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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2018
As someone who genuinely cares for only a handful of things, I don't mind seeing them split the other games away from stuff that I would look forward to. If I am anticipating Smash Bros or some amazing first party release, I usually spend at least 20-30 minutes of a direct not caring about 70% of the games being shown. I can imagine this to be the case for other fans as well. That's why Smash Directs like the August one are just more exciting for me. So I don't mind living in a world where Bayo3 is split off from Mario news. Because I'll just be like

(This is more or less a meme poking fun at myself but it was too good not to make)
View attachment 280381
Ahh, if only the distance between fan (homer) and company (Zoomercuck) was really that small.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2013
The Robo Center
I don't want a mini for Bayonetta and NMH only! Stop waterboarding us, Nintendo! Give us a full damn direct or shut up, but don't **** around about it!
If we get a NMH collection so I can finally play the first two without paying $1,000,000,000 for a Wii game then sign me up. This at least sounds better than the last one.
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Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2018
Couple o' news tidbits dropped

SFV is getting an update on the fifth. More August theory? Is SFV on Switch? I dunno.

and also Cuphead is on the Ps4 now. If any leaks tied into that nows the time to look.

Phantasy star online is also releasing on the fifth as well.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Oh good god what if Zell wasn't trolling after all
I doubt it (currently anyways). On the upside, if Hotgirl is right, we've established Mondays as the big presentation days for the foreseeable future. If we're reeeeeeeally lucky Nintendo might even do a Wednesday Direct because of the two Pokemon ones but who honestly knows at this point? Food for thought: Min Min's presentation was on June 22nd and the Pokemon Unite presentation was on June 24nd so two presentations in the same week isn't totally out of the question but I guess we'll see.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Couple o' news tidbits dropped

SFV is getting an update on the fifth. More August theory? Is SFV on Switch? I dunno.

and also Cuphead is on the Ps4 now. If any leaks tied into that nows the time to look.

Phantasy star online is also releasing on the fifth as well.
With EVO cancelled, I figured it was only a matter of time before we got some additional fighting game reveals. FighterZ Season 3's 3rd fighter reveal and the rumored KOF15 in particular are highly anticipated announcements, and I imagine Smash wouldn't be far off with the reveal for FP7


Smash Lord
Apr 5, 2020
Mt. Cuminshidmore
Switch FC
Maybe history's repeeing itself because this happened back in June:


Mini on the 3rd and Main on the 5th? Dear God, end our suffering...
Honestly, I would be okay with a Mini since their actually have been decent Minis in the past with sizeable chunks of information, for example the March Mini was actually not that bad.

I'm still dying for that big general Direct however. Its been almost a year since the last one


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Honestly, I would be okay with a Mini since their actually have been decent Minis in the past with sizeable chunks of information, for example the March Mini was actually not that bad.

I'm still dying for that big general Direct however. Its been almost a year since the last one
Agreed. I rather have a Mini with some big ****, and not a big direct that includes "fluff" so to speak (which is arguably why I´m not that against these partners showcase in theory)


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
At this point I'm starting to lose faith in even Geno tbh. If Nintendo never planned a big E3 like 2018 and 2019, why would they add another character like Ridley or Banjo and Kazooie for CP7?
Don´t lose hope for Geno even if he isn´t FP7 or FP8.. It´s only worth worrying if we are within the last two and Geno is yet to be revealed. Geno could be last for what we know. Just relax.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
History is repeeing itself? Oh no! When did it pee itself the first time?
(Spins around in a circle like Julie Andrews and points out the entire year)

Yes, that was intentional. Also, what I said might be true because I'm realizing that Monday is a god awful day for a General Direct. Wednesday would be a lot easier on everyone for obvious reasons.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2018
(Spins around in a circle like Julie Andrews and points out the entire year)

Yes, that was intentional. Also, what I said might be true because I'm realizing that Monday is a god awful day for a General Direct. Wednesday would be a lot easier on everyone for obvious reasons.
It’d be even easier if they didn’t wait until midnight to announce it either.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2018
(Spins around in a circle like Julie Andrews and points out the entire year)

Yes, that was intentional. Also, what I said might be true because I'm realizing that Monday is a god awful day for a General Direct. Wednesday would be a lot easier on everyone for obvious reasons.
Welp, Fatman, Ya did it.

I pictured you as Julie Andrews.

I pictured you in a dress...

The fact I found it pretty is on YOUR blue head, damn you!

Deleted member


Deleted member

At this point I'm starting to lose faith in even Geno tbh. If Nintendo never planned a big E3 like 2018 and 2019, why would they add another character like Ridley or Banjo and Kazooie for CP7?
I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t want to have Geno as Fighter 7. This reminds me when people were expecting a huge 3rd party reveal like Joker to kickstart the pass and the pass started with ARMS. If the Mallow and Smithy costumes from last summer are indeed real, this suggest Geno is early in the pass.
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Deleted member

At this point I'm starting to lose faith in even Geno tbh. If Nintendo never planned a big E3 like 2018 and 2019, why would they add another character like Ridley or Banjo and Kazooie for CP7?
Nintendo probably had their E3 showing planned in January. Even though they don't do a press conference like they once did, they have a lot of physical props on site every year to make it a meaningful spectacle for the people who show up. They still did PAX East (which is honestly surprising), which should go to show how far in advance they have things planned and how last minute cancellations have to be to actually stop them.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
There's a difference between doing a Smash Presentation and a Pokemon mobile game reveal in the same week and having a partner showcase and a general in the same week. Christ, haven't we established at this point that the Pokemon Company just does whatever they want? Why the hell would they show off a bunch of third party games and then two days later hold an entire direct when they could just show them there. Can we please use our heads for 2 seconds?
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
It's gotten to the point that I'm convinced that Nintendo did a dance of joy when they found out E3 got cancelled because they didn't have jack **** to present and would have had to fluff like crazy to salvage even a little bit of 2020's content. After 7+ months of this BS radio silence, I'm thinking that the "big reveals" that Nintendo is sitting on are just false rumors. If Nintendo had any ammo whatsoever, we should have seen SOMETHING by now.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
It's gotten to the point that I'm convinced that Nintendo did a dance of joy when they found out E3 got cancelled because they didn't have jack **** to present and would have had to fluff like crazy to salvage even a little bit of 2020's content. After 7+ months of this BS radio silence, I'm thinking that the "big reveals" that Nintendo is sitting on are just false rumors. If Nintendo had any ammo whatsoever, we should have seen SOMETHING by now.
If they don´t have anything, then said "source" has fooled pretty much every major leaker hard as a brick wall if not more.


Japan Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2007
Richmond, VA
If they don´t have anything, then said "source" has fooled pretty much every major leaker hard as a brick wall if not more.
Other than SMT and a few people with Paper Mario information before the shadow drop, has there really been all that much that leakers talked about that has actually been announced? I’m not saying Nintendo doesn’t have all that stuff up their sleeve, but it’s easy to see where Firox is coming from, I personally am holding out with optimism but wouldn’t be surprised at all if the bulk of it were just rumors that don’t end up amounting to anything.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
If they don´t have anything, then said "source" has fooled pretty much every major leaker hard as a brick wall if not more.
To be fair, leaker culture in general has been in the dumpster since January, interestingly around the same time Nintendo started to run dry. I'll believe their babbling when I start to see actual results. Thus far, they sure seem fooled to me.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I think it’s pretty clear the insiders have been having trouble because Nintendo has been changing plans due to corona and paranoia over delays. I still have faith that at least the Mario rumors every insider and their mother has talked about are real, and likely the other stuff from them too.
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Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2019
-Mainline Persona on Switch
O.o Have Sega/Atlus finally learned that Persona would sell if it would release on other consoles
As much as I would kill for mainline Persona on Switch (or really more Atlus games on the platform in general), I do legitimately doubt Persona on Switch. Nate Drake has repeatedly shot down the idea and even with the Persona 4 Golden PC port he maintains that Sony will allow that, but not Persona on other consoles. Heck even Sony said they value mainline Persona on PlayStation and that seemed like that death nail to me. Fatmanonice Fatmanonice if you've honestly heard games being ported, that's cool and I wouldn't mind PM'ing about it if you're fine with it since I really want to introduce my friends to the series but they don't have enough money to shell out money for a PlayStation. So having those games on the Switch will make me happier aside from just having good games on the platform.

In terms of a Direct, I worry a 1st party Direct won't happen until the end of the month of September since HotGirlVidoes seems to be very confident in the early August Direct being 3rd party focused (such as Bayonetta 3 and No More Heroes 3). So I wonder if King Zell was actually being truthful.
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
To be fair, leaker culture in general has been in the dumpster since January, interestingly around the same time Nintendo started to run dry. I'll believe their babbling when I start to see actual results. Thus far, they sure seem fooled to me.
Truth be told, everyone said that we should have to wait at the latest for September for Nintendo to be able to give us the "E3 direct" and concidering their silence, we can only do but wait more for a potential direct.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2018
Glasgow, Scotland


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
There's a difference between doing a Smash Presentation and a Pokemon mobile game reveal in the same week and having a partner showcase and a general in the same week. Christ, haven't we established at this point that the Pokemon Company just does whatever they want? Why the hell would they show off a bunch of third party games and then two days later hold an entire direct when they could just show them there. Can we please use our heads for 2 seconds?
It wasn't just a mobile game. It was a collaboration between the Pokemon Company and Tencent, the biggest video game company in the world. People don't realize it but in the grand scheme of things it was a huge deal. If we're going to get indignant about it, why the hell did they have the July partner showcase I'd they could have just crammed that into a Direct too? Are we really going to start gatekeeping presentations? What Circle of Hell has the planet descended into?


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Why wouldn't they? The pass needs a big seller (no offense to Min Min but she ain't it) and Geno fits the bill.
Smash Ultimate is the second highest selling game for the Switch, and DLC negotiations aren't cheap. They need to sell the pass and Min Min as good as she is, isn't going to do it for most customers


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
As much as I would kill for mainline Persona on Switch (or really more Atlus games on the platform in general), I do legitimately doubt Persona on Switch. Nate Drake has repeatedly shot down the idea and even with the Persona 4 Golden PC port he maintains that Sony will allow that, but not Persona on other consoles. Heck even Sony said they value mainline Persona on PlayStation and that seemed like that death nail to me. Fatmanonice Fatmanonice if you've honestly heard games being ported, that's cool and I wouldn't mind PM'ing about it if you're fine with it since I really want to introduce my friends to the series but they don't have enough money to shell out money for a PlayStation. So having those games on the Switch will make me happier aside from just having good games on the platform.

In terms of a Direct, I worry a 1st party Direct won't happen until the end of the month of September since HotGirlVidoes seems to be very confident in the early August Direct being 3rd party focused (such as Bayonetta 3 and No More Heroes 3). So I wonder if King Zell was actually being truthful.
If a Persona game arrives on the computer, I would disqualified the chances. I mean, we have the Persona version of Super Smash Brothers (aka Persona Q) on a Nintendo console.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
There's a difference between doing a Smash Presentation and a Pokemon mobile game reveal in the same week and having a partner showcase and a general in the same week. Christ, haven't we established at this point that the Pokemon Company just does whatever they want? Why the hell would they show off a bunch of third party games and then two days later hold an entire direct when they could just show them there. Can we please use our heads for 2 seconds?
This is true. The only way that I could see a Mini Direct and a General Direct in the same week is if...

Mini Direct is another Partner. August Partner Presentation.

General Direct is First Party only/primarily. Showing off what they supposedly have. Hopefully, most of it is true.

Other than that, it doesn't really make sense to not just move the rumored games for the partnered Mini over to the General.h

why the hell did they have the July partner showcase I'd they could have just crammed that into a Direct too? Are we really going to start gatekeeping presentations? What Circle of Hell has the planet descended into?
Saw this after my post. Exactly. Definitely could have both if the Partnered Showcase warrants its own Mini, or vice versa, the main Nintendo Direct would overshadow said partners.
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Bit off topic, but feel it's worth discussing.

When Geno gets added, say he had two remixes not from Mario RPG: One from another Mario based RPG (Paper or M&L or maybe even Rabbids) and another is from another Square game from the SNES era (FF4-6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, etc). What two songs do you pick?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Bit off topic, but feel it's worth discussing.

When Geno gets added, say he had two remixes not from Mario RPG: One from another Mario based RPG (Paper or M&L or maybe even Rabbids) and another is from another Square game from the SNES era (FF4-6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, etc). What two songs do you pick?
Red Streamer Battle (it’s a bop don’t @ me)

One winged angel.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2018

oh no

If Im not missing the context here, looks like we may be getting only a Mini this month

Best case scenario is we somehow get a Mario direct for this month instead


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Now NateDrake is saying no General until September and HGV's claim of another Partner Mini in early August is looking more likely


Nintendo legitimately and truly has NOTHING for this year....

There is nothing they could possibly announce to make up for this bull****


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2019
Hmm, perhaps it'd be recommendable to expect any sort of eye-catching announcement on September, since that's when the Super Mario anniversary is (officially on the 13th). Perhaps they're saving all the good stuff for then. :ohwell:
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