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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Deleted member

Hey guys. I've been thinking about it for a while and I decided that I wanted to make a long winded post and vent my frustrations about a certain character many people on these boards and elsewhere are sold on and why it kind of infuriates me a little. So here's my case why I don't think Waluigi should be or will be in Smash.

Before you do read though if you choose to, I will offer some context why I'm posting this here. Our Geno thread has always felt more like a general discussion thread for Geno fans and I think the same can be said for the other character threads too. It was like that in the Brawl days which I was heavily involved in when I was a kid. I know this isn't specifically related to Geno and if I get a warning for being off-topic, so be it but I put a good amount of time and effort into this post and to be honest, this is the only place I really feel comfortable posting it and some of these feelings I have need to be said. So, with that being said...

First and foremost, I'm not going to cover the toxicity of a small minority of the Waluigi fanbase. Truth is, I know that there are a lot of kind hearted people that are fans of this character. Some people would view Waluigi's inclusion as rewarding abhorrent behavior like throwing fits or sending death threats to Sakurai but I don't see it that way at all. Every characters fanbase has their bad apples. We're no exception but I'm only going to be covering the merits, legacy and the current status of Waluigi in Smash and express my feelings why he shouldn't be in and why I'm convinced he won't be. Feel free to disagree. I'm open to these kind of dialogues.

Now, I want to be honest about my arguments and give credit where credit is due. Waluigi's resume is honestly quite rather impressive. He has appeared in over 60 games in the Mario franchise. That's more than most of the characters we have on Ultimates roster right now. Certainly more than Geno. Despite this though, we can't ignore that his appearances only consisted of second-rate titles and spin-offs as a playable character, unlockable skin and/or cameos. This is just my opinion but I know there are others than share this opinion too but regardless of how many games he's been in I don't believe that this many appearances is enough merit to warrant an inclusion on the roster. The number of games a character has been in doesn't matter to me. It's how the character is used in the games that warrants good merit and legitimacy.

Waluigi's inception was only conceived to fill a void. The first Mario Tennis released in 2000 was lacking in human characters and Wario was missing a partner and they wanted to highlight 2v2s. It's a tennis game after all. These are all fair plays on Nintendo's part and I don't see anything wrong with it. Hell, they were also proposing ideas of making a 'Wa' counterpart to Peach. I can only imagine the support that "WaPeach" would get if that concept ever came into fruition. We got Peach and Daisy, What would stop people from supporting another evil counterpart? I think this is the reasoning behind a lot of peoples support for Waluigi, not that there's anything wrong with that in my books. We got the Mario Bros. and Wario. Wouldn't it be a neat idea if the gang was all here? Well, no. I don't think so because the merit is not there in my eyes. Waluigi was only a filler character in the original Mario Tennis and that's it. That's his legacy. To just fill a void for equal balance.

I feel like a lot of people have different definitions of the word 'merit'. At times it can be a little vague, sure and when talking about video games and fictional characters it can get pretty subjective but I see it as something at the quality of being worthy to note by good standards and deserving praise. So far, the 4 DLC characters we've received so far in the Fighters Pass has a lot of merit and received critical praise with a solid legacy to back them all up to boot. It's obvious that Nintendo and Sakurai has high standards for the DLC characters this time around with these 4 alone. Piranha Plant is a weird one but I'm personally convinced that PP was never planned for base or the Fighters Pass. If you look at the culture of gaming today, pretty much 95% of games getting released have pre-order DLC bonuses. In Smash's case, if you registered your copy of Ultimate before the cut-off date, you got PP for free so I do honestly think that PP was always planned to be that FreeLC character because it would be rather odd that a huge game such as Smash wouldn't get a pre-order bonus when most AAA games and even indie games these days do. They wouldn't hand out Terry or Joker for free, but PP, sure. He's just a generic Mario enemy, so why not? (side note: I'm using the term pre-order a little loosely because you could still get PP without pre-ordering, but I do believe PP was intended to be considered under the pre-order category. When I purchased South Park: FBH, I didn't pre-order it but still got the pre-order bonus because it was a little slip of paper in the game case. The content was still considered pre-ordered DLC though. Like most pre-order DLC for other games, PP can still be purchased separately today.)

Going back to Waluigi's merit, it's virtually non-existent in my books. I mean, what world did he save? What world has he tried to rule? What game has he been the prominent face of or antagonist of? What narrative filled storyline or plot has Waluigi been involved in? What the hell has Waluigi done? He's danced, played sports, partied and just been a nuisance to his protagonist counter parts. That's literally it. Maybe we should hold off on the idea of him being playable until he gets a more prominent role in a video game before we start getting behind the idea of him getting an upgrade. I'd be more comfortable with his inclusion if he had a more prominent role, no doubt but the truth is, he doesn't as of right now. I know that people will bring up all sorts of these sort of "joke" characters like WFT, Duck Hunt, ROB or hell, even Pichu but I think an honest case can be made for all of these guys.

Wii Fit Trainer: Essentially acts as your main instructor as you play the game. Helps guide you through your workouts and is essentially to the gameplay. I may not be a huge fan of WFT's inclusion much but I can see the merit in that alone. She's just a fun inclusion in Sakurai's mind and I'm okay with him having a little bit of fun with his games.
Duck Hunt: Maybe the character itself isn't iconic, but the game definitely is. Most people that owned the original NES back in the day probably purchased the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt NES bundle that was packaged with the Nintendo Zapper, a very old but iconic peripheral. I know I did, and still own it to this day. Duck Hunts moveset also references games that also utilized the Zapper back in the day. The more representation of these IPs, the merrier in my books.
ROB: Pretty much the same deal with Duck Hunt in regards to being a peripheral. ROB was also heavily used in the Subspace Emissary story mode back in Brawl as a generic mook enemy and as one of the major antagonists in the story mode. (I'm forgetting the name of that cloaked figure that turned out to be ROB all along) They took this character and made something out of him to add more prominence to the storyline of SSE and his character, so in a way they added to the merit of ROB.
Pichu: Not as iconic as his evolutionary counterpart Pikachu but is the only representation we have of Gen 2, arguably one of the more favoured generations of Pokemon. A lot of people are pretty divided on the idea of clones/echos but we have to acknowledge that clones and echos are am essential part of Smash and have been since Melee. Pichu fits that bill of being a clone and as the years went on, a lot of us have come to terms of the concept of clones and echoes and Pichu fits that bill just fine. Maybe not so much merit behind Pichu as the others, but I personally think that being the pre-evolution of the most popular Pokemon of all time does speak volumes.

These are only just a small handful of examples, I could go on with others but I don't want to make this about other characters nearly as much as Waluigi. Again, I will admit when talking about merits in a video game character, it can get pretty subjective. Some of you may disagree and that's okay but there's something that bugs me a little bit more in the case of Waluigi than merit and legacy. It's the fact that he's a goddamn assist trophy and that's essentially where my feelings on this topic boil down to.

Now, I'm not convinced that spirits deconfirm characters. I've a Geno supporter for over a decade now, so obviously I don't buy it and maybe my bias is the reason for that. Back in Smash 4, trophies didn't deconfirm either. Lucas and Mewtwo is evident of that. I do believe that AT's do deconfirm for many reasons but mostly due to their role and impact to gameplay to those that actually have them active in battle. They're glorified items like Pokeballs. Pokeballs didn't stop Charizard from being playable, but the difference is that Charizard as a Pokeball item hasn't been a thing since Melee. Charizard was playable in Brawl, so they dropped the idea of making him appear as a Pokeball item once his inclusion with Pokemon Trainer. This was a good move on their part and it begs the question: why should a playable character be an item and a playable character? Little Mac is also another great example. His AT got scrapped when he got promoted to the roster in Smash 4 so why do we keep giving Waluigi a hard pass? It makes absolutely no sense to me why people are under the impression he's going to be the exception to the rule. No assist trophy should, otherwise they wouldn't be an AT in the first place. All it's going to do is just give false hope to fans of Shadow, Krystal, Isaac, Bomberman, and other characters with way more merit than Waluigi that unfortunately got beheaded by the AT guillotine. If he was going to be playable, he wouldn't be an AT right now and I firmly stand by that.

I understand that some people will probably bring up the argument like they could just turn off his AT when he's being played in a match, but if that's the case, what the hell was the point of wasting the time and the resources to make him return as an AT in the first place? Why would they waste the time and resources to shut off his AT when he is being used in a match? That's just adding more unnecessary work and as minimal as the time and resources may look or sound, it's still wasted time and resources. These don't sound like credible arguments. I hate to be blunt but they sound like excuses. Truth is, if someone is going to be an Assist Trophy, they should stay one. Sakurai gave them that role and we may not like it for some characters cases but that's how it is for Waluigi and others and it should stay that way. I'm sorry but I'm not convinced and the arguments I've heard and read so far lack credibility. Paragon and Fatmanonice both predict we'll get Waluigi eventually at some point of the DLC's lifecycle whether he's #5 or post-pass. I respect the hell out of both of them because they're good people but I'm convinced at this point regardless of any leaks or rumour based theories. It's way too farfetched to me.

I guess maybe I just need convincing, so my question to everyone that took the time to read this is: why? Why is Waluigi the exception to the rule of being playable and an AT? Why was he brought back as an AT in the first place if he was going to be playable eventually? Why Waluigi and not Isaac or Bomberman or Krystal? Why, oh why are so many people buying this? If you dislike what I have to say, you can call me misguided, ignorant or just a flat out asshole all you want but what I really want to know is why?

Thanks for reading!

tl;dr version:
F*** Waluigi.

Kremling Kommander

Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2019
At long last lads, the time has finally come to see if this is real. Regardless if he’s a Mii costume or character, it’s been a hell of a ride to speculate together with you guys.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
A Smash Presentation is coming, guys!

GODDAMMIT NOT AGAIN. Why can't they have these in the afternoon when I'm not sleeping?!
That aside, FINALLY! THE WAIT IS OVER! Here's hoping FP5 is someone worth while! I don't think it'll be Geno, but if it is, well... GREAT!

It might be worth bringing this one up concidering they posted this before the announcement of the direct (PS they are hinting towards DOOM guy)
Is LeakyPandy reliable? I don't recall them getting much right in the past. Then again, I don't follow this person much if at all. Hopefully they aren't wrong about this.

Bro, don't tell me I'm the only one who saw Sakurai hit that dab.

....Huh? Oh yeah, the fighter's gonna be revealed. That's cool too.
You're not the only one.

Wait, he asked about ORACLES. Anyone got any ideas?
Oracle of Seasons/Ages, perhaps?

Now that we are in the endgame, what are your top 5 predictions?

Doom Slayer
Arle Nadja
Travis Touchdown

I'm expecting Geno to be a post-pass character.
Going with my gut, I still think it's gonna be Doomguy. I believe the CacoMallow Post is most likely legit, and if there's a Cacodemon Hat coming to the game, Doomguy just has to be a fighter. As I've mentioned before, the speculation surrounding Dovakin and Doomguy seems way too similar to what happened with Steve in regards to Banjo: Everyone thought Steve was getting in because Minecraft is mega popular and successful, but it's clear that the people wanted Banjo, and they got it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but hey, that's what speculation is all about.

I don't think we will get two characters in this presentation.
I think we'll most likely get just FP5, with the next fighter coming whenever that blasted general Direct is supposed to happen. But I also think it's possible to get FP5 revealed, discussed, and shadowdropped, with a suprise reveal of one more character at the end of the presentation.

My dear friends, the presentation will be 35 minutes long, which is 15 minutes longer than Hero and 10 minutes longer than Banjo. Terry's was as long as it was because of multiple history lessons and a literal Let's Play. I doubt that will happen again. Thursday should be a good day, perhaps not for Geno specifically, but a good day in general.
I think that we'll definitely get some info on what's to come for Smash DLC, I can't imagine they'd leave us hanging on that kind of thing. I'm personally hoping for another Fighter Pass so I don't have to buy them all individually. Well, either stand-alone or complex, I'm confident we'll know what to expect by the time this is all over.

With the Smash Presentation happening and Fighter 5 being revealed on Thursday, I just have to post this for the occasion.

Posting objectively superior version:

So how do you think mii costumes of fire emblem 3 cast would work?
I imagine that they all have swords.
Simple: Edelgard & Dimitri would be Swordfighters, and Dimitri would be a Gunner. Don't ask how that last one wouldn't look weird, it just works.

I know he likely isn't Fighter 5 but I do think he will show up at some point so here ya goView attachment 257280
Thank you, Untitled Car, very cool!

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
I think it's fair to say they really missed the mark with #5, not in terms of character (which it's impossible to say if they missed the mark, yet), but in terms of getting people hyped for them. They had every opportunity to treat them like the rest of the Fighters Pass and show them a few months before they launched, but in very Nintendo fashioned squandered the chance. I think they tested the limit of how long before hype turns to indifference and unfortunately, passed the limit.

Early December was the sweet spot - none of Terry's thunder would have been stolen and we wouldn't have dealt with a drought of information that ultimately started to make us want the "end" more than the character.
Sakurai and the developers do amazing, jaw dropping work for this fafantastic series.

But, by God, do they botch the endgame hype every time.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Doubt that means anything
It usually does mean something. For example, Suda retweeted and pointed toward game awards, Junichi Masuda retweeted before what is known as the great massacer of November 1. I also checked his twitter., can¨t find him retweeting any other Smash Brothers direct
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Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
Must we continue to note which people retweet a direct? This has literally never amounted to anything
Second this. That would only spoil the surprise if the character in question does get announced and Nintendo would have a talk with that dev afterword.

Deleted member

It usually does mean something. For example, Suda retweeted and pointed toward game awards, Junichi Masuda retweeted before what is known as the great massacer of November 1. I also checked his twitter., can¨t find him retweeting any other Smash Brothers direct
It definitely wouldn’t confirm Arle though. Nintendo wouldn’t like a third party producer hinting making things more obvious.
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I don't see them ending on Arle, as much as I like her and the idea of a puzzle rep she is an awful pick to end this pass on, plus Sega already got Joker this pass, if she gets anything tommorrow its a mii costume, so ouch.
Never say never with Nintendo... Like Fatman has stated many times before. They are known for not going out in style with their last reveal

It definitely wouldn’t confirm Arle though
It could mean that she is a Mii Costume for all we know. I¨m just saying that this is worth keeping in mind all things considered.

Edit - @Neon05 , then I guess there will be no Bethesda rep concidering "Nintendo wouldn¨t like third party producer to hint..." part?
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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Hold me, thread

We truly have a unique situation here: For once the fighter hasn't leaked, we don't have a solid answer as to who it could possibly be. Barring anything happening in the next day we're going in blind

Although this does make me wonder what the hell is going on with a General Direct.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2019
Hold me, thread

We truly have a unique situation here: For once the fighter hasn't leaked, we don't have a solid answer as to who it could possibly be. Barring anything happening in the next day we're going in blind

Although this does make me wonder what the hell is going on with a General Direct.
dont jynx it ;w;


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Hold me, thread

We truly have a unique situation here: For once the fighter hasn't leaked, we don't have a solid answer as to who it could possibly be. Barring anything happening in the next day we're going in blind

Although this does make me wonder what the hell is going on with a General Direct.
Yeah, it may be another situation like the VGAs where everyone is wrong about 5 and everyone's just left standing around like "ah ****..." After how much of a pain in the ass the last FOUR MONTHS have been, it would be oddly appropriate.

Vector Victor

Smash Lord
May 27, 2019
35 minutes? Could be a same day release too.

Which, funny enough, doesn't break the amiibo theory release chain. Next wave is this Friday.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2019
Waiting for the inevitable PapaGenos video about how Arle could still happen due to Puyo Puyo retweeting the Direct announcement:ultpacman:


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
Made a quick cut-out of Sakurai representing the westside. Use it with great care, it's a very powerful weapon.

Hold me, thread

We truly have a unique situation here: For once the fighter hasn't leaked, we don't have a solid answer as to who it could possibly be. Barring anything happening in the next day we're going in blind

Although this does make me wonder what the hell is going on with a General Direct.
I gotchu, bro.

Guys I totally for real cracked the code

He's in

View attachment 257300

I hope no one takes this seriously
Now that's a pro-gamer move right there!

Deleted member

Sigh. I'm specifically referring to third party developers/producers. That certainly isn't a "hint"
I don't put any stock into the retweets when they happen but GameFreak is a third party developer. I just enjoy pointing out the few times that the fan theory was right.

Deleted member

Never say never with Nintendo... Like Fatman has stated many times before. They are known for not going out in style with their last reveal

It could mean that she is a Mii Costume for all we know. I¨m just saying that this is worth keeping in mind all things considered.

Edit - @Neon05 , then I guess there will be no Bethesda rep concidering "Nintendo wouldn¨t like to hint..." part?
Well a Puyo Puyo producer hinting Arle is a lot worse than Bethesda confirming Nintendo they talked about Smash bros. Bethesda wasn’t hinting a specific character nor franchise. Bethesda talkng to Nintendo wasn’t really a hint. Who knows? Negotiations could of fell through.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
>Checks the Smash Facebook post.

>Everyone and their grandma is predicting Dante because of the tweet.

This is why it's not going to be Dante. Sakurai hates spoilers with a burning passion and would never mark off on this if 5 was Dante.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
>Checks the Smash Facebook post.

>Everyone and their grandma is predicting Dante because of the tweet.

This is why it's not going to be Dante. Sakurai hates spoilers with a burning passion and would never mark off on this if 5 was Dante.
Good thought, Fatman. I thought of that kinda because Dante would be way too obvious, and what you said fits with the too obvious part.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2019
Hey guys. I've been thinking about it for a while and I decided that I wanted to make a long winded post and vent my frustrations about a certain character many people on these boards and elsewhere are sold on and why it kind of infuriates me a little. So here's my case why I don't think Waluigi should be or will be in Smash.

Before you do read though if you choose to, I will offer some context why I'm posting this here. Our Geno thread has always felt more like a general discussion thread for Geno fans and I think the same can be said for the other character threads too. It was like that in the Brawl days which I was heavily involved in when I was a kid. I know this isn't specifically related to Geno and if I get a warning for being off-topic, so be it but I put a good amount of time and effort into this post and to be honest, this is the only place I really feel comfortable posting it and some of these feelings I have need to be said. So, with that being said...

First and foremost, I'm not going to cover the toxicity of a small minority of the Waluigi fanbase. Truth is, I know that there are a lot of kind hearted people that are fans of this character. Some people would view Waluigi's inclusion as rewarding abhorrent behavior like throwing fits or sending death threats to Sakurai but I don't see it that way at all. Every characters fanbase has their bad apples. We're no exception but I'm only going to be covering the merits, legacy and the current status of Waluigi in Smash and express my feelings why he shouldn't be in and why I'm convinced he won't be. Feel free to disagree. I'm open to these kind of dialogues.

Now, I want to be honest about my arguments and give credit where credit is due. Waluigi's resume is honestly quite rather impressive. He has appeared in over 60 games in the Mario franchise. That's more than most of the characters we have on Ultimates roster right now. Certainly more than Geno. Despite this though, we can't ignore that his appearances only consisted of second-rate titles and spin-offs as a playable character, unlockable skin and/or cameos. This is just my opinion but I know there are others than share this opinion too but regardless of how many games he's been in I don't believe that this many appearances is enough merit to warrant an inclusion on the roster. The number of games a character has been in doesn't matter to me. It's how the character is used in the games that warrants good merit and legitimacy.

Waluigi's inception was only conceived to fill a void. The first Mario Tennis released in 2000 was lacking in human characters and Wario was missing a partner and they wanted to highlight 2v2s. It's a tennis game after all. These are all fair plays on Nintendo's part and I don't see anything wrong with it. Hell, they were also proposing ideas of making a 'Wa' counterpart to Peach. I can only imagine the support that "WaPeach" would get if that concept ever came into fruition. We got Peach and Daisy, What would stop people from supporting another evil counterpart? I think this is the reasoning behind a lot of peoples support for Waluigi, not that there's anything wrong with that in my books. We got the Mario Bros. and Wario. Wouldn't it be a neat idea if the gang was all here? Well, no. I don't think so because the merit is not there in my eyes. Waluigi was only a filler character in the original Mario Tennis and that's it. That's his legacy. To just fill a void for equal balance.

I feel like a lot of people have different definitions of the word 'merit'. At times it can be a little vague, sure and when talking about video games and fictional characters it can get pretty subjective but I see it as something at the quality of being worthy to note by good standards and deserving praise. So far, the 4 DLC characters we've received so far in the Fighters Pass has a lot of merit and received critical praise with a solid legacy to back them all up to boot. It's obvious that Nintendo and Sakurai has high standards for the DLC characters this time around with these 4 alone. Piranha Plant is a weird one but I'm personally convinced that PP was never planned for base or the Fighters Pass. If you look at the culture of gaming today, pretty much 95% of games getting released have pre-order DLC bonuses. In Smash's case, if you registered your copy of Ultimate before the cut-off date, you got PP for free so I do honestly think that PP was always planned to be that FreeLC character because it would be rather odd that a huge game such as Smash wouldn't get a pre-order bonus when most AAA games and even indie games these days do. They wouldn't hand out Terry or Joker for free, but PP, sure. He's just a generic Mario enemy, so why not? (side note: I'm using the term pre-order a little loosely because you could still get PP without pre-ordering, but I do believe PP was intended to be considered under the pre-order category. When I purchased South Park: FBH, I didn't pre-order it but still got the pre-order bonus because it was a little slip of paper in the game case. The content was still considered pre-ordered DLC though. Like most pre-order DLC for other games, PP can still be purchased separately today.)

Going back to Waluigi's merit, it's virtually non-existent in my books. I mean, what world did he save? What world has he tried to rule? What game has he been the prominent face of or antagonist of? What narrative filled storyline or plot has Waluigi been involved in? What the hell has Waluigi done? He's danced, played sports, partied and just been a nuisance to his protagonist counter parts. That's literally it. Maybe we should hold off on the idea of him being playable until he gets a more prominent role in a video game before we start getting behind the idea of him getting an upgrade. I'd be more comfortable with his inclusion if he had a more prominent role, no doubt but the truth is, he doesn't as of right now. I know that people will bring up all sorts of these sort of "joke" characters like WFT, Duck Hunt, ROB or hell, even Pichu but I think an honest case can be made for all of these guys.

Wii Fit Trainer: Essentially acts as your main instructor as you play the game. Helps guide you through your workouts and is essentially to the gameplay. I may not be a huge fan of WFT's inclusion much but I can see the merit in that alone. She's just a fun inclusion in Sakurai's mind and I'm okay with him having a little bit of fun with his games.
Duck Hunt: Maybe the character itself isn't iconic, but the game definitely is. Most people that owned the original NES back in the day probably purchased the Mario Bros./Duck Hunt NES bundle that was packaged with the Nintendo Zapper, a very old but iconic peripheral. I know I did, and still own it to this day. Duck Hunts moveset also references games that also utilized the Zapper back in the day. The more representation of these IPs, the merrier in my books.
ROB: Pretty much the same deal with Duck Hunt in regards to being a peripheral. ROB was also heavily used in the Subspace Emissary story mode back in Brawl as a generic mook enemy and as one of the major antagonists in the story mode. (I'm forgetting the name of that cloaked figure that turned out to be ROB all along) They took this character and made something out of him to add more prominence to the storyline of SSE and his character, so in a way they added to the merit of ROB.
Pichu: Not as iconic as his evolutionary counterpart Pikachu but is the only representation we have of Gen 2, arguably one of the more favoured generations of Pokemon. A lot of people are pretty divided on the idea of clones/echos but we have to acknowledge that clones and echos are am essential part of Smash and have been since Melee. Pichu fits that bill of being a clone and as the years went on, a lot of us have come to terms of the concept of clones and echoes and Pichu fits that bill just fine. Maybe not so much merit behind Pichu as the others, but I personally think that being the pre-evolution of the most popular Pokemon of all time does speak volumes.

These are only just a small handful of examples, I could go on with others but I don't want to make this about other characters nearly as much as Waluigi. Again, I will admit when talking about merits in a video game character, it can get pretty subjective. Some of you may disagree and that's okay but there's something that bugs me a little bit more in the case of Waluigi than merit and legacy. It's the fact that he's a goddamn assist trophy and that's essentially where my feelings on this topic boil down to.

Now, I'm not convinced that spirits deconfirm characters. I've a Geno supporter for over a decade now, so obviously I don't buy it and maybe my bias is the reason for that. Back in Smash 4, trophies didn't deconfirm either. Lucas and Mewtwo is evident of that. I do believe that AT's do deconfirm for many reasons but mostly due to their role and impact to gameplay to those that actually have them active in battle. They're glorified items like Pokeballs. Pokeballs didn't stop Charizard from being playable, but the difference is that Charizard as a Pokeball item hasn't been a thing since Melee. Charizard was playable in Brawl, so they dropped the idea of making him appear as a Pokeball item once his inclusion with Pokemon Trainer. This was a good move on their part and it begs the question: why should a playable character be an item and a playable character? Little Mac is also another great example. His AT got scrapped when he got promoted to the roster in Smash 4 so why do we keep giving Waluigi a hard pass? It makes absolutely no sense to me why people are under the impression he's going to be the exception to the rule. No assist trophy should, otherwise they wouldn't be an AT in the first place. All it's going to do is just give false hope to fans of Shadow, Krystal, Isaac, Bomberman, and other characters with way more merit than Waluigi that unfortunately got beheaded by the AT guillotine. If he was going to be playable, he wouldn't be an AT right now and I firmly stand by that.

I understand that some people will probably bring up the argument like they could just turn off his AT when he's being played in a match, but if that's the case, what the hell was the point of wasting the time and the resources to make him return as an AT in the first place? Why would they waste the time and resources to shut off his AT when he is being used in a match? That's just adding more unnecessary work and as minimal as the time and resources may look or sound, it's still wasted time and resources. These don't sound like credible arguments. I hate to be blunt but they sound like excuses. Truth is, if someone is going to be an Assist Trophy, they should stay one. Sakurai gave them that role and we may not like it for some characters cases but that's how it is for Waluigi and others and it should stay that way. I'm sorry but I'm not convinced and the arguments I've heard and read so far lack credibility. Paragon and Fatmanonice both predict we'll get Waluigi eventually at some point of the DLC's lifecycle whether he's #5 or post-pass. I respect the hell out of both of them because they're good people but I'm convinced at this point regardless of any leaks or rumour based theories. It's way too farfetched to me.

I guess maybe I just need convincing, so my question to everyone that took the time to read this is: why? Why is Waluigi the exception to the rule of being playable and an AT? Why was he brought back as an AT in the first place if he was going to be playable eventually? Why Waluigi and not Isaac or Bomberman or Krystal? Why, oh why are so many people buying this? If you dislike what I have to say, you can call me misguided, ignorant or just a flat out asshole all you want but what I really want to know is why?

Thanks for reading!

tl;dr version:
F*** Waluigi.
Waluigi hears ya, waluigi don't care


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2018
I do personally kind of hope fp5 isnt arle, like if she was id be fine with it but she simply isnt really exciting for me, like.. at all, so i would just wait for post pass. Hoping for doomguy, phoenix wright, dragonborn or dante(i dont think the dmc3 stuff has anything to do with smash)


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Good so it’s Thursday, if by some miracle it’s geno even my wife won’t be home but i will, so I could cry massive man tears mixed with cheers in private, unless my neighbors wonder just wtf is going on.

It’ll make the sting of losing my no armor run progress on my original cartridge a little less painful.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
I do personally kind of hope fp5 isnt arle, like if she was id be fine with it but she simply isnt really exciting for me, like.. at all, so i would just wait for post pass. Hoping for doomguy, phoenix wright, dragonborn or dante(i dont think the dmc3 stuff has anything to do with smash)
On that, though Puyo Puyo is a big Sega franchise, I am sure it is not that big. I believe a bigger character would get in over Arle, as to me, she is not that big, especially when compared to characters who are more well known than her.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Well a Puyo Puyo producer hinting Arle is a lot worse than Bethesda confirming Nintendo they talked about Smash bros. Bethesda wasn’t hinting a specific character nor franchise. Bethesda talkng to Nintendo wasn’t really a hint. Who knows? Negotiations could of fell through.
Then how do you explain the likes of Junichi Masuda retweeting the direct that confirmed Incineroar? Plus confirming downright that they have talked is worse NDA wize if Bethesda truly has a character
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