Hollow Knight is not a "Microsoft-associated" character at all. PC games are not a Microsoft thing. The PC itself comes from tons of different companies. I.E. Acer, ASUS. The operation system and certain programs is what Microsoft provides(Microsoft is more like someone who creates games for the PC instead. Or could be compared to a publisher for the PC, but not developing a PC in itself). The only consoles they legitimate created were the Xbox Brand. Unlike Crash, who appeared on a Sony console first, Hollow Knight, last I checked, were solely PC(you know Apple is a type of computer, right? That has games too. Or you know, a Cellphone is as much related to Microsoft as a PC is) and Nintendo. Unless Hollow Knight legitimately was on an Xbox console, it has no relations to Microsoft.
Crash is funny, because just like Snake and Cloud, they did have relations to Sony due to debuting on an actual Sony console. Sony also has music and movies. Is a music CD you can happen to listen to on any device a Sony one just cause it's the particular device used? No. That's the connection Hollow Knight has to Microsoft. None whatsoever.
PC is its own console(as are Macs, but they're effectively the same thing as a PC, for computer games).
Xbox is the Microsoft console, not PCs or Macs.
PlayStation is the Sony console.
Nintendo is the Nintendo console.
Cellphones are their own console now(mobile gaming).
There's other small ones like Oculus if I remember its name right, but those are the 5(kind of 6 since Macs and PCs are fairly separated in terms of ability) actual consoles that get games these days. And the games are limited to the strength of the system itself. It's why Cellphone games are smaller GB than others. Technically speaking Mobile gaming is another term, but the literal Cellphone is the console for the point.