6/5 - If none of ya have noticed, Mewtwo's been my main for 4 and Ultimate. I wanted him to come back
so much in Smash 4 and it was great seeing him new and updated
4/5 - Was a very welcome returning character from Brawl, though I never really play as Lucas or Ness. It was still really great to see them bring him back!
5/5 - Like Mewtwo, Roy was another character I had big nostalgia for from Melee. He ranks as one of my mains in 4 and Ultimate though would be replaced with Geno in a heart beat
4.5/5 - Again, another very welcome edition to the roster, but I've never cared much for Ryu's moveset. It was great seeing possibly the most iconic fighting game character of all time get the chance to Smash.
4.5/5 - Feel similar about him as I do to Ryu. Was iconic and an impossibility, but I never liked playing as him very much. I had kinda taken a break from Smash speculation after Mewtwo mostly, so I never got the real effect of shock of Cloud Strife being in Smash, but he's still very welcome none the less.
1/5 - I felt Corrin was just unnecessary. Fates seems to be divisive among FE fans and people were even beginning to suggest a moratorium on FE characters after Roy. Honestly, Corrin is probably my least favorite Smash newcomer of all time
3.5/5 - Eh, I just wasn't excited for her I guess. Never had very strong connections to Bayo very much though her addition made sense. Feel like Bayo's just never interested me too much (You're gonna hear this a lot going forward).
1.5/5 - Man, this one was just ugh. I feel like all Plant had going for him was memes, but those inevitably disappeared a week after his release when everyone moved onto the next joke to beat to death (Even when they were relevant, Plant memes were still pretty annoying IMO). I feel like the timing of his reveal didn't help after Ken and Incineroar were revealed and many mistook his trailer for Geno (Though, I didn't watch the direct live, so I'll never know that pain)
3.5/5 - Never played a Persona game before, mostly because I've never owned a PS4 and I have no intention of getting one. He's got his fans and all, but again, he just didn't interest me too much.
3/5 - I think they executed him in a neat way with the Hero alts, but I'd heard little of DQ before Erdrick's name began cropping up among insiders. I know he's got his audience in Japan and that's cool and he definitely has his place in gaming history with DQ basically setting the standard for modern RPGs, but he just didn't pique my interest all too much personally.
Could've been Geno.
5/5 - The FP1 showstopper, it was great to see the bear and bird finally come home. I love the way he plays and he was a fan request on the tier of Geno for me. He honestly made the somewhat middling pass 1 feel a lot more worth it to me.
2.75/5 - This was a difficult one to rank. I know he's got his place in gaming history as well, but he (say it with me now)
just doesn't interest me. I'm not sure I'd ever really heard of Terry prior to the SNK leak, so it just all felt kinda weird, ya know? Top it off with a play style I'm not huge on and it just makes me feel rather eh and Terry.
1/5 - Woo boy, gonna try as hard as possible not to let the evil out on this one. Byleth was just that for me, another FE character that didn't interest me much and just gave me bad vibes. I think the lead up to FP5 was the perfect storm of events that just made me not like this character at all. Was he worse than Corrin though? Nah. At least 3 Houses was received well by most and was out everywhere for several months before they dumped him into Smash (Fates wasn't even out in the US come Corrin's reveal). So hey, at least he isn't the
absolute worst. Now lemme wrap this up before I start ranting again.
Arms will probably rank around ~3-4 depending on who it is and how they play. I've played Arms before but only a bit so the reveal that it was Arms was just whelming for me mostly. It was nice to see an unrepped Nintendo series get the nod.
I hope FP2 can bring in more fan requests though, because I feel those are always the most satisfying reveals to see!