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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2018
I just realized the irony of Master Chief now being strongly considered on Doom's 26th birthday.

Like others have expressed I just can't wait until we reach the post-pass Geno season.

Deleted member

That IS a question

Let's say Fighter 5 really IS Chief, what's that mean for our wooden boi?
I think that depends on if my ****post was actually prophecy and Doom hats come with Chief. If he's in and doesn't have the Doom hats, technically it means nothing, but it would deconfirm the Mallowdemon leak, since there's absolutely no way Master Chief and Doom Guy are going to both be playable characters.

Oh and...

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
I came to this thread expecting speculation talk, what I got were memes and a love triangle. Solid.
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Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
I think that depends on if my ****post was actually prophecy and Doom hats come with Chief. If he's in and doesn't have the Doom hats, technically it means nothing, but it would deconfirm the Mallowdemon leak, since there's absolutely no way Master Chief and Doom Guy are going to both be playable characters.

Oh and...
I could honestly see Chief coming with the Cacodemon hat and a Mii costume based off of the Doomguy toy collectibles (plz with music attached). Yeah if Ultimate DLC was gonna go on, like, FOREVER then I could see both green armored space shooty men getting in, but realistically I would only expect one.

Given the choice I don’t know who I’d pick, I love both games, both have great music, Doom has more history and the fandom has endeared me to the idea of him and Geno hanging out but Chief is the most Earth shattering announcement they could do short of Goku.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
That IS a question

Let's say Fighter 5 really IS Chief, what's that mean for our wooden boi?
For Geno, it would have a mostly neutral effect on his chances, if not a slightly negative one due to what would likely be a debunk for CacoMallow leak. Doomslayer, on the other hand, I would consider HIGHLY unlikely at that point.

Deleted member

I could honestly see Chief coming with the Cacodemon hat and a Mii costume based off of the Doomguy toy collectibles (plz with music attached). Yeah if Ultimate DLC was gonna go on, like, FOREVER then I could see both green armored space shooty men getting in, but realistically I would only expect one.

Given the choice I don’t know who I’d pick, I love both games, both have great music, Doom has more history and the fandom has endeared me to the idea of him and Geno hanging out but Chief is the most Earth shattering announcement they could do short of Goku.
Fun fact: I've never played Doom, not even the old ones. I think there's a chainsaw in Doom? But Master Chief... He can bring a sword.

Sakurai loves swords.


Smash Hero
Jun 17, 2018
For Geno, it would have a mostly neutral effect on his chances, if not a slightly negative one due to what would likely be a debunk for CacoMallow leak. Doomslayer, on the other hand, I would consider HIGHLY unlikely at that point.
I do think Master Chief and the Doom Slayer could coexist, but it's more of a case that the two are not expected close together, which would cause problems for the CacoMallow leak because of ow well done the Mii costumes are. We would expect Doom and SMRPG stuff sooner rather than later.

Deleted member

All I'm gonna say is there's a plotpoint where the girl's boyfriend comes all the way from the States to New Zealand based solely on a single text, and when he confronts her and she breaks up with him, he just goes "Oh ok good luck with your thing :)"
Kill me please.
What an absolute alpha male.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
Fun fact: I've never played Doom, not even the old ones. I think there's a chainsaw in Doom? But Master Chief... He can bring a sword.

Sakurai loves swords.
There is in fact a chainsaw lol. That’s true, he does love his swords, buuut have you seen the Doom Eternal trailers?

Deleted member

There is in fact a chainsaw lol. That’s true, he does love his swords, buuut have you seen the Doom Eternal trailers?
Oh damn.

Doom Guy confirmed then, nvm.
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Franco Geno

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2019
Man, Netflix will show pretty much anything these days, huh?
Yeah man, these days are wild

I never seem to get on these things, and I'm not only talking about the Geno thread. I sometimes get forgotten on the main social, and that baffles me :yoshi:
I'm sorry my friend, next time you will be in a meme

All I'm gonna say is there's a plotpoint where the girl's boyfriend comes all the way from the States to New Zealand based solely on a single text, and when he confronts her and she breaks up with him, he just goes "Oh ok good luck with your thing :)"
Kill me please.
...who travels that much only for a single text?

Deleted member

If the Halo: The Master Chief Collection were to come to Nintendo Switch. And Master Chief were to come to Super Smash Bros. that'd be awesome. Would totally be on board really enjoy that series so I'd be down.

Don't know if it's him but I'm on board!


Smash Ace
Oct 8, 2019
Master Chief would be awesome and he is one of my most wanted. The big problem though is that he has zero Nintendo presence. And until that supposed rule is broken, I don't see him as very likely. Not to mention he faces extremely tough competition from Steve who has plenty of Nintendo presence for a while now and is also the character of the best selling game of all time.

As for the indie presentation, some of the games seemed cool. Not hyped about any of them, but I might check some of them out.

Also, people over on Rate Their Chances are giving Geno pretty good scores (a lot of 50s and around there). We as a community have really made our voices heard and hopefully it will pay off.
This is something I’ll need to include in my moveset, but there’s a couple ways to connect him
1. MCC on Switch. It looks very likely we will see either MCC on Switch or Chief in Smash tomorrow, or possibly both. That’s the easiest way to cover this issue.
2. Halo DS - This was a proof of concept created by a developer working for microsoft. There actually was a tech demo for it, but never got farther than that unfortunately.
3. Minecraft Skins + World - Yeah this is a big cop out, but its something?
How about this? Master Chief is #5, Geno is #6 and Doom Slayer #7
If the reused Smash 4 assets as new characters is still on the table, and the Cacomallow leak is real, I could see it going like this.
#5 is Master Chief. #6 is Lloyd using mii assets and skeleton. #7 is Geno using mii assets and skeleton. #8 is Doomguy using Master Chief’s assets and skeleton, or the order could be reversed.

Deleted member

So, in light of the Indie showcase today and the King Zell stuff, I really do have to wonder, and maybe Fatmanonice Fatmanonice can shed some light here - is it in the realm of possibility that Halo was also leakbait for Banjo, like Steve? I doubt it's the kind of thing the NoA source really ever discussed (or the kind of thing that can be talked about if he did), but "Master Chief Collection is coming to Switch" is the kind of thing I remember hearing this time last year. It seems like if you really wanted to front for Banjo, Halo and Minecraft are the greatest ways to do it, and keeping them both in the conversation would be ideal.

The question really is, is King Zell the only one pushing the Halo angle anymore, or has it been murmured about behind the scenes even after Banjo?


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
All I'm gonna say is there's a plotpoint where the girl's boyfriend comes all the way from the States to New Zealand based solely on a single text, and when he confronts her and she breaks up with him, he just goes "Oh ok good luck with your thing :)"
Kill me please.
The general ROM COM formula is cringey as all feck anyway these days. Most consist of the usual elements:

-FILLINTHEBLANK is an average girl, awkward with men, struggling to get by
-She usually has either a gay male friend or an equally awkward guy friend that obviously likes her but she's oblivious until the end
-Moves either from the city to a ho-dunk town or vice versa for the "fish out of water" scenario
-She almost instantly falls for the only decent looking bachelor in a 50 mile radius. He usually has a witchy girlfriend antagonist or simply doesn't jive with FILLINTHEBLANK until late in the movie
-The climax always culminates in either:
A) Her love-hate relationship with Obvious Hunk™ finally tilts towards undying monogamy
B) She realizes that nerdy BF is her true love and that Obvious Hunk™ was actually a douchebag that doesn't deserve her
-Either scenario usually somehow ends in an airport, a bus station or an awkward public event.

BAM! I just made like 50 ROM COMs in less than 10 minutes.
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Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2012
East Coast, USA
Why are people acting like if Master Chief gets in as FP5 that it means the Cacodemon-Mallow hat leak is fake? Why are people acting like if the Cacodemon-Mallow hat leak is fake that it means Geno's chance of getting into Smash are lessened?

Chief getting in in no way lessens Doomguys chances, because the two are entirely separate, and even if you consider a superficial similarity and their both being from the definiing FPS series, we started the FP with two JRPG characters in a row, and had two FE characters in SM4SH's DLC cycle (one being a returning vet, but still).

And we've gone over the innumerable evidence for Geno's inclusion and why he's likely, and whenever Fatman posts his expose it'll all be in one place, but Geno was never going to get in just because there's a leak with a Mallow hat that may or may not be real. If it's fake, so what? Geno was likely anyways before that leak ever came along, and it's just icing on top of the cake rather than a make-or-break thing.

Saying "I don't want Chief because that means that Doomguy won't be in and that means the mii costume leak was fake and that means that Geno's chances went down the toilet" is silly. Chief would be awesome, and if you don't want him that's completely fine, but don't use Geno to justify that unwant, because Geno and Chief have nothing to do with each other here IMO


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
This love story was a surprise
View attachment 251967
I love this but the only problem with this is that it should've been called "Falling 'Wynn' Love"

Also, Dynamic Worlok Dynamic Worlok , let's let wynn decide!

But I think it is CLEAR to see who he loves more. My boy Franco seems to see the true side ;)

(What if you and I teamed up to go against wynn someday... man, our power would be unstoppable. ...too bad he has us ignored.)
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Deleted member

Why are people acting like if Master Chief gets in as FP5 that it means the Cacodemon-Mallow hat leak is fake? Why are people acting like if the Cacodemon-Mallow hat leak is fake that it means Geno's chance of getting into Smash are lessened?

Chief getting in in no way lessens Doomguys chances, because the two are entirely separate, and even if you consider a superficial similarity and their both being from the definiing FPS series, we started the FP with two JRPG characters in a row, and had two FE characters in SM4SH's DLC cycle (one being a returning vet, but still).

And we've gone over the innumerable evidence for Geno's inclusion and why he's likely, and whenever Fatman posts his expose it'll all be in one place, but Geno was never going to get in just because there's a leak with a Mallow hat that may or may not be real. If it's fake, so what? Geno was likely anyways before that leak ever came along, and it's just icing on top of the cake rather than a make-or-break thing.

Saying "I don't want Chief because that means that Doomguy won't be in and that means the mii costume leak was fake and that means that Geno's chances went down the toilet" is silly. Chief would be awesome, and if you don't want him that's completely fine, but don't use Geno to justify that unwant, because Geno and Chief have nothing to do with each other here IMO
From my standpoint, even if the Mallowdemon leak is fake, I'm not treating it like it lessens Geno's chances, Geno's chances are where they are Mallowdemon or not - it's just that if it's real, he's 100% playable. Or, I guess in some horrible timeline, it's a 99% and we end up getting 1% costume'd.

Just the fact that the Mallowdemon leak exists and has managed to go this long without a solid debunk makes it feel like it'd be a real loss to see it go, especially when the character we end up getting is the other green space shooty man.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
I love this but the only problem with this is that it should've been called "Falling 'Wynn' Love"

Also, Dynamic Worlok Dynamic Worlok , let's let wynn decide!

But I think it is CLEAR to see who he loves more. My boy Franci seems to see the true side ;)

(What if you and I teamed up to go against wynn someday... man, our power would be unstoppable. ...too bad he has us ignored.)
Oh, you're ignored? No wonder he hasn't weighed in on any of these hilarious digs and memes.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
From my standpoint, even if the Mallowdemon leak is fake, I'm not treating it like it lessens Geno's chances, Geno's chances are where they are Mallowdemon or not - it's just that if it's real, he's 100% playable. Or, I guess in some horrible timeline, it's a 99% and we end up getting 1% costume'd.

Just the fact that the Mallowdemon leak exists and has managed to go this long without a solid debunk makes it feel like it'd be a real loss to see it go, especially when the character we end up getting is the other green space shooty man.
Yeah, I don't see how it would lessen his chances if it ends up being fake. Chances should be the same. Just increased since no one has been able to debunk the leak, thus far.

Deleted member

AdamBell731 and Wynn one realizes his fellings the other tries to hide them. Better love story then Twilight haha!

Respect to Wynn though I'll leave it at that.

Really enjoyed the State of Play Resident Evil 3 Kingdom Hearts III Remind, and Ghost of Tsushima look awesome.

The Indie world was fun Dauntless and Axiom Verge are pretty rad.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
This is so sad, Alexa play “Goodbye Geno, Dreams Through Window Stars”
.....I never even thought of this but I have to wonder if alexa actually could play stuff like this.....now that I have an echo i'm tempted to try it.
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