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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Cadet
Aug 19, 2018
Switch FC
When he wasn't in Mario Kart 8, thousands died.
Quick correction, I think you're referring to Mario Kart 7 as the title that didn't include Waluigi, which was the 3DS one. MK8 did include Waluigi in its base game.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2019
Something else yesterday: when a new smash character is announced, the threads about them reach the top of several gaming related subreddits on reddit. Byleth's threads did not even come close.

Such a poor choice of a character in my opinion.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
- CP11: Sora. And I think he will be the one nobody will know until release. The character who crosses the most amount of worlds into a single one + big fan favorite everywhere. Perfect closer.
While I totally agree that Sora would be the best closer for the character's you've listed, there's just no freaking way. Nintendo is at a level of self-indulgent *********** that you can't even fathom. We're ending the entire DLC cycle with Yamper. Accept your fate. Accept your doom.

Deleted member

While I totally agree that Sora would be the best closer for the character's you've listed, there's just no freaking way. Nintendo is at a level of self-indulgent *********** that you can't even fathom. We're ending the entire DLC cycle with Yamper. Accept your fate. Accept your doom.
would prefer Yamper to Sora not gonna lie.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
I'm sure it's been said yesterday but I'm too lazy to go through too many pages; at the very least, Geno's Mii costume didn't show up. Worst case scenario would be that IMO. Bringing that back now would be an immediate death sentence to Geno ever getting in FP2. The fact that he dodged the base game, Hero's pack, and the rest of FP1 (especially with Byleth since none of those Mii costumes are even tied to Fire Emblem in any way), the dream still lives on.

That's really all I have left going for me, is that the hopes of the Mii costume being AWOL means he's in FP2. That or they just forgot to add it back in and will do so with a Square FP2 DLC, probably with a remix of Beware the Forest Mushrooms (which would just crush me completely, especially if it's Sora that kills off Geno).
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
would prefer Yamper to Sora not gonna lie.
Ouch. Don't get me wrong, I know how bitter some people are towards the Sora fanbase, but c'mon. Sora has a LOT more going for him than a chubby little cartoon pug. lol

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
It would still get far worse received if they did a Corrin aka release him before the game was released. That's what I¨m trying to say. Byleth didn¨t get as much of a anti-reaction because the game has been released for a couple of months
Very true, and that originally tempered reactions.

Until it was revealed that Sakurai got an early copy to then pick Byleth BEFORE he and 3 Houses were able to be popular and they confirmed the DLC was set in stone in late 2018. So Byleth didn't get in by fan demand, but was picked early and by chance later on had fans. So while the release timing was different, the rest was the same as Corrin: a FE character was picked during development before the game was officially released. Only Pokemon has had that level of exceptions made, and only officially confirmed to happen just once. Meanwhile, Xenoblade fans were specifically told that that was the reason Rex was skipped, and now other 'new' fanbases are starting to get ticked off at this as it comes off as favoritism and hypocrisy.

Byleth looks fun and I like his moveset moves and design, but Nintendo royally botched this reveal, bringing it at the worst time.

They fact that they have to keep advertising the next six characters during the event, also implying that there MIGHT be a reveal next week to correspond to the official retail opening of FP2, means that they are aware this was going to go over like a lead balloon.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
Ouch. Don't get me wrong, I know how bitter some people are towards the Sora fanbase, but c'mon. Sora has a LOT more going for him than a chubby little cartoon pug. lol
Consider this though: If another Square rep gets in and it's not Geno, that greatly reduces his chances. I too would want Yamper not just because I don't want Sora (I don't), but because Yamper doesn't reduce Geno's chances. TBH I feel like the only thing that would make me ultra salt (not just disappointed like I was with Byleth despite loving Three Houses [at least the music is BUMPIN']) would be Sora or another overhyped Square rep (like Sephiroth) and Geno's Mii costume releasing alongside it. It'd make me forever hate the character. Nothing else would get me to that levels of salt. If the Square rep gets revealed and there's still no Geno Mii costume, then I'd again just be disappointed.

(even though I think Yamper is dumb and there's better SwSh reps like Toxtricity, if we absolutely have to get a Gen 8 rep)


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I dont even know If it would be worse though, the fact that literally everyone including Sakurai himself hyped this up, making this the super secret character, the final character of the pass, and have it be THIS. That has alot to do with it.
It would have been far worse because then it would just look a "true shill pick" meant for advertisement. Now the only complaint you can really use is "bias" if anything. Also, I doubt Sakurai would have chosen Byleth if we truly have had only been given only the 5. The more I think back on the presentation, the more I start to wonder if Byleth were a troll pick by Sakurai for an in-between character.


A) Keeping that character of everyone super-secret (then again, it is an inhouse character so its easier to keep secret about)
B) Giving off a "fooled ya" smile while he was putting up the posters
C) He did a big explanation of what Fire Emblem is, with its history and everything. Granted, most Smash players have never even touched a Fire Emblem game, but you get the idea
D) He decided to count all the Fire Emblem games, and in binary for some random reason (while also go in small depth about that)
E) from a business standpoint, it doesn¨t make sense to "promote" the game this late.

Until it was revealed that Sakurai got an early copy to then pick Byleth BEFORE he and 3 Houses were able to be popular and they confirmed the DLC was set in stone in late 2018. So Byleth didn't get in by fan demand, but was picked early and by chance later on had fans. So while the release timing was different, the rest was the same as Corrin: a FE character was picked during development before the game was officially released. Only Pokemon has had that level of exceptions made, and only officially confirmed to happen just once. Meanwhile, Xenoblade fans were specifically told that that was the reason Rex was skipped, and now other 'new' fanbases are starting to get ticked off at this as it comes off as favoritism and hypocrisy.
True, which makes the troll pick even more likely, to be honest. However, he stated, too late for the base game. That doesn¨t mean they won¨t be DLC
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2019
I dunno if I said this here before: I think the reason Season 2 has SIX slots instead of FIVE is cuz of Byleth. I think they knew what the reaction would be so they added an extra to make up for it. Could be just me, tho.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
It would have been far worse because then it would just look a "true shill pick" meant for advertisement. Now the only complaint you can really use is "bias" if anything. Also, I doubt Sakurai would have chosen Byleth if we truly have had only been given only the 5. The more I think back on the presentation, the more I start to wonder if Byleth were a troll pick by Sakurai for an in-between character.


A) Keeping that character of everyone super-secret (then again, it is an inhouse character so its easier to keep secret about)
B) Giving off a "fooled ya" smile while he was putting up the posters
C) He did a big explanation of what Fire Emblem is, with its history and everything. Granted, most Smash players have never even touched a Fire Emblem game, but you get the idea
D) He decided to count all the Fire Emblem games, and in binary for some random reason (while also go in small depth about that)
E) from a business standpoint, it doesn¨t make sense to "promote" the game this late.

True, which makes the troll pick even more likely, to be honest. However, he stated, too late for the base game. That doesn¨t mean they won¨t be DLC
Was plant not a troll pick? When it's well known that there's two other Mario characters that have huge fanbases, and one of whom doesn't even have rights issues attached to him?


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
More reasons why I call bull**** on Blythe being planned from the get-go:

-Could have been released literally days after Three Houses was released worldwide; wasn't. Time frame wise, Blythe should have been 2 and Hero should have been 3 but they weren't.

-Koei Tecmo literally helped develop Three Houses but Blythe has no Tecmo Mii costumes or Fire Emblem Mii costumes? That's super suspicious.

-Keep in mind that with the previous two points in mind, Sakurai would have had to have finalized the plans for the Fighter's Pass in early November 2018. Sakurai himself shared that Joker, Hero, and Banjo were all being worked on in December. Why would a first party character, especially one for an upcoming summer release be pushed to the very back of the Fighter's Pass? Again, if always planned, Byleth would have been like Roy and Corrin and released super close to releases of their respective games. Byleth was released half a year later, significantly later than the peak sales of the game. With this in mind, Hero was still released BEFORE Dragon Quest XI S so still counted as a promotional character. Smash characters encourage sales. From a business standpoint, it makes no sense especially since the Smash fanbase has been pretty adamant about not wanting more Fire Emblem characters.

Again, I call bull****. Sakurai's a smart man and too many decisions made are the polar opposite in regards to this character. Great addition but if you try to convince me that a very obvious promotional character missed the game's release by half a year, is sandwiched with major third party icons, includes no Mii costumes related to it despite being first party, and was originally going to totally close off DLC despite overwhelming evidence that this would have been a catastrophic decision, I can't take that seriously. Blythe isn't unbelievable but all the circumstances surrounding him definitely are.

There's also no reason for this character to be kept this hard of a secret either for a mountain of reasons outside of knowing people would be pissed. Nintendo KNEW 5 was probably going to land like a wet sock because there was literally no reason to tell us there was going to be more DLC after 5 a full four and a half months before even revealing them. They could have done it during this presentation and that's the elephant in the room. The Fighter's Pass was naturally announced after the base roster was revealed, Season 2 was formally announced before 3, 4, and 5 were even released. Again, all of this is highly suspect with all things considered.
You do realize promotions don't have to happen on exactly the same release date as the game, right? Three Houses has a huge DLC coming out that they literally dropped a trailer for right with the Byleth presentation and Nintendo games drop in price so infrequently that it literally wouldn't matter if they did Byleth a year from now or not because Three Houses sales are still going to make Nintendo that good good money.

-The lack of Koei Tecmo costumes isn't suspicious. Just because Koei Tecmo helped make Three Houses does not mean that they will release costumes with Byleth DLC and the Mii costumes with Byleth further prove that there don't have to be any connections that Banjo & Kazooie already established. Costumes don't have to make sense, nor was there any reason outside of a baseless assumption to think they would show up with Byleth.

-The further that Byleth is in the past, the more time Sakurai has to familiarize himself with the game and develop the content around the fan reaction and true final build. It makes plenty of sense for Byleth to release a few months after Three Houses' release. Half a year in game development isn't that much later either to be honest. And as I said before, they have DLC that can be promotional and Three Houses will still sell well and make Nintendo happy, maybe even selling well past the initial release because Nintendo likes its "evergreen titles" so much. Plus, this also presumes that the only reason Byleth was added was promotional, and that's just a way too cynically minded take when Sakurai clearly found inspiration in creating a moveset for them. It all makes plenty of sense.

-Again, you're assuming Three Houses needs to come with Mii costumes and that they specifically have to release with Byleth if they're coming and not in general. Which remains on shaky ground at best considering Nintendo seems to not really care.

-He was only the end of the originally planned DLC if things didn't go well for Nintendo. They clearly always intended to re-evaluate like any good business after they saw how things performed and more DLC seemed to almost always be on the table from Sakurai's comments. It seems like we were likely to at least get 1 or 2 more fighters if they hadn't gone with a full Volume 2.

-Sakurai likes to keep secretes and is probably pissed that so much has leaked for Ultimate beforehand. You can't really blame him for trying to keep one secret during DLC with the one character whose information he could absolutely control the most since it was a first party.

-More DLC gets people excited regardless of when it gets announced and its clear they wanted to announce it alongside Terry to give that whole presentation a bigger boom. Smash was a massive part of that September Direct and was why so many people walked away so happy from it. It makes perfect sense to have been announced in that context as well.

You're just building an unnecessarily complicated theory with tons of unfounded assumptions and leaps in logic again.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
It would still get far worse received if they did a Corrin aka release him before the game was released. That's what I¨m trying to say. Byleth didn¨t get as much of a anti-reaction because the game has been released for a couple of months
I don’t know if we’re on completely different corners of the internet but for the most part Byleth’s reception has been overtly negative for a character from a game that is popular, sold a ton, and has won several awards. I don’t think the game already being released has helped as much.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
Was plant not a troll pick? When it's well known that there's two other Mario characters that have huge fanbases, and one of whom doesn't even have rights issues attached to him?
I stand by my theory that Plant took less development resources than most characters. Very simple model (no face, barely has limbs, smooth textures), plus the FS is just Petey Piranha from Brawl with a touched up model. I think Plant was a low resource early adopter bonus and more requested characters would’ve taken more resources


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Byleth's cool. I love how he turned out but Byleth was kind of doomed to be hated. Our 8th Fire Emblem character, our 3rd Fire Emblem avatar character, our 5th blue haired Fire Emblem character, less than half a year old when characters like Rex and Springman were turned down for coming out too late... In 2017, the character revealed at the end of a super toxic timespan in speculation, the fact that Sakurai kept apologizing for the decision throughout the presentation, etc. If Byleth was like the 3rd or 4th Fire Emblem character, the crowd would have gone nuts but we're now on 8 and people were already sick of Fire Emblem back when Robin and Lucina were shown 5 1/2 years ago. That's the tragedy of it. Awesome character, awful circumstances surrounding it.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I don’t know if we’re on completely different corners of the internet but for the most part Byleth’s reception has been overtly negative for a character from a game that is popular, sold a ton, and has won several awards. I don’t think the game already being released has helped as much.
I¨m basing it on Twitter/Youtube reactions that I saw between Corrin and Byleth. Heck, I¨ve seen a ton of Youtubers that just found the inclusion hysterical instead of being straight-up mad when it comes to Byleth. Yes, I check out reactions every time a character gets revealed.

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
I stand by my theory that Plant took less development resources than most characters. Very simple model (no face, barely has limbs, smooth textures), plus the FS is just Petey Piranha from Brawl with a touched up model. I think Plant was a low resource early adopter bonus and more requested characters would’ve taken more resources
You incorrectly assume that just because the model is simpler, that means it won't take a significant chunk of dev time. You've still got it's animations, a unique moveset, promotional material, all of this takes a fair bit of time.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
I dunno if I said this here before: I think the reason Season 2 has SIX slots instead of FIVE is cuz of Byleth. I think they knew what the reaction would be so they added an extra to make up for it. Could be just me, tho.
Could also be for easier reveals/releases. 6 across 24 months means 1 character roughly every 4 months. Q1 Direct, E3, and late Q3/early Q4 direct splits up the two years nicely. With FP1, they had to stuff 2 in at E3 and pushed DLC 5 all the way to a Sakurai video in January. It felt pretty awkward.
PS: Don't be surprised when you see a direct in late Feb/early March, revealing DLC 6 for an April/May release. ;)

Edit: This is my 69th post. Noice.
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Consider this though: If another Square rep gets in and it's not Geno, that greatly reduces his chances. I too would want Yamper not just because I don't want Sora (I don't), but because Yamper doesn't reduce Geno's chances. TBH I feel like the only thing that would make me ultra salt (not just disappointed like I was with Byleth despite loving Three Houses [at least the music is BUMPIN']) would be Sora or another overhyped Square rep (like Sephiroth) and Geno's Mii costume releasing alongside it. It'd make me forever hate the character. Nothing else would get me to that levels of salt. If the Square rep gets revealed and there's still no Geno Mii costume, then I'd again just be disappointed.

(even though I think Yamper is dumb and there's better SwSh reps like Toxtricity, if we absolutely have to get a Gen 8 rep)
I mean, I totally agree with you. I'd MUCH rather have Geno than Sora, and I agree that Sora would probably hamper Geno's chances, but that's only if Sora were to get in BEFORE Geno. As long as Geno gets in, I could honestly care less who gets added after. Heck, if fighter 6 ends up being Geno and 11 ends up Sora, I'd be pretty stoked. And if I already had Geno as a playable character, I sure as hell would rather have Sora over Yamper.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
Was plant not a troll pick? When it's well known that there's two other Mario characters that have huge fanbases, and one of whom doesn't even have rights issues attached to him?
It wasn't, Sakurai and his team just wanted to make plant into a fighter. Because you know, they have their own interests as well.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Byleth's cool. I love how he turned out but Byleth was kind of doomed to be hated. Our 8th Fire Emblem character, our 3rd Fire Emblem avatar character, our 5th blue haired Fire Emblem character, less than half a year old when characters like Rex and Springman were turned down for coming out too late... In 2017, the character revealed at the end of a super toxic timespan in speculation, the fact that Sakurai kept apologizing for the decision throughout the presentation, etc. If Byleth was like the 3rd or 4th Fire Emblem character, the crowd would have gone nuts but we're now on 8 and people were already sick of Fire Emblem back when Robin and Lucina were shown 5 1/2 years ago. That's the tragedy of it. Awesome character, awful circumstances surrounding it.
I'm not really sure Sakurai was apologizing as much as saying, "This is happening and this is the character you're getting and I've tried really hard to make them interesting and fun. Take it or leave it."
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Deleted member

Don't mind me just having fun with all this it's not to be disrespectful or mock the fans so don't take it as such.


Here's other people's reactions of anyone's interested.

I'm utterly deflated about it. I am happy they got in. But still not to keen on the pick. There is to many Fire Emblem characters. The man clearly has a bias for the series. I respect and apperciate all he's done but yikes.

I'm kind of worried about season 2, if Dante, Ryu, or Crash and Lloyd are in it I won't be because of they get in I'll be estatic. Their all solid picks.

We'll see what comes but yeah not exactly great in my pick.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2019
Planet Bomber
Switch FC
SW 6433 1491 0045
You incorrectly assume that just because the model is simpler, that means it won't take a significant chunk of dev time. You've still got it's animations, a unique moveset, promotional material, all of this takes a fair bit of time.
Oh I’m not saying it was dirt simple, my theory is that it took less resources than, say, Incineroar.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2018
I mean, I totally agree with you. I'd MUCH rather have Geno than Sora, and I agree that Sora would probably hamper Geno's chances, but that's only if Sora were to get in BEFORE Geno. As long as Geno gets in, I could honestly care less who gets added after. Heck, if fighter 6 ends up being Geno and 11 ends up Sora, I'd be pretty stoked. And if I already had Geno as a playable character, I sure as hell would rather have Sora over Yamper.
Oh for sure. If Geno is in before Sora, or whoever, I wouldn't give a rats ass about the rest of the roster. Throw me 5 echoes of Marth, I won't care. Geno is my #1 pick and if I get him, I refuse to be salty over any other DLC they pick if Geno is in.
Also to date, I haven't been salty over any of them. Disappointed? Yes, but I'm not gonna be the asshole reeing over "YET ANOTHER FE WAAAA **** YOU SAKURAI" like I see some people doing. I did legit think it was a joke at first when they were showing Three Houses footage, but then I calmed down once I actually woke up lol.

Yall talk about Byleth so much, you might as well marry him
A new character got revealed. Of course every smash board and the subreddit are gonna talk about it.
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Deleted member

I want to thank PapaGenos for all the great content he's provided going to moving onto another channel that's not Smash speculation. But I want to tell him thank you for all the great speculation and videos it's great and I hope he keeps up the great themes and speculating for the game!

Anyway once again Byleth yay! I guess..

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
Byleth's cool. I love how he turned out but Byleth was kind of doomed to be hated. Our 8th Fire Emblem character, our 3rd Fire Emblem avatar character, our 5th blue haired Fire Emblem character, less than half a year old when characters like Rex and Springman were turned down for coming out too late... In 2017, the character revealed at the end of a super toxic timespan in speculation, the fact that Sakurai kept apologizing for the decision throughout the presentation, etc. If Byleth was like the 3rd or 4th Fire Emblem character, the crowd would have gone nuts but we're now on 8 and people were already sick of Fire Emblem back when Robin and Lucina were shown 5 1/2 years ago. That's the tragedy of it. Awesome character, awful circumstances surrounding it.
Also, the third FE character behind a DLC payment, which looks bad after we kept getting told how much gold FE Heros created.

I really don't like the idea of a character being added because of a creator troll pick from any creator. So the theory that Byleth was added to stick it to haters is a horrible potential and should not be praised (not saying anyone here is doing that). I mean, a troll move could be Sakurai intentionally and repeatedly leaving FE out of Smash despite its success, and that wouldn't be seen as fair or right. Plus, that just validates complaints of bias and favoritism.

Everyone knew 5 was never going to meet hype and be seen as a let-down. Nintendo just made FE its sacrificial lamb in this case, which isn't fair to FE fans.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Honestly when you think about it, we are getting 5 new characters and a bonus character. Just like the previous pass.
Blyleth could have potentially been the "bonus" character, and as someone free,probably would have been better received.

In my opinion it just seems like they wrapped the bonus character into the first pass, to give themselves more time to develop the next 6. I doubt that Blyleth took the same amount of time to develop as some of the other characters, it wouldn't make sense considering all the FE characters and sword based characters already in the game.

Either way you're still spending the same amount of money for the same amount of characters. The optics just looks bad.

What Nintendo is doing with this dlc is already in bad taste. I don't understand why we're still getting costumes from a previous entry as if they are brand new. Geno and Lloyd costumes should have been in the base game if they were coming back.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
The last thing I'm gonna say about Byleth are my thoughts on their moveset:

-Aerials: Honestly? These look pretty freaking sick from a functional point of view. The up air is super disjointed with a massive hitbox, the Nair looks great for combo grinding a la Pit and Palutena, and the Fair/Bair look like Belmont-grade horizontal reach with a little more forgiveness vertically. Basically, I'm seeing a lot of aerial dominance on the horizon.

-Normals: The tilts seem to have a lot of that whip-sword range, especially that gloriously disjointed up tilt/up smash, so promising despite the fact that we didn't really get to see them in action. Forward smash is slow but that range can seriously snuff a ground approach. Maybe even angle it down as an edgeguard tool? Not much else to say.

-Specials: Side B is a tad slow, but holy crap that thing's got range, both horizontal and vertical. Could make for a sexy combo finisher (I hope). Up B looks super cool and could be a downright nasty offstage edgeguard tool, though I'm curious whether that'll be a do-or-die option. What if you miss the opponent? Will you have enough time to shoot for the ledge or will the endlag get you killed? THE POSSIBILITIES. Frankly, the bow/arrow special looks like crap. The fact that you can't control the release timing is a huge minus. The range is basically the entire stage but the startup is so slow that if you get hit, you probably deserve it. The full charge would only be useful in a brawl when no one is paying attention. As for the down special, I really like the super armor, but the mind-numbingly slow speed of it still makes it virtually useless. Granted, people still manage to walk into warlock punches, so maybe someone will find utility in it, but competitively speaking, I think a counter/reflector would have been far more useful.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
Don't mind me just having fun with all this it's not to be disrespectful or mock the fans so don't take it as such.


Here's other people's reactions of anyone's interested.

I'm utterly deflated about it. I am happy they got in. But still not to keen on the pick. There is to many Fire Emblem characters. The man clearly has a bias for the series. I respect and apperciate all he's done but yikes.

I'm kind of worried about season 2, if Dante, Ryu, or Crash and Lloyd are in it I won't be because of they get in I'll be estatic. Their all solid picks.

We'll see what comes but yeah not exactly great in my pick.
I'm pessimistic in that I believe that FP2 will have another FE pick. And while people will claim that that is an overreaction........again, 8 fighters.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2019
The last thing I'm gonna say about Byleth are my thoughts on their moveset:

-Aerials: Honestly? These look pretty freaking sick from a functional point of view. The up air is super disjointed with a massive hitbox, the Nair looks great for combo grinding a la Pit and Palutena, and the Fair/Bair look like Belmont-grade horizontal reach with a little more forgiveness vertically. Basically, I'm seeing a lot of aerial dominance on the horizon.

-Normals: The tilts seem to have a lot of that whip-sword range, especially that gloriously disjointed up tilt/up smash, so promising despite the fact that we didn't really get to see them in action. Forward smash is slow but that range can seriously snuff a ground approach. Maybe even angle it down as an edgeguard tool? Not much else to say.

-Specials: Side B is a tad slow, but holy crap that thing's got range, both horizontal and vertical. Could make for a sexy combo finisher (I hope). Up B looks super cool and could be a downright nasty offstage edgeguard tool, though I'm curious whether that'll be a do-or-die option. What if you miss the opponent? Will you have enough time to shoot for the ledge or will the endlag get you killed? THE POSSIBILITIES. Frankly, the bow/arrow special looks like crap. The fact that you can't control the release timing is a huge minus. The range is basically the entire stage but the startup is so slow that if you get hit, you probably deserve it. The full charge would only be useful in a brawl when no one is paying attention. As for the down special, I really like the super armor, but the mind-numbingly slow speed of it still makes it virtually useless. Granted, people still manage to walk into warlock punches, so maybe someone will find utility in it, but competitively speaking, I think a counter/reflector would have been far more useful.
The moveset looks really cool but all I think when I see it is "this could have literally just been Monster Hunter".


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
I'm pessimistic in that I believe that FP2 will have another FE pick. And while people will claim that that is an overreaction........again, 8 fighters.
Even then, they can't use Fire Emblem: Three Houses of course because that has already been used. I heard someone say something about a remake of a previous Fire Emblem game being made, but I don't know if a character from there will be used.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
In response to the amazing ganondorf mod on the previous page, what would folks reaction be if the 6th character was a new version of ganondorf that was similar to that? And sakurai’s reasoning was because he felt many still liked falcondorf, but he wanted to also put a version closer to the source material, so he put both.

Alternatively, what if he was a “bonus/extra” 7th character and was free to anyone who just had ganondorf unlocked in both wol and normal game modes?

Weird I know, but it sounds just nuts enough for sakurai to do...
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Even then, they can't use Fire Emblem: Three Houses of course because that has already been used. I heard someone say something about a remake of a previous Fire Emblem game being made, but I don't know if a character from there will be used.
There is a rumor that we are getting a dual pack remake of Fire Emblem 6 (the game Roy debuted in) and Fire Emblem 7, where Lyn comes from, which depending on how they do it, concidering 6 is a sequel to 7 in terms of story.
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