Well, in the matter, you have to use money in order to have a chance at getting more money. But I see your reasoning, to a definite extent.
1. True, at least, people don't like traveling a lot. If you're like me, you dislike even 40 minute rides for small/mid sized tournaments. Then again, gas is not cheap. This could be an easy reason why people don't want to travel.
2. Some people actually want to go to tournaments, and put forth an effort, but just find themselves with an excuse for not being able to attend. (Take me for example) It also feels kind of sad to hear that over half of our state's smash community is online, and has never thought of going to a tournament because it was to far and it would take too much effort. That could define laziness or just a laisse faire attitude when it comes to our scene's activity. Some could not care less.
3. True. Still enough, some just don't want to attend.
4. We do enough with what we have. Ever since Waba stopped, we've been searching for someplace to call GA's Smash point; I believe GX could be that place, but I can't say so alone. Needs time and participation, and from the looks of our current community, we're lacking a bit in the latter.
Apologies to impose, but we're going to get more members active within this community. One way or another. Oh darn, I'm babbling. Sorry.