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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Lazy speed paint, they friends, y'all
Lazy speed paint!? Girl, that is awesome for lazy! Also....I just noticed the star on Terry's hat. Nice touch. I gotta ask now, is that star because of Terry or Geno...or Doom Slayer :4pacman:


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
See, Source Gaming gave some good reasoning as to why it could be real or fake. That's how you actually give proper coverage.

GX is... really handling this poorly. Whoof. It could easily be fake, yes, but this ain't how you respond to it, chief. They really need to not be so self-righteous and disingenuous.
Basically, there are four outcomes here:

1. They somehow know the next character as a fact, something that no one else between the entire insider circle has been able to find out.
2. They don’t know who the next character is and are just assuming it’s another situation like last year.
3. They’re convinced that the final character is Ryu or someone else that’s been effectively “leaked but probably not for #5” and are dismissing it on those grounds.
4. They’re convinced that one of the two characters in the leak isn’t happening.

Personally, I’m leaning towards #3, though #2 is also likely.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2007
The weird thing about the leak is that depending on how you look at it it goes two totally different ways.

1. It's a well made fake and the person is trying to piggyback the style of the Ken leak to make it seem legitimate. They studied that leak extensively to base their own leak on. Having Ken in and having everyone taunt in-engine and having the timer at 2:30.00 and having the camera at a slightly higher than usually possible angle and the sorta jiggle physics on the Mallow hat. Think of it like how the Grinch Leak person also added stuff like the banner with no background and random details to make it seem real or ArtsyOmni adding the Mewtwo icon on top of the Rayman render and icon. They didn't show a new character/stage because that would require hundreds of man-hours whereas they could make everything else convincing through mods in probably around a week or two with enough work put in. This person had to either be really talented themselves to make this and for it to have no "give-aways" like not fitting the art style or a visual glitch occurring like an "open seam" in the Mii's head. And there's two videos so it can't be photoshopped. Unlike the Grinch leak you can't just commission an artist to make this, not many people in the world CAN get this to work. And those people generally know each other. There aren't any public examples of Mii hats/helmets made from scratch in Ultimate to go off of. Nobody in the community outed a person (One guy Vishera said he knew a pair of modders that liked Doom and Mario RPG who he thought did it, and it was a viral way of releasing mods they made, but nothing else came of that). But given enough time and dedication, that's all technically possible. The game is made by humans after all, so anything's possible given enough time, and we don't know how long this person was working on this.

2. It's real, and for some reason the leaker is referencing the Ken leak. Maybe to signal to people "This is real, like that one, the one real leak!". Maybe as a joke. Maybe it's the same person leaking it and they want that to be their "calling card". And maybe the 2:30 and camera angle and the "Mii BRAWLER" name are just part of the dev build, so the person that leaked it didn't even think about that since it was automatic. And they didn't show a new character/stage because they wanted to be subtle and not give the whole thing away. After all, whoever did the Ken leak didn't bother to leak Incineroar, and everybody already expected Ken at that point. Also maybe they didn't have access, or the video was made before any of that was in a playable state and the mii costumes were made way in advance (Maybe Yggdrasil wasn't out when the video was made, so that's why they went to Yggdrasil, and it took a long time to get public).

The thing is both ways sound a little "hard to believe" depending on how you think about it, but seemingly it's gotta be one or the other. If you've only considered one of those two sides and not the other, the other side might sound like they're reaching, and the answer's obvious.

Anyhow I've thought about this way too much either way at this point. Though it's a good way to kill boredom.

Edit: I edited this a few time as I thought of more stuff, making this post now way too long for anyone to bother reading. Also apparently the name will be "Mii BRAWLER" and be 11 characters long automatically if it's a replay. So there's a way to do that without mods.
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
Seeing Geno coming from heaven to hell and fist bump Doomguy in a smash trailer and team up to fight everyone with their guns would be fantastic!

Someone needs to make a drawing of it


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
The weird thing about the leak is that depending on how you look at it it goes two totally different ways.

1. It's a well made fake and the person is trying to piggyback the style of the Ken leak to make it seem legitimate. They studied that leak extensively to base their own leak on. Having Ken in and having everyone taunt in-engine and having the timer at 2:30.00 and having the camera at a slightly higher than usually possible angle. They didn't show a new character/stage because that would require hundreds of man-hours whereas they could make everything else convincing through mods in probably around a week or two with enough work put in.
See, that’s the thing, though. When it comes to the Mii hats(not helmets, but hats), it’s not publicly known how to mod them into the game in ways that look as good as they do here, with everything fitting right and them emoting and such. You’d have to privately make huge strides in Mii costume modding in the span of about three weeks or so(my estimate since the reveal of the Mallow text leak) and then hope that no one else figures out what you did and replicates it.

It’s basically the opposite of last year’s banner leak. With that, anyone could have made it, but an insane series of unpredictable coincidences lined up to make it believable. Here, it’s been a while and we’re still completely stuck in trying to replicate the thing, even with modders working overtime to do so.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I just know one thing.

If this leak is fake, real mii leaks would be “fake,” too. Nothing can be trusted unless it’s like the original Ken leak if this is fake.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
See, Source Gaming gave some good reasoning as to why it could be real or fake. That's how you actually give proper coverage.

GX is... really handling this poorly. Whoof. It could easily be fake, yes, but this ain't how you respond to it, chief. They really need to not be so self-righteous and disingenuous.
GX gets into a very strange habit whereby if they know something, they really half-ass their analysis of it, including trying to obfuscate their reasoning as to why it's fake and downplay why it might be real, then they get mad and indignant when people tell them as much.

Deleted member

Y'know even if GX seriously doesn't know anything their discussions have kind of fallen flat recently and their attitude has been kind of off. There's some people I like who are in GX discussions but for the most part it's kind of been mediocre recently which is why I've liked Source Gaming a lot more recently.

Their content is probably better than GX's I'd say so give them a try if you're interested their Saturday morning podcasts are really good.

Anyways yeah I don't think GX is hiding anything I just think that they're misinformed.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2007
I added a bunch of stuff to that original post listing the two scenarios.

Just keeping track if it is fake (Which it very well could be) the modder did all this (A lot of which they probably didn't need to), kept it secret, and left no visible mistakes in the 2 videos and 1 screenshot:
1. Modded in 2 Mii hat/helmets from scratch with art styles that match the game.
2. Modded the timer to stop at 2:30 to match the Ken leak.
3. Modded the camera to be at a slightly higher angle than normal to match the Ken leak.
4. Modded the Mii Brawler name to allow 11 characters.
5. (Maybe) get the Mallow hat to have jiggle physics like the Slime hat.

All of that can be done given enough time and effort, but it'd be quite hard. A lot harder than making a fake banner, snapchatting it, stitching it together, and mentioning the name of a guy from a printing company on it.

Edit: Apparently 4 will happen if it's a replay. The entered names are replaced with "Mii BRAWLER" and such. So if the videos and screenshot are from a reply, then this would be automatic and wouldn't need a mod.
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Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
I added a bunch of stuff to that original post listing the two scenarios.

Just keeping track if it is fake (Which it very well could be) the modder did all this (A lot of which they probably didn't need to), kept it secret, and left no visible mistakes in the 2 videos and 1 screenshot:
1. Modded in 2 Mii hat/helmets from scratch with art styles that match the game.
2. Modded the timer to stop at 2:30 to match the Ken leak.
3. Modded the camera to be at a slightly higher angle than normal to match the Ken leak.
4. Modded the Mii Brawler name to allow 11 characters.
5. (Maybe) get the Mallow hat to have jiggle physics like the Slime hat.

All of that can be done given enough time and effort, but it'd be quite hard. A lot harder than making a fake banner, snapchatting it, stitching it together, and mentioning the name of a guy from a printing company on it.
You’re still missing that it’s currently not known how to get the hats(not helmets, let me be clear, hats only) in in the first place. If it was, then this could easily, easily be faked, but that’s the big thing that’s backing it up as real.

Is it technically possible? Hell, we don’t even know that for sure yet, with the weird sizing algorithm and stuff.
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Deleted member

Oh yeah random prediction I guess I'll throw out there before I go to sleep:

We won't get a reveal at the TGA's instead we'll get an announcement of an upcoming 10-20 minute Smash Direct that airs around a week after the announcement going over FP5, Talking about their selection on what they want to do with post-pass DLC/give a rough estimate of what to expect for post-pass DLC and reveal the first poss-pass character.

Who would they reveal? No clue but if this were to happen I suspect it would be a good time to go over the CacoMallow leak and it's implications if the leak is true. (Possibly Doomguy as FP5 and Geno revealed as the first post-pass DLC character).

I just expect for them to reveal their guideline for post-pass DLC within the same time-frame/announcement of FP5 so I think this is fairly likely.

Anyways yeah goodnight everyone!
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2019
Oh yeah random prediction I guess I'll throw out there before I go to sleep:

We won't get a reveal at the TGA's instead we'll get an announcement of an upcoming 10-20 minute Smash Direct that airs around a week after the announcement going over FP5, Talking about their selection on what they want to do with post-pass DLC/give a rough estimate of what to expect for post-pass DLC and reveal the first poss-pass character.
I also think a reveal at TGA is unlikely, but seems Sabi thinks so.

My prediction: whenever we get the first post pass character announced...we will actually get TWO reveals. My reasoning is they will want to make a large splash to drum up support for the additional DLC. The pass's sales rode the games release to extra sales, they will want to instead be as big of news as possible to drum up hype.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2018
What is clear is that no matter what happens, we Geno supporters are always waiting :laugh: Even if Doom Guy is announced next month at TGA with the Cacodemon Mii outfit, confirming the leak as true, we still won't know for sure if that means Geno is coming or if he will be a Mii outfit along with Mallow.

Heck, even if a different character is announced as fighter #5 that wouldn't still deconfirm Geno. The only way to kill his chances for real would be announcing him as a Mii costume, so who knows how long we'll have to wait for.

Midget Master

Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2018
I still think Namco rep is #5, probably Lloyd. And I feel like the VGA is the perfect venue to show Doom, and further that Geno is paired with Doom if these costumes are real. But is it really that likely we'd get a character reveal before the VGAs? Doom never made sense to me being on the Fighter's Pass, but I don't think revealing Lloyd or Geno at the VGAs would be a very good fit.

I mean if it's a super early showing like Joker was maybe it's fine. Some Direct where we get the last character revealed sometime this month, and then see an announcement at VGAs for Doom. Hard to say without knowing how far ahead of schedule they are, but if there's already Mii costume pieces in that state for those characters, maybe they're further along than I think.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2019
I still think Namco rep is #5, probably Lloyd. And I feel like the VGA is the perfect venue to show Doom, and further that Geno is paired with Doom if these costumes are real. But is it really that likely we'd get a character reveal before the VGAs? Doom never made sense to me being on the Fighter's Pass, but I don't think revealing Lloyd or Geno at the VGAs would be a very good fit.

I mean if it's a super early showing like Joker was maybe it's fine. Some Direct where we get the last character revealed sometime this month, and then see an announcement at VGAs for Doom. Hard to say without knowing how far ahead of schedule they are, but if there's already Mii costume pieces in that state for those characters, maybe they're further along than I think.
Unlikely that Geno and Doom Guy will be revealed directly alongside each other as the game awards seems like the place to announce one at most. As for Bamco rep as fighter 5 I doubt it because a Bamco rep wouldn't induce enough hype to end off a pass and it seems Nintendo want to end off with a bang. That coupled with the DOOM outfit having a decently high shot of suggesting Doom Guy and somewhat likely to be real then I think Doom Slayer is most probably fighter 5

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
Doesn't necessarily mean that it's Smash related, though.

I won't trust this until we have a few more people comment on it.
I was giving up hope watching last year's VGA that it had any Smash related (or even Nintendo related) stuff. I didn't expect it to be in the literal last 4 minutes of the show.

Could they not do that this year. Just open the show with 'Doom Marine and Geno are playable!' and I'll call it a day.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
I was giving up hope watching last year's VGA that it had any Smash related (or even Nintendo related) stuff. I didn't expect it to be in the literal last 4 minutes of the show.

Could they not do that this year. Just open the show with 'Doom Marine and Geno are playable!' and I'll call it a day.
Lol, same. It's really late at night on my end, so I may just sleep through it and see the aftermath the day after.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Doom never made sense to me being on the Fighter's Pass, but I don't think revealing Lloyd or Geno at the VGAs would be a very good fit.
Honestly after we got Joker, a character from a game that has yet to come to the switch (besides for spinoffs) and doesn't fit in with the rest of the nostalgic gaming icons from the pass, I think anyone would fit on the fighter pass.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2018
Unlikely that Geno and Doom Guy will be revealed directly alongside each other as the game awards seems like the place to announce one at most. As for Bamco rep as fighter 5 I doubt it because a Bamco rep wouldn't induce enough hype to end off a pass and it seems Nintendo want to end off with a bang. That coupled with the DOOM outfit having a decently high shot of suggesting Doom Guy and somewhat likely to be real then I think Doom Slayer is most probably fighter 5
maybe they don’t need hype to end a wave but they need a character to hype for the new wave of characters (if we have a wave 2). Just my guess and speculation, if doom guy is in, I think he would be a good start for wave 2. Geno would be a good pick as the 7th character (released like Banjo, during e3).


Smash Rookie
Jul 15, 2019
Switch FC
4. Modded the Mii Brawler name to allow 11 characters.
"Mii BRAWLER" shows up when you watch a replay, so unless someone can confirm that the 2 leaked videos aren't of a replay, this point doesn't matter.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2019
"Mii BRAWLER" shows up when you watch a replay, so unless someone can confirm that the 2 leaked videos aren't of a replay, this point doesn't matter.
I think that the leak was a replay, that's why we didn't see the debug menu


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
Unlikely that Geno and Doom Guy will be revealed directly alongside each other as the game awards seems like the place to announce one at most. As for Bamco rep as fighter 5 I doubt it because a Bamco rep wouldn't induce enough hype to end off a pass and it seems Nintendo want to end off with a bang. That coupled with the DOOM outfit having a decently high shot of suggesting Doom Guy and somewhat likely to be real then I think Doom Slayer is most probably fighter 5
I want to really preface this by saying that I have nothing particularly against Lloyd. It might seem that way because I’m frequently ragging on his/Namco’s chances(specifically as #5, not for post-pass), but I have nothing against him as a character and think dual swords could be really neat. Especially if he uses any sort of spinning attacks with them, I quite like those kinds of things.

However, with that all said, I see the prediction of “Lloyd is the most likely candidate for #5” so incredibly often that it legitimately dumbfounds me.

-Fighter #1, the first JRPG rep, introduced Atlus, which had zero Smash representation prior to Ultimate.
-Fighter #2, the second JRPG rep, introduced the Enix side of Square Enix, which had zero Smash representation prior to Ultimate.
-Fighter #3, a platformer rep, signified a huge cross-company partnership that allowed one of the largest requests in the series’ history to break through a bunch of legal barriers and finally make it after nearly two decades.
-Fighter #4, a fighting game rep, introduced SNK, which had zero Smash representation prior to Ultimate.

And, if #5 is Lloyd, then, well, it’d look something like this:

-Fighter #5, the third JRPG rep, was a moderately requested character from the game’s co-developer, and the second character overall from the Namco side of Bandai-Namco.

I just can’t see a timeline where Nintendo sets aside the final character of the pass(which no matter what they say will inevitably be treated as the largest reveal on account of it being the final blind purchase and the one right after “Sakurai’s personal-yet-somewhat-obscure pick”) for a Gamecube-era JRPG rep, the third character specifically from that genre out of a total of five, by the company that is literally co-developing the game with them.

“But wait,” you might say, “Aren’t you being a massive hypocrite here? Most of your points against Lloyd can apply to Geno.”

And to that, well... I absolutely don’t expect Geno as #5 either, but I’m fully on board with the idea that both him and Lloyd are post-pass. My whole point here is that him as #5 just doesn’t add up in my opinion, because for them to suddenly divert from “representing new companies” to basically the exact opposite of that for the final character would be... quite the decision. Post-pass, though, anything can happen, and I fully expect that he(or at least a second Bandai-Namco rep) will be playable sometime next year.

I know I’m rambling here, I just see this so incredibly, incredibly often, especially in this thread, that I wanted to explain my stance further than offhand remarks.

Anyway, getting back on topic, we’re now in day four of the Mii Costume leak not being able to be fully replicated by modders or debunked by insiders, which is an incredibly good sign.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2019
I've been playing Ultimate with the same buddy for the past year, probably once or twice a month minimum. We usually bond over it with some drinks and play, talking about who could be next, etc. It's been a great way to keep our friendship flowing while life gets in the way. Everytime we talk speculation, I just mention wanting Geno in, and he's been weary to it. "Why add him when they could add Sora?" or "I just think he's not popular enough to warrant a DLC spot" are both common statements, but he was supportive. Sharing the details about the costumes while we tested out Terry seemed to have him thinking that there's REAL potential for Geno now. It's cool to see that change!

I've accepted that the next reveal probably won't be Geno, but I'm hoping for Doomguy to further prove legitimacy to the leak. Add him in and reveal the first bonus character a la Piranha Plant. Gimme those costumes, stages, costumes, what have you. Would be perfect!


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2019
Anyone else find it real suspicious that after all the posts sabi made about determining the legitimacy of the mii costumes and now all of the sudden they're all like "cant wait to find out what's at the TGA's ;)) teehee x3"
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