I think part of the reason discussion can get out of hand is because so many people perceive Geno as basically deconfirmed already, or extremely unlikely. When they see a thousand page thread about a character that is "out of the running" they might see it as fair game to talk about him however they please. Especially because the character doesn't have a "legacy" or "history" the same way characters like King K. Rool, Ridley, and Banjo-Kazooie do.
I mean, I get it. The K. Rool thread had to deal with his fair share of detractors and doubters. And uh, I know I had a few schisms in this thread before. I just see over and over the sentiment that a character
has to get in and is
certainly getting in and if they aren't then that's disappointing and terrible and awful. I've always maintained that it's a miracle Geno has gotten this far in Smash speculation, he was regarded as a silly pipe dream for Brawl and Smash 4, now that it is actually possible to talk about his chances is an amazing accomplishment and should not be downplayed. But the way some posters in the Banjo thread acted during the Hero reveal was downright embarrassing. I understand emotions get high during Smash speculation, and god knows I've been there, but I think some overly negative feelings are just not healthy to share on a public forum where everyone can see it and feed off of each other. It's fine to be like "eh, wasn't the character I wanted," but people were just
vicious. It's not like Hero even directly deconfirmed Banjo (spoiler: he didn't), but the Direct wasn't even over and there was blood in the air.
This is something I've thought about a lot as well, especially after the Grinch leak and November Direct:
Sakurai never promised XYZ character. Any speculation, anticipation, expectation, and leak regarding a character should not be treated as if Sakurai is obliged to follow it. Yes, we all want characters and we're disappointed when they don't get in. That's fine. It just feels like post-ballot characters that aren't top 20 on fanpolls are less valid than others in a lot of the community's eyes. It's worse now because we know exactly how many fighters we're getting, so unless you're hoping for the vague chance of more DLC, competition will get fierce.
I've been at the lowest point when the character you want is deconfirmed. I lost my absolute god damn mind at the K. Rool costume. But that was a lesson. Sometimes it's good to not drink your own piss and call it water. Take it for what it is.
...but then in Ultimate I got

so maybe I look like a SOB telling others how to feel because I got my wants. But hopefully they at least are evidence that Sakurai
does listen to fans, even when they seem impossible, but even he can't put in literally every character the fans want. Sometimes other things take priority. All you can do is keep your support vocal and hope someday the gods listen.
Personally, I don't think Geno will get into Smash Ultimate. I think there's too much for him to overcome. But I'm not going to play hype police. I've said my piece and I'm just one guy. I'm not Sakurai or a Nintendo employee so I can't say for sure what would happen. I would just hate to see the Geno fanbase collapse into anger and disappointment if February 2020 comes and DLC is wrapped up with no Geno. People smell blood when fanbases act overly emotional and aggressive, as said before, the Ridley fanbase was seen as a joke after Smash 4. Be visible, be positive, be open minded. Geno might never get into Smash. He might get announced next. Anything and nothing could happen. Take it in stride.
Good luck.