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General ICs Q&A Thread


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
Thanks but I know how to desynch and then control both both ICs at once. For example, I can do alt smashs, and aerials even (I can retreat with alternating Bairs :) And the look on you opponents face is priceless lol) What I wanted to know if there were any really effective combos that are hard to escape like your FowardB to Usmash. Seems like a really effective approach. Like Ive seen Lain do a desynched double SH blizzard to grab. Are there any universal ones or its just something you develope and experiment with.
mostly you develope them while experimenting in matches
but did i help you any further on the alt grab?


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
Yeah it helped a lot thanks :)
So using desynching well just comes with experience and personal taste. Got it.

Ye i'm not THAT good with desynching you should go to Frozenpopo for that he is the expert on that area but ye desynching is mostly different by player

ignore the fire

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
Oswego, IL
Thanks. it would be cool to not just be cheap with chain grabs *what?*.

Is this the same competitively too?
ICs aren't nearly as good without CGs. Desynchs are nice, but somewhat useless in certain matchups (Link and ROB come to mind).

CGs might seem lame in friendlies, but they don't seem cheap in a tournament setting.
People play to win, and they will win no matter what it takes. =/
Besides, people are usually more impressed at a 0-death CG than a win with MK, if that makes you feel any better. Oh, and good luck consistently getting grabs against good players. It's becoming more and more difficult.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
its important to LEARN CGs, but you have to understand that the probability of actually doing one in a match is slim to nill. you HAVE to know how to lay out a beat down without CGs otherwise you won't last long. still, i won't say that you don't need CGs, but despite the whole 'play to win' speech the other person won't let you get/keep a grab for long. i fond them useful for dealing with ROB (footstool is a god send) but most characters can/will be delt with without them.

now if you go against a well known player like, say, M2K or Ally, you can just stick your head between your knees and kiss your butt good bye. no amount of CGs or awesome desyncs will save you against higher end players. i can put up a fight against Reflex (sorta) but at the end of the day, they're considered the best for a reason.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
its important to LEARN CGs, but you have to understand that the probability of actually doing one in a match is slim to nill. you HAVE to know how to lay out a beat down without CGs otherwise you won't last long. still, i won't say that you don't need CGs, but despite the whole 'play to win' speech the other person won't let you get/keep a grab for long. i fond them useful for dealing with ROB (footstool is a god send) but most characters can/will be delt with without them.

now if you go against a well known player like, say, M2K or Ally, you can just stick your head between your knees and kiss your butt good bye. no amount of CGs or awesome desyncs will save you against higher end players. i can put up a fight against Reflex (sorta) but at the end of the day, they're considered the best for a reason.
I remember my first match against M2K. One infinite was all I got :laugh:.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2009
How do you charge a smash when nana or popo is grabbing the guy ????? * for some reason that i have don't know why can't do this ne more * weird =\


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
How do you charge a smash when nana or popo is grabbing the guy ????? * for some reason that i have don't know why can't do this ne more * weird =\
you have to use the 'z charge' where you press and hold z right after pressing the c-stick. the timing may takes some practice so you might need to work at it.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2009
how do you get the back throw from nana to popo . i can get the back throw for popo to nana 100% but i'm having trouble with the back throw from nana to popo


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
how do you get the back throw from nana to popo . i can get the back throw for popo to nana 100% but i'm having trouble with the back throw from nana to popo
just remember that when nana does the bthrow they wind up RIGHT BEHIND HER. the spacing is very important to it (moreso than timing). if you're off by a little then you'll miss the grab.

as far as timing goes just remember she throws slower than you do so just wait a little longer to regrab than when throwing to her.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
To be more specific on the timing for the Z charge, you have to press C-stick in the direction of the smash you want and press Z any time during that attack's starting lag. It took me some time to figure this out but I eventually got it. After that, just hold Z. There is no need to hold the c-stick in that direction during the charge because Z acts as though you are holding the A button.

ignore the fire

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
Oswego, IL
To be more specific on the timing for the Z charge, you have to press C-stick in the direction of the smash you want and press Z any time during that attack's starting lag. It took me some time to figure this out but I eventually got it. After that, just hold Z. There is no need to hold the c-stick in that direction during the charge because Z acts as though you are holding the A button.
To add to this, I feel like I press Z a bit AFTER I hit the c-stick when charging a smash. So don't think of it as hitting c-stick and Z, think of it as hitting c-stick THEN Z.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
To add to this, I feel like I press Z a bit AFTER I hit the c-stick when charging a smash. So don't think of it as hitting c-stick and Z, think of it as hitting c-stick THEN Z.
Yup, you can tell its like this even more online. You can't charge as easily online as you can off, and you have to do an exaggerated charge with the cstick.

Compared to offline, you have to wait a little longer to press z after you hit the c stick, but not too long.
Probably like fthrowing a heavy timing

The Yeti

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
i personally find that it is much easier to use the c-stick and a button instead of z to charge a smash, tho this is unconventional and uncomfortable. I do have a quick question tho, why do none of the vids i watch of pros use the b-throw to f-throw CG? they seem to all be using the b-throw to d-throw on the light characters. is there a reason for this? are there more frames that allow for a regrab? i was also curious as to why most people don't use b-throw to b-throw cg's because they rack up damage quickly when buffered, while still moving towards the edge for a spike if needed. just a couple questions from a total noob. :]
oh! also, i created a picture sig and it isn't showing up right below. do you have to have a certain number of posts to be able to put pics in your sig? i know this is a general question but i thought i might as well ask...
thanks again...
sorry for all the edits. lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
Cypress, CA
oh! also, i created a picture sig and it isn't showing up right below. do you have to have a certain number of posts to be able to put pics in your sig? i know this is a general question but i thought i might as well ask...
thanks again...
sorry for all the edits. lol
Yeah, you need a certain amount, I think it might be 50 posts, or if you buy premium membership.

Don't know anything about why pro's use certain CG's, though, just picked up IC's yesterday =P

I just did my first 0-death on a level 8 falco and I'm feeling way too proud of myself.

I've read through about 40 pages in this thread, so there's a good chance I might've just missed the answer. But I'd like to ask what exactly the game plan is against someone who can spam projectiles. Everytime I desync (and it's still a hassle for me, any tips on desyncing easily, please do let me know) and try to approach I get hit with a projectile and then they sync up again and I feel like all I did was take damage.
Thanks for your time.
Aug 6, 2008
Just wondering. Do you think hobbling could ever be labeled as a stall method?

I'm only asking as it seems that getting to 100% on a heavyweight takes like a 1 minute when done at zero percent (including fresness of the moves to staleness of moves).

When hobbling is done perfectly it is unescapable. Making it impossible for the person being hobbled to escape unless the ICs mess up somehow. And I think hobbling is an infinite. So hobbling could be a pretty effective method to get the effects of stalling, yet stays out of the definition of stalling: "Stalling is defined as any action that deliberately avoids all conflict as to make the game unplayable". Hobbling does the effect of stalling because it takes, so long to rack up damage and once you reach those high percents you could start abusing the effect that high percents have upon people being grabbed: it takes longer to break free. But because you are technically doing damage you are not avoiding conflict.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
i personally find that it is much easier to use the c-stick and a button instead of z to charge a smash, tho this is unconventional and uncomfortable. I do have a quick question tho, why do none of the vids i watch of pros use the b-throw to f-throw CG? they seem to all be using the b-throw to d-throw on the light characters. is there a reason for this? are there more frames that allow for a regrab? i was also curious as to why most people don't use b-throw to b-throw cg's because they rack up damage quickly when buffered, while still moving towards the edge for a spike if needed. just a couple questions from a total noob. :]
oh! also, i created a picture sig and it isn't showing up right below. do you have to have a certain number of posts to be able to put pics in your sig? i know this is a general question but i thought i might as well ask...
thanks again...
sorry for all the edits. lol
I use bthrow-bthrow here and there. Its actually easier to time if u get a groove going, but it really is preference. bthrow-bthrow is faster cg, but theres slight room for more error because you move out of place after a few chains. generally people use bthrow-dthrow because its the easiest cg to do and when u land that one grab in tourney its crucial u dont ever mess up.

ignore the fire

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
Oswego, IL
Just wondering. Do you think hobbling could ever be labeled as a stall method?

I'm only asking as it seems that getting to 100% on a heavyweight takes like a 1 minute when done at zero percent (including fresness of the moves to staleness of moves).

When hobbling is done perfectly it is unescapable. Making it impossible for the person being hobbled to escape unless the ICs mess up somehow. And I think hobbling is an infinite. So hobbling could be a pretty effective method to get the effects of stalling, yet stays out of the definition of stalling: "Stalling is defined as any action that deliberately avoids all conflict as to make the game unplayable". Hobbling does the effect of stalling because it takes, so long to rack up damage and once you reach those high percents you could start abusing the effect that high percents have upon people being grabbed: it takes longer to break free. But because you are technically doing damage you are not avoiding conflict.
In most tournaments, the rules state that you must "quickly end any infinite after your opponent reaches 300%". It could still be used as stalling, but most places make you end it to limit how long you can stall for...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
Texas A&M
My thread got locked..

so pivot grabbing: does it have any noticeable increase in grab range for the Ic's?


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
So guys...

Hobbling is done by Grabbing, and then BackThrowing, using an Ice Block, and repeating?

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
To add to this, I feel like I press Z a bit AFTER I hit the c-stick when charging a smash. So don't think of it as hitting c-stick and Z, think of it as hitting c-stick THEN Z.
I don't know if the Ice Climbers can angle their fsmash (I guess not) but that's the same principle when angling c-stick smashes, you have to hit the direction on the control stick a bit after the c-stick.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
So guys...

Hobbling is done by Grabbing, and then BackThrowing, using an Ice Block, and repeating?

grab -> press jump -> bthrow before nana lands -> press jump repeatedly -> footstool -> ice block -> force get up -> regrab

hobbling is a footstool cg.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
I'm sorry to say but there seems to be no way unless you want Nana or you to die... Personally, I wouldn't worry about this because it is hard to recreate on purpose and even harder to have it happen by chance...


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Also, in the vid, you could have aimed to get hit by Diddy's Up B to get more height or you could have used your second jump instead of that aerial dodge and try to solo squall back... Even though you most likely can't have since both things I mentioned are situational, I'm just saying that it might be possible for people to avoid these situations.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
when you´ve used your second jump instead airdodge u were probably close enough to recovery with side-b.
thats just what i think about it.
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