The whole thing in regards to Steve is this: will there be ANY Western third-party characters at all? So far it's been nothing but consolation prizes in regards to Western acknowledgement, even the Shovel Knight AT, and rumors regarding Minecraft content have been getting increasingly doubtful to the point where people end up crying wolf every time there's an event remotely related to Minecraft. If Steve can work without looking completely alien compared to everything else, more power to his fans, but the barrier of licensing in another country is still in the way.
Apart from that, it's rare for me to agree with a post of yours. As a guy who unironically espouses the idea of a Space Invader as a playable character. While it is important to acknowledge requests from time to time, there still needs to be unexpected picks that can get people interested in properties that they wouldn't otherwise, or at least giving a good impression if said property isn't that lucrative (

Compared to the last game having not much of actual fan wants, the base roster for this hits a sweet spot so far, regardless of how advertising was handled.
I still think the FP and further DLC will strike a balance of fan requests, new stars and oddball picks, which Joker seems to be a combination of all three so far (while for a very brief period, fans did want him). Not to mention that some new stars had to sadly be skipped over due to bad timing (ARMS in general, Rex & Pyra), so odds are they may compensate for that partially.