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Georgia Social Thread

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
meh i didn't do too well at this 9th or something
i didn't get to talk to professional smasher will_ much so im kind of sad

Dyno-Hehe you're first. I didn't expect any of what happend in our matches all the ****ing tripping, the platform camping, the farts none of it. Ill be better prepared for it all next time i suppose, tripping is still dumb but i applaud you for beating me.


antix- GOD **** STFU lololol

Dogysamich- Why you gotta be so meannnnn. GG's sorry i couldn't give you 5 dollars to kick my *** maybe when i get to where i could put up a fight.

Sensei Chops- We didn't talk much, but good stuff in every event lol.

Kismet- OHMYGOD IT'S CALVINNNNN we need to play more but you're always playing other people <<<<<<_____<<<.

Octix- You'll get me next time ;B lol

Black- Gg's great yoshi and pika lol that cp was a lose lose situation though im stubborn for not wanting to lose to pika jab.

Elev8- Still one of the most chill smashers around. Good stuff beating p-1 even if he did come back and beat you in losers lol.

Player1- you're still ugly but good stuff placing 2nd ;D. Squirtle is indeed very gay. Play me more on wifi scrub <<

N64-Good stuff beating my crappy doc ;( that cape was ultra sexy though ;3

Viet G- You beat me in melee brackets ;( i need better control of my character. Good stuff in b+ i should probably play that game more so i can make t3h free moneys

Rayku- good stuff making t3h free moneys lol. No hug ;(

Sleepy- You really make me want to get good at this game, I want to beat you >:O im dedicated and will be good at melee

PBNJ- STOP TRYING TO SELL ME STUFF >;OOOOO lolol get your hustle on though for real good stuff in dubz.

Mike G- You're mad chill man dissapointed you quit IMA KEEP ASKINGGGG lol i want to play you sooner or later.

Marty- always funny lol bang sucks <_<

Billy- We didn't really talk

Deo-Scatz was pulling you down in dubz

Scatz- You were pulling deo down in dubz

it think thats it 0-o


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
meh i didn't do too well at this 9th or something
i didn't get to talk to professional smasher will_ much so im kind of sad

Dyno-Hehe you're first. I didn't expect any of what happend in our matches all the ****ing tripping, the platform camping, the farts none of it. Ill be better prepared for it all next time i suppose, tripping is still dumb but i applaud you for beating me.


antix- GOD **** STFU lololol

Dogysamich- Why you gotta be so meannnnn. GG's sorry i couldn't give you 5 dollars to kick my *** maybe when i get to where i could put up a fight.

Sensei Chops- We didn't talk much, but good stuff in every event lol.

Kismet- OHMYGOD IT'S CALVINNNNN we need to play more but you're always playing other people <<<<<<_____<<<.

Octix- You'll get me next time ;B lol

Black- Gg's great yoshi and pika lol that cp was a lose lose situation though im stubborn for not wanting to lose to pika jab.

Elev8- Still one of the most chill smashers around. Good stuff beating p-1 even if he did come back and beat you in losers lol.

Player1- you're still ugly but good stuff placing 2nd ;D. Squirtle is indeed very gay. Play me more on wifi scrub <<

N64-Good stuff beating my crappy doc ;( that cape was ultra sexy though ;3

Viet G- You beat me in melee brackets ;( i need better control of my character. Good stuff in b+ i should probably play that game more so i can make t3h free moneys

Rayku- good stuff making t3h free moneys lol. No hug ;(

Sleepy- You really make me want to get good at this game, I want to beat you >:O im dedicated and will be good at melee

PBNJ- STOP TRYING TO SELL ME STUFF >;OOOOO lolol get your hustle on though for real good stuff in dubz.

Mike G- You're mad chill man dissapointed you quit IMA KEEP ASKINGGGG lol i want to play you sooner or later.

Marty- always funny lol bang sucks <_<

Billy- We didn't really talk

Deo-Scatz was pulling you down in dubz

Scatz- You were pulling deo down in dubz

it think thats it 0-o

you son of a *****, you didn't even remember me.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
i talk to a alot of people sorry v_v

Frozen Popo- Gotta beat that back air son, you'll get me next time lol.

Yiff-Shoulda teched it <<


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2008
meh i didn't do too well at this 9th or something
i didn't get to talk to professional smasher will_ much so im kind of sad
lol sorry man, hit me up on aim if you want(hazuki512). Next time I go to waba it'll actually be planned so I don't have to leave early.

And Bang is the man.

If you come to WABA more often I'll give you some =).
Yes, most def. I thought I had that matchup down but I apparently didn't.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
ohmygod 3post with my name in it COOOOOL

GTR- from what i saw you have a great snake thurrr, good stuff on placing 7th, we'll have to play sometime


Umby- :( sorry about your bracket, we shouldve teamed for serious man but you owe me 5 soo uhmm....


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
ohmygod 3post with my name in it COOOOOL

GTR- from what i saw you have a great snake thurrr, good stuff on placing 7th, we'll have to play sometime


Umby- :( sorry about your bracket, we shouldve teamed for serious man but you owe me 5 soo uhmm....
hmm, maybe we should team some weekly to see how us highschoolers do.. hmm, i think we are the only highschoolers on the GAPR.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007

justin won first set 3-2,
daigo wins second set 3-2 so CRAZY

justin played balrog after match 1 of set 1 losing with abel

daigo is awesome


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Kennesaw, GA
On the brawl scene I am one of the more "hidden" and unknown players. Bit by bit that is starting to change... Which is nice.

My performance this week was better, and I can see myself slowly getting somewhere. I am improving and having a good time doing it. Should anything else really matter?

@BBQ Was fun talking to you in general at waba and while we were sitting around at IHOP. I mostly saw you playing Melee, so I never got a Brawl match with you. Hopefully we can change that next time. Or sooner?

@Rayku Loose the Golden boner before I rip it off! But seriously... you seem to be doing fine. Good job.

@Zom~B Well, if you spend enough time and effort and money on something, eventually you will get skilled. I am glad to see this is the case with you and Smash. Unfortunately as a result, I haven't seen you in nearly a month. If you ever have any smash events going on at your house, feel free to call me. You already know this as I have told you already... but I just thought I would tell you again for the heck of it.

@Octix I felt like I lost to Metaknight... =/ Not you... Not to say you are a bad player at all. But I really do feel like I got blatantly cut short because of Metaknight. Hopefully I can give you a better match next time.

@Dyno Ugh... Brought my cards for nothing huh? That isn't gonna happen again next time. Though... one thing I gotta say about you. You are an interesting player as far as smash goes. What happened? Did your Third Eye open or something? Because one day you were about as great as me and were getting pretty low placings, and then the next day you nearly won a Waba tourney.... What happened?

@Gear Close matches... My nerves really did **** my skill. I don't know why I was shaking so hard, but I really was bent out of shape. You are a good player, and you really made me sweat during my matches. Good games!

@Player-1 Seriously, do you even know who I am? You are about a head shorter than me, but every time I play you in a tourney match, you make me feel like I am an inch tall. Am I an unworthy Scrub? Heh Either way... it was interesting playing you. I didn't really do well against you at all, but I felt like I did a LOT better against you than I did the first time I fought you. It was a learning experience for me and playing you always seems to be. Stick around and I promise you that I will eventually be good enough at smash to evoke words from your otherwise silent mouth.

@Umby Heh, it is no biggie. We all have our moments, and I enjoy our matches either way. Next time, feel free to talk, laugh, or say more. I am not sure if I come off to you as stern or something, but believe me... I am not hard to talk to. =P Hopefully I can give you better matches in the future, because I feel like I kinda get beaten a lot by you.

@Desu .... WHERE WERE YOU ?

@Frozen First of all... Change your name back to Frozen. Poop is stupid... Second... we need to actually play each other in brawl next time. Anyways... what day do we move in to our apartments at SPSU?

@Jamaal Thanks for calming me down and helping me out back there during my match. It really helped me out, and I really appreciate it. However... The trash talk was kinda obnoxious XD But it is the thought that counts right? Get back on the art scene bro!

@Billy What?! You are moving? This sucks... don't go...

@Kismet Ummm... You're pretty cool... But we don't really talk much. Nor encounter each other much. I guess it is because our skill level in Brawl is literally worlds apart. Hopefully I can reduce that gap soon! But... I also hope it doesn't take us rivaling each other in smash to be friends. =)

@Anyone else I missed or don't know... Feel free to say hi or remind me. I don't wanna keep being a hidden player and I definitely wanna play more people. Ask for my contact info so we can smash it up or something.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
he must have been very focused

when he plays me he just laughs and when he loses he says i was sandbagging

when he wins he says lol u suck i was sandbagging


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
@Frozen First of all... Change your name back to Frozen. Poop is stupid... Second... we need to actually play each other in brawl next time. Anyways... what day do we move in to our apartments at SPSU?
alright... Frozn it is.

and i don't know. i think classes start on the 23rd (or something) so my guess would be a week(end) before that.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
@Dyno Ugh... Brought my cards for nothing huh? That isn't gonna happen again next time. Though... one thing I gotta say about you. You are an interesting player as far as smash goes. What happened? Did your Third Eye open or something? Because one day you were about as great as me and were getting pretty low placings, and then the next day you nearly won a Waba tourney.... What happened?
Pokemon TCG is really fun, its so simple to learn and it doesnt really require a whole bunch of nonsense tactics like yu-gi-oh and magic "activated my trap card which can take the form of any card i wish on the field and neutralizes all other traps on the field" "HAH you activating your trapcard activates me DE-TRAP! which causes you to lose YOUR trapcard" ... -.- man.. anyways yeah pokemon, solid game :) and about me "having a 3rd eye?" well, bbq caught me off guard with his GnW, but have gotten help and i am ready for my vengeance! what i saw from your pokemon trainer was really some great improvements, ive also noticed some habbits that are still around, but all in all, you took out one of my closest smash buddies that i go to school with and brawl with. (gear) Great stuff!


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
i need to meet shiri. that was shiri? someone point him out to me next time. god dammit.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I've already dropped most to all wifi tactics. I use spindash sparingly and only when I know it's safe to do so. Spring dair I only use to get under the opponent not so much as an attack. And I never use Homing attack lol.

though, HA works, you have to set it up right.

I killed Umby with it >_>'


I was the guy with long hair, glasses, dragonforce shirt and tripp pants.

Who was the guy with short brown hair/glasses, wii chuck, and used like, everyone's tags and had a really tall dad who was like "has the tournament started yet?" every few hours? lol

I'm disgusted by my Zeonstar - It doesn't feel the same without you playing regular Brawl anymore. :( Come back!
Tenki - I express my utter disproval of the tag you used. ._.
+approval on Zeon
- lol I especially did it on your Wii <3

LOL...I didn't know that was you until someone said your name. Thous shalt fear mine Arcanine and his suicidal tactics.
^------ that one is Yiff?​


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2009
Villa Rica, Georgia
Omg why are people confusing me with a 12 year old? >:3 lol anyways, that kid with his dad is SonicSmash on AiB. He isn't on SWF I don't think but he hangs out at my group chat pretty regularly.

I'll have to try doing some HA setups sometime. Other than that, I need to not suck next tourney. XD


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
i need a partner for gamebattles.
dyno you going?
i promise not to SD anymore and actually play very well.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
Omg why are people confusing me with a 12 year old? >:3 lol anyways, that kid with his dad is SonicSmash on AiB. He isn't on SWF I don't think but he hangs out at my group chat pretty regularly.

I'll have to try doing some HA setups sometime. Other than that, I need to not suck next tourney. XD
Quit using Sonic.

Everyone needs to play Kirby. NAO.

Also, anybody wanna help me improve my Fox? The Fox boards are no help...

^------ that one is Yiff?​
That I am.

Can anybody tell me how much a decent capture card costs?


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
i need a partner for gamebattles.
dyno you going?
i promise not to SD anymore and actually play very well.
i have a partner for GB but i wouldnt mind teaming up with you on AIB and even more waba tournies, i feel that our teamwork was really good just that we got tim and lamb first round and misfire-deo round 2, but no johns they are both GREAT teams, the matches were close, and just really fun!

if you dont SD than dyno probably will



<3 dyno
man, ever since you beat me with gaymanwatch.. vengeance shal be mine.. dont expect to get lucky 200% bucket breakers next time sir.. it wont save you!

Now taking $1 Random MMs. Rules? Each person picks random. Get at me.
ill take this money match. btw, the capture card i use should be around $20 now or even cheaper, but the quality is rather bad, but my brother has a really nice capture card which ill be getting and that was around $60 and that has really good quality and barely any lag. if you are looking to get your footage from your wii to your comp, also look at a gamebrige or even a DVD recorder (if im not mistaken thats what VietG used before the replay stuff came out.)

@person using the laptop to record MELEE: what were you using, i saw a USB cord and that was all. Would love to know what you were using to record melee.
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