So, I guess the cat is out of the bag regarding the SMRPG Remake/Sequel rumors. As I've said in the past, I tend to not openly talk about things if they haven't gone public and with this, I was really, really hoping it was going to stay a secret until the big day but I guess that was a little too optimistic. Oh well... For something this potentially big, as little as 5 days until the payout has got to be a record. Like I said in my last post, it's collectively been a Geno fanbase secret since about April and I'm going to go into my history with it and how we got to this point. Obviously, I can't share absolutely everything but I wanted to give you all a clearer picture of this whole situation.
The story technically begins in December. I first made this public here back in December:
This just posted. Make anything of this, as you will. My main takeaway from this is that there is some tool the developers have that makes all the characters taunt at the same time. Other than that, it's just a cool image. It has style.
I then went into further explanation about this "Christmas Gift" in late January here:

Up to this point, it was pretty easy to deduce what the three games were and one was very obviously SMRPG. I figured that they were simply teasing Geno in Smash and then something hard clicked in my brain in February... This contact didn't believe Geno was going to be playable in Smash so why the hell would he be teasing that? I made note of this but I didn't want to pry. This very obviously deduced a sequel or remake but there wasn't a lot of evidence supporting it at the time so I simply tucked it into my pocket.
Fast forward to April. Several members of the Geno community came across some pretty damning evidence that, at the very least, a SMRPG Remake was likely coming. Maybe like 5 people were trusted with this information at the time. By June, this evidence snowballed to the point that several dozen people in the Geno community were trusted with this information. It was pretty simple, if someone leaked it, they were pretty much going to be hard punted from the community and, miraculously, literally everyone respected that. On my end of things, there's a number of things that pointed to this being true such as the Square spirit events, Mario and Square Smash Amiibo being rereleased together in September, SMRPG being missing from the NSO, etc. There was already a ton supporting Geno for Smash and then this started pouring in. Several notable people not connected with the Geno community reached out to me in July backing that they had heard the SMRPG Remakes rumors from their camps as well, turning what was Mount Everest into Mount Olympus.
From there, I've subtly been teasing it for months now with surprisingly no one catching on. Here are some of my more obnoxious teases on the topic:
So tired.....
Man, we really don't need to turn this into the Isaac vs. Waluigi debate. Both would be great characters. I think Waluigi deserves it and is still the go-to choice for his legacy and popularity in Mario Spinoffs alone, but Isaac would also be a great choice. I'd love either, I just think Waluigi...
I'm not writing off a potential announcement for a Sakurai Presents video because of one more coincidence: next Monday is the 7th 🎶Do you remember the 7th night of September?🎶 🎶Smash was changin' the minds of pretenders,🎶 🎶while chasin' the hate away.🎶
So, long story short, the SMRPG remake/sequel rumor has technically existed for close 10 months on my end so this all didn't magically appear out of nowhere. As shown, there's a hell of a lot of substance to it and the rest of the Board of Elders and I were really hoping to surprise you all with it but, as the French say "Queso Syran Wrap, Syran Wrap" or whatever. I guess it was kind of naive given how Banjo was hard spoiled before his reveal and most people didn't believe it until he big ****in' goofy face "guh huh'd" in HD on their computer screens so I imagine that this is basically the same. SMRPG remake/sequel is pretty likely aaaaaaaaaaaaaand probably how Nintendo convinced Square to let Geno into Smash because Square is pretty yum-yum-eat-em-up when it comes DLC and wanting to hard advertise their own games. Just wanted to clear this all up and, once again, I wanted to personally thank the Geno community and my own personal confidants for keeping this a secret for so long. You guys rock and now I hope more of you understand why I've been so hard optimistic about Geno this entire year.