Well, again, a lot of those people are either being foolish with their expectations and decision making in my mind. I have always maintained that we would not see Character #2 until after we saw a proper display of Joker's gameplay. Similarly, I've been watching Smash reveals for years and they almost never appear outside of Nintendo Direct's or Smash special presentations with a couple of E3 exceptions that Nintendo personally unveiled behind closed doors and then Joker at the TGAs, which is one of the biggest gaming events of each year and Nintendo have traditionally chosen to reveal big news there. Hell, I was convinced we wouldn't actually see a reveal at TGA beforehand if you look back at that period and was extremely surprised to hear that they did end up showing off Joker. I have always maintained that we should not expect character reveals at specific events like DQ Day or Minecon, and have shot those down in threads as quickly as I could. None of that has come from the benefit of hindsight, that's all been my rooted position for ages on SmashBoards.
Similarly, I think for the most part the "Brave" codename and the entire situation with that has never served as a legitimate way to predict or even work with a character. Stats change so I don't think you can so easily determine who it will be. I also think codenames don't even have to align with anything and that it has ended up a Rorschach Test for a lot of the community in which it means whatever people want it to mean and connect however impossibly to different things. "Brave" on its own is absolutely an indeterminable quantity. Much like Jack and Doyle were for Joker and Arsene. I know a large part of the community has rallied behind that for some reason, but I heavily disagree with that interpretation of events. For those people, you are absolutely right that it hurts the "credibility of Erdrick" to those people who have relied upon "Brave" as their proof.
I also don't know if people really decidedly though that an "Erdrick" reveal was happening yesterday. I saw a lot of people who wanted to claim that it made no sense for Erdrick to be revealed at the E3 Nintendo Direct say that he would and then say Banjo Kazooie at E3 or whomever because of their own pushback against him as a character. But the majority of people I've seen have just said E3 and that defines a week long period really. I didn't see a ton of people go "all-in" on the tournament and saw a lot of people doubting a character reveal there to be honest.
Also, I don't think I'm going through mental gymnastics at all when I say that if Erdrick is second of five characters, he's one of the earliest ones. If we believe the notice sent out in Japan, then we know three characters were being worked on simultaneously by Sakurai. Therefore, they represent the batch of the earliest characters since the back half of the Fighter's Pass isn't in development as far as we know and we don't know how the development schedules of those three were handled. I'll again stand by my comment that I think a leaker wouldn't know their exact reveal unless they knew more specific information about the event in which a reveal was happening. If they know a character is already in development, it might seem like a logical conclusion to them to say that character's next when actually the other two that are concurrently being worked on may end up debuting first. Especially considering we only have Joker right now, it seems a little too early to write off the whole "earliest characters" thing. And once again, I'll also stand by the fact that I don't think the "knowledge" (as defined by the leakers and not some sort of heavy confirmation of Erdrick or Dragon Quest across the board) doesn't necessarily imply he will be first, second, third, or even fourth in the Fighter's Pass. It depends on what information the leakers are basing their information off of. If all they know is that Square Enix and Nintendo negotiated for Erdrick as DLC, than that character has the full DLC cycle to show up given there's no further information other than a future baseline existence of the character in Smash. Again, for the sake of the scenario we're assuming that information is right.
To be as clear as possible, I have never considered Dragon Quest or Erdrick a lock. I do agree that more people do mental gymnastics to get to that conclusion than they should. I really don't ever consider characters a lock period. But I do think Dragon Quest is a wonderful series and is deserving of our respect as a serious consider considering its reputation and legacy. Especially because Smash has become a showcase of Japanese gaming as a whole and not just Nintendo, I think its absence is absolutely felt. And I think Erdrick makes a ton of sense as the chosen representative for the series because it doesn't really have a Cloud level protagonist that dominates the field and Dragon Quest 3 has retained a substantial legacy for both the series and in Japan along with receiving an endorsement from Sakurai himself. I disagree with a lot of the flack the series and Erdrick gets from the community, hence my tendency to end up playing defender in certain moments. I also disagree with a lot of the support for them and think it has become problematic in how people have taken to them as the "locks" to try and shoot down others across the board while also using something flimsy like "Brave" as proof. I think there's been a lot of talk of Erdrick from the "leaker" side of things, so I tend to believe where there's smoke, there's fire, which is why I have come to think Erdrick and Banjo Kazooie have real possibilities going into this E3. If they backtrack or completely abandon the character choices, I'm more than willing to levy some complaints at them and knock them down (Again, I think Vergeben's reputation really does rely upon Erdrick at this point, though as far as I know he's never said anything about an E3 reveal specifically, so we don't really get to move on so easily if something Square Enix related in Smash doesn't happen Tuesday). I'm just much less inclined to throw characters and "leakers" out when there's a lot of moving parts and I need really strong information to deconfirm characters and truly consider "leakers" not credible and completely unworthy of my time. For some, that may come very soon, but we'll just have to see.