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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
I think you’re making a lot of assumptions and ignoring the fact that there were very few true newcomers added to the SSBU base game and that the FP is all franchises not yet represented in Smash. A second FP would be very possible at this point as multiple people have pointed out with the open character slots. Notice few if any other people here are throwing in the towel regarding Geno for SSBU at this point.
Sounds like you're basing everything around grasping for second fighter pass straws. But it doesn't matter. Sakurai knows you'll move on like the day after the fighter pass ends and they confirm development has ended. The entire point of leaving out the mii costume is to show where he stands when it comes to this character.

Sakurai threw us a tiny bone in Smash 4. In his mind, this is more then enough.


Smash Ace
May 12, 2019
guys. no that we know a direct is happening, predictions on games pls.

I think we will see a bit of cooking mama :)
Not so much predictions as a wishlist: obviously Smash news, Pikmin 4, Mother 3 and other games in that series for Switch, SNES games coming to switch with hopefully SMRPG, a revival of Advance Wars, and I'm also excited for more Pokemon and Luigi's Mansion 3 news. Anything more than that will hurt my wallet too much!

Edit: oh yeah also Banjo game(s) for switch cuz I've never actually played.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Well the good thing about that time is i will have just got off work 15 minutes before.

Bad thing is i have like a 30 minute drive home, depending on traffic, so I won’t be seeing it live.

I am not about to sit in our parking lot the whole time on the chance that something big gets revealed (such as fighter 5 being our actual star warrior and not a ninja...) and definitely not gonna listen while on the highway cuz that’s just an accident waiting to happen...

So I hope I don’t get spoiled with the headline ahead of time like banjo.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
guys. no that we know a direct is happening, predictions on games pls.

I think we will see a bit of cooking mama :)
Xenoblade X port please I need it

And I ain’t giving up on the F-Zero dream, I’ll even settle for GX HD


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Holy crap, people, this has been one busy three day weekend! I come back here after 3 days and find myself behind by literally 30 pages! Anyways, I wanted to weigh in my thoughts on the current state of leaks and such.

First of all, does anyone else think it's kinda sad that the first morsel of information we get in weeks happens to be a laughably sloppy leak by Nintendo UK? We've got leakers spewing garbage left and right, yet it was Nintendo itself that ended up screwing the pooch. The fact that Nintendo was so hasty to take down the SNK post means that we're looking at a 100% chance that it's legit.

That said, and please don't lynch me for this, but I don't have any knowledge or attachment to any SNK games whatsoever. I've honestly never played one before. I understand that they are pretty big in the fighting game community so it makes sense to me why Nintendo/Sakurai would see fit to include one of their IPs, but I'm pretty bummed to admit that this probably means Geno's chances are sub-10% for this fighter's pass now. I've come to the following conclusions, some good, some not so much:

1) While B-K seems to be overwhelmingly fan service, the rest of the DLC roster seems to imply that Nintendo isn't so much promoting new games in particular, but rather trying to appeal to the various fanbases OUTSIDE of your usual smashdom. They want to draw the attention of those that don't already play the game, which perfectly coincides with their own statements in the past.

2) The good news for Geno is that that likely means that leaker claims of Ryu Hyabusa and Doomslayer (among many others) are purely false. This means that Geno isn't NECESSARILY a cop out because no leaker to date (that I know of) predicted that an SNK character would get in. As they say in the Terminator franchise, "The future is not set."

3) The bad news is that if point #1 is correct, and the evidence is piling up to prove it, then it means that we have a much higher chance of still seeing Doomslayer, Ryu H, Crash, etc. over Geno simply because they each appeal to a fairly large, non-preexisting fanbase.

To be honest, I'm not really very hyped to see an SNK character get in since I play Smash specifically because it's NOT a traditional fighting game. Getting more fighters in the same vein as SF's Ryu would probably attract a lot of traditional fighting game players, but it really couldn't turn me off more. All in all, I'm glad I reserved my right to pick and choose which DLC I buy because if this new SNK character doesn't blow my doors off then I simply won't pay in.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
You're not the only one. I always liked the idea of plant and really enjoy playing as it.
I love the fella to

This is my least favorite thing about this. Now we have to deal with “Well it can’t be X because everyone says it’s Ryu” until fighter 5.
They are already "hoes mad" pictures at the tweet everywhere.. The smash fandom sometimes... ughh
2) The good news for Geno is that that likely means that leaker claims of Ryu Hyabusa and Doomslayer (among many others) are purely false. This means that Geno isn't NECESSARILY a cop out because no leaker to date (that I know of) predicted that an SNK character would get in. As they say in the Terminator franchise, "The future is not set."
Ehm, Sabi did point out that Ryu is a "have heard but can´t confirm status". There is a leak that claims that Terrys trailer is going to be a sequel to Ken & Incineroars where Terry beats the crap out of the cat. If that trailer happens, then we are more than likely getting Ryu that claims that Ryu will come in a sequel to Simons trailer. And this leak is what Sabi directed people too when she talked about a 4chans post having the smash would go ape**** on who the last one will be
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Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Sounds like you're basing everything around grasping for second fighter pass straws. But it doesn't matter. Sakurai knows you'll move on like the day after the fighter pass ends and they confirm development has ended. The entire point of leaving out the mii costume is to show where he stands when it comes to this character.

Sakurai threw us a tiny bone in Smash 4. In his mind, this is more then enough.
Sounds like you’re being overly negative and making assumptions about the thought process of a person you don’t personally know and the developmental cycle of a game you’re no more privy to than the rest of the people on this thread. I don’t know why you’re saying “us” when you sound like a pretty fair-weather fan if this is the point where you’re jumping ship. Oh well, Godspeed random person I don’t remember posting here before. The Geno community will mourn your absence.



Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
Sounds like you’re being overly negative and making assumptions about the thought process of a person you don’t personally know and the developmental cycle of a game you’re no more privy to than the rest of the people on this thread. I don’t know why you’re saying “us” when you sound like a pretty fair-weather fan if this is the point where you’re jumping ship. Oh well, Godspeed random person I don’t remember posting here before. The Geno community will mourn your absence.

Why did you fly into a fit of anger? You're doing nothing here but attacking my person in this post. You've earned yourself an easy report.

Looks like you DO agree with my points, but are to upset by them to admit it?


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
But yeah...Ryu just so happens to be announced today. Coming to a game that also has Ultimate in the title. Slated for the last month of the fighter pass. I know we got like this with the Dragon Quest x Jump Force crossover. But I really feel like this one time it was all a misunderstanding,
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Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
Why did you fly into a fit of anger? You're doing nothing here but attacking my person in this post. You've earned yourself an easy report.

Looks like you DO agree with my points, but are to upset by them to admit it?
Lmao how was that angry? I’m just pointing out that you’re making a lot of assumptions about things you’re completely in the dark about. How were you hoping for people to react to you making the claim Geno’s chances are over and that you’re not supporting him anymore? To just agree with you? Because the writing is on the wall that most people don’t. To give you a grand goodbye? Like, I said i don’t think that many people recognize you here so most people aren’t going to care. It’s a pretty silly thing to do and so I responded in a silly way. I can post more funny YouTube videos if you’d like lol

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Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2019
guys. no that we know a direct is happening, predictions on games pls.

I think we will see a bit of cooking mama :)
Luigi's Mansion 3 and Sordensheald are confirmed to be coming, and I'm positive that we'll get the next Smash character revealed, whom'stever that may be. It's also possible that we'll see Banjo & Kazooie showcased with their release date given. We may also get a new Mario game if that image is the tease we think it is. SNES games for Switch would be nice as well.
Other than that, I'm still hoping for all the usual stuff: Mother 3 english release, new F-Zero, Pikmin 4 being confirmed to come out sometime before I die, ports/remasters/sequels of gamecube games like TTYD, Melee and Sunshine, a new game for an old, forgotten franchise like Startropics or Mach Rider, N64 Classic...
Possibly, but Sony thing happening /= Nintendo thing guarenteed happening.
Jesus, it's like everyone here is getting ready for the olympics with all the jumping to conclusions they're doing. [10]


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
How would this point to Ryu being in Ultimate? If anything, I'd think this would make him less likely.
As someone that would prefer a lot of other characters instead of Ryu (although not against him).. how does this game make him less likely? It's not like this is Soul Calibur, Tekken or a Street Fighter game.... Do I need to write a reminder that this could just Dragon Quest is in Jump Force scenario
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2018
Yo'ster Island
Switch FC
Why did you fly into a fit of anger? You're doing nothing here but attacking my person in this post. You've earned yourself an easy report.

Looks like you DO agree with my points, but are to upset by them to admit it?
why are you even in this thread dude


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2019
I'm hoping for a new Paper Mario! Obviously a TTYD sequel would be amazing, but I still really enjoyed Color Splash, so I'd take a sequel to that if it kept CS's humor

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Lmao how was that angry? I’m just pointing out that you’re making a lot of assumptions about things you’re completely in the dark about. How were you hoping for people to react to you making the claim Geno’s chances are over and that you’re not supporting him anymore? To just agree with you? Because the writing is on the wall that most people don’t. To give you a grand goodbye? Like, I said i don’t think that many people recognize you here so most people aren’t going to care. It’s a pretty silly thing to do and so I responded in a silly way. I can post more funny YouTube videos if you’d like lol

Just ignore that guy. I argued with him once on the Crash Bandicoot thread and he claimed some dumb conspiracy theory against Banjo & Kazooie. He's looking for nothing more than a fight.


Smash Master
Jan 18, 2019
As someone that would prefer a lot of other characters instead of Ryu (although not against him).. how does this game make him less likely? It's not like this is Soul Calibur, Tekken or a Street Fighter game.... Do I need to write a reminder that Dragon Quest is in Jump Force scenario like MisterMike MisterMike did?
Well Jump Force didn’t have any of the characters that were added to smash and they weren’t released around the same time.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Light Trolling Warning
Lmao how was that angry? I’m just pointing out that you’re making a lot of assumptions about things you’re completely in the dark about. How were you hoping for people to react to you making the claim Geno’s chances are over and that you’re not supporting him anymore? To just agree with you? Because the writing is on the wall that most people don’t. To give you a grand goodbye? Like, I said i don’t think that many people recognize you here so most people aren’t going to care. It’s a pretty silly thing to do and so I responded in a silly way. I can post more funny YouTube videos if you’d like lol

Just ignore him. How the Bandana Dee thread tolerates him is beyond me


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2014
Manhattan Clock Tower
Switch FC
I hope we get Rare Replay on the Switch with Donkey Kong Country added and would be the only reason to buy the game again as I already have it on Xbox. :lol:

Dynamic Worlok

Shunted into the bad timeline
Aug 28, 2018
Possibly, but Sony thing happening /= Nintendo thing guarenteed happening.
Jesus, it's like everyone here is getting ready for the olympics with all the jumping to conclusions they're doing. [10]
It's a play on words m8


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
Lmao how was that angry?
It was angry because you literally went on a tangent attacking me, personally. Like... you didn't even address any points. How was that NOT angry?

How were you hoping for people to react to you making the claim Geno’s chances are over and that you’re not supporting him anymore?
So you're saying you fly into an insult rage anytime anyone has doubts over Geno being added? I was voicing my opinion based off of actual facts, and that ticked you off enough to send you into a rage?

Like, I said i don’t think that many people recognize you here so most people aren’t going to care. It’s a pretty silly thing to do and so I responded in a silly way. I can post more funny YouTube videos if you’d like lol
Once again you're resorting to ad homenim because apparently you're just THAT upset about this.

Why are you here if you're going to be angry? You'll just get yourself banned. But feel free to respond to my actual previous argument with real counterpoints. I know you have it in you to be calm and rational :)

Just ignore that guy. I argued with him once on the Crash Bandicoot thread and he claimed some dumb conspiracy theory against Banjo & Kazooie. He's looking for nothing more than a fight.
Ignore this person. They were proven wrong about something, and they're still extremely angry about it. Even harassing people at one point.
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Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2018
It was angry because you literally went on a tangent attacking me, personally. Like... you didn't even address any points. How was that NOT angry?

So you're saying you fly into an insult rage anytime anyone has doubts over Geno being added? I was voicing my opinion based off of actual facts, and that ticked you off enough to send you into a rage?

Once again you're resorting to ad homenim because apparently you're just THAT upset about this.

Why are you here if you're going to be angry? You'll just get yourself banned. But feel free to respond to my actual previous argument with real counterpoints. I know you have it in you to be calm and rational :)
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it an 8/8


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Well Jump Force didn’t have any of the characters that were added to smash and they weren’t released around the same time.
Still doesn´t change the fact that these two games are totally different genres from two different companies and publisher for that matter. If you go by Shiftys supposed sources mistake it... He clearly has sources for Nintendo (or Namco Bandai concidering the co-published it), not Playstation. Like I said earlier. At least between DQ and Jumpforce and DQ and Smash Bros, there was some sold connection then a "name"

Is Ryu as likely as Terry at this point? No... not at all. But saying that this reveal = disconfirming is just a stretching it.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Still doesn´t change the fact that these two games are totally different genres from two different companies and publisher for that matter. If you go by Shiftys supposed sources mistake it... He clearly has sources for Nintendo (or Namco Bandai concidering the co-published it), not Playstation.

Is Ryu as likely as Terry at this point? No... not at all. But this is just a stretching it.
It’s still possible his sources heard this game, since it has “Ultimate” in the title.
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