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General ICs Q&A Thread


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Yup you started it against me :p or was it before that anyway Grats with the thousand posts how do you feel? AWESOME amirite?
i had started before i played you. if i'd of been used to lag i would probably been able to throw a little in our matches.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
i had started before i played you. if i'd of been used to lag i would probably been able to throw a little in our matches.
ye you could do that probably :p but i know how to get out of most of em xD cause i know whats gonna happen next :p
and the lag sux it does really :(

lol i noticed i made like 20 posts today XD

The Yeti

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
I've been on the boards for awhile now, but never posted until now! This is my first post ever! I was wondering what IC chain grabs were banned where if any since i know DDD's infinites are banned from tournaments in some regions, what about the IC's?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
I've been on the boards for awhile now, but never posted until now! This is my first post ever! I was wondering what IC chain grabs were banned where if any since i know DDD's infinites are banned from tournaments in some regions, what about the IC's?
There are limits on how many times you can grab your opponent continuisly but other than that I don't know anyone that banned IC's infinites.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
i feel good. i just beat the sonic that beat me in my first tourney all those months ago. i owe it all to the bthrow -> fthrow CG. it was a tough set, but i managed to beat him twice in a row. first on SV (where i originally got ***** by him in the tourney) and then gimped his recovery on BF (where we originally fought to a draw the first round). it felt sooooooo good to do it too. he wasn't expecting it. after the set he told me that i had really improved since last time and that he was surprised by the cgs. once again, sooooo GOOD!

this really wasn't a question, i just felt like celebrating on a community board so i wouldn't have to make a new one (ie spam).


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
I was playing around with the dash pivot cancel when I did a desynch that wasnt mentioned in the desynch thread. What happened was I did a dash pivot cancel but timed it so Popo Dsmashed and Nana dash attacked. I was able to replicate it so it doesnt happen randomly. Its just that the timing is strict but its not as difficult as some of the other IC desynchs. It seems really safe to me since it looks like your retreating then you suddenly slide backwards with a Dsmash and a dash attack :)
Anyways, Im posting it here because I want to confirm if this has been discovered already. If it has, Im sorry. Just dismis this.
Thanks in advance.

And LOL at post:

0-death is easy. 40-death is the challenging one.

ignore the fire

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2008
Oswego, IL
I was playing around with the dash pivot cancel when I did a desynch that wasnt mentioned in the desynch thread. What happened was I did a dash pivot cancel but timed it so Popo Dsmashed and Nana dash attacked. I was able to replicate it so it doesnt happen randomly. Its just that the timing is strict but its not as difficult as some of the other IC desynchs. It seems really safe to me since it looks like your retreating then you suddenly slide backwards with a Dsmash and a dash attack :)
Anyways, Im posting it here because I want to confirm if this has been discovered already. If it has, Im sorry. Just dismis this.
Thanks in advance.

And LOL at post:

0-death is easy. 40-death is the challenging one.
I'm not up on my brawl terms...
What's the input for a dash pivot cancel?


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
There are limits on how many times you can grab your opponent continuisly but other than that I don't know anyone that banned IC's infinites.
Footstool grabs and techable d-throw spikes -> iceblock can cause a loophole, right?

ignore the fire said:
What's the input for a dash pivot cancel?
I think it's when you dash then turn around then use any move which causes you to slide WITH the move.
For example, when you run towards your opponent with Toon Link, and you turn around, and use d-smash -> Toon Link will do a sliding d-smash, similar to Melee's wavesmash.. I guess. If that's the case then it's easy to do this tech with TL.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah chibi is right
And I found out that the desynch works with all smashs but IMO Fsmash is the easiest to do it with. What sucks about the Fsmash method is that the slide is reduced so it looks like your just pivoting to Fsmash with Popo/dash attack with Nana.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
Yeah chibi is right
And I found out that the desynch works with all smashs but IMO Fsmash is the easiest to do it with. What sucks about the Fsmash method is that the slide is reduced so it looks like your just pivoting to Fsmash with Popo/dash attack with Nana.
my tactic is when your close to an opponent and desynched use side b with one IC and use a smash with another its pretty easy and the damage is decent u should try it sometimes u can also make variations doing that only with down b or whatever the hell you think works best :p


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
yeah but you have to already be desynched to do that
Im talking about a way to dodge attacks and desynch the ICs at the same time when you come back with an attack :)

EDIT: Could someone post the link to the videos of that buffered IC fthrow CG cause the ones in the thread dont work? :(
Thanks in advance


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
yeah but you have to already be desynched to do that
Im talking about a way to dodge attacks and desynch the ICs at the same time when you come back with an attack :)

EDIT: Could someone post the link to the videos of that buffered IC fthrow CG cause the ones in the thread dont work? :(
Thanks in advance
Oh, ok didnt pay attention then Anyhoe
im not that good with ic's either i dont use many AT's but either way ive been told im awesome with them lol
unfortunatly i cant answer your question i hardly ever desynch when im not using a grab
Or experiment around with it

the Fthrow thing is all about timing first try to do it on the heavier characters like bowser,ddd,dk then start going down the weight list atleast thats what im trying to do to learn it its paying off pretty well untill you go online and the move delay screws your timing
You'll get used to it eventually
for the video just search it on youtube its not that hard to find
Did i help u any further?


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah I know about that one. But theres a thread(I think its the first one) thats called Buffered Fthrow CG or somtthing like that and there are some vids but they dont work so Im wondering if someone knows if the link is wrong or if there is another video.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
Yeah I know about that one. But theres a thread(I think its the first one) thats called Buffered Fthrow CG or somtthing like that and there are some vids but they dont work so Im wondering if someone knows if the link is wrong or if there is another video.
smaci92 deleted all of his videos since he left the internet and quit Brawl.. especially because of his piano work that didn't let him have any free time. :/


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Because Smaci is Canadian and we Canadian take everything with us once we leave :3...

Srsly... Yeah I wondered why she just took it off... As well I might continue the Frame Data for the ICs but I don't know how to calculate most of the variables...

The Yeti

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
How important is Desynching to playing IC's? i only desynch when i'm playing around and CG's and seem to be doing pretty well... is it imperative that i desynch sometimes to get better?


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
It depends. If you are a cger, Desyncing only has to be learned to a minor level. For a less experienced CG, Desyncing has to be done at a higher level to the point where you can fluidly do a barrage of aerials and moves (not just blizzard, that's just being reckless) such as charging smashes to keep the other climber desynced.

The Yeti

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
I mostly rely on CG so i don't ever use desynchs, it seems to me that there is no point to combo them in the air when you can just leave em synched and grab and then get a stock off them. it almost appears as if desynching is more fancy, than practical. is this true? i guess i can see how a dysnched blizzard to grab is killer tho too.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
I mostly rely on CG so i don't ever use desynchs, it seems to me that there is no point to combo them in the air when you can just leave em synched and grab and then get a stock off them. it almost appears as if desynching is more fancy, than practical. is this true? i guess i can see how a dysnched blizzard to grab is killer tho too.
IMO yes desynch is more fancy yes i almost never use it ingame and if i do i get smashed away HARD so i only desynch when i grab someone


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
I mostly rely on CG so i don't ever use desynchs, it seems to me that there is no point to combo them in the air when you can just leave em synched and grab and then get a stock off them. it almost appears as if desynching is more fancy, than practical. is this true? i guess i can see how a dysnched blizzard to grab is killer tho too.
desyncing is the ****. its what MAKES the ICs. with desyncs the opponent has to deal with two characters at once. CGs are fine, but if you don't desync then your opponent will pretty much always *** **** you. there's nothing showy about it. if you don't desync at all then the opponent is essentially fighting one character which is weaker than a regular standard character. get smart; desynce.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
desyncing is the ****. its what MAKES the ICs. with desyncs the opponent has to deal with two characters at once. CGs are fine, but if you don't desync then your opponent will pretty much always *** **** you. there's nothing showy about it. if you don't desync at all then the opponent is essentially fighting one character which is weaker than a regular standard character. get smart; desynce.
ye but your whole moving is going to be hard as **** unless you just use side b but anyway it is hard to do in game and actually combo it out on the opponent it maybe worked for me 3 times with side b> upsmash but imo you shouldnt rely on your Desynch
but its just a matter of time you prove me wrong about that :p


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
ye but your whole moving is going to be hard as **** unless you just use side b but anyway it is hard to do in game and actually combo it out on the opponent it maybe worked for me 3 times with side b> upsmash but imo you shouldnt rely on your Desynch
but its just a matter of time you prove me wrong about that :p
i am a ****ing amazing IC player. i have ***** incredibly good players simply by desyncing. i'm not going to let a ****ing scrub come in here and tell me they thing desyncing is ****ing useless. you listen to me: i have gone through both melee and thus far through brawl without relying on CGs and have earned a respect for my ICs. if i say desyncs are ****ing amazing, you do not question me. they ARE the ICs. they are the entire reason for picking up the little *******s in the first place. TWO CHARACTERS >>>>> THEN ONE CHARACTER. thats the point. if you only picked up ICs because you want to '**** with their awesome CGs' then you can get the **** out right now. there is no reason for you to stay here. i am DEAD serious on this.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
i am a ****ing amazing IC player. i have ***** incredibly good players simply by desyncing. i'm not going to let a ****ing scrub come in here and tell me they thing desyncing is ****ing useless. you listen to me: i have gone through both melee and thus far through brawl without relying on CGs and have earned a respect for my ICs. if i say desyncs are ****ing amazing, you do not question me. they ARE the ICs. they are the entire reason for picking up the little *******s in the first place. TWO CHARACTERS >>>>> THEN ONE CHARACTER. thats the point. if you only picked up ICs because you want to '**** with their awesome CGs' then you can get the **** out right now. there is no reason for you to stay here. i am DEAD serious on this.
First of all drink some water, Breathe and cool down
second where did i say theyre USELESS i said theyre HARD TO USE not that theyre useless learn that difference then talk further
yes ive also played trough melee and now brawl almost everyone here did nothing special
i also respect you for not CGing ive told you that aswell but in MY OPINION that doesnt say it is everyones because i say so It is too hard to use in a match FOR ME! Why so agressive its just a game
and the far i know
text is just a bunch of colored pixels and dont do anything to you as far as i know they dont come off the screen and punch you in the face they wont hurt you just like words that is just sound it doesnt hurt you either so Calm down and dont get to Angry at me for giving my opinion allright
and the last thing i wanna say is i wont go throwing **** at you or whatever or EVEN get angy i mean this i the internet its not worth getting all angry or whatever

why this is a useless argeument cause i just said what i think and you go all like **** THAT AND THOSE ARE **** FUUUUCCK! **** YES AND IM SERIOUS!!! ****
thats not even going to get you anywhere in matter of fact brushing your hamster's teeth will get you further than that dude think the next time you go say stuff about someone you dont know cause i wont get angy back or whatever im not going to be all rivalish against you

oh and just to let you know im not leaving the IC boards oh no i wont

well all of you guys have heard enough from me so im gonna stop talking right now

oh btw that whole 2 characters thing is fun and all but ice climbers still do double damage when synched


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Calm down, FP.

A good ICs player uses both desynchs and chaingrabs whenever the situation calls for it. Dev you probably don't know the capabilities of the Ice Climbers while desynched because it sure sounds like.

It would be a good idea to take this to PMs or something.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
Calm down, FP.

A good ICs player uses both desynchs and chaingrabs whenever the situation calls for it. Dev you probably don't know the capabilities of the Ice Climbers while desynched because it sure sounds like.

It would be a good idea to take this to PMs or something.
Yeah, you guys have to watch those arguements. They could get you banned.

Just remember that basic fighting with both Climbers can be even more benificial than desynching in some situations. In order to be at least decent with desynches, you have to go through the basics first. Going for grabs only will get you wrecked if your opponent has an idea of what to do against the Ice Climbers.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
The Netherlands
yes i know but im not gonna stand there and do nothing when someone i dont know is gonna go yelling at me over the internet so thats why i posted that
sorry for that

Calm down, FP.

A good ICs player uses both desynchs and chaingrabs whenever the situation calls for it. Dev you probably don't know the capabilities of the Ice Climbers while desynched because it sure sounds like.

It would be a good idea to take this to PMs or something.
Youre right again and i DO know the capabilities but i only said its hard to do and you shouldnt rely on them if you dont master them yet anyway

sorry for that post i was just defending myself, i hope you understand and i wont let it happen again

oh and btw i noticed popo didnt get an infraction while he was the one swearing around ALOT imo its not fair that im the only one getting punished for this even tho he was the one telling me to Gtfo cause i suck with desynch :\
Ah nevermind im gonna shut up before i get banned :\


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
yes i know but im not gonna stand there and do nothing when someone i dont know is gonna go yelling at me over the internet so thats why i posted that
sorry for that

Youre right again and i DO know the capabilities but i only said its hard to do and you shouldnt rely on them if you dont master them yet anyway

sorry for that post i was just defending myself, i hope you understand and i wont let it happen again

oh and btw i noticed popo didnt get an infraction while he was the one swearing around ALOT
Ah nevermind im gonna shut up before i get banned
Six infractions equals a ban I'm pretty sure.

Anyway, with arguements like those, words need to be exchanged in a PM or somewhere that isn't a thread. The Ice Climber boards are generally flame-free and I would like to keep it that way :).

I do understand why Frozen got so mad though (I think), and it doesn't really really have to do with him not chaingrabbing. It seems everyday, a new person comes to our boards and the very first thing they ask about is the timing of chaingrabs. Then there are people that think being able to chaingrab is the only way they can win. Also they try to learn every single variation possible, and demand vids of people doing chaingrabs.

Seeing those threads/questions asked a lot can be pretty irritating. You've been around for a bit now, so I think you see what I'm saying.

As for Desynches, there are many uses for them. They can be used for mindgames/confusing your opponent, fighting your opponent like it's 2 vs. 1, linking attacks into one another, forcing approaches, shutting down approaches, possibly getting grabs and other things. It may look flashy, but it's used in gameplay because it works well.

And the desynch you guys were describing, isn't that the pivot desynch? I thought it was known already. I find it eaiser to use a F-Smash with Nana dash attacking.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
ugh, i was writing that at 3 in the morning after my computer had been already been in lock down for a good 2-3 hours. then i come on here to see people saying that they can play just fine without desyncs and i lost it. i'm not going to say sorry for telling you to use desyncs, and i'm not going to appoligize for ****ing cursing. you should know that desyncs are one of our best tools. it doesn't matter how hard it is to pull off. if you're going to use ICs you had better learn desyncs. period. now, i will appoligize for flying off the handle and calling you a scrub/telling you to gtfo/implying that you suck. THAT was uncalled for. but that still does not get you off the hook for not desyncing. it doesn't matter how hard it is, if you can learn CGs then you can learn desyncing. its as simple as that.


and Bnzaaa is completely right. all i ever see now are new topics made by some new random person who wants to learn CGs. its ALWAYS been that way. its just sickening to watch every day i log in and THEN to have someone say they think desyncs are only 'flashy' and 'not useful' then i just have to ****ing lose it.
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