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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2019
Sackboy enthusiast
I think that Geno and Doomslayer are real folks, think about it, The Cacodemon could be used for Doom Mii costumes, and it makes sense all fo these costumes would be finished so soon since the music copyright happened so early, and if doom were only getting Mii costumes, a franchise as big as that wouldn’t just get a cacodemon, leading me to believe that Doomslayer is in.
Now to geno, one thing people notice is that new franchises never get represented with multiple miis, just one, and we have never heard of a geno Mii yet, so I’m thinking that geno is in too, but maybe the leakers don’t want to show these 2 to keep it a surprise.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2014
"I guess, for the sake of argument there's a small chance it could be coming with fighter pack five, but it's just totally fake at this point"
Cool, that's ignoring that it's clearly not meant for this pack and it has yet to actually be disproven. I mean they're well within their rights to be #teamfake but they sound so smug and self assured it's pretty annoying to listen to.

I should state that I'm not on either side of the argument, and I'm just waiting to see how things pan out, but they make me want to be team real purely out of spite.
Yep, makes me dislike GameXplain even more than I already did, and boy I already disliked them a fair bit


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2013
Feel free to boycott who you do and don’t want, but personally, I think boycotting an entire channel for having a dumb reason for believing a leak is fake is a little silly. Time will potentially prove them wrong anyway.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
GameXplain's input kind of has me worried because of their reaction to the Grinch, too.

However, I think their Grinch reaction was even shorter and dumber. I wouldn't actually say their reaction for this leak is "dumb" exactly as they could be ignorant of all the points for/against it people have gathered, but it still doesn't really make sense if they've been paying at least some attention.
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Feel free to boycott who you do and don’t want, but personally, I think boycotting an entire channel for having a dumb reason for believing a leak is fake is a little silly. Time will potentially prove them wrong anyway.
We can still find other reasons to boycott GameXplain if we try.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
A lot of things to think about. Let's say, in a hypothetical scenario, Doom Slayer is the 5th fighter revealed. A month or two passes and we get his breakdown video. What Mii Costumes would you want to see with him? We know Cacodemon Hat will happen. Doom marine outfit? Cyberdemon? Vault Boy? Dovahkiin?

I do not think we will get costumes outside of Doom with DSlayer. Everything we have seen thus far (Outside of Banjo) the new costumes were from the represented SERIES, plus old Sm4sh costumes. Example: Joker had costumes that were from Persona, not Catherine, not Odin Sphere, JUST Persona.
Hero was all Dragon Quest content. Terry was from KoF...sort of? Same universe, I suppose is the best way to say it.

Lets assume with Doom Slayer, he gets 3 to 4 Series Mii Costumes...what other costumes would come with him? I have a funny feeling we will not be seeing ANY Namco stuff til AFTER the pass is done.

Also... A.G.L. A.G.L. It is great to see you buddy!
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Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
We can still find other reasons to boycott GameXplain if we try.
It seems kinda petty to me honestly. If you don't like them, just don't watch them. Doesn't have to be a movement. I already don't watch them so I'm ahead of the curve.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
It seems kinda petty to me honestly. If you don't like them, just don't watch them. Doesn't have to be a movement. I already don't watch them so I'm ahead of the curve.
I was just saying.

Plus, I never watched them to begin with. They were petty insiders to me from the start.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2019
A lot of things to think about. Let's say, in a hypothetical scenario, Doom Slayer is the 5th fighter revealed. A month or two passes and we get his breakdown video. What Mii Costumes would you want to see with him? We know Cacodemon Hat will happen. Doom marine outfit? Cyberdemon? Vault Boy? Dovahkiin?

I do not think we will get costumes outside of Doom with DSlayer. Everything we have seen thus far (Outside of Banjo) the new costumes were from the represented franchise, plus old Sm4sh costumes. Example: Joker had costumes that were from Persona, not Catherine, not Odin Sphere, JUST Persona.
Hero was all Dragon Quest content. Terry was from KoF...sort of? Same universe, I suppose is the best way to say it.

Lets assume with Doom Slayer, he gets 3 to 4 Series Mii Costumes...what other costumes would come with him? I have a funny feeling we will not be seeing ANY Namco stuff til AFTER the pass is done.

Also... A.G.L. A.G.L. It is great to see you buddy!
I could see them adding a few hats. Doomslayer helm, Cyberdemon, and maybe the Baron.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I don't see it like that. Sure, they could put Mai into a different outfit, but that doesn't undo the fact that she has some state fair winning, country grown melons on the farm. You can't just take that away.
I think it's more just, you can't tone down her outfit without changing the character. Mai specifically has a fighting style based around distracting her opponents with... well y'know. If they toned down her outfit, it wouldn't be Mai. I don't think a character having big boobs means they're banned from smash lmao


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2018
Again, remember the last time everyone said "they're trying to stay on Nintendo's good side!"

Yeah, Isaac took an AT bullet to the face.

If Fatmanonice sees any of my posts, could he maybe chime in on this? I know it looks like i'm flipping out, but i'm getting mad Grinch vibes here
The nice thing about this leak in comparison to Grinch is that Geno's chances are looking pretty good whether the leak is real or not. I think part of the reason Grinch blew up as much as it did was because it offered the opposite extreme from the two empty spaces on the box mock-up. We're on the precipice of another wave of DLC versus the end of the base roster reveals. Sakurai is currently pumping us up with talk of further crossovers and pleasing fans rather than tempering expectations and acting like he gave up too much during the 8/8 direct. At this point I'd say just let the leak play out organically and enjoy all the wonderful fan art that it's inspired.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2019
A lot of things to think about. Let's say, in a hypothetical scenario, Doom Slayer is the 5th fighter revealed. A month or two passes and we get his breakdown video. What Mii Costumes would you want to see with him? We know Cacodemon Hat will happen. Doom marine outfit? Cyberdemon? Vault Boy? Dovahkiin?

I do not think we will get costumes outside of Doom with DSlayer. Everything we have seen thus far (Outside of Banjo) the new costumes were from the represented franchise, plus old Sm4sh costumes. Example: Joker had costumes that were from Persona, not Catherine, not Odin Sphere, JUST Persona.
Hero was all Dragon Quest content. Terry was from KoF...sort of? Same universe, I suppose is the best way to say it.

Lets assume with Doom Slayer, he gets 3 to 4 Series Mii Costumes...what other costumes would come with him? I have a funny feeling we will not be seeing ANY Namco stuff til AFTER the pass is done.

Also... A.G.L. A.G.L. It is great to see you buddy!
I think all of those are likely mii costumes. Vault Boy is just asking to be a Mii costume imo lol and Dovakhiin also makes a lot of sense. Not particularly privy to much else from Bethesda but yeah I agree with ya


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
Guys, who cares if someone dismiss the leak? It's not like if they do that then it automatically becomes false. It's good to be skeptic and not believing everything. Sure, sometimes the reason on why to dismiss it might not be the best, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. This Mii Costume leak can end up either like the ESRB Leak or the Grinch Leak. There's no need to bash people for not believing in it.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I made a mistake in my last post...I meant, we got new costumes from the represented SERIES. Not franchise.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I’m probably in the minority when it comes to this thread, but I don’t think the leak is real. It’s just too convenient to me. Obviously it’s very convincing (and hopefully I’m wrong), and I know it would take a considerable amount of talent to create a fake like that, but after the Grinch Leak I’m just too afraid to believe things when it comes to Smash speculation.

However, I still think Geno and Doomguy still have a very good chance to make it playable regardless of whether the leak is faked.
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Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
Source Gaming had a video discussing the Mii costume leak. Their general consensus was "mostly 50/50 chance, leaning real due to the Cacodemon hat, but the Mallow hat and the fact that both costumes are specifically hinting at fan favorites is still suspicious".

They also pointed out the pretty hilarious possibility of this being a repeat of the Palutena 3DS leak: the outcome that the leak implies and that we're hoping for (in this case, playable Geno and Doom Slayer) ends up being true... but we also retroactively find out that the leak itself was fake all along.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
Their general consensus was "mostly 50/50 chance, leaning real due to the Cacodemon hat, but the Mallow hat and the fact that both costumes are specifically hinting at fan favorites is still suspicious".
It really says a lot about the smash community that something that includes fan favorites automatically raises suspicions.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018
I definitely agree, it is a bit annoying that GX is dismissing the leak in a relatively frustrating way, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. Doesn't change the evidence we have going for the leak. Not a big GX guy, but I think we should just ignore them and not stress too much over it

Also on a semi different note, has anyone tried to compare angles from any other part of the DQ stage? Might be difficult because it moves a lot after that opening area, but I'm really curious now


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2019
I feel like I've seen the attitude now and then that Geno wouldn't come with/doesn't need a stage, and I don't really get it. I understand wanting Geno in even if it means he doesn't get a stage or further SMRPG representation, but sometimes it feels like people think he isn't worthy of anything but being a 'bonus' fighter with the bare minimum content.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I’m thinking the angles are possible in normal gameplay.

If not, though, I’m not sure it will help prove the leak; people will just point to that camera mod that gives people much more flexibility moving it around the stage.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2018
I’m probably in the minority when it comes to this thread, but I don’t think the leak is real. It’s just too convenient to me. Obviously it’s very convincing (and hopefully I’m wrong), and I know it would take a considerable amount of talent to create a fake like that, but after the Grinch Leak I’m just too afraid to believe things when it comes to Smash speculation.

However, I still think Geno and Doomguy still have a very good chance to make it playable regardless of whether the leak is faked or not.
I think that's fair. I'm leaning more towards real (70/30ish), but I agree with you in that I can't go all in because I think there is that chance that someone's out there on the bleeding edge of the Ultimate modding scene. And, yeah, Geno and Doomguy are looking pretty good regardless. It's an exciting time for sure and fighter #5 should hopefully be around the corner.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 26, 2018
We only got one Mii Costume that comes with a music track (which was Sans who is hands down the best Mii Costume they ever made, which the bar was already set down extremely low) but honestly it doesn't seem like Mii Costumes actually help represent other series that couldn't make it in. I wouldn't be oppose to some Mii Costumes that were on the same level as Sans, like a Steve Mii Costume since that would be fitting, but majority of the Mii Costume are completely whatever. Like who cares about the Geomon Mii Costume? I don't think the Geomon fans really care about it. Hell, we're all praying that Geno isn't a Mii Costume.

Since these Mii Costumes aren't really helping that much I think it would be better to strength the series that are already in Smash Bros that have quite a lot of fan demand. Like for example, people really want Dixie Kong and she can work great as an Echo Fighter of Diddy Kong (replace Diddy's Up-Special with Donkey Kong's Up-Special so it looks like she's spinning around with her pony tail, and change Diddy's peanut gun with the bubblegum gun from Tropical Freeze). That would do a lot more for the fans and for the game itself. Keep making this roster bigger, that's the real strength of Smash Bros Ultimate. Getting characters like Shadow, Octoling, Jeanne, Ms Pac-Man, Rock Howard, Proto-Man, Medusa and (extremely pipedream that will never happen) Zack would add so much to Smash Bros and probably wouldn't be that hard to make.
I still disagree with your statement

Sakurai said it himself. We are never going to get a gaming crossover of this magnitude ever again. That is why I’m really hoping the majority of the future DLC is third party, because we are never getting this ever again. A hypothetical Smash 6 or reboot will likely pull a Dexit, which will be really hard to watch.

However, with that being said, there is only so many third parties with viable movesets. I’d understand your point if we were talking about 1st party Miis, but third party Miis have the potential to bring in even more game worlds to this already unbelievable crossover (See Virtua Fighter and Undertale as examples of Mii costumes done right). However, this only applies to franchises that are unlikely and/or unfeasible (A Doom Slayer or Crash outfit certaintly wouldn’t sit well with me at all)

And also, all of the echoes you mentioned honestly wouldn’t be exciting in my opinion. I know that a Sans-like Monokuma Mii outfit would make me pop off way harder than a Dixie echo ever will.
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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I think that's fair. I'm leaning more towards real (70/30ish), but I agree with you in that I can't go all in because I think there is that chance that someone's out there on the bleeding edge of the Ultimate modding scene. And, yeah, Geno and Doomguy are looking pretty good regardless. It's an exciting time for sure and fighter #5 should hopefully be around the corner.
I want Geno more than Doomguy, but I think it’s possible he’ll be the one announced at the VGA’s next month. Just because of how popular Doom is and what that franchise did for the FPS genre.

I’m sticking by Geno being the first post-pass Fighter. He wouldn’t be as big a hit as Doomguy in the mainstream, but he is the most wanted in the Smash community currently after Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo made it. And Sakurai seems like he’s going to cater to fans with his comments he made on the Banjo video.

So yeah.. Like I said, I don’t think it matters if the leak isn’t real because I still see them as likely.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 14, 2019
I still disagree with your statement

Sakurai said it himself. We are never going to get a gaming crossover of this magnitude ever again. That is why I’m really hoping the majority of the future DLC is third party, because we are never getting this ever again. A hypothetical Smash 6 or reboot will likely pull a Dexit, which will be really hard to watch.

However, with that being said, there is only so many third parties with viable movesets. I’d understand your point if we were talking about 1st party Miis, but third party Miis have the potential to bring in even more game worlds to this already unbelievable crossover (See Virtua Fighter and Undertale as examples of Mii costumes done right). However, this only applies to franchises that are unlikely and/or unfeasible (A Doom Slayer or Crash outfit certaintly wouldn’t sit well with me at all)

And also, all of the echoes you mentioned honestly wouldn’t be exciting in my opinion. I know that a Sans-like Monokuma Mii outfit would make me pop off way harder than a Dixie echo ever will.
They would excite other people. It's great to have third party characters but it's also good to have a variety of characters. There are a lot of first party characters people still want, so they should keep including fan favorites whether they're first party or third party.


Smash Ace
Oct 8, 2019
Feel free to boycott who you do and don’t want, but personally, I think boycotting an entire channel for having a dumb reason for believing a leak is fake is a little silly. Time will potentially prove them wrong anyway.
I just dont really like the way the treat the fans in general anymore. Half the time they come off as arrogant imo.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
Like i said i would not worry about what gx says. In the past they were super cokey about fake leaks being right even tho they were fake. Lets wait until sabi says something.


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
I would bet money that fighter 5 is a Bamco character. They are the only 3rd party with zero Mii Costumes returning from Smash 4 at this point, and they only have Pac Man. Doomslayer to me seems like a character that smash echo chambers (IE Smashboards) hype up with nothing too concrete going for him (IE Shadow).
With the whole “Where’s Doom coming from, it’s out of nowhere, and has no evidence!” thing, Doom actually has two other big points to it besides the “they admitted to talking a year ago” thing.

A few months ago, Bethesda said that there’d be “more surprises for Nintendo fans” later in the year. While this could be referring to the port of Doom 64, that turned out to be multiplatform anyway so it’s not really a surprise for “Nintendo fans” specifically, and it’s starting to get pretty late in the year.

More interestingly, however, is Grant Kirkhope off-handedly mentioning that he started work on his Banjo remix track in January of this year. Now, wouldn’t it be suspicious if Doom’s composer was working on a secret project that needed “metal choir vocalists” at that exact same time? Because that’s exactly what happened.

Also, with the way things have been going, the only Bamco characters that I could see getting in as #5 are a Dark Souls rep or a Digimon rep, and even then I heavily doubt it. Post-pass, though, characters like Lloyd or KOS-MOS appear totally fair game.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I’ll admit, the more arguments over Nintendo DMCAing leak videos, the more I fear the leak is fake. I know Geno still has great chances without it, but I guess I was hoping it’s real since Doomguy is cool (though he does have stuff going for him as well) and the mii hats look very nice.

Though if their system is automated and possibly flawed, especially since they never take down real image leaks and ignore channels with videos of the leak but with some extra imagery in parts of the video and a discussion over them, then it’s still possibly real. I don’t know, maybe they have all of their guys focused on Pokémon. This could also be an exception.

Sigh, I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter, I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2019
I’ll admit, the more arguments over Nintendo DMCAing leak videos, the more I fear the leak is fake. I know Geno still has great chances without it, but I guess I was hoping it’s real since Doomguy is cool (though he does have stuff going for him as well) and the mii hats look very nice.

Though if their system is automated and possibly flawed, especially since they never take down real image leaks and ignore channels with videos of the leak but with some extra imagery in parts of the video and a discussion over them, then it’s still possibly real. I don’t know, maybe they have all of their guys focused on Pokémon. This could also be an exception.

Sigh, I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter, I guess.

Dont worry like people have said earlyer nintendo has not taken down the gallem boss when the game got data mined. We still good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akv9sgsGbg4


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2019
Star Road
Switch FC
SW 4165 4708 0120
Bit off topic- have any posts correctly predicted Terry's reveal with the costumes etc.?

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
Well, I just got back from work.

Man, what a presentation. It was a very chill, calm, relaxing time with Sakurai AND his fascination with FF and KoF.

Good for him, and Terry looks fun. (Haven't tried him but I'll get to him in due time. I'm going through other games and stuff.)

Only time there was tension, it was with the Mii Costumes section and well, we're still living.

Hopefully VGA is where we get to see who is next in the pass and onwards with the rest of the Extra characters.

No more relevancy/"who?" posts. And if someone makes, they're fools of the lowest caliber.

Also, RIP Mai. We hardly knew ye~



Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
I had an idea for a double reveal at the VGAs.

We get a shot of an open battlefield (Think Megaman's reveal), we see Fox and Falco fighting off what looks to be dark versions of Ridley, Wolf, Incineroar, K. Rool and Bowser. The battle is going south for Star Fox.

Fox: "Our weapons are not working on them!"
As the enemies draw near, we hear a low wubwubwubwubwubwub....then a blast goes off with a loud screeching noise. A light green orb of energy, zips by Star Fox and find its mark on the monsters. Heavy boots are heard stepping on the graveled battle ground. They look to see who helped them.
Doom Slayer brings the pain! *Cracks knuckles* Gameplay shows him off.

At the end after the Smash title drops. We see Doom Slayer holding what looks to be a doll in his hand. He proceeds to fist bumps it. His victory is cut short as more enemies appear before him. He lays the doll on the ground standing up as he charges to battle. We then see a lone Spirit drift by. The spirit flies over to the doll and stops short. Its a doll of Doom Slayer laying on its side. The spirit then flies past it to the doll that was sitting down....we know where this is going.
Geno Awakens.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Dont worry like people have said earlyer nintendo has not taken down the gallem boss when the game got data mined. We still good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akv9sgsGbg4
That’s true, but I was told a lot of similar videos were taken down (there were a bunch of leaks), and it wasn’t long before release, too.

But, if their system is automated, then I can easily see it having flaws and not being as big of a deal, if it’s not just as simple as “Nintendo wanted to avoid dealing with this one or happened to not notice.”
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Holy freak, people, Terry is SO MUCH FUN! His combos are so easy to land and pack a serious punch.

(Me while Sakurai was demoing Terry): "Oh great. Another freaking Ryu. Just what I always wanted."

(Me after getting my first kill with Buster Wolf): "HORY SHI-OT! OOOOKAAAAY!"


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
Completely irrelevant but A.G.L I am so damn happy to see you around buddy!!
Thank you my friend, it’s good to see you all are doing well. Icewolff92 Icewolff92 told me you all were having some great conversations on the Geno thread. So I hopped back on to see how everyone’s doing and what’s new.

Side note Luigi The President Luigi The President looks like your dream may come true friend, lots of factors are pointing to Geno being a future fighter. His mii costume being consistently absent with each fighter reveal, definitely makes me think he will be a future DLC character. Hope you Ovaltine Ovaltine , AugustusB AugustusB and EarlTamm EarlTamm get your wish :).

AugustusB AugustusB good to see you too friend :).
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Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico
Thank you my friend, it’s good to see you all are doing well. Icewolff92 Icewolff92 told me you all were having some great conversations on the Geno thread. So I hopped back on to see how everyone’s doing and what’s new.

Side note Luigi The President Luigi The President looks like your dream may come true friend, lots of factors are pointing to Geno being a future fighter. His mii costume being consistently absent with each fighter reveal, definitely makes me think he will be a future DLC character. Hope you Ovaltine Ovaltine , AugustusB AugustusB get your wish :).
i bet IceWolf mention how annoying i was too, at least he has friends(that he never ignores).


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
See, Source Gaming gave some good reasoning as to why it could be real or fake. That's how you actually give proper coverage.

GX is... really handling this poorly. Whoof. It could easily be fake, yes, but this ain't how you respond to it, chief. They really need to not be so self-righteous and disingenuous.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2019
Does Nintendo ever actually go after leaks, like, actively? I know they'll deal with the people who're leaking things in the first place, but it seems like they don't really do much once it's out there. Maybe I'm just out of the loop or reading them wrong.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2018
Thank you my friend, it’s good to see you all are doing well. Icewolff92 told me you all were having some great conversations on the Geno thread. So I hopped back on to see how everyone’s doing and what’s new.

Side note Luigi The President looks like your dream may come true friend, lots of factors are pointing to Geno being a future fighter. His mii costume being consistently absent with each fighter reveal, definitely makes me think he will be a future DLC character. Hope you Ovaltine, AugustusB and EarlTamm get your wish :).

AugustusB good to see you too friend :).
It is kind of wild to see where things have gone since Hero dropped. We went from 'Well I guess the costume is returning' to 'Oh its not with Hero!? Still, not likely to happen'. Then Banjo got announced 'OH!? That is BIG' to Terry 'Oh...he looks cool' Then...the DLC announcement 'WE HAVE A CHANCE!'

The biggest thing is certainly the lack of Mii Costume. However, this CacoMallow leak is really starting to look like the real deal. I am in the camp of "And now we wait".

What a time to be a Smash speculator!
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