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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
Milky Way
Another thing is that I LOATHED how that that trailer played out. Here we see all these Mario, Square Enix and fan requested characters gather around Galeem, a literally ball of light, and I couldn't help but think this was Geno. To say that this trailer was misleading would be an incredibly huge understatement. As soon as I heard the start of One Winged Angel, that was the moment my heart sank. I was honestly scared to check up on this thread because I knew you all would be as disappointed as I was.
While I get your general sentiment, I will say that Sephiroth did pretty well in Japanese polls. Him and 2B were the top requests in Japan, and I think he usually beat Geno pretty handily. He was definitely a fan request, but definitely bigger in the East than the West. Though granted I think a lot of people didn't really expect Sephiroth because he had FAN RULES blocking him.

That said, I doubt the layout of the trailer was meant to invoke the idea that we are 100% getting a big request anyways.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
And of course this is the top reply to Nintendo's tweet. 🙄 Wouldn't be a Smash reveal without sh****** on other characters. Never change, Smash fanbase, never change.
Ah, Plantman.

Don't mind him. I remember him on this website. He'd probably be on the Geno bandwagon after a while if he was the reveal. He used to crap on Steve while pushing Banjo & Kazooie, then switched to Steve (didn't crap on B&K though, thank gosh), then switched back to B-K instead of just liking both; after they got revealed, he started pushing Master Chief over Steve while crapping on Steve again and asserting he'd just be a mii costume, then got back on the Steve bandwagon at some point not too long before his reveal iirc.

iirc one of his posts on this website back in 2018 also made it seem like he supported Geno or thought he was cool; he just flips-flops on characters a bunch it seems and he seems to just follow what he thinks is popular with others and what's likely, idk, and he seems smug whenever he's on a hate bandwagon, so it is kind of annoying. I don't really see him too much though tbh.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
It's not a matter of hope but rather grit. It's being in this fanbase long enough that all four tires blowing out at the finish line is expected but... Guess what? This isn't the finish line. People rolled around in despair when Geno was a spirit but then "oh, wait, this actually isn't so bad" and then people rolled around in despair leading up to Hero's presentation and "oh, wait, the Geno costume isn't here..." That's it. It's not calling things too early and accepting the L when the L actually arrives. Wait until the 18tn or whenever then make a judgement.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
Worst part about this? Sephiroth was apart of Seven Squares. Meaning this is A. Another example of a 2018 era rumor coming to fruition, and B. More Evidence the list was actually the characters genuinely being discussed and they chose SEPHIROTH SPECIFICALLY OVER SORA. CRONO, AND GENO.
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Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2006
Hey guys, just wanted to drop a note - old man advice incoming. It's certainly not a good look for another square character at this point. Keep your chins up and love SMRPG like you always have! It's still the same great awesome game. I didn't expect Geno to be honest, but there will always be a small shred of hope inside me lol. Trust me, it really never quite goes away.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2015
It's not a matter of hope but rather grit. It's being in this fanbase long enough that all four tires blowing out at the finish line is expected but... Guess what? This isn't the finish line. People rolled around in despair when Geno was a spirit but then "oh, wait, this actually isn't so bad" and then people rolled around in despair leading up to Hero's presentation and "oh, wait, the Geno costume isn't here..." That's it. It's not calling things too early and accepting the L when the L actually arrives. Wait until the 18tn or whenever then make a judgement.
You sir, are an inspiration for helping folks like me push through to the absolute end.


Smash Lord
Sep 14, 2018
Y’all would’ve been mad if they added Sora. Unpleasable. If geno got in you’d play him for a week and move on to someone else to harass Sakurai over. I might be being negative towards you all, but look at the freaking negativity in this thread in general...
This flat out isn't true.

You don't wait upwards of two decades for a character and just drop them in a week.

I was about to defend you because people are being way too hateful on Sephy for this, but you lost me now.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2020
One thing that was correct was the seven square leak; it had 7 names for potential dlc fighters; slime, edrick, luminary, sephiroth, geno, sora and chrono. Slime, Luminary and Edrick got in last year, now Sephiroth is a DLC fighter so maybe Geno and Chrono are mii costumes ?? With Chocobo hat and maybe another FF costume.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2019
Call me stupid or crazy, but I still believe Geno’s chances are high. Geno’s costume won’t return with Sephiroth and I think now, after all these, Geno is like a “Sakurai’s Special Request” saved for later, a gift for the fans, probably as #79 (for the SMRPG 25°) or as the Last Character (#81 or Bonus or FP3).

Im stubborn and I know we have another unexpected Square rep already; but I’m not giving up until I see the costume or until Smash ends the roster officially.

I can’t conceive Ultimate without Geno playable.

You have to play the match until the whole 90 minutes are over...⚽

Fuzzy Pickles!

Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2020
Switch FC
As the old guard knows: shape up or **** off. Getting BTFO at seemingly the worst possible time is just part of being part of this fanbase. Yes, it sucks but bouncing back is what has come to define the fanbase. Most Brawl fanbases that missed out with Brawl gave up with Brawl. We didn't and that's why Geno still tops popularity polls over a decade later. This fanbase is literally defined by not quitting.
I'm going to ask, where are you getting this from? Do you have any sources that indicate that Geno might have been a top-tier request during Smash 4, especially during the Smash Ballot when our voice actually mattered for who would get in?


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2018
Call me stupid or crazy, but I still believe Geno’s chances are high. Geno’s costume won’t return with Sephiroth and I think now, after all these, Geno is like a “Sakurai’s Special Request” saved for later, a gift for the fans, probably as #79 (for the SMRPG 25°) or as the Last Character (#81 or Bonus or FP3).

Im stubborn and I know we have another unexpected Square rep already; but I’m not giving up until I see the costume or until Smash ends the roster officially.

I can’t conceive Ultimate without Geno playable.

You have to play the match until the whole 90 minutes are over...⚽
Honestly, I really really REALLY disagree right now... but man i honestly love your optimism, like damn. Keep being you and dont let anyone bring you down.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
My condolences to you Geno bros. I did think he was going to be revealed tonight. But don't lose hope for the future. At least he is likely to have an upgraded Mii costume with hopefully Beware the Forest Mushrooms.

It's been an incredible journey and even if this is the end result for Geno for Smash Ultimate, there is always next game.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2019
Another good takeaway from this is the relationship between Square-Enix and Nintendo. I am really curious at how much Final Fantasy content will be released: Songs, Costumes, Spirits, etc.

I've waited for Geno a long time, I can wait. Be it Days, Months, Years. Don't get distracted by this. In my head I'm singing "Look on the bight side of life"...


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
If there's anything I can say about this, it's that thank god they didn't make me sit through the whole TGA for the reveal. Again, I think Sephiroth is a neat addition - I dig him, and hopefully this means Final Fantasy can get more than two tracks. But as many of us have said, he's also a Square character, and that doesn't bode well for us at all.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2019
Switch FC
Is anyone of this thread still watching TGA?
me, but it´s because i´m cooking dinner.
also, FP2 isn´t a bad deal so far imo. We haven´t gotten a terrible character like BYleth.
We´ve gotten unwanted but awesome Min Min.
Nostalgic for Zoomers and from the best selling game Steve from Minecraft.
And nostalgic for millenials and most americans first JRPG villain Sephiroth.
Yes, Seph´s kills Geno´s chances. But he´s not a bad choice. A villain, and iconic one.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Worst part about this? Sephiroth was apart of Seven Squares. Meaning this is A. Another example of a 2018 era rumor coming to fruition, and B. More Evidence the list was actually the characters genuinely being discussed and they chose SEPHIROTH SPECIFICALLY OVER SORA. CRONO, AND GENO.
if you believe that whole Imran Khan quote technically Sora and Sephiroth were picked over Geno.
Sounds like it’s possible that talks for Sora failed and Sephiroth was picked as runner up. Which leads me to believe that Disney was 100% the reason why it hasn’t come into fruition considering Seph is still a Nomura character.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
He says a lot of things.
The difference is that Fatman discusses things in a positive way and to share in excitement with others. You come here purely to be negative and to kick us when we’re down at every opportunity. Which is honestly a pretty depressing way to live your life. Get a hobby lol
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Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
One thing that was correct was the seven square leak; it had 7 names for potential dlc fighters; slime, edrick, luminary, sephiroth, geno, sora and chrono. Slime, Luminary and Edrick got in last year, now Sephiroth is a DLC fighter so maybe Geno and Chrono are mii costumes ?? With Chocobo hat and maybe another FF costume.

Or Nintendo worked around the loophole they’re in and managed to get both. Sephiroph being the true square rep and then Geno being advertised as a Nintendo rep. It gets around the loophole because square would rather have a character of their choice and Nintendo would wanna cater characters towards their fans.

Wishful thinking but there’s a 10% chance that’s what we’re seeing. It feels Odd to hold off the Geno mii costume for this long when it Could’ve come back with at least 4 of the dlc characters we’ve had so far.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
Well certainly can't say that Sephiroth doesn't deserve to Smash. I'm disappointed. I guess we should at least expect to get the Mii costume again and that's something. I hope everyone in here is doing ok I know a lot of us had our hopes set high but we always knew something like this was a possibility. At least I can just ignore the rest of the pass because I really don't think this DLC will have anything for me. I'm still very grateful for Ultimate and all the characters that are in the game now and getting to play and see people play K Rool, Dark Samus, and Ridley. It's just a shame that DLC has had nothing so far that actually appeals to me because I'd like to support this game more but truly see no reason to. I'll still be hanging around here tho and I won't stop pushing for Geno. I still believe that there is no reason to give up and that we should do everything we can to spread awareness and acceptance of Geno so that he can continue to grow as a contender for being a playable character in Smash.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2013
Call me stupid or crazy, but I still believe Geno’s chances are high. Geno’s costume won’t return with Sephiroth and I think now, after all these, Geno is like a “Sakurai’s Special Request” saved for later, a gift for the fans, probably as #79 (for the SMRPG 25°) or as the Last Character (#81 or Bonus or FP3).

Im stubborn and I know we have another unexpected Square rep already; but I’m not giving up until I see the costume or until Smash ends the roster officially.

I can’t conceive Ultimate without Geno playable.

You have to play the match until the whole 90 minutes are over...⚽
Heck yeah friend. We've stuck it out this far, and being hardheaded is just part of the territory.

Till there is a for sure deconfirm, we get up, steady ourselves on our feet, and take it one step at a time.
The goal is now to survive the Mii Costume round on the 17th.
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Springwood Slasher

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2020
Switch FC
5791 9674 3792
Is there anything explicitly saying we can't get two reps from the same company in one pass? Because if there isn't, wouldn't it technically be another fan rule?
you are technically right.

like Fatmanonice Fatmanonice said, let’s maybe wait for the body on Dec 18. If Geno’s costume is missing, then there’s still hope.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Heck yeah friend. We've stuck it out this far, and being hardheaded is just part of the territory.

Till there is a for sure deconfirm, we get up, steady ourselves on our feet, and take it one step at a time.
The goal is now to survive the Mii Costume round on the 17th.

"Guys, Geno's a spirit; it's totally over!"

"Guys, Hero was leaked; it's totally over!"

"Guys, Hero is in Smash; it's totally over!"

"Guys, there's only 5 DLC packs; it's totally over!"

"Guys, Sephiroth is in Smash; it's totally over!"

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