Smash Legend
yeah that’s true, I don’t think popularity alone is enough but it certainly helps show success plus at least Minecraft and admittedly maybe Fortnite have other factors going for them.I'm pretty sure he meant in Smash. If modern popularity/legacy was literally everything we would have had Crash in base, Doomguy at some point, maybe Dante in Brawl, Fortnite in base, Minecraft in 4/Ultimate, or so many more.
I think what Polarthief means is that as a third party you can't expect to get into Smash off of being a big name alone- some significance to Nintendo is pretty much required. League has nothing to do with Nintendo, same as PUBG or Warcraft. Minecraft and Fortnite both have ports but again, that doesn't guarantee an inclusion.
I’d say Minecraft is significant to Nintendo though; Nintendo loves it and it has the Mario mashup pack as well as a creeper 3DS, with Miyamoto or someone wondering why they didn’t make it first. On their Play Nintendo website, there was a question-thing with Steve & Alex as an answer, too, “who would you want to go on a field-trip with?”. They share ads for the upcoming Dungeons game on their media accounts, too (as well as general Minecraft ads), and Minecraft partly inspired BotW. Tbh though I’m not really sure Nintendo significance is actually required due to Sakurai seeing it as a courtesy, plus Joker (there’s only 2 or 3 Persona games on Nintendo systems, and it seems it’s treated differently from SMT).
But, that’s neither here nor there, I suppose, as yeah no character is guaranteed an inclusion even if Nintendo likes their game except an ARMS character atm but that’s their own game.
I’d be surprised if LoL happens though I suppose it makes sense if they want e-Sports tips or something idk, I guess it would be cool though I’d be as indifferent to it as some are about Minecraft (funnily enough LoL was first announced only months before Minecraft’s first public release).
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