing?
Here, i'll host a Brawl tournament at my house, just you and me. I'll only have 2/3 of the stages, miss most of the hidden ones, and you can come in first place and I'll get to spend the night in my heated house with my blankets and bed and you have to sleep on my lawn wearing only your underoos.

I'd go but I don't feel like leaving home.
No johns.

even if you were tired or whatever. johns~


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
well, if starcraft 2 sucked major sweaty balls, you'd want people to play the better starcraft to begin with. Good game in the past, better game than the future one.

I'm not a broken record; I'm an infinite recording.

Dyno, that's a terrible reason to not play melee.
You went to a poorly run tournament and didn't win a DS so you want to stop playing?
Here, i'll host a Brawl tournament at my house, just you and me. I'll only have 2/3 of the stages, miss most of the hidden ones, and you can come in first place and I'll get to spend the night in my heated house with my blankets and bed and you have to sleep on my lawn wearing only your underoos.

No johns.

even if you were tired or whatever. johns~
If I thought SC2 sucked compared to the first, it wouldn't change a thing. I would just stop playing it. H2 is obviously better than H3. I've never attempted to try and get people to play H2. It's over and done with. Move on. If you like it, then play with friends lol. Don't harass.

as for Friday, I practiced H3 instead =] H3 > melee to me


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
If I happen to go sometime soon, I wouldn't mind. I'm not really a solid Sonic player though. I'm all tricks and mindgames.
Thats all Sonic is. If U can pull off the mindgames U'll be fine. Or at least as fine as U can be with Sonic...

what? mindgames in brawl?

we never faught, we did friendlys but we tied like 2 matches, he beat my marth i came back with wario. om nom nom! :hunger: BITE > SONIC! no mindgames there.
Wario >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic :-/

But then again.....

Marth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luigi and eventually I started Beating Marths unless they were actually GOOD

Know what's the BAIR counter? SHIELD GRAB

*jump* *jump* *jump* "oh **** he's not falling for the 'jump bait!'. Oh **** no more jumps! *shield grab* :]

lol DDD gets easier and easier the more I play him. He is wayyy too predictable

like a broken record <3.. melee was a good game in the past, i was thinking about giving it a shot in the compeative world but after comming in 2nd at a local Devry tournament (losing to EC in the last round when they didnt even have all the chars or characters and he got a DS and i got absolutly NOTHING!) im just not willing to start up again :(... peice of sh*t tournament.
If u don't wanna play anymore thats U bro... I'd think that getting 2nd place is really a good thing. U should go to Melee tourneys, win money and use them on Brawl tourneys :-D. Jus an idea LOL!

and I've never found it reasonable to nag on someone who stopped playing a video game for any reason. I'm not saying you are, but a lot of people here make it seem like it's a personal vendetta to look down on someone who doesn't play, enjoy, or take melee competitively. That's stupid.

That's like me nagging on all of the smashers for not playing Starcraft because Starcraft is a FAR deeper and FAR more competitive video game than Smash or almost any other video game.
QFT, Idk Y, but I haven't really read about many Brawlers viciously complaining about Melee. But then again the people that I read about or kno do not consist of the entire smash community. Every1 is entitled to their opinion and it seems like people are not respecting that of Brawlers. Melee is more vicious than Brawl, Unless U use Sonic(I mean REALLY KNOW HOW TO USE HIM) or MK then U won't get that same rush U would get in Melee. However, Brawl JUST came out this year. Melee took YEARS in order to get to it's respected level. However people aren't giving BRAWL A CHANCE which really irritates me :-/


SleepyK has a point, U shouldn't quit something ur good at cuz U lost at the end. Thats merely childish. But i guess if ur not having FUN dyno then U can just quit. But I'd say try a better tourney and see if U like it. U might end up enjoying that tourney and playing Melee more.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
h3 is a lot better than h2 gamewise.
h2 was a pretty bad game, lol.
who's harassing?
I like it, so i want people to play it.
i'm not going to his house, breaking his brawl disk, and spray painting melee symbols on his clothes.

I guess you've never known the joy of pulling abandonware because it's better than the newer games since they're over and done with.

I'd go but I don't feel like leaving home.
No johns.[/quote]
it's kind of hard to "improve so fast" if you're not going to make the attempts to improve.
selective times to improve or whatever, but there's not too much melee action in ga to begin with. Don't Dark Prince about this.

no one is really looking down on anybody, lol.
It's akin to trying to get your friend to try a different flavor of ice cream that they would probably like.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
h3 is a lot better than h2 gamewise.
h2 was a pretty bad game, lol.
who's harassing?
I like it, so i want people to play it.
i'm not going to his house, breaking his brawl disk, and spray painting melee symbols on his clothes.

I guess you've never known the joy of pulling abandonware because it's better than the newer games since they're over and done with.

it's kind of hard to "improve so fast" if you're not going to make the attempts to improve.
selective times to improve or whatever, but there's not too much melee action in ga to begin with. Don't Dark Prince about this.

no one is really looking down on anybody, lol.
It's akin to trying to get your friend to try a different flavor of ice cream that they would probably like.
uh I moved onto halo. It's more fun to me and it's a lot easier to get practice.

"no one is really looking down on anybody, lol.
It's akin to trying to get your friend to try a different flavor of ice cream that they would probably like"

and not giving up. After a while saying 'hey try this hey try this hey try this hey try this' gets annoying. Suggestion is good, being annoying till you got you're way isn't lol


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
oh, dpc cancel.
the difference is that i'm not being intrusive like your navi example. every time we go to the ice cream shop
(swf or a tournament) i'll bring it up once.
"you gonna try that flavor today?"


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
For the record... H3 was da best :-) Although the storyline wasn't as thrilling as H1. But jus like Melee and Brawl nobody cares about the storyline lol!!! (I was mad as hell when Sonic was just there for the ending(Well, not 2 mad considering that I got to use him to beat the final boss)!!!!


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
For the record... H3 was da best :-) Although the storyline wasn't as thrilling as H1. But jus like Melee and Brawl nobody cares about the storyline lol!!! (I was mad as hell when Sonic was just there for the ending(Well, not 2 mad considering that I got to use him to beat the final boss)!!!!
I don't even know the halo storyline :ohwell: LOL

oh, dpc cancel.
the difference is that i'm not being intrusive like your navi example. every time we go to the ice cream shop
(swf or a tournament) i'll bring it up once.
"you gonna try that flavor today?"
lol I didn't mean it literally.

Icecream example.

"Hey try this one"

"Naw I wanna get this one. I love it!"

"ewww that one sucks. It has sprinkles and pokemon on it! ewwwww. You should really eat something that taste better"

"Taste good to me o.O"


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
only a few of us have that elitist attitude, but brawl sucks, melee is better, play melee.

the storyline for the halo series is actually pretty well done, though it rips fairly heavily from books like ringworld and from games like uh, bungie's previous games, marathon <_<


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
I don't even know the halo storyline :ohwell: LOL"
LMAO!!!!! Point made!!!!

On another topic...Final Paper Johns

I really don't wanna do this!!!

only a few of us have that elitist attitude, but brawl sucks, melee is better, play melee.

the storyline for the halo series is actually pretty well done, though it rips fairly heavily from books like ringworld and from games like uh, bungie's previous games, marathon <_<
Idk, in FL it's the same way :-/ (it's mainly Capt Falcon and Jiggs users tho LOLZ!!!)

but I really enjoyed the Halo soryline in it's entirety. But I'm not to sure I've here about this Marathon that u wrote of... >.<


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
you better do that final paper!
if you need help, try posting in the connecticut thread. there are like 4 writers in there lol.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
FINE!!! :-/ (changes tabs to the research article he was supposed to read hours before he got onto smashboards) LOL


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
aw, i'd like to discuss marathon. It's actually really, really deep. Halo makes a ton of references to it (since the storyline is basically a retelling) but it's very well done and the games are still fun today.
Remember Foundation? Gemini?
All marathon stages.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
really??? Good stuff!!! I never knew! Wait, I heard that there was a game that had a storyline which took place after halo...


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
yeah, marathon goes beyond halo's storyline.

unless you mean Halo wars or whatever. I never looked into the RTS since i are suck at strategy games.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Check out that paper that you need to do lol

I dunno, If the player is extremely ledge camping (ie s0ft vs RAM) then you should be forced to return to the stage and not permitted to ledge stall excessively.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Thats all Sonic is. If U can pull off the mindgames U'll be fine. Or at least as fine as U can be with Sonic...

Wario >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic :-/

But then again.....

Marth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Luigi and eventually I started Beating Marths unless they were actually GOOD


If u don't wanna play anymore thats U bro... I'd think that getting 2nd place is really a good thing. U should go to Melee tourneys, win money and use them on Brawl tourneys :-D. Jus an idea LOL!

QFT, Idk Y, but I haven't really read about many Brawlers viciously complaining about Melee. But then again the people that I read about or kno do not consist of the entire smash community. Every1 is entitled to their opinion and it seems like people are not respecting that of Brawlers. Melee is more vicious than Brawl, Unless U use Sonic(I mean REALLY KNOW HOW TO USE HIM) or MK then U won't get that same rush U would get in Melee. However, Brawl JUST came out this year. Melee took YEARS in order to get to it's respected level. However people aren't giving BRAWL A CHANCE which really irritates me :-/


SleepyK has a point, U shouldn't quit something ur good at cuz U lost at the end. Thats merely childish. But i guess if ur not having FUN dyno then U can just quit. But I'd say try a better tourney and see if U like it. U might end up enjoying that tourney and playing Melee more.
oh, thats why u think i quit? cuz i lost? no. i quit because , what i said about tournaments and everything, for me it wasnt fun. i wasnt even that great. people there werent even L cancleing. Besides i like the gameplay of Brawl better, if you get hit you have a chance to get out of it, but in melee u get hit once you are stunned and cant really do anything. Ill play you some wario-sonic or marth- sonic dittos either this dec waba or jan waba, if u want. ive only vsed one good sonic so i dont have much experience.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
oh, thats why u think i quit? cuz i lost? no. i quit because , what i said about tournaments and everything, for me it wasnt fun. i wasnt even that great. people there werent even L cancleing. Besides i like the gameplay of Brawl better, if you get hit you have a chance to get out of it, but in melee u get hit once you are stunned and cant really do anything. Ill play you some wario-sonic or marth- sonic dittos either this dec waba or jan waba, if u want. ive only vsed one good sonic so i dont have much experience.
O..well in that case LMAO!!!! It's a logical reason :-) I enjoy Brawl more anyways...well. actually I like anything with Sonic the Hedgehog more LOLZ!!! So my opinion is biased. I'll try to come up with some people from Tally(actually I'm in a crew of 7 people). I normally get lots of practice against DBS's Wario("DetriotsBestSmaser"his Wario is pretty insane) and Gmoney comes up to our tourney's often to whip my *** as well. But I just learned a new trick today!!! Sonic can glide toss wario's bike wheels into a fsmash!!! I was like wtf!!! But a good Sonic normally wont beat a good Wario, Snake or Ice Climbers(aka chaingrab whores). U'll prolly kick my *** :laugh: U should come down this weekend to our tourney in Tally. Reflex and Kismet are coming :-).


O!!! Ur GT should B "JJ" like JJ from good timez!!! "Dynomiiiiiiiiiiiiiite" LMMFAO!!!!

Check out that paper that you need to do lol

I dunno, If the player is extremely ledge camping (ie s0ft vs RAM) then you should be forced to return to the stage and not permitted to ledge stall excessively.
I agree :-)

I normally stage spike people that do that 2 much, or cape them with Mario's cape. Although it is a 50/50 chance that It'll be a disaster T_T

(sorry SleepyK...Please don't kill me!!! :psycho: Paper is almost dun)


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
we never faught, we did friendlys but we tied like 2 matches, he beat my marth i came back with wario. om nom nom! :hunger: BITE > SONIC! no mindgames there.
For some reason I'm thinking I beat your Wario. Either I won one and you won one in that matchup, or I'm thinking about Diablo

Thats all Sonic is. If U can pull off the mindgames U'll be fine. Or at least as fine as U can be with Sonic...
Yes and no. I was just simply pointing out that I'm always trying to initiate mindgames, even when I don't need them, and that ends up hurting my overall play style.

But a good Sonic normally wont beat a good Wario, Snake or Ice Climbers(aka chaingrab whores).
Wario has a horrid time vs Wario, but a good Sonic vs a good Snake is like a 60:40 Matchup. People only have such a tough time because Snake is one of the characters that forces Sonic to play completely different from what they might usually play.

Ice Climbers is generally believed to be close to an even matchup. Sonic can easily avoid grabs and once he's split the two up, a competent Sonic normally can gimp Nana with relaative ease.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Yes and no. I was just simply pointing out that I'm always trying to initiate mindgames, even when I don't need them, and that ends up hurting my overall play style.

Wario has a horrid time vs Wario, but a good Sonic vs a good Snake is like a 60:40 Matchup. People only have such a tough time because Snake is one of the characters that forces Sonic to play completely different from what they might usually play.

Ice Climbers is generally believed to be close to an even matchup. Sonic can easily avoid grabs and once he's split the two up, a competent Sonic normally can gimp Nana with relaative ease.
QFT... But Sssssssssshhhh!!!! thats a Secret!!!

As far as Snake is concerned. 60:40????? Nah I wouldn't say that high of a chance. but 2 each = his own opinion. U R right about the fact that Sonic has to fight differently against him. Just like against MK and Falco.

depends on the IC's U play. If u fight a GOOD IC's that can completely chaingrab U to death without screwing up once and can use projectiles then it would not be an even match-up. However, it is just as easy to separate them. But then again I play against friends that have fought Sonic since I started using him since day 1(not saying U haven't had the same experience).

Hell I need to go to Waba to see things from ur POV(as a Sonic user in the GA). I'll try to bring friends so U can see how U far against them so U can see what its like in my shoes(Being a Sonic user in NFL).

Got darnit I need to finish this paper :-/ I hate school. I hate finals more!!!!:urg:


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
lol, dyno, you've obviously never played smash 64.
you can di out of things in melee. I dunno, I've never enjoyed playing a fighting game that punishes you for playing aggressively (unless you're metaknight)

once again, one bad tourney experience = i quitz


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
lol, dyno, you've obviously never played smash 64.
you can di out of things in melee. I dunno, I've never enjoyed playing a fighting game that punishes you for playing aggressively (unless you're metaknight)

once again, one bad tourney experience = i quitz
ive played smash since i was 7 ive played 64, but didnt have any good people to play with. and as i said its not just that tournament i went to its the game in general. i find brawl more fun than melee in competative play and for fun :p


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
to each his own <3

but lets play melee sometime pls


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Waba sounds like an Awesome name... Waba waba waba waba waba! Like Pac-Man!!! Waba waba waba waba waba!!!(please excuse my retardedness! Lack of sleep johns... O_0


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Dynomite you are still an idiot, and there's still no good reason for you not to play Melee.

You could honestly just say that you find Brawl more fun than Melee, and that would be a sufficient reason alone.

But to cite one random *** tournament that was poorly run and associate that experience with the entirety of Melee tournaments is absolutely ridiculous.

I've been to my fair share of poorly run tournaments for Melee and Brawl. But the fact of the matter is that Melee tournaments on the whole are still incredibly incredibly fun, and however unfortunate your experience was, it does not really mean thats how Melee tournaments usually are.

As a matter of fact, I find brawl tournaments on the whole to be far more boring or annoying to attend, simply because Brawl attracts so many new and young players that don't know anything about the game or tournaments in general. They're generally stupid, annoying, and I hate being in the same room with ignorant scrubs, that'll spout nonsense like "BRAWL IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME!" and "What's Street Fighter?" or "Street Fighter is dumb and broken Smash is soooo much better."

Try going to an actual tournament and then come back with an impression.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Marietta, GA
If he doesn't want to play melee, then he doesn't want to play melee. I personnally enjoy both, but to each his own.

The games been out for like 9 months, when will this end.
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